• Published 14th Jul 2020
  • 4,751 Views, 30 Comments

You're Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile - WhalenJP

During the Pilot episode of Season 1, Something else happens instead of the Elements being used on Nightmare Moon; What if Twilight accidentally summoned a powerful demon from the depths of Hell, one that acts as a radio show host; and ALWAYS Smiles?

  • ...

Chapter 2

Chapter 02

Twilight stared at the towering deer-like creature that towered over her as he grinned, sharp yellow teeth glinting in the moonlight; his red eyes boring into her deep purple ones.

The humanoid leaned ever closer to the trembling young mare; his eyes roving her body in a way that caused her to feel a shiver up her spine as the eyes began slightly glowing with an unknown power.

The air in the ruined throne room field with an uncomfortable silence only disturbed by the sound of the mares breathing; and the creature’s static…

Then, Twilight gulped, causing the humanoid’s ever present grin to widen even more.

“ I don’t suppose that you’ll introduce yourself, my darling.~” He said, his voice echoing throughout the large room that bounced around for a few seconds before fading away.

Twilight blinked and recoiled her head back slightly, her ears perked and head tilted to the side in confusion.

“ Um… My name is Twilight Sparkle.” She replied, her voice unusually meek, then she asked the question that was both on her and Nightmare Moon’s mind.

“ Who are you?”

The humanoid leaned so much towards her that he was practically touching nose to muzzle, his hand towards her chest and outstretched for a hoofshake; all the while speaking in that jovial and upbeat tone of his.

“ Alastor, pleasure to meet you, my dear Twilight Sparkle!” He introduced himself as the young mare’s hoof placed itself in his thin hand.

He shook it with an energy that almost reminded Twilight of Applejack’s hoofshake, but it didn’t make her hoof and body vibrate in place.

After the hoofshake, the newly dubbed ‘Alastor’ leaned back up to his full six foot height and looked at his surroundings.

Inside, he felt disgust roll around his gut at the dust and rubble that covered the place that should’ve been a castle throne room.

I should get Nifty here when my business is done. He thought to himself, putting it to the side as his red eyes landed on a taller mare with horns and wings, her turquoise draconic eyes staring at him with distrust and rage that reminded the Radio Demon of Vaggie.

He disappeared into his shadow form and rematerialized next to the taller mare, surprising both of the equines at his small skill of teleportation.

“ And you, my dear? Care to introduce yourself?” He enquired, his eyes gleaming with curiosity.

The midnight black Alicorn narrowed her eyes at him and lifted her head into the air with an aura of authority.

“ My name is Nightmare Moon. Queen of Eternal Night and Shadows.” She said in a regal tone.

The demon put a finger on his chin and tapped if for a few seconds as the silence drew on after her introduction.

Then he replied.

“ Hmm, if you’re Queen of Eternal Night; then I suppose that this young fine mare.-” He said as he used his teleportation ability to summon Twilight to him and put a hand on the top of her head and tousled her mane.

Twilight blushed at his actions.

“ ...Is a relative of yours?” He finished, his eyes flitting between the two as Nightmare glared down at the lavender Unicorn.

The Alicorn bluntly replied, “ No, we’re not.”

Twilight continued on from there, “ We’re actually enemies.”

As Alastor’s attention turned to her, she began explaining the legend of Nightmare Moon; all the while keeping his other eye on the midnight Alicorn that wanted to cause Eternal Night because of jealousy and neglect.

After Twilight finished, Nightmare shifted her body, shame and rage coursing through her veins as she listened to the ‘ Old Mare’s Tale’ that were told to young colts and fillies that she would come and gobble them up if they didn’t behave.

It was sickening to think that Celestia would let Luna, her host, to delve into myth...

The Radio Demon, who was listening with rapt attention, and his deer ears perked; tilted his head to the side as he processed the tale that the young mare told.

He also felt... Surprisingly sympathetic with Princess Luna and Nightmare... Which was confusing as all Hell to him!

Internally chuckling at his pun, he twirled his microphone a couple of times before slamming the end down onto the ground next to him.

“ And since you’re both here fighting each other for the fate of this land...” He mused, thinking of ways this situation could turn in his favor.

Then an idea came to him, and it made his smile grow wider as he mulled through it.

The demon walked away from the two mares, knowing that they were watching him with confusion; then hummed a little diddy as he thought.

