• Member Since 22nd Feb, 2012
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Snowy Flanks


What do you do when your taken from your home and dropped into a new world? What do you do when you only know bits and pieces of this new world? and what do you do when you have a tender life to look out for while you adjust to this new world? These are the questions Andy must answer after he has been pulled into Equestria.

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 51 )

Damn it!

How dare you catch my interest.

good so far, feels a little rushed though

who is lucky? is that Fluttershy's bunny? if so his name is actually Angel

also just after entering Fluttershys house you switched the names around once

good good now ill read chapter 2

like it you have my reading pleasureful

This story is very interesting.I definitely want to see where your heading with this.It's certainly a new approach than most H.I.E.'s.It was a little rushed due to lack of details and short conversations but not overly so.Overall I thinks it's one of the better stories and deserves a thumbs up :).

I approve of this and will be awaiting updates as they come :yay:

Cool Chapter.It answer multiple questions and creates even more.I can't wait to see the next update.

She is just that angry, poor Twily

yay for good health.....

But I have to ask... how does one pony check another ponies prostate?
They have hooves! Not fingers!
(I could not find Rainbow blitz of this so Rainbow will have to stand in)

Now you know why Baker really didn't want to get a prostate exam

I have no plans for anything real shipping in this story, it is all about Baker and Light

...Okay, I'll admit it... I sang that song out loud :rainbowlaugh:

You made and broke my early morning, guy. I was about to hit the hay, when i saw this get updated. Yet, i must read on! :yay:



Finished reading, and i must say, Andy seems like a know-it-all which rubs the wrong way then off to the right alternating between the two as i read each chapter. The former because i dislike know-it-alls and the latter because I want to see what kind of trouble he'll get into or how the story will progress if he keeps this up. Again it would've been nice to have his back story explained a bit in the 1st chapter.

Another thing is there are several typos and a few grammatical errors to point out, though i don't mind coz i autocorrect when i read. Though the grammar nazis of the site might not appreciate that. All things aside, keep up the good write. :moustache:

To be honest this was a hard chapter to write, I didn't want to make Derpy's life so awful but i couldn't think of any other way to do it.

You need to make use of descriptions in your story, filling the majority of it with dialogue can make it seem a bit bland.

And that is the end of Baker's story. BTW all the characters introduced in the epilogue are the children of the Mane 6, see if you can figure out who is who.

very nice. The ending does feel somewhat rushed though.

1632485 endings always seem rushed for me

Agree with the others, the story was nice and interresting, until the end wich is totally rushed.

To be honest, I ran out of ideas. I didn't want the story to limp on so I finished it with a flash forward, I wish I could have done better but this is all I had left.

:unsuresweetie:While I have to say that the flash forward wasn't the best strategy for that point in the story, overall it was pretty darn good.:ajsmug:

I love this chapter. I work in a library myself and it's so much easier using the Dewey Decimal System.:pinkiehappy:

You're saying that Equestria has a National Health Service?!?:pinkiegasp: That's better than I expected. Reading the word 'diapers' in earlier chapters suggested that this was written by an American but to portray Equestria as having a proper welfare system suggests it was written by a Brit. At best I thought that only essential healthcare would be free and the rest would have to be paid for, just not for profit (refer The Ticket Master).

I'm disappointed that there's no analysis of the beliefs and languages mentioned when the protagonist reorganised Ponyville's public library but apart from that, and your acknowledgement of A Canterlot Wedding, this is a marvellous work.

when i was middle school i work at liberty. it was fun for few years.

well fluttershy backstory been undercover now. so your is AU one.

i hate year skip like it ruin the story for sequel and confuse.

I forgot that Pinklestia exists.

I'm surprised Equestria doesn't have an actual organization system for books, and I KNOW how eh, passionate Twilight can be about organization, especially about books. In other fanfics, Twilight rearranges the books so often that no one can remember which books they want. Plus, I haven't seen ponies other than the Mane Six actually go to the library, save for Cheerilee, who prolly occasionally visits for help with her lesson plans.

Andy had patted the cushion beside him hoping for once Jermaine would sit next to him. To his surprise Jermaine climbed right up and sat down giggling at Dorry’s antics. When Bruce showed up Jermaine scooted over next to Andy and climbed up on to his lap. Slowly Andy began to drift off to a light sleep.

Yeah Bruce traumatized me when I first saw him.:fluttershyouch: I can’t go into any body of water in my dreams. But so long as I don’t think about him he doesn’t appear.

I just glad you trust me enough to leave me alone with them.

The light began to get brighter and brighter until it hurt Andy to keep his eyes open,

When they felt it was safe there eyes opened and they looked around.

The two creatures were lying in the middle of a circle of slightly toasty grass and were both were unconscious.

