• Published 11th Aug 2020
  • 4,767 Views, 341 Comments

Reborn - Pensive

Brother, sister, mother, father... What is a family? Are they just relatives? The people whom take care of you? Or, are they the ones you love most for just being whom they are? What will happen when brother and sister find them alone in Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 17 - Interesting... Thanks, I hate it.

POV: Mark

"Tell me again why I decided to come with you?"

"Because you hopelessly fell for my plan."

"Wait, what?"

I let out a very not filly-like giggle for a second, leaving Redheart to her confused state. I gotta be honest, I wish I had a camera as it was priceless just walking ahead as she stopped trying to process the very innocent and weak use of misdirection.

I'm not one to actually try at deception, but being a bookworm has granted me some incite, so whenever I even need to work up a real lie on those rare occasions, I'm sure to apply everything I know.

Books can tell you a lot, like mental discipline exercises, strategy, and more. 'Even so, anything that isn't sleeping is work enough for me to be lazy...', Which includes actually taking the time to make a good lie.

"So, looking to get a head start on basic magic?"

Redheart's sudden question made me realize I had a hoof to my chin looking a few degrees up. Blinking my surprise away, I turned to Redheart, who already caught back up to me. 'Was she planning to monitor me as I read?'

"Actually, Redheart, since you wanted to come to the library with us, you must have something you had in mind to look for, right? Don't let me hold you back."

"Are you sure, I mean-"

"I'll be fiinee Redheart. Not entirely sure how things work in Equestria, but living outside of Equestria, Star and I can take care of ourselves."

Redheart hesitated for a few moments as I just smiled patiently. 'Bruh, pony, hurry up, I hear books calling my name.'

By the time Redheart had finished her internal thoughts, we were already walking between aisles of massive bookshelves. We passed a ladder here and there.

"Well... Okay, if you a so, but I'll be in shouting distance."

Red heart took the next right turn, and I waved as she left. 'Finally some peace'. I could see the magic section was a few rows down, so I started slow canter there. I stopped when I found that each of the books was ordered in a way I haven't seen before.

To my right, there was a section from basic to advanced magic with the advanced magic cut off by a transparent shield. There was another subsection for 'visualization,' 'matrices,' and even 'runic' within the available books. Within the subsection was even more sub-section for 'Light', 'Elemental,' 'Arcane', 'Life', 'Thermal', 'Alchemical', 'Enchantment', and a whole lot of other magic. Most of it behind protective shields.

To my left, it was less organized but seemed to be study books. 'Coal Bolt's Theory of Advanced Archane Magic' and others like '101 spells every unicorn should know'. I ignored everything else to just look around myself. 'I'm finally here... Months with only a few magical books and terms I'm unaware of and I'm finally here...'

My face shifted into a smile as I giddily went to the left side shelf and plucked a few books like 'Magic and Everything you need to know,' 'Magic for Dummies', and a few others. Instead of having to have to go through trial and error as I did while learning the minimal runic symbols, I did from a book at Mythic's house-hut-thingamajig.

Books now wrapped safely in my levitation, I walked out of the aisle I came in and went to a nearby table.


Chapter 1 - Consequence

'Warning, when doing- nope, skipping that chapter.'

'Chapter 2 - Mana

Mana is the internal magic a pony has stored inside, unicorns more so than other ponies. With this magic, unicorns can use it to cast spells.

A pony's internal mana might not be enough sometimes, so ponies can channel the magic around themselves for a spell. Note that both uses of mana will strain and even shatter a unicorn's horn in extreme conditions, so it's recommended not to use more mana than your natural pool can store unless you're a trained professional.

Do note that the natural magic around a pony is limited and can be drained if'-


'Chapter 4 = Spell Casting

When it comes to spell casting, unicorns have a few ways. Visualizing the spell with willpower, using a matrix, runic arrays, or possibly even an incantation.

Visualizing is a more primitive method used for only the most basic of spells such as levitation. While it's proven in 'Aurora's Magical Anonmlys' it's possible to cast advanced magical spells with this method. But the consequences for doing such brings great strain upon a unicorn for forcing such spells through a horn.

A spell matrix is a formula used in equations to create a spell effect. It can even be used for elevation, but more commonly is used for most intermediate magic and advanced magic.

A runic array is an unknown and uncommon type of magic in Equestria as it has to be physically made. It's like a spell matrix but made on a surface that can be made by anypony as long as they have a way to imbue it with magic. Many see it as inferior and wasteful as it offers takes time to craft runic arrays and is often overshadowed by enchantments.