I have to do this right, otherwise dear Charlie would be MAD at me! Alastor thought with amusement at the image of an angry Charlie Magne.

It WOULD be an entertaining thought…

After a couple of minutes, Alastor banished his cane into his subspace and put his hands behind his back; turning towards the two mares that were glaring at each other with the power of laser beams pushing against each other.

“ I apologise if I’m interrupting, my friends. But I believe I have found a solution to our problem!” He said, causing the two to jump and look towards him in surprise.

Twilight leaned forward with tension quivering her body, wanting to know what the solution was.

Nightmare on the other hoof, didn’t care; but was slightly curious as well...

Alastor’s wide grin faded to a close-lipped smile; the static faintly growing louder slightly as he stared at the two.

“ Let’s make a deal.” He continued, walking back towards the mares as he drank in the shocked looks the two gave him at his offer.

“ I’m sorry... WHAT?!” Nightmare Moon demanded, her eyes glowing with outrage.

Twilight felt the same, but kept silent in lieu of her curiosity of the deal that Alastor offered.

The Radio Demon’s closed smile snapped back to a full grin with a whine of static that made their ears shrink a bit at the noise.

“ A deal, my dear! You-” He said, while pointing his re-summoned microphone cane at Nightmare, who glared at him, “ Want to conquer Equestria and plunge it into nighttime eternal!”

The Alicorn nodded, her eyes glowing softly in the moonlight.

“ And you, my dear Unicorn-” Alastor continued, now pointing his microphone at Twilight, who’s eyes widened and crossed at the red eye peeping at her from the device, “ Want to stop her, Correct?”

Twilight stammered as she tried to reply, reminding the Demon of Charlie; who was adorable in her naivety, it was sickeningly sweet.

“ Um.. Y-yes?” She squeaked out, feeling like she was suddenly put on the spot in front of an audience.

Alastor’s grin became sharper, and twirled his microphone until it was next to his side.

Then another thought came to him, one that made him curious about the outcome...

“ My dear Nightmare Moon… Have you ever considered what your Eternal Night would do, once all was said and done?” He asked curiously.

He wanted to try Charlie’s route and see what would happen to the ones who could possibly be redeemed.

Just this ONCE…

He owed it to her...

The midnight Alicorn flared her wings and she spoke.

“ The world would look at our night in awe, and not sleep in fear of the creatures that dwell in the darkness.”

Twilight, who was listening with curiosity as well; felt her heart ache at the simplistic answer of The Mare In The Moon’s intentions with the world.

Don’t get her wrong, it is a good cause… But, Nightmare wouldn’t take notice of the consequences of her actions until it was too late

Alastor turned to her; not saying anything; but looking at her expectantly for her answer.

It was like he already knew...

The lavender Unicorn gulped down the lump in her throat, and answered meekly.

“ It sounds like a good concept… but…” She trailed off, eyeing the confused Alicorn mere feet from her; praying that she wouldn’t skewer her from what she was about to say.

“ It would kill the entire planet in the process.” She finished, holding her breath.

Nightmare’s eyes went wide, and her irises turned to pinpricks.

Alastor watched as he stood back and watched this entertaining spectacle before him…

“ Explain…” Whispered the Alicorn, her breath hitching and her heart beginning to pound in her ears.

Twilight let out a shaky sigh, sitting down on her haunches since her legs felt like jelly and she couldn’t keep to her fours anymore.

Possibly a result from fighting her. She thought to herself as Nightmare reluctantly did the same across from her.

She was looking down at her with genuine surprise and caution in her eyes, like a child wanting to know the reason her favorite candy was not in production anymore.

Twilight took another breath to calm her beating heart down, and to think over her answer…

After a few seconds, she began explaining.

“ The entire ecosystem would fall apart from both no sunlight, and too much sunlight. The temperatures would be in flux and kill everything.”

She went on for a few minutes, explaining to the increasingly wide eyed Alicorn on what would happen to the planet, and most importantly; the Ponies that lived on it…

Alastor was looking out the cracked window, his eyes scanning the Everfree Forest, Twilight called it at some point, interested to see what was out in the world to offer.

His attention turned to the sound of sniffling, and his head turned to face the mares; his body staying in the same position.

He saw with a low whine of static that Nightmare had a tear running down her left cheek, tiny drops of tears fell to the cobblestone; shining in the moonlight.

For some reason, the sight reminded him of Charlie whenever she was down...

