• Published 1st Aug 2020
  • 7,468 Views, 51 Comments

How To Slowly Ease Your Way Into An Immortal Being’s Heart - TittySparkles

Being a guest in the royal castle has its advantages, especially when you can convince one of the rulers to let you touch her fluffy ears.

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Step 1: Scritch The Ears

The bedroom was silent, save for a soft breeze that was blowing through a nearby window. The light from the moon illuminated the small castle room and though the lone human occupant of it was snuggled in her bed, she was wide awake and staring at the ceiling.

“I guess I should get up now,” Anon spoke as a loud yawn came forth, before she pulled her body up from the bed.

As she sat up, the blanket fell from her body, and a sudden gust of wind from the open window blew through the room. A shiver coursed through her; a bit icier than she would have wanted to feel. She was quick to cover herself back up.

“Must finally be the turning of the seasons,” she spoke softly as she blew air out of her mouth and quickly noted it was visible.

Despite the cold, she was quick to pull herself up and wrap herself in a nice thick fluffy robe given to her by the castle maids. Uniquely made to fit her, she smiled and hugged the warm, white feather-like fabric close to her body, almost reminding her of the first time she landed in Equestria.

For a moment her thoughts went back to that day a few months ago where one second she was walking to work, and then the next moment she found herself walking in a land of colorful ponies and other creatures. Despite coming up in an alien land with no way to return, the residents were very friendly and very forthcoming with her arrival. They were quick to befriend her and much to her surprise at the time, she came into contact with one of the rulers of the majestic land.

Princess Celestia, one of the four alicorns that ruled over Equestria from her seat in Canterlot, was a pony that was much taller and more imposing than all the other creatures in the land. When the human and her first met, the human was gravely worried that she would offend Celestia in some way, but much to her surprise, not even five minutes into meeting her, the princess gave her a reassuring smile and wrapped her majestic wings around the humans body. No doubt as a means to reassure and comfort her, the human was asked to come live in Canterlot under Celestia’s protection until they figured out how to send her back home.

Smiling at the memory, Anon turned for the nearby bathroom to freshen up so she could greet both princesses for the morning exchange.


Anon walked down the long hallway, with only the hoof plates from her escorts echoing throughout the air. She looked to her sides, noting both guards were a special race of ponies called Thestral’s. A mix of bat and pony put into one, she was first nervous around the quiet creatures, but after talking with them and learning about them over time, she became quite fond of them.

As both guards stared forward and didn’t speak, Anon’s eyes were drawn to the sight of one pony twitching his ears. Quietly she watched him at the corners of her eyes, oddly fascinated by the twitches and periodic ear flops. She noted that the guards were starting to look more fluffy then usual as well. Chest fluff was also noticeable through the breast plate covering them, and even the ears were starting to show bits of growing fluff around them. A telltale sign that winter was indeed coming, Anon could only smile as she imagined the feeling of touching them.

The walk went mostly silent as both guards simply followed her to a small dining area that was made essentially for the royal sisters and any guests. Coming up to a large set of double doors, Anon stopped in her tracks as she watched one of the guards step forward. The sound of metal shifting played out and as the doors opened up, she was greeted by the strong scent of coffee and blueberry and banana pancakes.

“Good morning, Anon!” A cheerful voice spoke up from the head of the table as the human stepped inside the large dining area.

As the door closed behind Anon, she stared forward with wide eyes at the filled table. A basket of fruit sat in the middle of it, bearing simple fruits like apples and bananas, to a few exotic ones native to Equestria itself, while a decor of donuts, pancakes, and even warm biscuits were spread out on the table.

“Good morning, Celestia,” Anon replied back as the scent of coffee made her more mentally alert. “Breakfast looks as great as ever.”

Celestia simply beamed a big smile at Anon, before she magically lifted a cup up to her face, taking in a mouthful of coffee. Wanting that same early morning boost, Anon walked up to the table and took the seat right beside Celestia. As she sat down, Celestia floated her cup down and turned her attention to a small magically charged warmer to grab a pot of coffee, before she took a clean cup and poured some into it.

Watching quietly, Anon found it intriguing at how Equestria was both primitive, yet modern with its technology. Despite having their weather ultimately controlled by unicorns or pegasi, depending on where you lived, Equestria itself wasn’t void of machinery. It was fascinating and rustic, and it almost reminded Anon of a time where the internet didn’t interconnect the whole world back on Earth.

