• Published 30th May 2020
  • 2,827 Views, 57 Comments

The Divine Eclipse - The Toaster

Goku Black was defeated, his soul traveled by the same portals that had given the power to defeat him, however he would find himself in one strange world, in this world, he is a god, even if in a new body, and he would stop nothing to achive his goal

  • ...

The Silver Throne

He was sitting cross-legged on a rock, stones floated around him, a silvery aura danced around his body, like a transparent burning fire.

He was meditating like this for day and night, sun and rain with no end.

He had already lost count of the days. maybe weeks have passed, maybe months.

But it didn't matter to him, the unanswered questions made him uneasy, throughout his life he always had concrete answers, he is a god he IS the truth.

But now? Doubts and questions are arising, not only in the matter of his philosophy, but also of past actions, when he killed mortals, when he tortured Goku.... He liked it, he enjoyed it, every single moment of it. He always blamed the mortal body, but when he destroyed that city with those avian beings, the cries of despair, the pain they felt which echoed through the mountains were like music to their ears, he felt a sensation of pleasure....

He was extremely confused. How could he, in a body of a god still held these profane feelings? Just a stupid human would take pleasure when doing these things because he could, it just irritated him even more.

Because more questions came up, and these questions he couldn't answer, but what blasphemy!

As an all-powerful god, how could he feel the same things as a human??


He was the pinnacle of beauty! Of the truth!

He was supposed to be better! And not equal to such smaller beings! And why did he help that girl?? She was just a stupid mortal! The lack of bodily development was not a problem for a deity like him!

And yet...

He felt he had to help that girl, he thought of how difficult it would be for that girl to adapt in a society where flying was the pinnacle of the event for beings with wings, he felt empathy...

The ground was shaking around him as his anger increased. He couldn't believe thoughts like that were in his mind! How could he?! He was going against all his own philosophy! Mortals did not deserve pity! They had no redemption...

But he remembered that little girl's smile, her happiness, and when she thanked him...

It was shocking to him how words so simple touched him so deeply, as how a few days in this strange land were changing him, she was different....

Yes, he had the same problems that he always saw, mortals still using the great intellect given by the gods for violence and ambition. But he saw different aspects, in that small village, he noticed something that was almost non-existent in other worlds that he visited, harmony...


Something he had seen that was missing in many worlds, this species seems to be identical to the body that he inhabited, these few facts seem to have caught his interest.

Even so, he kept his meditation focused on emotions, in a psychological battle within against himself. He felt something, something calling him, something inside him.

He deepened in his thoughts, and focusing more, he entered a state of deep meditation.

In his mind, he found himself in a void where he stood, looking around, he could see absolutely nothing, but he felt something, a sign of Ki, no...


Inside him? How was that possible? Ki ran through all living beings, it was how the gods created everything, each living being has its own Ki that represents its being of which makes each of them unique.

It should be impossible to have more than one Ki sign in a single living being, this perked his curiosity.

Slowly he walked it looked like he was going nowhere, but he knew he should see more than just with his eyes. He was getting close, and the further he walked, the more the Void changed, the darkness slowly cleared, showing a path of grass, and then...

Trees, and then, a forest, petals of flowers fell from the trees in his path, forming a wonderful landscape.

Slowly he smiled, one of the perfections of creation, these landscapes gave him hope, as he walked through the dirt path, he could see the resemblance of that forest to the forest that he was residing in for time, however, it was much more....

Peaceful, calm, and beautiful.....

Honestly, to transform a forest like that... It was tempting.... But what bothered him the most was that this wasn't his thoughts, this wasn't like his ordinary dreams.....

No, someone was changing that, and that someone was close.

As he got closer, he noticed a castle in the distance, it was gigantic and majestic, he was not going to lie, mortals knew how to make creative architectures. He slowly walked through the gates and through the castle entrance, each footstep he managed to observe better the surroundings.

They were totally deserted, but the gardens were still wonderful and majestic.

Their petals flying in the light breeze that passed, with their pollen ready to be collected by the bees.

It was one of the many masterpieces of the gods, a highly sustainable ecological system, where all living beings contribute and spread while do not destroy themselves for moronic reasons.

Going up the stairs, he could see the walls full of pictures and paintings, they were telling a story. As he went up, the more they described how looked like the society he had encountered before grew.

Obviously he saw something really common between mortals; internal fights between tribes.

Nothing surprising, but what caught his attention was that the tribes as the pictures showed, they were unified by what looked like two... Deities...!?


Why would the gods interfere with mortals....? Wasn't it prohibited? And if they interfered, they should have corrected their mistakes! They should have cleansed the land!

It kept showing one of the divine figures pointing his/her hand at the sun, it seemed to be creating it, while another one was doing the same as the previous figure, however he/she created the moon, so they had two Kaioshins? Did they decide to observe their creation more closely? But why live with them? You can't say that....

He was already sick just thinking about it, but are these Kaioshins, having relations with mortals?!

How absurd! How blasphemous! Do they lower themselves to the level of mortals just to feel better? Were they not trained to leave carnal temptation?

He had arrived at the end of the steps, he was now in a huge hall, in him, the stories separated, the story of the creator of the moon and that of the sun were now in huge glass, the story continued, showing both governing mortals in their respective schedules, which confused Eclipse even more, why?

They could easily collaborated with each other, yes, each one has their own creation, but both were made by the sacred hands of deities, it is our sacred duty to resolve everything as efficiently as possible.