As he rubbed his head he felt a horn poking through his mane which was also much too long and too soft to be real.

He tried to stand up and it felt like someone had just pushed a freight train over on him “OK too much pain to be dreaming. So what else could it be? People don’t just turn into unicorns and where the hay am I?”(——

Grabbing hold of the zebra, which squirmed and tried to get away, Andy stared deeply into the tear-covered eyes and recognized who he was holding.

And with Jermaine crying like a stuck pig something was bond to come before too long.

She always enjoyed the talks the two had,

the crying which grew steadily louder.

Fluttershy landed in the clearing as she saw a unicorn stallion trying to console the crying child he had wrapped in his hooves.

Could I trouble you for directions out of the forest?”(—— Asked Andy; making sure not to call Fluttershy by name since he was not supposed to know it.

“Oh you got lost? That’s awful! Don’t worry I’ll get you out of here myself,(——” gasped Fluttershy lifting her hooves to her face,(—— “Come with me please.(——”

Andy tried to figure out how to carry Jermaine while walking before just placing the crying foal on his back.

“You mentioned speculation. What kind of speculation?” said Celestia turning back to Andy.

Celestia is stubborn, racist, clueless, and dark. Is the best words I can describe my four reasons why I hate Celestia. :flutterrage:

“Don’t not worry, just tell us,(——” said Celestia putting her hoof on Andy‘s shoulder.

All she knows it how to talk about how pretty she is and wanting to have fun with you, we call her Pink Celestia,(——” said Andy trying to sound as business like as possible.

Why didn’t you include bananas and cake!?

I think it’s because you are so perfect that they need to give you some kind of flaw so they can relative to you,(——” said Andy with a shrug,(—— “In Luna’s case the violence and lust are somewhat less pronounced.

Oh your names Andy!? I got someone that would like to see ya “reaches behind back and pulls a woody doll from Toy Story.”

Andy smiled “She has to stick her long glowing horn, into the doors small key hole, how do you think it would work? And I wouldn’t laugh Luna; you have been shipped with an abacus.”

What’s an abacus? Is that like the tantubus?
What about gamer Luna.

If you could do that for me, there are no words for how grateful I would be, so I ask you, no I beg you, please, PLEASE, help me”


Andy thought a long time then nodded “I think I will take the name Bright Baker while Jermaine can be Bright Light. That will give us a family name and it seems like it would work fine here”

Why not Bright Mane? Since Jermaine is kind of part of a pony name.

“Try again you are putting to much effort trying to force the quill to float, instead focus on your intent and desire of floating the quill” encouraged Celestia with a smile.


Loved the rewrite of “art of the dress!!“

Soon they arrived at Healing Hooves Hospital and Light tried to run away. Baker picked up the little zebra and put him in the carrying case, ignoring the crying as he pushed his way through the door.

Smart kid!!

“Book and Branches Public Library, 23 Croup Crescent, Ponyville, Equestria, PVA-93.”

What’s this PVA-93 mean?

After Baker was done, it was Light’s turn to get examined. Dr. Horse came into the room with a smile on his face. “Widdul guy not feewing too good? Who's a brave widdul boy, huh?”

“Umm Doctor, you might not want to do that Light…” said Baker with a note of worry.

Light kicked Dr.Horse in the nose.

“…does not like being talked down to” continued Baker with a sigh.

Oh big tough guy are we!?

“He is my nephew” corrected Baker climbing up on the chair and lying down on his back, his hooves folded nicely on his lap his mouth open as wide as he could.

“HEY EVERYPONY! The guest of honor is here!” shouted Pinkie


Anyone who doesn’t understand that an adopted child is just as much a member of the family as a personally born child just needs to look at the love they have to know it is pure” said Baker with an edge in his voice and a far away look in his eyes.


“Well lets see, There was the story where you are directly responsible for your father and younger sister dying in a mine collapse as well as your mother starving to death causing your older sister to leave you to utter loneliness”

What about cupcakes?

Well that was obviously a quick ending but I can’t help but post this.

“Huh? That was a DVD, it shouldn’t even be able to play static, what’s happening?”

Smart guy. I'll await his exploits

Holy crap, Andy really doesn't beat around the bush. He went straight for the stem, tore the root out, ground the entire thing into shreds, burned the mix down, smoothen the ashes, and snorted it down his throat.

It's a bit fast for my liking but it's a nice break from the convoluted intros a lot of newer fanfics have.

Classic, Dewey Decimal System.
Old fics really have a lot of these.


What’s this PVA-93 mean?

Most likely a postal system of some kind.

I kinda like how Baker' speedrunning the whole "Settling into Equestria" thing.

That is a load of exposition.

That's an abrupt ending, but better than nothing really. Thank you for completing the story.

So it was a great surprise when Andy dropped in from the ceiling and broke the table.

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