• Member Since 4th May, 2017
  • offline last seen Tuesday

Cackling Moron

"Fluff" in the same way what collects under the sofa is fluff.


Luna is bored out of her mind because it is the quietest of quiet nights.

Then, humming to himself, hoves into view the local human - the one her sister keeps around for...

...some reason.

Seeing an opportunity to alleviate her crushing, mind-numbing boredom if only briefly Luna grabs it with both hooves and calls him over. Useless chatter follows, and a Gameboy is involved.

Nothing of note occurs.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 48 )

Almost there. You've written so much Celly we know what your take on her personality is. You need a few more stories to find out what Luna's is. Please keep going.

A fine bit of japery indeed. Most excellent.

Never quite imagined Harvest Moon to be the gateway drug to Luna's crippling video game addiction, but there are worse choices. :heart:

Lovely lil story, a sequel with a different GB game would be interesting as well :pinkiehappy:

Out of curiosity, what model of Game Boy is it? Classic and pocket were black and white, but color and advance had color graphics which would be mind boggling to horses using scrolls.

Considering forgotten sandwiches in pockets, I can only imaging the treasure trove to be found in a car... if he ever owned one. A veritable archeological dig for the ages as one picks and pokes through the layers towards original upholstery and carpeting.

Hmm, I am now imagining the utter chaos as he invents tricycles for ponies to "ride". I use the term loosely due to the lack of smoothly paved roads and pneumatic tires, both of which soften an otherwise teeth-rattling, bone-jarring, and butt-torturing experience. Still, earth ponies could certainly generate enough torque to get even square tires to roll a bit before shattering the gear system, and unicorns just cheat with magic suspension and self-propelled wheels.

(Yes, I wanna see Celestia on a Big Wheel, tearing it up around the castle halls like a loon)

Excellent as usual

My mom wouldn't let me trade anything. Video games, cards, skateboards, nothing.


Oh, yes, certainly. Clearly you simply must keep working on your grasp of Luna and also coincidentally posting the results.

Coy ways of being the 'moar' guy aside, I am actually very interested in seeing you come to grips with Luna. We've got some of her sense of humor and idea of fun here, but not all of either of those. I would be delighted to be introduced to more of those, and miscellaneous foibles, weirdnesses, motivations, etc.

i am disappointed i was promised turnips and there were none

I feel like this needs more. Maybe have Luna experience other games Neal might have.




I did come at this with a notion to carry it forward, get an increasing handle on Luna, etcetera, but my brain is so fried I figured I'd see if this would work on its own, then maybe if it landed well mark the whole shebang as incomplete and keep it rolling once I can scrape together enough thoughts to actually have a clue what happens next.

Because right now I'm basically a vegetable. Hell, I'm glad it's even semi-coherent.

Harvest Moon is dope as shit. Well, 2 is, that's the only one I got and I played the ever-loving fuck out of it.

I'll have to try and remember what other ones I used to have! Still got some kicking around, somewhere...

'Tis a bright yellow GBC, continuing the fine tradition of all these human characters just being slivers carved off myself, like slices of finely cut ham.

This particular guy doesn't look like he could invent a spoon, but who's to say what a man is capable of when the chips are down?

That's barbaric. I don't know if my folks ever found out about me doing this. Not sure they'd even have cared...


“No, I suppose not. I do just worry about her on occasion, and how she chooses to spend her time. Ooh, my turnips have grown!”

Come on!

That's understandable. You take however long you need to feel better, okay? :pinkiesmile:


I'd be very afraid if he should get bored with nothing to do...
Idle hands are the Devil's playthings

virtual turnip dont count :fluttercry:

Hah, you want turnips? I'll give you turnips...old school


It would have been virtual either way, though. I have the strongest urge to tap my screen.

Not gonna lie, I do rather enjoy Luna as the "straight mare".
But this was darn good.

