• Published 31st May 2020
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The Conversion Zombie War. - Neutral Boy

Humanity on Earth is not only invaded by the Conversion Empire, but also two separate worlds of Zombie infestations. Can a group of an Alliance put aside their differences and work together to stop these conversions and zombies before it's too late?

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Prologue: Cold days in hell.

Mare Do Well POV:

Tartarus, absolutely everything around the world is a living Tartarus nightmare.

What more can you say after this? Well I'll tell you.

Roughly about ten years ago, it all started when Princess Celestia has discovered a new world where everypony can perhaps adjust to since our own world is slowly dying out. In Canterlot where I served with the guards, I ask if any other non-pony around the world can come to this new world with us, but for some reason the high commands were ordered not to bring them. Stating that they'll only slow us down or can cause more problems later. At first I didn't question it, but yet this just didn't feel right to leave every griffon, changeling, dragon, minotaur, buffalo, zebra, and the rest to die out in abandonment and betrayed.

Making a difficult decision, I decided to quit being a guard and head off with my companions to each of the homelands to warn them about this urgent news.

Upon making to our first destination, we were all shocked and disbelief to see all of the griffons who were in Griffonstone is nowhere to be seen. We search everywhere, but there's no trace of feathers or pieces. It's like all of them have either vanished or something else has killed them.

Next we went to visit the dragon, minotaur, zebra, and changeling homelands.

Shockingly and surprised, all of them were also gone without a trace just like the griffons.

This just didn't make a sense. Unless, one of our own ponies was somehow responsible.

Maybe it was either Princess Celestia or one of the nobles.

Either way, we decided to head back, but to build a secret small place in Ponyville. From there on, we went to keep an eye on all the nobles, the Elements of Harmony bearers, and the Alicorn sisters.

Nine months after the discovery, things didn't go so well for any pony kind.

Apparently, the information I got is that Princess Celestia who wanted to coexist this these sentient monkeys called humans, suddenly betrays them behind their back and began to make up potions to transform them into her pony subjects. Preventing them to cause more chaos and destruction to their own kind.

This. . . t-this is just insanely madness beyond redemption. There's no way her own subjects would allow this to happen. Even Discord, the spirit of chaos and disharmony, wouldn't go that far to wreck havoc back in his days. Ponyfeathers, even the element bearers should've at least questioned her, but yet they blindly follow her and not realizing the consequences.

It's just gone too far this time and somepony needs to stop them.

So I decided to put on a used costume I stolen from Rarity's Boutique place and enhance it as well as putting in a different color. I put my identity in disguise to abandon my old name as I became the new Mare Do Well, a super hero pony.

In those next six years, I have been a good ally to the humans to combat the once peaceful Princess and her forces including the element bearers. Even if I did betray all of Equestria, but that peaceful land has died out long ago when Celestia has betrayed her own kind and non-ponies.

Although, what neither myself, my allies, and the Conversion Empire doesn't know is that we would all be in serious deep Tartarus when two more separate worlds would enter the chaos on Earth sooner than we expected.

Literally everything went into deep Tartarus after the sixth year.

Two more large portals have opened up in both South America and Russia.

Survivors from separated worlds were running from ravaging, hungry, bloody, screaming, beasts known as to humans, zombies. They say the only way to stop them is by aiming for the head, but the only thing worse is that zombies who use to be heroes and villains aren't very easily to take down.

Everywhere those zombies go, they destroy, eat, tear, and rip every humans and ponies out. No matter who's side they are on or not, they'll consume all living flesh until nothing is left for them.

We did try to save as many survivors we could and take out these infection, but there's too many of them to take out. Lost all of the good people since, especially my companions Wind Blazer, Violet Nex, Maroon Flank, and Dusty Breeze. Even if we didn't stay so long as friends, in my heart I consider as brothers and sisters to me.

So now, our remaining group of survivors decide to split up and fortify bases as a symbol of hope for everyone and everypony else against the Conversion Empire and the zombies including the super powered ones.

Four years after the two portals appeared, a small group of mine are searching for more survivors outside or inside the wrecked buildings while also keeping an eye out for any zombies, guards, and newfoals roaming around or hiding about in New York City. Though it wasn't a boring adventure as I did get to know my group a little of their past and share mine as well, espcecially giving them info of the current war we're still in.

Hawkeye aka Billy, a former Avengers member. He lost friends his friends and family when the outbreak has started in his world. We did eventually meet later on and at first he grew cold, but he warmed up to me when I saved him from a rampaging zombie Hulk.

Black Cat aka Felicia Hardy, a thief and former employer of a crime boss called Kingpin. She lost her father in the outbreak and wanted to be alone from everyone around her. Thankfully, before she was going to be hayburgered by a swarm of newfoals holding the potions, me and Hawkeye saved her life and took out some newfoals before heading to a better hiding place.

Shadow Cat aka Kitty Pryde, an X-Men survivor. At her school, she lost most of her good friends including a couple of X-Men members and has been separated from her group. While she was alone for who knows how long, she eventually found us and joined in to find her friends.

