• Published 3rd Jul 2020
  • 214 Views, 2 Comments

Flim and Flam's Enchanted Valley Tours - Needling Haystacks

Wherever there is something to make a town, village, or arbitrary mountaintop unique, there's an opportunity for exploitation... I mean commerce. Come join Flim and Flam's Enchanted Valley Tours and see the wonders of Equestria and beyond!

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Scouting 2: Hope Hollow

As the festival wound down, the now-colorful ponies of Hope Hollow saw a curious sight. Down the road came a gray cart, hauled by two yellow unicorns in striped vests.

"Come one, come all, for the opportunity of a lifetime!" the one with a mustache said.

"Indeed my brother, we'll bring this town back... wait, something is awry here," said the other.

"Oh great, these two," Applejack groaned, putting her hat over her eyes.

"What are you two doing here?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

"You know these ponies?" Mayor Sunny Day asked.

"Unfortunately," Applejack said, "These here are Flim and Flam, the biggest con ponies in Equestria!"

"Please, entrepenours," Flim said, setting down the cart.

"And the best in Equestria we are!" said Flam, "We heard there might be an opportunity here..."

"If you are trying to captilaze on the Rainbow Festival, forget it," Rarity said.

Flim and Flam looked around at the celebration, and at all the colorful partiers.

"Not at all, my equine friends," Flim said, "We heard this town had no color."

"And we thought, that's a unique feature," Flam said, "But it seems we heard wrong."

"No use trying to sell a bogus cure either," Applejack said, "This town's already gotten its color back."

"Oh, you misunderstand, my apple-growing chum!" Flam said, zipping around and carefully examining everything.

"You see," said Flim, "If something's unique, that makes it marketable!"

Flim pounded on the side of their cart and it opened out into a stand. Displayed on two sides that open out as well as along a counter that folded out were numerous gray stuffed animals and ponies, as well as other typical carnival prizes. A front board below declared "Gray Town Gallantry".

"But now you tell us the thing that made this town unique is gone," Flam said, "Why, it's practically a travesty!"

"We were prepared to make this the best-known town in Equestria!" Flim said, "Ponies would come from across Equestria to see such an amazing phenomenon as a town with no color! At least they would once we were done promoting it..."

"In exchange for the merchandising rights of course," Flam added.

The Mayor had been confused, but now he started to get angry.

"You'd have had people gawk at us like some kind of freak show?" he said.

"Those who think freak shows were a bad thing never saw what they got paid," Flim said, tipping his had to the stallion.

"And anyway it's more like a natural wonder!" Flam added, "People come to see the auroras of the Crystal Empire, and that's pretty much the same."

"I'm nooot sure that's the same thing," Pinkie Pie said.

"I certainly would rather ponies stare at the sky than me," Fluttershy added.

Flim and Flam sighed in unison.

"All academic now, I'm afraid," Flim said.

"Ponies just don't know an opportunity when they see one," Flam added, "I guess we'll need another stop for Flim and Flam's enchanted valley tours."

"But... this isn't a valley," said Petunia Petals.

"Just branding, my pastel pal," Flam said.

"But say... you do have a pretty good festival here..." Flim said, looking around, "Would you happen to need a..."

"NO!" Twilight and her friends yelled.

"Ah well, I hear there's a town down south where everything's green," Flam said, "Shall we brother?"

"Let's shall," Flim replied.

The two packed up their cart just as quickly as they had unloaded it and headed out of town.


"Huh, well that was easier than usual," Applejack said, "Not that I'm complainin'."

"Do... you think we should check on this green town?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Twilight thought about this for a moment.

"Let them handle it for now," she said, "At least until the festival is over."

Author's Note:

This chapter was written first, shortly after "Rainbow Roadtrip" aired, but obviously comes later on the timeline. Now later chapters might correspond to episodes that aired earlier, but as Rainbow Roadtrip is given no definitive place in the timeline beyond 'after Season 5', I figured I'd put it second as it gives me enough of a word count to post this.

Comments ( 2 )

Any chance they go to Sires Hollow? Watching them interact with Stella Flair and Firelight would be hilarious.

There is a lot of information out there that can help anyone start a successful social media effort shell shockers

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