And it tugged at his non-existent heartstrings.

The Radio Demon began to make his way back to the two mares, but Twilight began speaking; which caused him to stop and listen.

“ Look… I know that you feel that the entire world is against you, and that you think that plunging the world into darkness will be justified for what they did to you…” She said in a soothing tone, slowly walking up to the shaking Alicorn.

“But…” Nightmare whispered, her eyes closing and teeth gritted, “ I’m a monster.”

Twilight felt her ears lay flat against her head as the tall Alicorn seemed to curl in on herself; the draconic eyes dim as she stared at nothing.

“ You’re no monster…” She softly said, getting Nightmare to snap out of her trance; those serpentine eyes staring at her in shock, before a sense of anger was overriding it.

“ HOW CAN I NOT BE?!” The Alicorn bellowed, causing Twilight to fly back a couple feet and Alastor’s eyes to widen slightly in intrigue.

The midnight Alicorn got to her full height and began stalking towards the prone mare; who slowly got up from the air blast.


Twilight got back to her hooves and stood her ground as the intimidating form of the Mare In The Moon towered over her, sharp fangs in display as lightning crashed outside the ruined castle.

“ I deserved death…” Nightmare continued, her eyes turning back to normal; watered and filled with pain, “ Because the one that can stand against me, is now flinching at me.”

Twilight was shocked speechless; not knowing what to do as the Alicorn stared down at her; mentally breaking down from her exile and new information of the purpose she dedicated herself to, would kill everything she held dear.

Alastor, for once in his unlife, felt his smile fade away, leaving a straight line on his pale red lips as he watched the scene before him.

Charlie, whatever shall I do? He thought to himself.

Then he felt a hot heat roll inside his chest, and his free hand clenched into a fist; shaking as his red eyes glowed ominously in the room.

Static crackled through the air in the entire ruin as the shadows began to increase in mass, getting the attention of Nightmare Moon and Twilight; as well as a group of five mares elsewhere in the castle.

“ You do not deserve death.” He said, his voice clear and more serious than the cheerfulness he first spoke with when he arrived.

The Demon began to move forward, his shoulders hunched and eyes glowing a bright blood red; causing shivers to crawl down their spines.

Alastor’s sharp teeth gritted behind his lips as he stalked towards the Alicorn that was now staring at him in surprise.

“ You might think you deserve what you’ve been dealt with, but in reality you deserve much better. You deserve friends.”

An image of Twilight and the other five mares surrounding her with smiles along with another night blue Alicorn, her wing wrapped around Nightmare’s back.

“ A loving family…”

Another image summoned itself, showing Nightmare with the same blue Alicorn; this time with an alabaster white Alicorn wrapping her large wings around the both of them, smiling in happiness and joy.

“ A lovely audience that will revere and want to meet the one who made the night more safe, more calming.”

An image of a crowd cheering for her caused tears to run down her cheeks and fall to her knees.

Twilight snapped out of her shocked trance and started to run to Nightmare to help her; but a tentacle made out of shadow wrapped around her barrel, holding her back.

Alastor’s hand unclenched a bit, but kept his eyes on the sobbing mare in front of him.

Then he kneeled down with his microphone placed next to his head; while his right hand reached out and gently paced his fingers under Nightmare’s chin, causing the Alicorn to look up at him.

It was quiet beside the low sound of static still ringing out throughout the castle; while the two primordial beings of their dimensions stared at each other, silently communicating.

Then The Radio Demon spoke, his voice uncharacteristically gentle.

“ Do you know why I am showing you these images?” Pointing at the images surrounding them, floating.

Nightmare sniffed, blinking for a second and took a moment to get her thoughts together; before shaking her head in the negative position.

Alastor felt the fire within him dim slightly at the pitiful sight, before continuing.

“ Because My Dear Friend…” He said, his voice turning back into his ‘Radio Host’ voice, as Husker; another friend of his; called it at one point, “ You Can Make It YOUR Future.”

Nightmare’s eyes widened in shock and her mouth slightly fell open; then stared at the images.

“H-How?” She finally said, stuttering for a second.

Alastor noticed that she looked like a mare lost without a purpose, though he supposed because she and whoever the blue Alicorn that was with her in all of the images is of some importance to her to try and make Eternal Night happen.

“ All You Have To Do, My Darling Mare!~” He declared as he got to his feet, his energy coming back as Nightmare blushed slightly at the term ‘ Darling Mare’, “ Is Stop Beating Yourself Over Something That Was A Long Time Ago!”

