• Published 25th Jul 2020
  • 1,066 Views, 38 Comments

Canterlot Bakugan Brawlers - luckyboys121

While looking for answers about who she is and where she came from, Scootaloo and her friends discover creatures called Bakugan and start a game that will change the world forever.

  • ...

Meeting Your Partner

As Scootaloo's alarm clock went off she shakily moved her hand over to it and turned it off before rubbing her blood shot eyes as she thought, "Yeah sleeping was... not a thing that happened." She then hopped out of bed as she smacked herself in the face saying, "No time to be tired though. Now's the time to finally see what this thing is," as she gestured towards the Bakugan. She quickly ran into her closet and got dressed before popping the Bakugan into her pocket and preparing to leave her room, as she did though she stumbled and began to feel light headed. She shook it off saying, "Come on girl, now's not the time to pass out, that was last night, now's the time to get answers."

She smacked herself once more to try and wake up before running into the living room as she was greeted to Holiday and Lofty sipping coffee on the couch as Lofty said, "Woah there, what's with the rush kiddo?"

"Oh, I gotta meet up with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle," said Scootaloo.

"This early? But you haven't even had breakfast yet," said Holiday in concern.

"Yeah um... we wanted to compare notes on our summer reading projects. School starts back up again in just a month so we gotta get a jump on it while we can," lied Scootaloo.

"Well OK.. school work is important after all, just let me fix you a box lunch to eat when you get there," said Holiday as she ran into the kitchen.

Scootaloo breathed a sigh of relief as she thought, "I really don't like lieing to them, but I also don't want them to worry about me or try and stop me from doing this."

That sigh was cut off though as Lofty said, "So a school assignment."

"Yup," said Scootaloo as she put on her most convincing innocent smile.

It wasn't very convincing as Lofty looked at her and said, "And I suppose that school assignment is the same reason you snuck out of the house last night."

Instantly Scootaloo began to panic as she tried to figure out what to say, thankfully Lofty saw this panic though as she said, "Don't worry, Holiday was fast asleep and I'm not gonna tell on you."

"Really!?" asked Scootaloo in shock and surprise as Lofty gestured for her to keep her voice down while pointing at the kitchen.

"Well yeah, I mean I used to sneak out to hang out with my friends and stuff when I was your age and I trust you not to get into anything too bad," said Lofty with a smirk.

Scootaloo smiled at that as she said, "Thanks ML."

Before they could expand on this further Holiday entered with a large packed lunch barely contained by the bag as she said, "Make sure you eat well sweetie, you don't want to get distracted and forget."

"Thanks MH, I just hope my new scooter is powerful enough to carry all that," said Scootaloo with a chuckle.

This also elicited a snicker from Lofty as Holiday briefly glared at her before saying, "I suppose it might be a bit much, but you can always share some with your friends."

"Fair point, thanks again," said Scootaloo as she took the lunch bag and gave Holiday a quick hug before making her way towards the door saying, "I'll see you later."

"Be careful sweetie, and good luck with your homework," said Holiday, only to have no response as Scootaloo had already rushed out the door.

Holiday sighed as she sat down as Lofty chuckled saying, "How many times are you gonna keep doing that when she leaves?"

"Probably as many times as she does leave," said Holiday in thought.

As Scootaloo arrived at Sweet Apple Acres and began making her way towards the club house she found herself gripping the pocket containing the Bakugan as she resisted the urge to pull it out and look it over herself thinking, "Come on girl, you're almost there."

She soon found she was even closer then she thought as Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle where standing in front of the club house rather then being inside it proper.

Scootaloo approached with some confusion asking, "Hey girls, what are we doing at here?"

"Well we don't have the faintest clue of what that thing can do and there's no way we're letting it wreck the club house," said Apple Bloom.

"Even if we still don't have a name for it yet," added Sweetie Belle.

"Oh, that makes sense. Thanks again girls but if I'm being honest I'm not sure if we're even gonna crack this thing at all today," said Scootaloo as she pulled the Bakugan from her pocket and began inspecting it. That inspection was quickly interrupted as she noticed a faint blue glow from the corner of her eye. As she turned to look at it further she was awestruck as the ground seemed to be covered in a hexagonal blue grid with several solid colored hexagons interspersed throughout it. As Scootaloo stared at the strange yet oddly beautiful sight she lost her grip on the Bakugan causing it to fall to the ground and at the same time all the lights seemed to go away.

Scootaloo turned back to her friends asking, "Did you all just see that!?"

"Um... see what?" asked Sweetie Belle in confusion.

"All I saw was you zoning out and staring off into space... did you get enough sleep last night?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Well... not really," admitted Scootaloo embarrassed before she said, "But I swear I saw something, but it disappeared as soon as I..." Scootaloo then trailed off as she realized what happened. She slowly reached down and picked up the Bakugan as she was once again greeted to the sight of the blue grid and smiled wide at this discovery.

Meanwhile her friends just looked at her grinning like a fool and staring off at the horizon as Sweetie Belle whispered, "Is she OK?"

"She probably didn't get any sleep last night," said Apple Bloom.

The two paused for a moment before Sweetie Belle said, "I'm gonna check on her." She made her way over to Scootaloo as she began saying, "Hey are you OK?" before placing her hand on her shoulder. Once she did though she was instantly startled by the blue grid that appeared before her, causing her to take her hand off Scootaloo and make it disappear from her view.

At this point Scootaloo turned to her and she finally noticed that Scootaloo's eyes had a faint blue glow as she smiled saying, "You saw it too didn't you?"

"Ye-yeah," said Sweetie Belle shakily.

"Saw what!?" griped Apple Bloom as she began to feel annoyed by being left out of whatever this is, to which Scootaloo was happy to rectify as she quickly put one arm around Sweetie and moved the two of them over to Bloom where she put her other arm around her.

