• Published 30th Jul 2020
  • 3,694 Views, 48 Comments

Offshoots and Oddities - Semivivus

A late night conversation between Discord and Fluttershy brings to light new information... and an explanation for one of Ponyville's biggest mysteries.

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Dear Discord

Discord sat at the table, frowning softly as he stared down at the offending envelope. The packet of paper hadn't done anything to warrant his disapproving glare, but he stared down at it just the same.

"Um... Discord?" His wife asked softly as she pushed her way through the door. "Have you still not opened the letter?"

The draconequus in question looked up from the paper leaflet and turned to glance at his wife. "No. Not yet. I don't know if I should."

Fluttershy smiled gently and leaned in, nuzzling against his side. "It's alright to be afraid, you know."

The mad god scoffed in response, looking away from her. "I'm not afraid. I'm never afraid. I... just..." He sighed. "I'm just not sure if it would be right to find out. Maybe it would be best if I just leave my descendants be. I doubt any of them would be pleased to know that I'm their great-great-great-whatever."

Fluttershy let out a soft giggle. "Discord. I'm sure everything will be fine. You don't even have to contact them. The only other pony who knows about this is Twilight, and does she seem like the kind of mare to share a secret like this?"

Discord sighed in response. "You're right, my dear. As you always are." Taking hold of the letter with a shaky paw, as if it was an explosive about to go off in his face, he peeled off the wax seal and pulled out the sheet of paper. He took one last glance at Fluttershy, staring into her deep eyes for comfort, before unfolding the parchment.

Dear Discord,

First of all, I'd like to personally thank you for trusting me enough to let me help you with something like this. While it came as a great surprise to me that you would have had offspring, I believe I may have found what became of the foal.

The orphanage in question burned down a few centuries ago, so any paperwork of admittance or adoption was nearly impossible to find. I had almost given up hope, before finally finding the name of Silly String in a marriage certificate. It seems she had taken the last name of her husband, one Basalt Pie. Once I knew that I was looking for a Silly Pie, it became much easier to find a few records, including the original deed to a small farm in the south. The only thing of note was their product not being agricultural, but geological.

I doubt you have ever been to this farm, but I'm fairly certain if you brought this information to Fluttershy, she would be able to tell you more about it. The six of us are quite familiar with this location, after all. I'll leave the rest of the explanation up to her, as it would be a bit rude for me to say any more just over the mail.

Your Friend,
Princess Twilight Sparkle

P.S. Thank you for sending me a letter instead of teleporting to me in the middle of the night. I appreciate the consideration, and it seems Fluttershy has been an even better influence on you than any of us ever expected.

Discord finally looked up from the letter, frowning in confusion. When Fluttershy silently turned her head in question, he passed the letter to her to read. Her expression seemed mostly unchanged, right up until the end when her eyes widened. "O-oh! I see. Well... that would explain... quite a lot actually. That answers more questions than just what happened to your child." She said, staring off into the distance.

Discord raised his brow in response. "How so?"

Fluttershy only gave a small awkward smile, hiding behind her mane once more.

Frowning, Discord leaned in and put his paw and talon on his hips. "Oh, no you don't. You can't just go quiet on me when I'm this close to finally having the answers. Come on, Flutterbutter. What's going on?"

Letting out a squeak, the pegasus pulled away from him. "I-I-I'm sorry!" She peeped out, shuffling her hooves awkwardly. "I just don't know how to say it..."

Discord sighed, rubbing his head. "Well, by what Miss Book-flank said, I'm assuming you're friends with my descendants? Do you know which one inherited the chaos magic?" Fluttershy silently nodded. Discord pursed his lips as he tried to be patient with the game of twenty questions they were having. "Do I know them?" Again, the pegasus nodded. "So I'm assuming they're from Ponyville?" Once more, a nod. "Well, that doesn't help. Everypony in this town is crazy enough to fit the bill of having a core of chaos inside them."

"W-well..." She began, looking away from him. "I'm sure if you asked Pinkie, she would help you find the pony."

Discord tilted his head to the side. "Well, she does know everypony in town... but why are you bringing her up? Can't you help me?"

Fluttershy shook her head. "I-I'm really sorry. I just... can't."

Discord only sighed and shook his head. "Well, then I don't see how asking Pinkie would help anymore. Is she even better friends with this pony than you are?"

Fluttershy opened her mouth, before closing it and trying to think through the answer. "She and that pony are the only ones who really understand each other."

Discord continued to frown silently. "Somepony who understands Pinkie? Does such a pony truly exist? I didn't think there was a creature alive who understood that mare. Not even I can predict her. How could a pony know what goes on in Pinkie's mind... unless..." His eyes snapped open. "Fluttershy. Where did Pinkie grow up."

Fluttershy finally smiled, letting out a sigh. "She grew up in a farm on the outskirts of Equestria. A rock farm."

Discord froze, his eyes bulging out of his skull as the loud, crashing sound of his brain snapping itself in two echoed through the room. After a full minute of doing an awfully good impression of a statue, he snapped his fingers and vanished suddenly, warping off to a bakery down the streets.

Fluttershy just let out a small giggle in response, returning to her morning cup of tea.

Author's Note:

Hope that gave you at least a small chuckle, Snowy.

