• Published 10th Jun 2020
  • 3,845 Views, 81 Comments

the Royal Knight of Miracles - NinjaMare

a Magnamon comes to Equestria, but has no memories of how he came to Equestria.

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Chapter 4: Venture to the North

Author's Note:

sorry to anyone whose been waiting for updates to this fic, I apologize for the long wait.

Magnamon was floating above an abandon train station far north of Equestria’s boarders, effortlessly withstanding the blizzard that is currently ravaging the northern land. The Mega was told yesterday that some strange has happened in this land of ice and snow, something from the distant past has re-appeared and it has the royal sisters gravely concerned, so the head princess of the state has asked for his help in investigating the event. When the morning came the next day the Digimon made his way to the north, where he waited for princess Celestia’s protégé that will help in this matter.

Now the Mega awaits for the train that is bringing the young mare to meet up with him, so they can both investigate the reason why a lost city from the past has reappeared.

The sound of a steam whistle screeches in the distant, slightly muffled by the rushing wind, and the dampening of the snow. Yet Magnamon never took his eyes off from the blurred distance. A moment later the train came to a halt, and the Digimon could faintly hear the hoof steps crunching on the snow covered platform, and a few voices talking loudly through the wind.

“Magnamon!” the Mega finally turned his head away from the distant land, and looked down to the see the unicorn he was suppose to escort and aide. But along side her were her friends, and the small dragon…carrying several suitcases. Magnamon floated down to the station his eyes trained on the group.

“It’s good to see you again!” Twilight half-shouted through the wind. But the Mega didn’t respond, he was looking over the group, before looking solely at the little dragon named Spike.

“Why does he have all that luggage?” the white unicorn, Rarity as the Mega recalls, spoke up.

“Just a few necessities darling, I figured—”

“Leave them.” Magnamon said abruptly. Rarity seemed to be a little flabbergasted and was about to say something, but the Mega spoke up.

“Needless items do not need to be brought; it will slow us down, and cause unnecessary problems.” The unicorn seemed to take offense to this, but that’s when the little dragon dropped the suitcases, and their contents came spilling out over the station. With his point proven, Rarity and her friend Pinkie began re-packing the suitcases before putting them back on the train.

“And I was led to believe that it would only be me, and Twilight Sparkle on this venture, so why are the rest of you here?”

“We came to help Twilight with her assignment!” Applejack called out.

“If that is your choice then come, but stay on guard.”

With that the Mega drifted away from the group and procced to head into the snow storm, followed by the ponies and Spike, who were trying to not get blown away in the blizzard. Luckily Magnamon wasn’t hampered by the storm, but he did have to slow down so that the ponies could keep pace. But as the group trudged through the blizzard, something was bothering the Mega, ever since he came to the north and began waiting for Twilight, something was giving the Digimon a sense of danger. Like something was wondering around the snowy wastelands.

“So Magnamon, any idea what’s, out here!” Twilight called out to the Mega, but the Digimon didn’t respond. “Magnamon!” Twilight cried out even louder.

“I don’t think he can hear you Twilight!” Rainbow Dash half-shouted.

“Get down!”

The Mega shouted to the ponies, who watched him spin in place quickly, and launch a ball of golden energy out into the distance. Where a monstrous cry bellowed out from the blizzard. Then a second later a writhing mass of darkness emerged from the blinding snow, as a pair of green eyes with wispy purple smoke waft from them. Magnamon floated to the back of the group, and stood before the darkness which glared down at him, before a dozen of shadowy tendrils shoot out to strike the Mega. But with a simple wave of his right claw a wave of light pulsed out, and burned away the tendrils which caused the shadowy mass to screech in pain and anger.

The dark mass then released a more bellowing roar before rising high into the air, then came rushing towards the group, it’s eyes narrowed with anger. Twilight and her friends panicked and began to run off, but Magnamon just floated there, crossing both arms in front himself as his body glowed faintly with energy.

Magna Blaster!”

Un-crossing his arms Magnamon unleashed a piercing wave of pure light from his chest plate, fully enveloping the mass of darkness. To the ponies, the growing wave of light was burning not only the dark mass away, but the snow that was around the pair as well. And as for the darkness, it was now screaming in pain as its ‘body’ was being burned away, and after a few more seconds of this continued assault of light the writhing shrinking mass of darkness, vanished! The Mega’s chest plate started to lose its brilliant glow as he turns and rejoins the ponies, before floating over them and proceeding to head to their destination, as if the event that just transpired didn’t even happen. The ponies then looked to where the mass of darkness was just vaporized, before looking over to the Mega who was floating away, and then galloping after him.

“Magnamon that was incredible!” Twilight praised as she caught up with the Digimon.

“It was nothing more than an inconvenience.” Magnamon retorted as they group continued to venture through the snow, before seeing something in the distance become more clear.

“Are you kidding! That was totally awesome, you burned that thing to ash like it was scrap paper!” Rainbow said as she trotted up to the Digimon. Magnamon just lightly shook his head as he continued to float forward.

“Do you think that thing will come back?” Fluttershy asked, but the rushing winds obscured her hushed voice. However the Mega was still able to hear her.

“I doubt it. I made sure to vaporize that monster to nothing, it shouldn’t be able to restore itself, as it was fairly weak.” The ponies seemed to be more in awe of the Digimon as he considered whatever that darkness was a, non-threatening force.

