• Member Since 18th Feb, 2015
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Open for Art Commissions. I write horror. I write gay. I write gay horror. GAAAAAAAAAAYYYY


Sunset Shimmer has run away from Equestria to the Human World to escape from her past. In doing so she ends up starting up a long-dead organization known as the Bureau: an organization dedicated to tracking down Altered Objects that pose a danger to mundane life.

Heavily inspired by the video game Control and the SCP Foundation.

Sex tag has been added for references, nothing explicit.

The rating and tags may be updated depending on the course of the story.

12/27/21: The story will be going through edits and finally culminating in the new chapter "Iron Lock". Please be patient as I continue to work on this fic.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 27 )

An interesting first chapter.

You have my attention, I can already see the Control/SCP Vibe you've got going on. Definitely reminding me of some trippy scenes/moments from Alan Wake as well Control. I like the chalkboard, it does feel quite reminiscent of something you'd encounter in the SCP Universe or in a testing chamber/panopticon in Control.

Edit: Is the chalkboard a potential reference to the one from Quantum Break?

I am pleased to see this story is continuing, I am liking the back and forth with the Chalkboard, now to see Sunset use her new power and recruit some minions/agents.

We don't use such derogatory words as "minions" or "agents" here.

We prefer terms like "friend" and "unpaid intern" and "red shirt"

Much more corporate friendly.

Interesting, very well-written as well. Definitely deserves more views, eagerly await for more and am really curious to see where this goes.

Pretty good so far, pretty good indeed. Sunset's still a bit abrasive, but she's starting to try and let others in. And she's captured her first Altered Item alongside Flash, she even understands what it was doing to some degree, thanks to her own magical knowledge from Equestria. Interesting that the Cabin has the ability to shift and create suitable containment cells for the Altered Items. Specifically where these items would be the calmest/most comfortable? Since it recreated the original Forest Clearing for the Celtic Dress. Also, that was a good description of it being beautiful but like a poisonous flower. Much like those colourful jungle frogs, that are super toxic/deadly to touch, but also really pretty.

The method to capture it was sensible enough, given Sunset's limited options at the time. Looking forward to seeing her and her growing Bureau tackle more Altered Items and Objects of Power. As well as building relationships/friendships even!

I'm digging that new cover art, I like it. I see the Blackboard on there, so presumably, it also foreshadows objects that are eventually going to appear in the story? ^_^

Really good chapter, like always.

Would have loved to see Rarity's reactions to Sunset's injuries the following day... along with seeing one of the girls become a partner.

But, still, EXCELLENT chapter! And I can't wait for more.

been a while since this last updated but a good update.

Good update and an item that fits in well with the previous item. Hopefully not everything they find, is going to want to kill people.

Interesting, a bit fast paced, didn't expect for Sunset to start yielding part of her ego so quickly, but there's hints that her story with Tia might be different than the comic. Also, you describe Sunset wearing shoes and then boots later on.

Still, I liked the chalkboard, it's an interesting first "character" for Sunset to meet.

Also, thank you for showing that ponies know what hands are!

Oh, this is getting more and more interesting. The chalkboard keeps being a very entertaining AAS, and the whole bit with the contract was a blast, while also showing Sunset's intelligence and cunning.

That last bit was a bit curious, I guess being head of a bureau requires at least some basic education

Oh this was a fun first day of school and meeting the usual gang, in a quite unique manner I must.

Looks like Sunset has her first red shirt, let's see how long it lasts or when she realizes the kind of attention her looks give her.

Also, as a personal note, I like that you make the distinction between pony and human for Sunset, I think the fact that they would be seen as different species is rarely of at all brought up

Oh this was really fun. I loved the little bits from Flash's perspective (the whole Sunshine thing was perfect) and also Sunset's reaction to the Dress (makes a lot of sense that a magical being would be fascinated by another magical being)

What I'm honestly on the fence about is Flash. This characterization of him is very curious, I can understand it and enjoy it but does stand out. I guess future chapters will tip the balance on that.

For now, I'm excited to continue!

Okay, I'm definitely in love with this story. Flash and Sunset work surprisingly well together, with Flash offering some surprising (for Sunset) help with a more clear head than the easy to anger humanhorse. Also happy to hear about the rest of the usual five's relationships with Sunset evolving, both her and them.

I hope to see more soon!

What the heck

That's legitimately what I have to say after the first two chapters. They're hilarious, and Sunset is so abrasive and different from what I'm used to. As I read through the story, I am now assured that I don't need any context to enjoy the story, and that the chapters can be read without any context from which the basis the story is taken from.