Spells requiring incantations are available for those with the title of Royal Arch-Mage, which hasn't been granted in hundreds of years, as such information on such spells is kept highly classified and extremely rare.

Most unicorns'-


'Chapter 7 - Spell Types

There is plenty of spell types ranging from the Arcane to Elemental. Most are self-explanatory, but this is magic for dummies, so we're going over all of them.

Arcane magic is when a unicorn using magic to create a construct. Ranging from shields to teleportation. Magical constructs can do multiple things and are one of the most common magic among schoolers at'-

'The Life branch refers to the magic to interact and change any biological life. Magical healing is part of this branch, more commonly known for its self metamorphosis spells commonly used by mares to alter small things about their appearance. It's can tricky and dangerous subject if not'-

'Chapter 9 - Spell License

Every spell license shows a pony capable of safely performing a certain advanced or dangerous magic such as teleportation and grants them legal rights to use such spells. To obtain such a permit requires'-


My train of thought cut off when I felt a hoof on my shoulder. I turned around to see Redheart. ' When did she get here? And why does she look so solemn?'

"Mark, it's been 25 minutes. Shouldn't we get going? I found Star earlier, and she's taking a nap, but we should get going soon."

The world around me slowly came to focus as I was lost in the book.

"Oh," Was I all I said, "oh, okay."

I looked at the book I was reading. I really wanted to take it, but we weren't going to be in Baltimare long and would probably head off to Canterlot soon. I briefly entertained the idea of sneaking into the library to read some more, but I shivered at the thought of the thestral guards hidden in our very shadows, dragging me back to the ship.

With a yawn, I got up and levitated the books into their proper places.

POV: Star

Ten Seconds after Mark dragged Redheart away.

I looked back at the librarian in front of me, who was waving goodbye at the two headings off before looking back at me. I felt a blush and avoided eye contact.

"Uhm," I hesitated, trying to find a way to phrase my question, "books on..."

"Ugh, how do I phrase this," I whispered under my breath before looking back at the librarian patiently waiting, "uhem, books on, growing pains?"

The mare blinked a few times with a poker face.

"A little young, but fair enough I suppose," she whispered under her breath before she smiled warmly at me, "well nothing to be embarrassed about, after all, we all grow up sooner or later. In your case, I can only assume sooner rather than later."

I actually hadn't come up with an excuse for why I'd be looking for such books at my age. Technically for me, the pony... version of second puberty hasn't even started. But anyway, I'd rather know about it in advance than it popping up on me in surprise.

I let her keep going on in her thoughts that I was just early as I thought about what she whispered to herself. At moments like these, I wished I didn't have my alicorn senses. The mare's head popped down under the desk and came up with a note and small badge moments later. She wrote on the note for a while before she was finally finished. Finished with the note she gave both to me.

"The section you're looking for is actually behind a magical shield to keep unauthorized ponies out, but there should be another librarian working nearby there; just show her these, and she'll help you through."

She pointed out a rough direction and told me where to go. After thanking her, I held both note and badge under my wing while walking off. I was a bit self-conscious that if others saw them, they would know where I was going just by seeing it. ' Actually, they probably would know if they saw it.'

'Wait... if those guards are still around, and possibly in my shadow at this moment...'

I sub-consciously shrank, hoping they didn't hear anything.

With that in my mind, I sped up to a trot. It wasn't long before the halls turned to enormous open rooms with books shelves. A few of the frames had small magical barriers in them. I knew I was near my goal when I came across a hallway entirely blocked by a shield. A look around and I saw a unicorn mare at a desk reading a book.

She didn't notice me walk up as her eyes pointed down. As I got closer, I saw she had some glasses and blue eyes.

"Excuse me?"

A slight 'huh' and surprise from the rich cream coated mare caused me to let a small smirt upon my face.

"Oh, oh!" she exclaimed, "yes, sorry, how can I help you, young filly?"

Thoughts turning back to why I was even here, I pasted her the note and badge. She guided it closer with her magic as she read it. A few moments later, she gazed back at me, scrunching her peach eyes at me. Under such an examination, I felt a need to hide my blush beneath my mane.

She sighed before the awkwardness set in and looked at me, "I supposed what'd you'd be looking for is a more in-depth explanation than what your parents or guardian gave?"

'These ponies love to think they know everything, don't they?' I nodded, letting the mare create the lie.