Several minutes of trudging through the snow, and the group eventually makes it out of the blizzard, and pass through what appears to be a translucent dome with a lush green field on the other side. Aside from the field of greenery the Mega could see off in the distance that a cluster of structures, which has a large tower or castle jutting out from the central district of the area.

“That has to be the castle that my brother and Cadence are waiting for us at.” Twilight said as she and the others trotted off.

But as the Digimon looked upon the castle while the ponies made their way to the city, something caught his attention. Ascending into the air Magnamon flew towards the towering structure, and as he got closer he could feel something.

“Just what is this strange power source that I am sensing?” he questioned himself as he continued his flight.

A dormant power that seems to be, sleeping, but still radiates a glimmer of power. Reaching the top most portion of the castle the Mega landed on the crystal floor, and found the source of the dormant power floating in the center of the top chamber, a crystal chunk in the shape of a heart. Approaching the heart shaped crystal the Mega notice that there was something else unusual about it. This crystal seems to be under some kind of other power, it was like, a strangling force that was sapping away the crystals own power. But there something else that caught the Digimon’s attention. The floor around the crystal was generating its own source of power, but it was different from the source of power that was siphoning off the crystals own source.

“There’s something off about this whole set up.” Magnamon murmured to himself.

Kneeling down to get a better look at the floor, the Mega examined the power emitting from the floor, and noticed that it had the same presence as the shadowy blob of darkness from earlier. Same for the force draining the crystal of its own power.

“It would seem whatever that darkness was must’ve set something up to keep this artifact here, and judging by the crystals continued draining…it can’t be for anything good.”

Rising to his feet, Magnamon held his claws in front of him, and focuses his power into a sphere between them. After a few seconds of gathering power, the Digimon began creating gentle pulsating waves of energy and light, washing over and out of the chamber before disappearing. With each pulse from the sphere in Magnamons claws, the floor and the crystal started to have black and dark purple smoke waft off, following the pulsating waves out of the chamber before they to vanished into the ether.

This continued to on for roughly a few minutes, before the Digimon released a more powerful pulse of power, creating a flash of light that burned the last of the dark force off the ground and the crystal. With the dark force now gone, the crystal started to slowly droop down to the ground, but was caught by the Mega who held it in his left claw.

“Now, to see what this artifact is, and why it is here being drained of its power.” Magnamon then floated out of the tower and made his way down to the ground, and as he approached the crystalline roadway, various ponies were trotting about.

“Perhaps one of them can enlighten me on what this crystal is.” The Mega landed in the middle of the road, and already garnered the attention of the ponies, who upon seeing him shuttered in fear. “Fear not little ones, I am not here to harm you, I only wish to know what this is for.” the ponies looked towards the crystal that the Digimon held out, and their expressions of fear and weariness quickly changed to that of hope and glee.

“The Crystal Heart!” the crowed of twelve ponies say in unison as they raised to their hooves, and their dull coats shimmered to a more lustrous form.

“So you all know what this is?” the Mega questioned.

“Yes.” An old mare wearing glasses said as she trotted up to the Digimon, barely reaching his hip line as she continuous to look upon the crystal.

“This is the Crystal Heart, it is our civilizations most treasured artifact, it’s what grants our empire shelter from the raging snow storms and keeps all of the empire warm and happy. We thought it had been lost when King Sombra took the throne.” The Digimon then lowered himself and offered the artifact to the mare.

“Then I return it to you, the citizens of this empire, so that you may restore it. It has been drained of a lot of its power.”

“Then we must help restore its power.”

The mare then trotted off, followed by the other ponies, and then the Mega who floated after them. the group made their way underneath the castle in the center of the empire, where a large snowflake pattern was etched onto the floor.

“This is where the heart is usually held, where it can channel the love and light we crystal ponies generate, and help fuel itself. And use its power to protect us.”

And just as she said those words, the mare, the ponies, and Magnamon watched as the Crystal Heart lit up with power and then flew out of the Digimon’s grasp. The crystal then floated above the center of the pattern-work on the ground, before two crystal emerged, one from bellow and then a longer one from above, and held the heart shaped crystal in place. All the ponies smiled as they saw the crystal take its rightful place, they then all bowed and lowered their heads to the floor, where pools of neon blue light pooled out from under them.

Magnamon looked to each pony with the vicinity, and saw that snowflake pattern was starting to be filled with the pools of light. Looking out towards the city, the Digimon saw more and more of the neon light fill the streets, as more ponies shifted into their more lustrous forms and began contributing to this strange ritual. Turning back to the crystal the Mega saw it starting to gain more, and more power, as it started to slowly spin in place before getting faster and faster, while it started to absorb the light that’s been pooling out from the ponies. The heart continued to absorb the iridescent light from the ground as it turned into a spinning sphere of crystal and light, and then without warning, created a massive pulsating wave that expanded from the artifact, to all of the empire. Washing over everything like a cleansing tide.

And when the rushing wave of light washed over him, Magnamon’s eyes widen…as he remembered, EVERYTHING! From how he came to this world of Equus, and who it was that sent the Mega to said world.

“I…remember, everything.” The Mega muttered to himself, before noticing that his body has a more lustrous shine to it, even his blue skin.

“Sir.” Magnamon turned to look at the ponies, all of them now shimmering and shinning like jewels in sunlight, and looking up at him with grateful smiles.

“Please sir, tell us your name.” the Mega turned to face the ponies in full before addressing himself, the light shinning down from the now clear skies and the crystal heart, making his now illustrious body glow with a glorious presence.

“My name is, Magnamon. The Royal Knight of Miracles!”