"Would you like some coffee?" Celestia asked.

Quick to put the thoughts of home away in the back of her mind, Anon gave Celestia a nod. Once Celestia was done pouring the coffee, Anon was quick to reach for it.

“I appreciate it, thank you,” Anon said as she got ready to take a sip of it.

“I’m still surprised you drink it black,” Celestia casually noted as she put the pot back on the warmer.

“I got enough sugary and milky stuff here to compensate for it,” Anon replied, before grabbing a nearby vanilla glazed donut. “Besides, the coffee in this world is very flavorful and brewed to a perfect point that sugar and cream isn’t really needed,” she ended as she took a swig of it.

“You would be surprised,” Celestia started to say. “All it takes to brew a perfect cup is…” the flicking of Celestia’s ears were quick to draw Anon’s attention to them.

Though she saw Celestia’s mouth moving, none of the words rang in her mind as she stared at the white turfs of fluff in her ears. Just like the night guards, Celestia herself was starting to look more fluffy all over and Anon was sure her coat was a touch whiter than normal as well. She continued to stare, wondering just how soft it would be to scritch those ears for a few seconds, until she started to notice the lack of communication coming from Celestia.

“I see you staring at them again,” Celestia suddenly spoke up as she twitched her ears.

Blinking absently, Anon’s eyes went down to Celestia’s face just in time to notice a small smirk on it, before Celestia took in another mouthful of coffee.

“Sorry,” Anon replied sheepishly, her cheeks warming into a faint blush. “I just can’t get over how fluffy they look.”

“It’s the joys of dealing with winter arriving,” Celestia noted as she looked to a nearby window and saw a few dark clouds getting magically moved into place for an early morning snowfall. “Ah, that reminds me, I should get a few of the maids to suit you up for a few extra winter coats.”

“More coats would be nice,” Anon replied as she hugged the robe around her body tightly. “If they are as soft as this robe is, then I’ll take as many as I can get.”

“Too much of a good thing can offset how great a single thing can be,” Celestia remarked in a wise tone as she put the coffee cup down.

“That’s true,” Anon started as her eyes went back up to Celestia’s ears. “Though I am curious to how great touching ears could be...”

“I’m surprised they fascinate you that much,” Celestia replied. “But you’ll have to find another pony’s ears to play with.”

Realizing she got shot down on her advance before she could even ask, Anon sulked instantly and turned her eyes to the donut in her hand. For a few seconds she just stared at it, wondering if any of the ponies in the castle would let her touch their ears, if only for a few seconds. Begrudgingly she took a bite of the donut as the thoughts of pestering one of the maids for ear scritches, came to mind

For seconds longer, silence filled the room until Celestia herself let out a deep sigh.

“I’ll give you fifteen seconds,” Celestia said as Anon bit into the donut.

“Fifteen seconds for what?” Anon asked, her words barely audible thanks to her mouth being full.

“I’ll let you touch my ears for fifteen seconds,” Celestia added as she gave Anon a warm smile.

Anon’s eyes instantly went wide and she was quick to swallow back the sugary goodness in her mouth.

“You mean it!?” Anon chimed excitedly as she lifted herself from her seat.

Though taken a bit back from Anon leaning forward, Celestia just smiled further.

“Indeed I do, if it makes you happy to get that temptation out of your system, then I’ll happily oblige it.”

Anon’s smile deepened as a dull ‘eeee’ing started to come from her mouth.

“Can we do it now? Please?” Anon spoke further, her actions very reminiscent of a kid walking into a candy store for the first time.

"I didn't realize you wanted to touch them that badly," Celestia snickered.

"Sorry," Anon said quietly, her blush deepening. "I just… can't help myself when it comes to fluffy things."

"It’s understandable," Celestia remarked as Anon got out of the chair and sat down cross-legged on the floor. "What are you doing?"

"It's easier for us if we are on the floor," Anon answered, her fingers twiddling in anticipation. "Come sit with me."

Celestia just looked on with a neutral expression for a few seconds, before she smiled and rose from her seat.

"Very well, we will do it your way," Celestia remarked as she sat beside Anon.

Before Celestia could even get comfortable, Anon quickly shimmied her butt across the floor and sat herself in front of Celestia.

