• Member Since 17th Jun, 2017
  • offline last seen 24 minutes ago

The Red Parade

Cars are still parked outside. If the rapture had happened, why was it unrecognizable? Why was the sky blue? Why did no one tell me? Do these things not announce themselves?


Every painting has a story. This one is no different.

Written as a submission for the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting group's "Plain Jane" contest. Originally written in the span of one hour without a prompt and edited later.

Thanks to Moonshot, Bill Cipher, Silent Whisper, Equus, LostinFandom, Flashgen, Zontan, dawn, MasterThief, Shaslan, Wish, Snow Quill, Knox Locke, and Vis a Viscera for reading during the contest and providing their thoughts.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 13 )

I'm a lazy hack so here's my comment from the original speedwrite:

This story is stunning, Red. Holy shit.

I think the whole telling it in reverse thing was the right choice. It took this from a good sadfic to this great like, mystery at the beginning, and then as it goes on it becomes even more devastating because you know how things end but you have to read these characters having not suffered yet... God, it's so good! Damn!

Anyways, this story made me cry in its original form, and it made me cry again today. Great stuff.

I think this is even better now with the changes you’ve made. The story of a humble painting painted with love and the ponies it connected... Beautiful. Great job Red!

Really good mystery fic, man. Especially in terms of you working up the early scenes like I said. It's a joy to read, then and now.

Thanks, glad you liked it!

How dare you make me feel emotions again, Red? These are unauthorized feels.

Seriously, it's so good, and your writing is just... *chef's kiss* amazing!

Great job as always, Red. It was a very interesting way to frame a story. Nice job.

Thanks Bill! Glad you liked it!

Howdy, hi!

Damn, I loved this. A story told in reverse is really interesting, but certainly, a difficult feat to pull off. However, you really nailed it here. I loved the opening of the painting, the going back through its history to tell this tragic story about Soarin and Braeburn. It really tugged at the heartstrings.

Honestly, the whole thing is just a really interesting concept. You know the ending, you know how everything results, the ending gives you the beginning and it puts everything into context. The painting is this framing device for telling a romantic story and hitting those same notes of tension in a story like this, but well *in reverse*.

The whole thing is just incredibly interesting in execution. Awesome work.

Dammit. This story is gonna live inside my brain forever. Rent free. In the same neighborhood as Memento and Predestination.

I wish—just the tiniest bit—that it was a little longer, to give me some meat to chew through when I inevitably reread this a dozen times. But I'm always a fan of parsimony and this story is laser-focused. I doubt there's much, if anything, you could have added that wouldn't have taken away from its impact.

My god I cant explain how much I love stories like this, being a fan of very surreal and experimental movies. I always love it when a writer challenges that and makes a story that includes ponies (lol, I don't know how to word it that great) But yeah I loved this, great job

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