As the three of them now took in the sight before them Apple Bloom simple said, "Oh... see this."

"Wha-what is all this?" asked Sweetie as she looked in awe.

"No idea," said Scootaloo as she was just as mesmerized looking over it.

"Well why didn't you see it before when you picked up that thing last night?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Not sure of that either maybe it's..." began Scootaloo but she trailed off as she caught sight of a solid blue hexagon roughly four yards in front of her. As she stared into it the her eyes turned from the blue it had become before back to it's natural purple color only they continued to glow.

The others looked towards their friend concerned, not even bothering to think about how they couldn't see the grid anymore, as Sweetie asked, "Um Scoot... are you sure you're OK?"

Scootaloo didn't seem to hear it though, in fact she couldn't hear anything as something deep inside her had risen up to the surface. Without even realizing what she was doing Scootaloo raised her Bakugan into the air saying, "DROME UP!"

Suddenly a bubble of pure energy seemed to form around her Bakugan before expanding outward as Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle where pushed back with it. The bubble fully expanded to form a 20 yard dome around Scootaloo with her friends just outside it. "WHAT THE HEY!" called out Apple Bloom as she kicked her foot against the dome only to have it bunch off harmlessly.

Meanwhile Sweetie banged on it with her fist saying, "Um Scootaloo, I don't know what you're doing but you need to snap out of this!"

This didn't accomplish anything as the two could only watch as Scootaloo now pulled her arm back before rocketing it forward as she released the Bakugan saying, "BAKUGAN BRAWL!" As it sailed through the air it soon came to a stop atop the blue hexagon as Scootaloo yelled, "BAKUGAN STAND!"

If Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle weren't concerned for their friends safety before they certainly where now as what they saw was beyond comprehension. Somehow the ball opened up before it began to expand and glow until what stood in it's place was a large five headed dragon.

"SCOOTS GET OUT OF THERE!" yelled the pair in terror and whether it be from these pleas or simply because her task was done, Scootaloo finally snapped back to reality as she saw the creature looking back at her.

Fear should have been the response she felt, she knew this but instead she felt an odd calm as she looked at her Bakugan as if this was something she'd done before.

The dragon looked down at her and humphed a breath from it's center head before saying, "So you're the one who's awakened me... well you don't look like much human."

Scootaloo barely felt the slight insult as she simply looked at the creature in astonishment saying, "Who- who are you, and where did you come from?"

"My name is Hydranoid as for where I came from I do not remember," said Hydranoid as he let out a sigh as he seemed to be disappointed by what he just said.

Scootaloo chuckled at that as she said, "Welcome to the club pal."

Hydranoid despite not fully understand what she meant let out a chuckle of his own as he said, "Well I suppose you'll make a decent partner human... you'll at least be better then the ones over there could be."

Scootaloo turned towards her friends and saw them staring mouth agape as she gave them a brief thumbs up to try and calm their worries before turning back to Hydranoid as she asked, "Wait, what do you mean by partner?"

"Well I suppose user might be better word, as in you use me for whatever little things you do to entertain yourself and in exchange I use you to unleash my power in Bakugan Battles," said Hydranoid as he sighed in annoyance as if this should be self explanatory.

"Wait... what do you mean by Bakugan Battles... does that mean there's more of you?" asked Scootaloo.

As if to answer they where suddenly greeted by a large red knight looking Bakugan crashing through several trees and falling on it's back.

"I believe that answers your question," said Hydranoid before looking around saying, "I wonder if that Cyndeous found a stronger user."

Scootaloo was about to comment on that before letting ouy a groan as she saw who was approaching the downed Bakugan.

"Come on Cyndeous, get back up and do the sword thing again," said Snails as he looked at the creature.

"But mater Snails, my Flame Cutter didn't work before and I doubt it will now in my weakened state," said Cyndeous as he struggled to get up.

"BUT IT LOOKS SO COOL THOUGH!" complained Snails.

"OK I think even you can tell that I'm gonna be a better partner or 'user' as you want to say then him," said Scootaloo with a smug smile.

Hydranoid breathed a sigh of annoyance as he said, "I certainly hope so, all though who ever damaged Cyndeous to this degree is surely a capable user."

Once again the universe seemed to answer as a large white alicorn Bakugan flew forward as another familiar face followed behind it saying, "Alright, hit it again with that Haos beam thing Pegatrix!"

"But... he's still down, that wouldn't really be a very elegant method of combat," said Pegatrix as she looked at Cyndeous in concern.

"So what, all that matters is that we win!" shouted Snips as he glared at Snails saying, "No way you're gonna beat me at this new game Snails!"

"They think battling is just a game!" shouted Hydranoid in anger as he looked over at the two and how they where mistreating their Bakugan.

Scootaloo agreed as despite not knowing much about all this she still knew that these where living creatures who deserved respect as she looked over and said, "Well what do you say we teach them a lesson then?"

"Very well human, if you think you can beat them as while they are certainly unskilled this will still be a two on one battle and while I am certainly strong enough for it... I unfortunately need you to use that strength," said Scootaloo.

"Oh don't worry, I have some strength of my own to help out with this," said Scootaloo as she looked over at the two in determination before adding, "Oh by the way, the name's Scootaloo."

Author's Note:

So then, Scootaloo has met her Bakugan and is about to engage in her first battle, how will it go, and why does Scootaloo seem to know so much about Bakugan already? Find out all this and more next chapter whenever that may be.

So yeah I think I'm doing pretty good and writing this story in my down time from work. It's not super demanding but still very fun to work on and I hope your enjoying it. As always any constructive criticism is welcome have a great day

p.s. all images present this chapter are from the anime (and for those wondering, no I won't just be using Bakugan from the reboot expect to see some classic ones as well later)