• Published 10th May 2021
  • 444 Views, 2 Comments

Don't Pop the Beat! - 23 KM To Nerdiness

Don't pop me! Don't pop me! Don't pop me!

  • ...

Party Time!

"Almost there, Richie!"

"I can't do this!"

"Almost there, just one more loop!"

Sitting near the gift table, Richard frantically struggles to tie a bow atop a present while under Pinkie's guidance.

"Loop! Loop! Loop! Loop! Loop!" the party pony chants.

"Yes! I looped it!" Richard cheers, holding the wrapped gift up triumphantly.

"I'm so proud of you, friend-a-doodle! Just six more presents to go!"


"Hee, don't worry. I'll take care of the rest, you just tend to the finishing touches. Streamers?"

"Hangin' and streamin'."


"Locked and loaded in your dreadful- I mean delightful party cannons."

"Pinkie cakes?"

"Sang to and sprinkled to perfection."


The two briefly pretend to play electric guitars.

From behind the entrance doors, they hear the faint sound of car brakes screeching to a halt.

"Crap, they're here!" Richard panics. "Everything's not set up, we barely got the bare minimum ready!"

"Take care of them, I'll add the finishing touches!"

"You're a tiny balloon, what can you do?"

Pinkie proudly pulls out a shiny blue cannon. "Never underestimate a pony."

"Fair enough. Totally something you hear every day..."

Richard fixes himself up as he approaches the entrance. Outside, he spots Ramona stepping out of her SUV along with a herd of rowdy children flooding out every other door.

"You good there?" Richard asks.

"This the first wave of kids, more are coming, what do you think?" she chuckles exhausted.

"Heh, that's what you get for being sociable, sis. You decided to befriend perpetually tired parents."

"Hush, stinkbrain."

"Hey, uncle Richie!" little Rachel squeaks, hugging Richard excitedly.

"Heyyy, tiny goof, happy birthday! How old are you, twelve? Thirteen?"

"Nine, silly! Is everything set up good?"

"Oh yeah. Everything's definitely under control."

"You sure?"

BOOM!!! a muffled noise shakes the building's doors.

"Positive." Richard smiles.

"What was that?" Rachel asks.

"What was what?"

Ramona brushes past her brother toward the entrance, the loud herd of children following after as a few more vehicles park nearby.

"Wait, slow your roll there, sis-"

The children stare through the open door in awe and fumble to get inside.

Balloon ponies and other animals float about, confetti lightly blows around in the breeze leaking in from outside, Pinkie's cakes were expertly lined up on the cake and MLP style piƱatas hang from the ceiling, giving the while room a burst of imagination.

And the children loved it.

An ecstatic Rachel gratefully hugs her uncle's arm before frolicking and exploring the room along with the other kids.

"Oh my goodness," Ramona gasps, admiring the effort. "This is incredible, bro!"

"Heh, thank you," Richard scoffs, rubbing his neck. "It took alot of work, but I didn't..."

Seeing the happy look on his skipping niece's face cuts him off.

"It was worth the effort." he finishes.

Suddenly, the lights cut off as the other party guests enter the place.

A light shines upon a DJ booth seemingly operated by a balloon animal in the form of Pinkie Pie.

"Come on and SMILE!" her shrill voice exclaims through mega speakers as the dance floor lights up the room and the bass drops down.

"Man, where'd you get a DJ booth, bro?" Ramona asks.

"I have my ways..."

"Where did she get a DJ booth?!" he thinks.

The party goes along swimmingly for Richard with Pinkie sneakily guiding him through it all.

Children fueling their sugar tanks with Pinkie's delicacies, the vicious wrapping paper massacre, party games remain disgusting easy, adults barely tolerating the modern slop music kids replay on a daily basis, the usual things on the shindig checklist.

Soon, it was time for cake.

Red velvet cake.

"Happy Birthday, dear Rachel
Happy Birthday to you!"

Rachel blows out her candles and everyone claps.

"Thank you, everybody!" she giggles. "This party was awesome, uncle Richie made this the bestest party ever!"

The happy girl once again wraps her uncle in a tight embrace before pulling out a small colorful box and booping a chipper MLP sticker on his chest.

"You get a Pinkie Pie badge!"

"Kid has good taste." Pinkie giggles to herself from within a plethora of balloons.

"Means alot to me, little one," Richard grins, ruffling her head. "You deserve only the best. But don't go mad with power with it."

"Hee, no promises!"

"You did good, dude," Ramona nods, poking her brother's arm. "You did good."

The siblings share a warm smirk before Richard goes off to clean up after the hyped up gremlins.

Eventually, one of Ramona's friends approaches him.

"Mmm, what is this and why do my taste buds want to marry it?" she muffles, savoring a treat.

"Um, it's a Pinkie cake." Richard utters. "It takes a special time consuming process."

"This is a wonderful party you cooked up here as well. Do you do baby showers?"

"Oh, hmm..."

"Come oooon," Ramona chimes. "This could be your calling."

"I-I don't know, I...

Pinkie subtly bumps into Richard's leg in a lifeless pose. He gives her a brief glance with a smile before looking back up, determined.

"I-I'd have to check my schedule, but I can.....I can try."