All these humans Celestia is collecting... Surely Kibitz and Raven have their hooves full trying to organise a schedule for everyone

I haven't actually seen enough of the show to know who Raven is. Mean, I've heard of them, but I have no idea who they are.

I'm really fucking behind, have I ever mentioned that?


I like her as that, too, and given I'm usually writing about Celestia (mmm...) that's kinda the role she gets stuck in, so let's have her have her own go!

Kibitz is a comic character, a stallion that serves as a sort of scheduler to Celestia, though fics that feature him often have him filling some butler-ish roles as well. Kind of like Alfred.

Raven Inkwell is a show canon background pony, though the name features only in the comics. She's Celestia's secretary, basically, though as a background pony she's seen in other places in the show.

I love this!


Your Luna seems rather a bit like your Celestia. Same sense of humour, just less affectionate and direct. Might be a good idea to focus on what makes Luna different.

I'd say I'd stagnated creatively but that would imply there was a time when I wasn't stagnant, which is patently false.

You're not wrong though. Need to zero on these differences. Mean, they are related so there'll be crossover in places, just fewer places, ideally.

Much japery, and wit, and Playing of Harvest Moon. Bravo!


What? No HandyPac? Man, you need to step up your game, boy.

Not sure about the color, but the original brick of a handheld was a battery hog of the highest order, only machine I encountered which was worse was the Nomad. Hopefully Equestrian magic extends the life somewhat or that thing is dead in a few nights regardless.

Ahh, Harvest Moon. Now there's a nostalgia trip. I remember playing it on Zsnes. (I totally had a cartridge. Yup.)

I tried and failed several times to keep the massive grin off my face while reading this

Luna levitated one of the batteries up for a closer look, giving the Gameboy a little tilt to find the hatch that he had mentioned. She was sure when the time came she’d be able to work it out.

Narrator: She doesn't.

I haven't seen Brazil in a solid minute. It might be time to dig out the VCR and remedy that.

Full disclosure: Brazil is flat-out my favourite film, beating out stiff competition.

Love it when someone says look, fluff, but it turns out to be cotton candy, I would posit that more is better in the case of this sort of fluff.

If she likes Harvest Moon, I wonder how she'd like Stardew Valley?

Given they're basically the same game I'd have to imagine she'd be a fan.

Personally I do rather prefer Harvest Moon (2, I think is the one I have, the label got ripped off by the previous owner) as it is older, therefore more primitive, therefore less fiddly.

No...adventuring in caves or...romance...or community centres...just turnips, fishing and a dog, maybe.


Your stories are so pleasant and amusing (in that very you way) that I often find myself smiling or even grinning and not noticing for several minutes.

It's always a treat.

Except for that one story that I will not mention out of politeness. Well, that was a treat too, it's just that I bit into that particular chocolate expecting it to be filled with sweet cinnamon and pear cream, only to get sharp and tart lime curd. (Which is much superior to lemon curd, IMHO) I like both, but it's like getting a hot dog that tastes like and has the consistency of cactus figs. And somehow I made a food metaphor out of my food metaphor. I should stop before it gets out of hand and I start some sort of recursive, fractal meta-metaphor. Sort of like Cuil Theory.

Aaanyway, I liked it.

Undergarments were malevolent, and rejoiced in any opportunity to cause mischief. This Neal knew from experience.

Ah yes, even wielders of the dark arts dare not mess with the affairs of the Undergarments. Their ability to cause chaos in unparalleled, and would threaten even the most carefully laid plan. Discord himself as been know to find the Undergarments as a worthy challenger to his ability to cause chaos, and several ponies have reported seeing him locked in epic combat against them, with their battles raging across the skies, day and night

A lovely story, great flow, great attention to detail and character description. Beautiful all around

A refreshingly different Luna. Not the Luna I'd go for, but somehow the Luna that fits. I always thought many stories make Luna too much like the other characters... Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy those Lunas, but this one feels proper.

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