Comments ( 44 )

This is an excellent read! You perfectly captured the headcanon I have always had regarding Pinkie's chaotic nature and unexplained powers.

I can totally go with that as Pinkie Pie being related to Discord. Her brand of fun chaos kinda makes her the light side of Chaos magic. Besides, who in their right (or not so right mind) wants to piss off Pinkie Pie?

Seeing her sad would make ypur heart hurt, while making her mad is a VERY dangerous thing to do if your on the receiving end.

"Silly String" marrying into "Silly Pie" was beautiful word-crafting.

Oh. Oh wow! I knew me and Discord were close!

Good story btw

Great story. This is the second story (or maybe third...) I've read where Pinkie turns out to be descended from Discord.

I think the Habsburgs are a good enough example of why that would be a bad idea.

How is this complete when we were about to get to see Discord attend Pinkie's "We're Related" Party?

Well I must say I do like this Entry into the contest. Well done. :twilightsmile:

It's complete because I cannot write Pinkie for the life of me.


Not to mention her ability to use chaos powers when Cozy Glow couldn't.

Great story.

there is another part to this, a terrifying part

discord and pinkie are related...applejack and pinkie 'might' be related....applejack might be related to discord


Aww, thanks Snowy~

This was a fun one :)


She said face in thought.

missing word?

I always held the headcanon that granny pie was a draconequess, and pinkie inherited it from her.

personally i just saw it as pinkie converting discord power to her party power making her the goddess of fun :pinkiehappy:

To be honest, I was considering having Granny Pie and Discord be one and the same, but the timing left too many plotholes that I didn't want to handwave away with 'chaos magic'. :twilightsheepish:

I’ve seen lots of theories regarding Granny Pie. One that says Pinkie’s somewhat compulsion to be airborne (hence multiple uses of flying contraptions) stems from GP being a pegasus. That GP is a draconequess, that she’s secretly Celestia, that both GP and Cloudy Quartz are draconequii, but CQ was sickened by discord’s actions and chose to just live as an earth pony, etc.

Tbf, after over a thousand years I'm sure the genes have spread pretty far.

This was a very enjoyable read. I kind of like the idea of Pinkie and Discord being related to each other. It definitely explains Pinkie's chaotic nature. :rainbowlaugh:

One thing, though...since Fluttershy and Discord are married, does that make Fluttershy Pinkie's great-great-many greats-grandmother by marriage?

Yup! Though Discord being her great-great-great-etc-grandmother and not father is even funnier to me.

10361024 My head canon was that Pinkie was a mortal descendant of Loki, via Sleipnir. It would explain her speed, her shapeshifting abilities (including the ability to manifest additional legs), her impusiveness and trickster nature. She evn swears by her great(many) grandfather, 'Okie Doki Loki!'

I expect jojo references...
But is that an Okami reference?


I've never actually watched Jojo, but Ōkami? Love it. I also love its sadly oft-forgotten sequel, ŌkamiDen, on the Nintendo DS.
I believe I was first introduced to Ōkami by chuggaaconroy, all those years ago, then later bought it on the PS3. Then I got it on the PS4. Followed by the Switch - and Steam. I just wish ŌkamiDen got a fraction of that popularity...

Perfectly Insane

Honestly a little disappointed there wasn't a chapter where Discord tells Pinkie the news and have a conversation about it, otherwise, fantastic story!

Cue Twilight's first major incident as the ruler of Equestria as Pinkie realises she can drench Equestria in chocolate rain.

The lack of a third chapter is comprised of three factors:
1) Was running out of time for the contest
2) There was a 2 chapter maximum for the contest
3) I can't write Pinkie to save my life :pinkiesick:

To be fair, basically none of the authors on this site know how to actually write her either. They just default into 'lol so random hey guys 4th wall joke meme meme' ignoring the fact that Pinkie is the most socially vulnerable character of the Main 6.

This misunderstanding is, to be clear, not the fault of the writers here, but the writers on the show. Post season 2 they very obiously dont really have any idea on how to write her and just shoehorn her into the story as a comic relief.

Alas, poor audience. We shall never see the actual chaos family reunion...

Bet it was one helluva party though

Nice story.

Not back but it feels as if it could be extended

This is how you break the Ponk.

The most Pinkie party in the all the history of Pinkie Parties.

I want to see the party:applecry:

Oh well:pinkiesad2:

A most interesting story

this explains so much! should be canon! also, Fluttercord stormtroopers REPRESENT!

I don't even ship Fluttercord... it was just for a contest.
I'm one of those weird Twicord shippers.


...Pinkie is the most socially vulnerable character of the Main 6.

She can also be one of the most intuitive, on occasion. :pinkiesmile:

I love to see how he tell her that he her ancestor

Huh... I just had a very stupid thought. If Discord was imprisoned at least 1000 years ago (he was sealed when Luna was still around), then there are were about 1000/20=50 generations in 1000 years. That means that if I pony has 2 foals then there about 2 to the power of 50 ponies related to Discord. It is about 100000 billions of ponies. There are not so many ponies in Equestria so everypony in Equestria is related to Discord.
All that means that Fluttershy now is step-grand-...-grand-mother of all ponies.

You failed to take in mortality and the fact that they always stayed on the farm, so there probably wasn't much changing of genes.

they did that in The Technological Technicolor Tenchnomare only it was Tia and Lulu who were his daughters

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