Green Arrow aka Oliver Queen, a Justice League survivor. During the outbreak in his world, he got separated from his family and vows to find them someday, even if he has to break down every swarm of zombies getting in his way. Later on, Kitty found him and offers to let him join us to help those also looking for their family and friends.

Huntress aka Helena Bertinelli, a former member of the Justice League. When both she and her finance named Question were running from the zombies, Question made a sacrifice of explosives to take out the swarm in order to save her life. Since then, she hasn't been herself, but Black Cat did later find her and help comfort her.

Starfire aka Koriand'r, a Teen Titans survivor. When the zombies have breach the Titans tower, she got separated from her sister and friends. She has helped with saving survivors from time to time until she assisted me to combat the guards who were going to throw the potion bottles on a few injured civilians.

Finally there's the two stallion brothers named White and Black Stream, an earth pony and pegasus pony. Both have defected from Canterlot after witnessing their Princess's change of rules and seeing their former soldiers abandoning the newfoals while retreating from outnumbered battles. They did sneak out at a few nights to not get spotted and later found my group.

Anyway, my group is currently walking and finding any survivors while I use my magic to find the location of a crashed human ship which got shot down from someone, somepony, or something out there.

"Any sign of the ship?" Hawkeye asked me.

"It's close, I estimate about a few miles dead ahead."

"Well we better hurry, I can hear those creepy sounds not too far away." Huntress says.

Walking a bit faster, we did find the crashed ship until we found it.

"There it is, Starfire?"

"On it."

Starfire flew over to the crashed ship and inspects the inside ship. She waved a hand at us, saying that she found a survivor. We made it to the ship and we saw a couple of survivors still alive, except for the rest who didn't make it. Starfire carried out each person out of the ship one at a time.

"Thank god you found us, we didn't think anyone would find us." The soldier sighs in relief.

"You got a name soldier?" Kitty asked him.

"Yeah, the names Samuel, I'm a medic officer. My buddy here is private Mason. He has a broken left leg and most of my medical equipment got destroyed when our ship got damaged by an unknown attacker."

I notice that Hawkeye and Green Arrow had their bow and arrow out, aiming at something out there.

"We've got company, Oliver?"

"I see them as well."

All of us looked around to see multiple zombies slowly walking towards our position.

"Something else is joining the fray and it ain't friendly." Oliver says, gritting his teeth.

I saw four more of super powered zombies enter the swarm.

"Are these friends of yours Oliver?" I asked him.

"Use to be, both are Wonder Woman and the Flash. Cheetah and Black Adam however, I wouldn't say friends exactly since they were the enemies of the Justice League."

"Any attempts to counter them back?" Black Cat suggested.

"Not much, unless we have Superman, Batman, or any others to help back us up. However, I don't think there's any other person to come help, so I guess we're on our own and pray that we survive here."

"Mare-Do-Well, can't you try to teleport us all out of here?" Kitty asked me.

"I would, but I don't have enough magic in me to teleport everyone out."

One of the zombies named the Flash is running towards us.

"Guess this is it." Samuel murmurs.

Before the Flash would sink his teeth onto any of us, his whole body suddenly stops.

"Did you just stop him in his tracks with your magic?" Black Cat says to me.

"I-I don't think so, my magic isn't strong to hold a super human. I'm pretty sure whoever's magic is stopping Flash is not quite far away."

We then see Flash is levitating up high and he's trying to break out of this magic, but to no avail. Without warning, he is flung backwards toward the swarm and collided with Wonder Woman. Knocking them both to a ruined building. We also see that a magic barrier field is forming around us.

Up in the sky, I see a silhouette figure slowly descending to the ground. This individual looks human with cool armor, but for some reason his wings and tail seem are the parts of a pony. Even his face is hidden behind a weird mask, who is this strange stallion?

"I advise you all to stay behind the barrier. This should keep you well protected from the infestation, I'll contact some backup while I hold the ground to drive off those super zombies." The stallion told us as he talks on his communicator wrist.

"Command, I found some more survivors and are pinned down. Mark my position to prepare a transport and take out any fleshly biters, I'll do what I can to hold off the super powered zombies."

After he's done talking, he proceeds to go after Cheetah and Black Adam.

"You think he's one of the survivors from my world or yours Oliver?" Kitty says, merely confused as to what just happened.

"Who knows, at least we can surely live another day since backup is coming. While that winged guy goes to distract them, we better stay put and kill off any biters that would try to breach the barrier."

Yeah, let's just hope that human is in fact on our side and find out how he got those pony parts on him. Since this whole is spinning out of control, we're gonna need all the help can to stop these infested zombies and the Conversion Empire, especially the element bearers and Celestia herself.

Author's Note:

Since the whole Covid-19 is still going on and some business places are finally reopening up, I thought up a good idea. Recently, I looked into both the Marvel Zombie and DCeased comic and thought this would be a good crossover with the Conversion Bureau. In my mind, the newfoals are technically mindless and part zombie-ish when you think about it. So yeah, I did thought upon it some time and eventually start it since then. Anyways, feel free to leave a comment down below and tell me on what do you think.

See ya later!

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