Twilight stopped struggling in the tentacle’s unyielding grip, which loosened and vanished as soon as she stopped moving; and the Unicorn was gently dropped to the stone floor on her hooves.

Nightmare swallowed the lump that formed in her throat, and tried to protest; but Alastor stopped her by holding out his hand down to her.

An offering of help…

She hesitantly raised her hoof towards the gloved hand that looked to be crackling with energy.

As soon as she put the hoof in his hand, The Radio Demon lifted the Alicorn to her hooves with a surprisingly large amount of strength, causing her to let out a small ‘eep!’.

Alastor twirled his microphone around himself before slamming it down next to himself, a small blast of red energy expelling out of it and out of the castle ruins.

“ Now With All The Fine Print And Logistics Out Of The Way, What Do Ya Say?” Alastor continued, his grin back on his face.

He held out his right hand, his microphone shifting to his left.

“ Do We Have A Deal?~” He finished, a hint of slyness snaking into his red eyes.

He’ll make sure to keep the promise with Charlie he made before he appeared in this world, even if he had to make Nightmare Moon take the unheard deal in an underhanded way.

The Alicorn stared at the hand that seemed to emanate with unholy energy that she’s never felt before, and was slightly hesitant to take it for some reason.

But, she put her right hoof into the gloved hand, a green flash of light flared around each other, as Alastor’s grin got more wide.

Nightmare, Twilight and the others looked around in confusion at what happened; but their attention was turned to the stone spheres that was rumored to harbor the Elements Of Harmony.

The five spheres were glowing with an ethereal light that made even Alastor slightly dazed at the beauty of it.

Well Well Well… Looks like you’re right after all, Charlie. The Demon thought to himself.

The spheres floated from the pedestal they were nestled in, then went to float around Nightmare; who looked around at the spheres in surprise.

What are they doing? She thought to herself as she felt warmth surround her.

She was nervous, yet she couldn’t help but be… acceptant to whatever in the world they were planning on doing.

Then the spheres glowed even more bright, then fired beams that looked to be colors of the rainbow into her.

The room seemed to fill with light as the Elements blocked everyone’s view of Nightmare, as she screamed in pain.

Alastor felt his chest tighten at the mare’s scream and felt that he should destroy whatever these artifacts were for hurting someone who knew what it was like to be different from others; yet he stood there as if something was forcing him to not move.

He could only watch helpless…

Then the light dimmed down to nothing, and the other mares in the throne room had to blink to clear their eyes of spots.

Once that was done and over with, they looked at the epicenter, where Nightmare was; and gasped.

Lying down on the scorched cobblestone floor was Nightmare, her cuts and bruises all healed and gone as if she was never injured in the first place…

But it was next to her that caused them to gasp, nestled against her was a night blue Alicorn with a lighter blue mane and tail; eyes shut and breathing gently as she slept.

Alastor blinked in surprise before turning to an image; and noticed the uncanny similarities between the two in the photo and before him, and let his wide grin wind down into a small close-lipped smile.

Looks like you’re getting that future after all, Nighty. He thought with happiness.

He was happy that the Midnight Alicorn that had been through so much, was gonna get a happy ending…

Then, behind the group of mares; the sun began to rise, glowing brighter with each passing second.

Alastor felt that it was urgent to leave the premises; and prepared to send himself back to Hell; his sandbox of chaos.

At least, that was what he was planning to do…

When he had a thought...

What if he could watch from the shadows; then whoever was coming, and… judging by the insurmountable amount of energy was coming this way… was very powerful… wouldn’t see him and try to attack him.

The Radio Demon didn’t want to take any chances that this new player will be able to take him down…

He used his Shadow Teleport ability to slink off into the back of the room; far away from the group that were now chattering to each other about what to do next.

Twilight was the only one to notice that he was there, yet didn’t say anything…

A bright flash of light and slight heat that he could certainly feel from here; there stood the alabaster white Alicorn that was as tall as Nightmare, and a billowing mane of pastel that reminded him of Charlie once more… appeared…

“ Twilight!” She said, her voice that carried authority, yet was motherly to the lavender Mare she spotted; trotting over at a quick pace.

“ Princess Celestia!” Twilight shouted, surprised and happy at the same time; galloping over to the tall Alicorn and giving her a nuzzle along the cheek, “ You’re back!”