As he walked down a red carpet that took him more deeply in the hall, he could see the panes converging in the front showing a titanic battle between both figures with their respective armies of night and day, on top of two thrones, one representing the Moon and the other the Sun...

However, he still wondered....
Did they fight? Why? What would they gain from this?

So an idea, it hit him.

Mortals, they were influenced by the mortals, not only did their concerns about them increase, but they started to think like them, act like them, they got lost...

What a horror, though....

Why was he seeing all this...?

"That, I can answer" A feminine but powerful voice echoed around the room, he looked around curiously and came across a figure sitting on the moon's throne.

He could see that she was of the same species as his, the horn and monumental wings were very present. She was completely black, both the wing and the horn were the same color, her predatory green eyes were flashy and she had a canine smile, she had an armor very similar to Eclipse, but she had her unique touches and symbols of the moon.

"Who are you?"

But another female voice, and potent as her counterpart of the night, answered it in an amused tone.

"A better question would be, what are we?"

Looking at the source of the voice, he gazed another figure on the throne of the sun where he could have sworn that before the thrones were vacant.

The figure was the same size as his counterpart of the night, her fur was completely white and predatory orange eyes that watched with something around curiosity and amusement, she wore golden armor and her mane seemed to be fire coming out of her body, an infinite flame.

He had to admit, his mortal body was forcing him to see the figures as majestic, beautiful, but fearful and venerable, could they be the goddesses described in the paintings and glass sculptures?


They were too much different....

Successors perhaps? He did not know

"You did not answer my question. And invading a god’s mind is a monumental sin" He said with venom in his voice when looking at the figures, who in response looked at each other, and giggled as if they were school girls. The Mare of the Night was the first one to speak.

"I already like you! " She spoke cheerfully as she slowly rose from her throne "My Name is Nightmare Moon, the god of the Moon, and ruler of the Night."

The fire goddess was soon to respond still with an amused tone while getting up from her throne. "And mine, is Daybreaker, the goddess of the Sun, the day is my domain"

After their presentations, Eclipse was about to say something, only to be cut off by the goddess

"And to answer your threat, even though you are very powerful, you can't erase us, we are part of you. "

He just bulged his eyes at the revelation, and she giggled at his reaction, the sun goddess continued

"You do not realize? Every bit of us is combined in you, Eclipse. You are our creation, we shaped you in everything but soul"

Now that he stopped and slowly analyzed, he could fit the pieces together, they should have felt his soul passing through the portal between dimensions after his defeat, as his body and soul were completely crushed beneath the wind, they made him their image, they had given him another chance...

"Why?" The question caught the attention of both goddesses, who looked at him with their curiosity peaked. "Why revive me? Why give me another chance?"

Both looked at each other, and both smiled before looking at him again

"We know you well Eclipse, we know what you did in the past, and we saw you as worthy of a second chance, you see, our counterparts outside the dream world are.... She hesitated for a moment before continuing. "They are not worthy of the title that was granted to them, we tried to change them, improve them. But for our efforts, they just banished us again to the dreamlands.. But you? You gave us an opportunity to not only end our past mistakes, but also restore our glory."

The moon goddess nodded. "Indeed, and you passed our test when you exterminated the griffons, they were always a huge mistake of creation; aggressive, territorial and completely greedy. You will be our judge, what will decide who dies and who lives." She spoke with great bravado, motioning her hand as she spoke. "We failed to recover our bodies and do the right thing, but you, you can make the utopia that you so desired, and form the paradise that you fought so hard to conquer"

Eclipse was shocked, a lot was thrown at him at the same time, created by the goddesses of this world to bring balance to the world and decide which mortal lived and which not, it was too good to be true....

He looked at the goddess and narrowed his eyes "How can i trust your word?"

Both then suddenly got up and started to descend from their thrones, Eclipse slowly started to walk backwards, watching the goddesses with suspicion.

The horns of both began to light up, and the auras of each lit up their respective chairs, they started to shake, and to move, and...


They merged into one, the throne represented the same symbol he had.

The goddesses looked at Eclipse, who slowly walked past them, passing his hand over the throne, feeling it, connecting with it.

"We are already past Eclipse, we are just shadows of our former selves, we created you to be able to correct what we failed to create, we see your philosophy and we see your determination, we know you can do it, you are the fusion of our last vestiges of power that we could form."

He slowly sat down, rubbing his fingers on the arms of the throne, while the goddesses smiled more and more

"This is your destiny, rule these lands, you are the legitimate successor and the true pure god!"

They both took their swords in their scabbards and stood up pointing up at Eclipse on the throne

"You're Eclipse! The god of the Sun and the Moon! You are the Darkness and the Light! You are the Harmony and
The Chaos! You are the true ORDER!"

Eclipse could not contain the smile on his face, while the swords suddenly flashed in their respective colors and released a ray of energy that combined and flew towards him, which upon hitting him blinded him.

Eclipse opened his eyes, they had changed color, they were more predatory, one green and one orange, he was still in his meditation posing on top of the same stone.

He slowly stood up smiling with his new predatory teeth, he now knew his destiny, his true destiny, the throne would be his, and he would bring true order and balance.

He walked in the direction of the same village he had left, he had a lot to do, but now, he had a direction to follow.

Author's Note:

I loved doing this chapter, I hope I managed to leave this epic and explanatory for you! Next, Eclipse will truly begin its journey! Thank you so much for your support! Remember, any criticism is accepted! Gramatical errors? Let me know! Peace!