• Member Since 5th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago



Sweet dreams are made of this...
Who am I to disagree?
Travel the world and the seven seas...
Everybody's looking for something.

It's no secret that Equestria has been the current habitat for various lifeforms, like and unlike them, even before its establishment over a millennia ago; in fact, one of which is a draconequus, a serpentine chimera composed of various anatomies belonging to other creatures yet identified as one of great power: as such, the lifeform in question needs no introduction whatsoever.

Called Discord, he's known as one of the most ancient of adversaries faced by the Equestrians themselves, especially by their rulers, Celestia and Luna: once upon a time, they'd both sealed him up into his stone imprisonment through the usage of the Elements of Harmony, the very same artifacts used by one of their students and her five friends to end his short reign of terror.

Although freed from his petrification thrice, he no longer has any desire at all to subjugate or seek revenge but many have known about it far too well; what remains unaware to themselves is the fact like most, if not all, creatures sleep on and throughout a fraction of the day though in his case, the innate abilities he’d possesses seem to have little to no effect compared to being awake.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 10 )

what the fuck is this supposed to be about
i seriously cannot tell
i've read the synopsis about 3 times now, and every time it feels like i skipped words, but they're just not there


It's an anthology of my dreams since last year, though I'm sure you would've already known that had you paid attention; of course, I don't like cutting to the chase too soon since it'd be unfair to the potential audience.

In any case, I like to say thank you for commenting on my story nonetheless: in spite of your anger, I sympathize with you on this chapter; the main character was meant to have a bigger role in there but time was short.

i'm not angry
i'm just a rather candid person, and this has me baffled to hell and back
it's a good story, but i'm just so confused


How did it baffle you...?

i don't exactly know
but another thing that might not be helping the matter is that you have a rather large vocabulary
the dreamy nature of the story mixed with the big words is kinda, iunno, taxing to read?
also, as an aside, in the second chapter could you please translate the japanese(?)

in short: this is a nice, if nebulous and esoteric, story
please do continue, i wanna see where this rabbithole will go


I had a quota to follow before publishing another story; I would've been fine with fifteen thousand words but this was as far as I'd go: besides, it was an anniversary to celebrate and I wasn't going to be late like before.

As for the Japanese thing, I believe you'll find out about it with Google Translate: the whole purpose of putting it there was to show the chapter's character being bilingual and not a native Anglophone; besides, I also used Wiktionary to help me write these sentences overall.

Either way, thanks again for your input and interest: I hope to see you again soon anyway; after all, I have more stories to write so far.

you need a sex tag for all the d's in this story

Why is the schedule yearly?

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