Celestia smiled in slight amusement and pride, “ Yes. And it was all thanks to you that made it possible. Without you and your friends, Equestria would’ve been plunged into darkness for eternity.”

Twilight felt her cheeks heat up slightly, but felt like telling the truth…

“ Well…” she hesitated, her right hoof rubbing along her left in slight nervousness.

She felt that her mentor would not take the news well… and Celestia noticed her hesitation.

“ Yes, Twilight? What is wrong?” She said, her tone still motherly; yet was slightly confused.

The group and Twilight all looked at each other and nodded in unison; and all spoke at the same time.

“ We didn’t do it.” They said, causing Alastor to hold in a chortle.

This shall be interesting…

Celestia blinked before processing the words for a moment; then replied.

“ Pardon? Can you elaborate on ‘ You didn’t do it’?”

The Alicorn felt confusion and intrigue fill her at the answer she would get.

Twilight took a breath, before speaking.

“ We weren’t the ones that stopped Nightmare’s rampage. It was somepony else.”

Celestia’s eyes narrowed slightly, feeling her chest constrict slightly.

“ Then… if you didn’t stop her… Who did?” She murmured, her mind racing.

Then she was snapped out of her thoughts at a slight groan coming from behind the group, causing the Sun Princess to look at the source.

Her heart stopped…

A tall dark form with a starry mane rose off the ground, her turquoise eyes dim and dazed as she looked around herself.

Nightmare Moon was still here…

Then their eyes caught each other.

One pair widened, while the other glowed with fury…

Celestia’s horn ignited with her Solar magic and was prepared to fire a beam at the shocked form of Nightmare.

But she was stopped by Twilight shouting, “ Princess STOP!!!” causing her to blink in surprise.

The tall Alicorn looked down at her student and saw the lavender Unicorn stare up at her with determination and slight fear that was hidden.

Nightmare looked around for a second, before her draconic eyes fell on the sleeping form that was next to her and felt her breath caught.

It was her former host... But… Why was she still alive?

She should’ve been sent to the Ether where she belonged; not next to the one she wronged more than anypony in history.

She snapped out of her questioning thoughts as she looked around for the one that might have the answer.

But she didn’t see him…

Alastor stood stock still in the shade of the wall that covered him with a tilt of his head, watching the argument between Twilight and the new Alicorn, Celestia, unfold.

“ Twilight, move out of the way. She is still here!” Celestia commanded, her power flaring around her as she tried to keep control of her magic.

Twilight stood her ground, her mouth turned downwards in a frown.

“ I keep trying to tell you, Princess! She has changed, I’ve seen it.” She said, trying to convince her mentor and Princess.

Celestia looked deep into the Unicorn’s eyes, trying to find any signs of Nightmare’s power in her student; ensnaring her mind…

But she found genuine truth…

The tall Alicorn sighed, before slowly easing her magic back down to nominal levels; the cobblestone around her hooves cooling back into solid stone.

Nightmare watches as Celestia looks at her with heavy scrutiny; but stood still as she approached.

Celestia was about to speak, before her magenta eyes landed on the powdered blue form of someone she definitely recognised.

“ Luna?” She uttered in shock.

The Mane Six behind her blinked in surprise at the surge of emotion in their Princess.

Celestia trotted to both the prone form of Luna, and the standing form of Nightmare Moon; who watched with trepidation.

The Solar Princess only gave her a distrustful look that told her to ‘ stay where she was’, and she felt that it was for the best.

Celestia kneeled down and whispered.

“ Sister? Can you hear me?”

“ Sister?!” Shouted the group of mares behind her in shock.

Luna’s head moved with a light moan, before her eyes cracked open; then gasped.

“ Tia?!” She said, her voice high and sounding like a teen; yet it was full of happiness and shock at the sight of her older sister leaning over her with eyes watering.

Alastor‘s eyes sharply watched the reunion of long lost sisters with amusement and pride.

He felt that his job was done…

It was time to leave…

He raised his hand to conjure a portal back to Hell; yet his sight turned to Nightmare Moon, whose eyes were turned to him, noticing him in the darkness.

Can’t hide from the mare of the dark, her draconic eyes seemed to say.

Of course she could see him in her shadows…

Alastor let out a quiet staticky chuckle, causing more than one ear to turn in his direction at the sound.

Celestia’s eyes turned towards the direction where she noticed a tall figure hiding in the shadows, and widened at the familiar microphone held in his hand.