In response, she gave back the badge and began walking around the desk to me, "Follow me. The mature section on this wing takes up most of the space and an easy to get lost in." I followed obediently as we made headway towards the barrier I saw before.

Coming up on it, she tapped a hoof on the barrier and, just like a ripple in water to dissipated an opening. She turned back to me as she was halfway in, "the badge you have will allow you access by touching the barriers."

I stopped as the barrier closed in front of me. I lifted a hoof and did the same as the mare, and with a gentle tap, it ripped and opened again. I walked in, marveling at the magic before focusing on what I was looking for. From here on out, it was a maze of shelves. I thought the librarian used that as an excuse to keep an I on me, but she was kidding.

We soon came across another narrow passage between the shelves, and she stopped turning the side.

"Let's see what you'll be looking for is... Ah, here it is, 'Heart Struck research on yearly Estrus Cycles.'"

She passed me the book, and I took the rather big book to me. Looking at the book, it was a bit dusty with a plain brown cover. A moment later, a book was placed on top of the one I was holding, the title reading '101 methods to survive your Estrus season'.

I looked back at the mare who gave me an all-knowing smile, "Trust me, things can get worse, and you can't have standard anti-Estrus median at your age."

I blinked. I wasn't entirely sure what she was talking about since she's assuming a lot here, but I didn't correct her, only nodding.

"Cmon kid, there are some secluded reading areas I know of. Whenever you need to go, just leave the book on my desk, and I'll return it later."

She lead me back through confusing hallways and intersection before we came out through a familiar barrier. From there, she took me to a small open area with couches and tables separated by small walls. I thanked the mare before leaving and went back to her little desk out of sight around the corner.

I sat down on one of the tablets and set the books down. But first, I had one thing to do first.


"How can I help you?"

Instead of somepony coming into my sights from around the corner, a mare appeared, sitting down on the chair ahead of me. I didn't question it.

"This never happened, understood?"

I glared at the mare with one of my hooves on half-covering on the books. The mare looked down at the book then back at me. And you know what my 'shadow guard' decided to do? She smiled. I blushed a bit but still glared.

"Of course," she replied gently, "but you know you could have just asked Luna or somepony else you trust instead of coming all the way to a library."

I frowned at the thestral, "It's my life; as such, it's my choice to make whether I confide, ask, or do anything."

Her smile dropped. She sighed, closing her eyes looking down a bit, "Of course."

Her expression caused me to rethink what I just said, and I found that I maayyy have been a bit harsh. Before she disappeared, I stopped her.

"Wait," my somewhat panic call caused her to look back at me.

I sighed before taking a deep breath before trying to relax a bit, "look, I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but just understand I've been through a lot the last couple of months."

The thestral looked at me in surprise before she had a warm smiled back, "Of course, I understand."

With that done, she began to disappear once more. When she was gone, I took one last look around myself. This part of the library had little to no ponies around, which did give me some privacy. Enough don't make her nobody else was watching, I opened the first book.

15 Mintues Later


The cream-colored mare looked up at me as I put the two books down.

"Finished already?"

"I got what I need," I said with a slight blush, "besides, I have some time left before I gotta go."

The mare smiled, taking the two books, "Do you need help with anything else?"

"No thanks, ma'am, I'll be fine. Thank you, miss..."

"Mind, Fresh Mind."

"Ah, thank you, miss, Mind."

With a nod and a smile, I when over getting lost in thought. I never need such a detailed book, so I skipped unimportant things. I found that while ponies do have periods, they are mostly unnoticeable and don't affect ponies. Occasionally somepony would have been born with a condition causing it to be more noticeable and affects the pony.

An Estrus Cycle is a yearly thing that ponies have. It's a 20-ish day period in which ponies, mare specifically become very... horny basically. My cringe after reading it in the book was deadly. 'I swear it was really deadly because I wanted to die of embarrassment, just reading it.'

Anyway, it's nature's way of saying it's time to procreate and increasing the population of foals. Luckily there are magical and non-magical ways to get around the... mental effects of wanting to breed, which is why Fresh Mind gave me the 101 ways of surviving the cycle.

For some unfortunate ponies, the effect is so strong when they go into heat they have some trouble in their life physically.

I shuttered, thinking of what would happen to me.

"Star?" I turned around, looking at Redheart.

'Seems my random wandering lead me to her.' I looked at Redheart, sitting on a couch. I slowly turned towards her as my previous mental thoughts melted back blurrily into the world around me as I got my senses back.

"Oh, hi, Redheart! What are you doing?"

