• Published 16th Jul 2013
  • 8,100 Views, 102 Comments

Love Is A-Bloomin' - TheApexSovereign

After he helps her out on the farm, Apple Bloom forms a crush on Spike. Cute, right? Only problem: Spike doesn't want anything to do with her.

  • ...


"You're doing this again, Twilight?" asked a befuddled Spike as he sat gawking at the piles of books towering over him; in one claw he held a tub of strawberry ice cream while the other clutched a large spoon, which he was currently using to scratch the back of his head.

Hovering up to one of the topmost bookcases, Twilight answered, "Of course I am, Spike. Princess Celestia may have crowned me as an alicorn princess, but that doesn't mean I should fall behind and shirk my studies." Her face brightened up as she pulled a big red book out of the shelf, then magically lowered it to the tallest pile beside her work desk. "After all, the debacle with Sunset Shimmer delayed me long enough; I gotta catch up."

Twilight made a clumsy decent to the ground and walked towards her desk. "And I'm only going to tell you this one more time, Spike: take the day off."

Spike placed the cover back over his carton of ice cream and set it aside. "No way, Twi. Doncha remember what happened the last time you gave me the day off?"

Twilight looked over her shoulder at Spike and blushed. "Heh-heh, uh... that was a bit of a weird week for all of us." Spike looked down at his feet with his hands folded behind his back, lost in the ugly memories of what happened last time with the Timberwolves. Twilight slowly approached her assistant with a warm smile. "Spike," she said, "it's unhealthy to dwell on the past like that. Just go out and have fun. Try something a little different. I mean, there's bound to be something you like." Just as Spike opened his mouth to speak, Twilight quickly added, "Rarity has a large dress order to fill out. Sorry, champ."

Spike rubbed his arm, unsure of what to do. "Well... I guess Fluttershy—”


Tapping his chin, he countered with, “Then I’ll see if Rainbow Dash—”

“Is at a Wonderbolts show.” Spike glared at his employer and caretaker, to which she shot him a sheepish grin.


“Sompony’s birthday party.”

Spike threw his hands up in the air with a groan. “Applejack! Does Applejack need help on the farm?!”

“Um... no.” Twilight’s ears flattened against the sides of her head. “Well, sorta.”

Hands on hips, Spike's eyes narrowed and he began tapping his foot. “How does she ‘sorta’ need help on the farm?”

“Well,” Twilight began, “she’s kinda sick, so—”

“Argh! Well, scratch that!” Spike threw himself back-first onto the ground and put both hands over his eyes. “Great. I don’t have anypony to hang out with today on the one day I’m given off.”

“Spike,” said an impassive Twilight, “I give you the day off every Sunday. You just spend it cleaning the library until it’s spotless.” Seeing that her words were lost on the spaced-out little dragon, Twilight let out a defeated sigh.

“Who else am I gonna hang out with?” dramatized Spike, his eyes searching and hands grabbing at the ceiling for answers.

Twilight’s face brightened up when an idea suddenly popped into her head. “Hey, why don’t you spend the day with the Cutie Mark Crusaders?”

Using his tail, Spike sprung back up on his feet and immediately objected: “No way, Jose! You’re not getting me to hang out with those little demons! Not on your life! I’d sooner tell the whole world about my crush on Rarity!”

“But Spike, everypony already knows about your... ugh, nevermind.” After shaking her head, Twilight took a step towards Spike and rested a wing on his shoulders. “What’s wrong with the Crusaders?” she asked.

“What’s wrong with them? What’s right with them!? They always create a mess in the library, get me into trouble—”

“Oh for pete’s sake, Spike!” snapped Twilight, growing tiresome of her assistant’s constant bellyaching. “I need the day alone to study, so get your lazy butt outside and quit acting like such a baby!”

“But I am a baby!” As she began magically pushing him out the door, Spike dug his claws into the hardwood floors and begged, “No, Twilight! I don’t wanna go! Don’t make me hang out with the Crusaders!”

I’m... not!” seethed Twilight, struggling against the baby dragon’s incredibly solid grip hooked into the floor.

Changing tactics, the rosy glow around Spike’s body dissipated and reappeared as small “puddles” of magic on the ground under his claws; his fingers instantly phased through the floor and Spike was flung right out the door as if he was fired from a slingshot.

Spike scrambled up from the dirt and made a dash for the door. “Bye, Spike!” Twilight called from the library. “See you soon!”

Just as Spike thought he’d make it inside, the door abruptly slammed in his face. With haste, he peeled himself off the door and whipped his claw at the knob, but was quickly obstructed by an oversized padlock that appeared out of thin air and latched around the handle.

“Bye, Spike!” sang Twilight, sounding a little more than chipper about her strict parenting methods.

The dragon grit his teeth and kicked a lone pebble lying on the road, sending it straight up into the air, only to come back down and bop him in the head. Spike rubbed his scalp, grumbling; he knew there would be no way of getting back in the library, even if he was desperate enough as to climb through the window and that's suggesting that he's even tall enough to do so.

Scanning the world before him, Spike saw only the usual fare of Ponyville bustling about their everyday lives, shopping and working in the like; disgruntled, he knew there was only one thing he could possibly do now:

"I guess... I guess I'll see the... the..." Spike grabbed at his throat, feeling he may choke at the mere suggestion, "...the Cutie Mark Crusaders."