Then he disappeared with a red flash of light…

Was that… The Radio Demon? The Princess thought to herself in shock.

When she was a filly, she heard all about the infamous Radio Demon that came from a dimension that made Tartarus look like a flower field; and she felt a tingle of respect enter her at the thought that HE saved her sister.

Nightmare felt a tear running down her cheek, out of sight, that she didn’t get to say goodbye to him face to face.

Deep in the depths of Hell, a bright red portal appeared out of nowhere and out stepped Alastor; who was humming in a jaunty tune that was familiar to more than just him.

He stopped in front of a tall hotel that had the words ‘Hazbin Hotel’ lit up in the blood red sky of the underworld; and sighed in content.

Home Sweet Home. Alastor thought to himself, before knocking on the front doors of the Hotel.

It was quiet for a moment, before the door opened to a pale, red cheeked face that was smiling happily at the sight of him.

“ ALASTOR!” Charlie Magne shouted, immediately hugging his lanky form with a grip of a mother bear.

The Radio Demon chuckled, returning the crushing hug with the same fervor.

“ Charlie, My Dear! Looking Lovely As Ever!” He replied, twirling around with her in his arms, before letting the Hotel owner down to the ground.

“ Where have you been?! Me, Vaggie, Angel, Nifty, and Husk were all looking for you! We thought you wouldn’t come back.” She said, her eyes watering at the thought of the one who helped get her dream off the ground disappearing without letting her know.

Alastor felt his chest tighten at the sight like it did with Nightmare, and he softly smiled, his lips closing.

“ I Was Summoned To A Different Dimension. Where The Indigenous Species Were Ponies! Ponies Of All Creatures!” He said, wanting to tell her about what he did while he was in that unique dimension.

Charlie’s eyes shined with stars as she bounced up and down; grasping his arm and pulling him inside the Hotel with a beaming grin.

“ Well?! What are you waiting for? Tell me all the details!” She practically demanded, shutting the door behind them.

All that was heard was cheerful laughter that was genuine to even himself; The Radio Demon told his friend and co-manager all about his exploits.



Nightmare Moon looked up at the stars from her personal balcony that was given to her by Celestia and Luna, who reluctantly took her into their castle located on Mount. Canterlot; and gave it to her as her cell.

But over the past few weeks, the two and surrounding guards that were keeping a close eye on her, eased up and were becoming more friendly as the days passed.

Twilight visited her the most out of all of them except Luna; who felt that Nightmare was genuine in her remorse and change.

Twilight told her all about the adventures that she and her new friends got into ever since that fateful night, causing the former Mare In The Moon to smile.

She still felt the pang in her heart at the random thoughts of her savior, who showed her the way to a brighter future; a friend that she felt that he knew what she was going through at the time.

Alastor… The Radio Demon…

Celestia told her, Luna, Twilight and her friends about the infamous Demon that would randomly appear like Discord and was even more sly than the mythical Queen Chrysalis in lies.

But Nightmare felt that the story was slightly biased because he was a Demon, and ‘Demons Always Lie’.

Nightmare noticed that Celestia didn’t believe it either, because of the small frown on the Alabaster Alicorn’s lips as she said the words; as if they left a taste of ash in her mouth.

The midnight Alicorn saw one of Princess Luna’s shooting stars cross over the horizon and shut her eyes, concentrating with all of her willpower.

‘I Wish… I Wish that I could see Alastor again…’ She thought.

The shooting star glowed ominously more brighter than a second before disappearing completely out of sight.

Nightmare’s eyes opened and then she stared out at the bustling city of Canterlot, before turning to head back into her chambers.

That is, until she heard a familiar voice speak up from behind her…

“ You called, my Dear?~”

Author's Note:

A/N: Sorry about some parts of the story, and it might not've gone the way it looked like it was going, but I felt that this is where it should've gone, like a gut feeling, ya know?

Anyways, hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you next time!

Comments ( 12 )

Darn, I would have loved more

Good guy Alastor for the win!

Okay the ending was just cute! :twilightsmile:

I Just want to cuddle Moonie!

I really love how this came out! Making Alastor be himself and show kindness that was amazing! I really want to see more!

This was beautiful.

just for you to know
charlie and a guy '-'

would love more Alastor in equestria fics like this

Definitely one of my top favorite Hazbin Hotel crossover stories.


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