"Me? Oh, just looking up some various medical topics. Ponyville can be quite wild sometimes... What about you?"

"Oh, I'm just wandering. I found what I needed already. I'm just wandering looking for anything on Equestrian culture and economy now."

"Ah, I see. I pasted some books like that. But since we're leaving soon, you might have better luck asking Mark or buying a book as I don't see checking one out as an option when you're from out of town."

"Hmm, well, actually, I think I'll just pick on Mark's mind about it whenever we leave town."

That got a giggle from Redheart. I hopped on the large couch Redheart had claimed for herself.

"In the meantime, I think Im going to just... take a nap or something. You don't mind, do you?"

I was already lying my head on the armrest of the couch before Redheart answered.

"Oh, uh, sure? I mean, but I'll be moving back and forth, so you might be alone, though."

I think it was the mental fatigue of taking in all the things about the Estrus Cycle that made me tired. I mean, I already had a hard enough time the first time it happened.

I was closing my eyes while already yawning, "Don't worry, my yawwnaurds will watch me."

"Your what?!"

Redheart's surprise told me she made the connection to what I was saying. 'Wow, I must be tired if I almost dropped intel about having guards.'

I lifted my head to look back a Redheart and gave a smile, "I have magically enchanted items. You see, my parents are sometimes quite paranoid about our safety, so we have some enchanted items that protect us."


"Yep, as annoying as it is, they are always making sure we're fine."

"But if they were always checking to make sure you're fine... Then why would they let you two go out alone? Even if you have these enchanted items, the way you make it sound as if they wouldn't want you out of their sights,"


"Really? Sure they care and dote on us a lot, but..."

I needed to pull something out of my flanks, and now. Redheart's suspicion was growing, and I suspect she might assume we're runaways or something. Luckily, it just so happened familiar thestral mare walked by.


Redheart and I looked over to her as she came over to me,

"Aren't you just adorable!" I blushed at the attention of being treated as if I was a newborn, "oh, sorry, I'm Moon Lapis. You are?"

I was confused at why my guard would just show up until she gave me a wink, and I understood, and I smiled.


She then turned to Redheart, "and you must be the... mother?"

The now flustered Redheart stumbled for a few moments, so I answered, "friend."

"Ah, I see," The thestral said, "actually, I have something that would be adorable on you."

The thestral pulled a flower from under her wing, a rose with her muzzle and tucked it in my mane next to my ear as she whispered, "Your family cares, but don't want you to grow up sheltered."

"Oh my! I'm sorry, but I'm on a tight schedule. I have to go."

"It's fine, miss Lapis. Have a good day," replied Redheart as Lapis ran off.

One my guard posing as my guard was away, and the moment passed, the mood fell as Redheart looked back at me. I threw up a facade and sighed in admission.

"Look, Redheart... I didn't want to say, but," I sighed again, "Look, my family lives mostly in isolation. I guess it's Mark and I never realized we were rich, me even more so because Mark likes to read a lot. But even living mostly in isolation, there was a nearby village. Our parents tell us to 'go out, have some fun, maybe make a friend.' They care about us, but they don't want us to live like that because they don't want us to become dependent on them. So Mark and I often find ourselves outside doing something. We've... learned how to take care of ourselves, sometimes learned it by experience, and others because of our parents.."

My profound winded explanation came to a pause, and I stopped for a moment to take a breather, "We've... seen a lot of things. Monsters, wild animals, even thief's and more. When problems arose, our parents made sure we'd know how to defend ourselves."

Redheart's expression showed sympathy, sadness, and perhaps some regret.

"Oh, Star I-"

"No," I cut her off, "it's fine, really. I love them, and they love us, just sometimes harsh. I wouldn't have it any other way. Over the years, I understood what they meant if we grew up privileged. I'm sorry, but right now... I'm just tired. I think I'm going to take a small nap."

Redheart was stunned and only nodded.

"Oh, and one more thing, Redheart," she looked back at me, "thank you. For your concern."

With that said, I lied my head down and closed my eyes. Really, that situation just made me even more tired. Too tired to bother dealing with more talking.

Author's Note:

There might be a mistake or two, I was a bit lazy, and I just spammed Grammarly autocorrect.

Anyways, don't expect a near chapter for the rest of this month, which is like five more days. I'm... ehhh, close enough to my goal of +10k words for every month since my story is published, so I'm going to take the time to relax since it's Thanksgiving break. Im not going to write an entire chapter to cover 1k more words. Besides, Im all out of inspiration juice.