"They're easier to touch when we are facing each other," Anon told her as she started to reach up, but stopped midway. "If it's easier for you, you can lean your head against my chest so I can really scritch behind your ears."

"Are you sure that's wise?" Celestia asked.

"Don't worry, we are both grown women," Anon replied as she cupped her hands against Celestia's cheeks, before pulling her face into her bosom.

As Celestia's face came into contact with Anon's robe, Anon was quick to position her thumbs gently on the insides of the ears, while the fingers behind each lobes started to scritch. For a few seconds both ears twitched and flopped, but as Celestia started to relax and take the feeling in, she stopped moving them entirely.

"Alright, fifteen seconds to make this count," Anon noted as she continued…

Fifteen minutes later…

The sound of the nearby door opening played out, alerting Anon that Luna was now entering the room. From her seated spot on the floor, she turned her head to the door and instantly noticed that Luna was looking at her with a confused look on her face.

"Explain this, please," Luna asked as even the guards at her rear looked on with bewilderment.

"I think she fell asleep," Anon chuckled quietly, her fingers and thumbs still rubbing away at the turfs of fluff around Celestia's ears.

For the entire time that Anon rubbed her ears, Celestia remained unresponsive to Anon's motions. Taking it as silent consent to keep going, Anon took the opportunity to scritch as long as she could.

"I can see that, but why are you… why is she…" Luna questioned further, only for her voice to trail off.

"She said I could touch her ears for a bit," Anon spoke with a cheeky grin. "They're so fluffy."

Lune opened her mouth to speak again, yet unfortunately nothing came out as her mouth hung agape. For a few seconds she just looked on, until she closed her mouth and gave off a muffled whinny.

"Very well, just make sure she's awake in twenty minutes for our morning exchange," Luna remarked in an annoyed tone as she grabbed a nearby bushel of grapes and began to pluck it clean.

"Aww, you shouldn't be a grouch," Anon coefully remarked as she gave Luna a big grin. "I could rub your ears if you want a turn."

Luna instantly blushed and Anon giggled as she noticed Luna's ears twitch at the mention of it.

"It's… undignified for princesses to be groped like that," Luna replied with a stern tone as she looked away, her face growing more red.

"It's not groping when you give me consent," Anon remarked, her grin widening. "Or maybe the princess of the night is scared to have her sensitive ears touched."

"I… whatever, just make sure she's up soon," Luna huffed as she turned for the door and quickly walked out.

Anon said nothing more as the door closed and both ladies were once again alone.

"I wonder if her ears are actually sensitive," Anon mumbled to herself, her fingers continuing to gently knead away.

"Trust me, they are," Celestia suddenly spoke up.

"Oh, you're awake," Anon said with surprise as she started to pull her fingers away.

"I didn't say stop," Celestia replied quickly, her ears twitching in response.

"Very well then," Anon casually noted, before she returned to what she was doing. "I can do this all day you know."

"Mhmmm," was all Celestia replied with.

Smiling at her fortune, Anon continued on...

Author's Note:

Anyone else remember back in Season 1 episode 11 where Spike told the audience that Unicorn's controlled the weather in Canterlot? I thought I would give it a subtle nod in this story.

Comments ( 51 )

That's so bloody cute :rainbowkiss: Thank you for writing it!

this lacks unicorn supremacist tig ol' crotch bitties?:ajbemused:

This story is as amusing to me as the author’s name

“I’ll give you fifteen seconds,” Celestia said as Anon bit into the donut.

Uh huh. You say that now.:ajsmug:

Fifteen minutes later…

Yup. Called it.:raritywink:

"I didn't say stop," Celestia replied quickly, her ears twitching in response.

Anon needs to cut her off before it becomes an addiction.:pinkiecrazy:

All in all cuteness abound. Then again, we're talking about fluffy ponies. Not just ponies. Fluffy ponies. Fluffy. Ponies. The very idea is adorabetes incarnate.:rainbowkiss:

It was indeed fun to write, thanks for requesting it!


Why is this complete if the only chapter is titled "Step 1"?


Why is this complete if the only chapter is titled "Step 1"?



I could be persuaded to write the next steps. :duck:

How much do I owe ya?

Edit: the sequel would have to involve Luna, or perhaps escalate till Anon scritches all the royal pony ears.