The first chapter was hilarious. Starlight trying to figure out the damned chalkboard was just priceless and then now the second chapter we have a cabin. A cabin that wants her to go to school and get a partner. (Applejack: Howdy, partner!) I'm just imagining her expression as she looks at everyone and tries to figure out who her prospective partner will be.

Okay, this chapter was fun to read. Sunset being nice to make friends, and then her getting the ire of Applejack just because she pissed off her grandmother was brilliant. I mean, what did I expect? That EqGs were vegeterian? A long shot that even I think is not true lmao

Rainbow Dash getting help from Sunset for math is such a mood, lol. I mean, it's viable, but I'd think that Dash would have a little knowledge. Though, I admit was a great way of getting Rainbow's gratitude and letting Sunset into her good graces. Also, I really love how you wrote Sunset as grudgingly nice just to get friends. It's really her character to force herself to do something she doesn't want to do just to get her way to achieve her goals.

I'm digging this story. Really well written, although I admit that Dash is being a blockhead just for one person. I mean, misunderstandings happen, but if one side is unwilling to correct the misunderstanding, the misunderstanding will stay forever.

The Celtic dress was indeed very dangerous. Please, lock it away.

Rainbow Dash please stop being blockhead

Grrah. A rubber ball, eh? That certainly is very interesting. Flash does work well with Sunset, and their quirks set each other perfectly. Wonder if that's how they started dating in canon EqG? This universe is quite unique, look forward to more!

It came to her a moment later.


already makes her smarter than canon Rainbow Dash, but sadly that is not too difficult

They were always on their back legs and trotted forward with one hoof placed in front of the other.

love recontextualizing things like this

It was made of leather.

She fought down the revulsion.

ah, that explains the famed jacket's origins! it's interesting that the canon Sunset adapted so quickly to thinking of it as cool

Sunset watched as each light in the hallway proceeded to do the same. They would turn off, then turn back on but with a red glow replacing the previous white. This continued until the entire corridor was drowned in red light.

ooh those motion-activated light things! it's funny being my age since i remember when institutions began to change their building lights over to systems like that and how strange it was

She was in for a long night.

really love this! using an SCP object to both interrogate Sunset's character and give her motivations and state of mind in leaving Equestria works really well here. coming from a world chock-full of sapient magical artifacts, Sunset also would have no trouble accepting this entity as another part of the world. this whole chapter does an excellent job in introducing and establishing her character and situation, even to someone who would have no context for this scenario.

Sunset officially hated these metal box transportation machines.

fun contrast with how unfazed she was about magic chalkboards!

“So? What do you want me to do about it? Make it more aesthetically pleasing.”

what is this chalkboard, Rarity?

She was unfamiliar with what the term “people” meant, but made the assumption that it was a group term for whatever she was currently.

im pretty sure i can go "um actually" and find a moment in the canon script where they use the word "people" in Equestria but eh! good deduction by Sunset

The floor inside the room changed from glass tile to light mahogany floors.

very video game-like, interesting!

There were several other clauses that seemed standard to any employment contract and a tidy paragraph noting that the contract was binding and would be upheld across any number of alternate dimensions, which of course eliminated one such possible avenue of escape for her if she found herself unwilling to handle this position.

very fascinating that it already knows about alternate dimensions

She was going back to High School.

well, that's certainly a direct way to bring the setting back to regular EqG!

Despite the childish presentation and goofy pictures, it did get her caught up on everything she needed to know about this world including mannerisms, greetings, and slang.

well that certainly is very convenient! we never did see canon Sunset's awkward first interactions with students who are supposedly her age and culture peers, did we?

Sunset regarded the human that had become the target of her ire.

ha, could easily tell it was Pinkie from the jump, and very fitting that she's Sunset's introduction to this world as pony Pinkie was for Twilight!

She had been unaware that high school level mathematics actually meant “math I learned when I was ten years old”.

nice! i, too, headcanon general Equestrian math education as far more advanced than the human standard, or child prodigy Sunset Shimmer, either way

“The Great and Powerful Trixie demands the greatest of meals for one so magnificent as she,” the girl ahead of Sunset demanded.

yes! Trixie!

Rarity smiled widely, “Excellent. Shall we get started then?”

yay! really does make sense that this is how Sunset's introduction to our Humane Six would shake out, Rarity is the best, and a fishermare always sees another fishermare from afar

Finding someone she could trust went against her own way of doing things. On top of that, she was finding someone she needed to trust her life with. If not immediately, eventually.

oh no, poor Sunset is going to have to learn that friendship is magic! how horrible

Guess she had her minion. Or partner. Same difference really.

that was really quick! and of course you had to get Flash Sentry in!