Molest them ears!

you didnt even mark this as mature, you filth

I am pretty sure I sold that ages ago. Kek.

Oh this is a femanon story, would’ve been a nice heads up in the description


Being stuck in Equestria isn’t as bad as you would think. The creatures are friendly, the atmosphere is great, and even the rulers of the Equestria themselves are very welcoming. Naturally some people feel the need to test just how welcoming certain rulers are, and very fluffy ears are such a tempting target…
Oh, before I forget, Anon is indeed a woman in this fic.

I mean, it was clearly in the description. :ajsmug:

LOL XD, I missed it too until just now

My eyes stopped reading after the triple periods and I just dived into the story without a parachute

Looking great , only wish it were continued.

Step 2: Profit


Expecting bronies to thoroughly read the description before the story? Do you know where you are?

This story is adorable. I might change one or two bits, but it's still adorable.

Wow, I mean I'm used to reading your clop, but ear scritches? Really? I had no idea even you could delve into such lewdness.

"If it's easier for you, you can lean your head against my chest so I can really scritch behind your ears."

"Are you sure that's wise?" Celestia asked.

"Don't worry, we are both grown women," Anon replied as she cupped her hands against Celestia's cheeks, before pulling her face into her bosom.

person lady boobs?


Also bat floof is best

Wholesome ♡ More petting and cuddels and this chapter would be a perfect lullyby to fall asleep to :rainbowkiss:

The cuteness is indeed up there in this story. I love how anon describes the world she is in. Also anyone who has animals should go give their ears a good rub... they deserve it and so do you

Now where have I seen this before? Oh wait, I remember!


Expecting bronies people to thoroughly read the description before the story? Do you know where you are?

Oddly enough the requester specifically asked me to write this story as a ponified version of that. It's mainly why I took the request in the first place.

Ear scritches are best things.

I would scritch Twilight’s ears until my fingers can’t move. :rainbowkiss:


Scratching Celestia's ears? Goddamn it... I want to do that! Life is unfair :raritycry:

... nice story though :raritywink:

Itchie ears, their the worst, hooves just cannot reach places where fingers clearly can...

Certainly a cute story, I must admit.

Never really focus much on the ears except as an expressive tool; to see Our Supreme Sunbutt get the royal treatment here was a joy to read.

Here's to many more cute ships like this.

Took me a few days to come down off the sugar high this much sweet wholesomeness gave me to properly comment something other than incoherent babbling. 9/10, would reccomend, needs a batpony for maxmum floofage.

I see someone was inspired by a certain Hazbin Hotel comic...

This was adorable I love it! You should totally do a sequel...:raritystarry: perhaps Luna will get jealous enough that...nightmare Moon demands ear scritches!!!!!!:trollestia:

Fluffy ears are the best. My parents got a puppy last year, and her ears are just the softest white fluff I have ever seen. Just thinking about her gives me warm shivers.

Okay this right here was extremely adorable. My cheeks started hurting from the Pinkie level smiling it had me doing. Thank you for this wholesome goodness.

Luna will fall in time. They all will...

Oh, a Celestia and anon fic? Love these. I shall read this when I get the time to.

Thank you, author. Hope you are doing well. :moustache:


Huzzah! The ear rubs have been doubled!

Most ponies don't realize this but hands are human magic. A frightfully powerful thing that nopony will suspect until those spindly digits are placed upon them. Of course, it's too late then, their siren-call of bliss washing away thoughts of anything but more scritches and heavenly strokes. Rendering even the most powerful of alicorns weak in the knees and only wanting continued attention. However, the most devastating human skill would be the dreaded... belly rubs. Those who have witnessed such only speak of it in heated hushed breaths.

Comment posted by Perpetually Confused deleted Aug 4th, 2020


Most ponies don't realize this but hands are human magic

They'll make you blow yourself all over the place:rainbowwild:

Hes either sleeping or dead but either way I don’t have the heart to move him

Adorable story!

Anyone else remember back in Season 1 episode 11 where Spike told the audience that Unicorn's controlled the weather in Canterlot? I thought I would give it a subtle nod in this story.

Yep! That's exactly what I thought of as soon as you mentioned "by unicorns". Thank you for the reminder of better times.

Luna's reaction was priceless, and Anon's shameless response was perfect.

I love it, but now I am disappointed that there is not more to this.

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