The articles centered on good samaritan wolves had been intriguing and set off her curiosity as to why they did that.

Could have something to do with the Bureau.

that is what i would assume! Chekov's intriguing wolves?

He seemed to be clingy and desperate, but Sunset was more inclined to believe he was just awkward and lonely.

an attractive and popular awkward and lonely person, well that does fit the odd way Flash doesn't seem to have friends! i mean in general CHS's social network seems oddly thin for a high school but that is the weak soup of canon for you

“Okay then,” Flash replied.

this is an absurdly trusting Flash

He could meet new people easily enough, but having them around long term was proving to be challenging.

or an absurdly desperate Flash, probably helped along by how attractive Sunset is, which is understandable!

He bent down and took a closer look at the animal’s face. He hadn’t imagined it. It was smiling. Rather blissfully, Flash admitted.

very disquieting

They were alive, and they had done it.

well that felt like a very risky maneuver with no backup plan, but at least it succeeded! the Soul Severance is a neat idea, and this does have the feel of introducing a mechanic that is to come back later



Then she smiled, “But glad to have you aboard, Flash.”

aww! well now i am cheering for the Flash x Sunshine friendshipping

This marks the fifth time within the last two weeks that a child has been fatally struck by a transport truck near Canterlot Park.


The prior two being because she did find herself valuing their trust, though she would never admit it, and the latter for her own sanity.

oh yeah, i would not want to risk reading Pinkie's mind either, as much as i absolutely love her

Reading someone’s thoughts was one thing, knowing how they felt at any given time was an invasion of privacy even Sunset wasn’t comfortable with.

fascinating that you gave Sunset empathy powers but in a different context that makes it much less fun

Sunset leaped towards the girl with her arms outstretched as she stepped onto the curb. The girl had since stood back up and was staring at the truck with wide eyes frozen in fear.

hey, isn't this how YuYu Hakusho starts? i mean, i've never watched an animé in my life

The only time she was thankful to be wearing leather.

hell yeah! Sunset is so cool!

“Yeah, fuck this Item,” Flash finally said, “Let’s just leave it here forever.”

that is a fun mental image

you've really captured the feel of a monster-of-the-week/buddy cop/procedural television show here! a very fun idea, and a great setup to tell a series of episodic stories, with hints of longer arcs in Sunset's relationships with both Flash and the other girls, as well as hopefully the elements that were introduced in the first two chapters. look forward to reading more when it comes out!

So, Bureau. An SCP style story with a mixture of other shows and such that remind me of things like Fringe, Ghostbusters, or X-Files. Capturing these items and containing them is clearly an important task, given how lethal they've proven so far.

Which has me wondering a lot of questions. First, where did this Cabin come from? Why did it pick Sunset? Why is the Chalkboard somehow safer to use when it seems to possess a similar level of sapience and ability to the Celtic Dress and Rubber Ball? How does the Cabin give Sunset all the resources she needs? Why was Flash so alone when there's no reason he would've been canonically?

This feels like a long setup, in some way... like it's been deliberately designed to pair these two up and use them. Maybe this Cabin released these Artifacts upon the world and is deliberately using Sunset and Flash to gather them back up for... reasons unknown. Perhaps those the Artifacts have killed thus far are being Terminated by a future entity trying desperately to change the future acting via this bizarre setup. Or there could be any number of other possibilities. I keep feeling a sense of Doctor Who about this too... it feels sci-fiish. Like there might be alien technology involved.

So far we're getting bits and pieces of Sunset and Flash, and a little bit of characterization for the others Sunset has run into as well. It's interesting to me that the Cabin wants her to continue going to high school like she would canonically. Is this perhaps an attempt to lure in the Sirens or Sci-Twi at a later time?

I'm very intrigued by what's happened so far... we've only seen tantalizing hints and bits. This feels like I've seen three or four episodes of a twenty-six episode serial, meaning there's a lot to be unpacked yet. I know I'll keep reading for sure.

You're doing great Otter. I'm loving it.

Ehh, there's a lot of context you might be missing if you don't know the game Control. However, that just makes it more interesting.

I love the fic! As a general SCP fan, it caught up my attention and I am enjoying it a lot! From the comments and the descriptions there seem to be some elements from Control, but I guess not knowing them will just make it more interesting for me.

I'm looking forward to what will happen next and perhaps even if there are other people in the Cabinet working for already, after all, it was hinted that Sunset is the boss of other workers, which we haven't seen so far (and Flash has been only recently recruited before the contract). :twilightsmile:

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