• Published 27th May 2020
  • 351 Views, 3 Comments

The Perfect Partner - HAKDurbin

Tempest and Tenderhoof go to a festival together on a date.

  • ...

Chapter 3

The next day, Tempest was snoring in one of the palace's bed chambers when she felt a nudge on her back. She moaned softly and pulled her blanket to cover her head, but the act only gave her a second before the blanket levitated into the air. Tempest whined as she reluctantly opened her eyes to see Twilight looking at her with a cheerful smile.

"Rise and shine, Tempest," Twilight chirped.

"Ugh. One more hour, Twilight," Tempest begged.

"Oh, don't be such a big baby," Twilight said. "It's a few minutes until ten. The opening ceremony starts in thirty-six minutes."

Tempest groaned in defeat, making Twilight chuckle. Then her eyes snapped open, and she turned to the clock on the nightstand and gasped.

"Is it that close to ten?" She asked, jumping out of bed. "I better get going."

"Going? Going where?" Twilight asked.

"I'm meeting someone," Tempest answered as she burst through the door.

"What?" Twilight asked.

Tempest raced through the halls as fast as she could, eager to be outside at the front of the palace before Trenderhoof. She made it to the gate before she was suddenly lifted a couple of feet into the air. She kicked her hooves as though she were still running until she realized she’s trapped in Twilight's magical control. Twilight caught up with her with a perplexed look on her face.

"Tempest, what is going on?" Twilight asked. "Since when are you meeting with someone?"

Tempest paused for a moment and said, "Since yesterday. I met somepony, and we ended up agreeing to go to the festival together."

"Somepony?" Twilight asked. "But there aren't any other ponies here except for you, me, and -"

Twilight's eyes widened as it came to her. She turned around to look beyond the front gate to find Trenderhoof walking toward them at a distance. The princess turned to Tempest with a smirk that made Tempest blush.

"Well, well, well. Look at you, Tempest," Twilight said.

"It's not like that," Tempest claimed.

"You mean you aren't going to the festival with Trenderhoof as your date?" Twilight asked.

"Uh, well, okay, it is like that, but it's not like I like the guy," Tempest said.

"I don't know. Your cheeks say otherwise," Twilight teased.

Tempest's cheeks turned from pink to red as she looked away to hide her blush in vain. Twilight giggled as she let her friend down and said, "You don't need to be so shy, Tempest. I think it's great that you are going to the festival with somepony. There's nothing wrong with making more friends."

"I think he's after more than friendship," Tempest said.

"And what's wrong with that?" Twilight challenged. "You might grow to like him."

"And what if I don't?" Tempest asked.

"Then you just politely let him down," Twilight said. "Trenderhoof is a grown pony. I'm sure he'll understand. Besides, the important thing is to have fun at the festival, so go out there and have a good time with him."

Tempest hesitated again before accepting that Twilight was right. The princess then gestured Tempest to meet her date, and she took a deep breath before she complied. By the time she was finally outside, Trenderhoof had just made it to the front of the palace.

"Morning, Trend," Tempest said. "I see you arrived just in time."

"But of course. I love being punctual," Trenderhoof replied. "And I see you came in just in time too."

"Uh, yeah, I guess I like being punctual, too," Tempest said.

"Spectacular," Trenderhoof said. "Shall we begin making our way to the dock, my lady?"

"Might as well," Tempest answered.

Thus, the two ponies began walking down the mountain, side by side. Hippogriffs were flying down the mountain above them as they walked, including Queen Novo and Princess Skystar, with Twilight following them. By the time they were at the beach, the dock was crowded with all sorts of creatures. Tempest and Trenderhoof squeezed their way through the crowd until they were at the front of the dock, where Queen Novo, Skystar, and Twilight were flying above the shore. Behind them were a group of seaponies and General Seaspray and his crew on their ship.

"I didn't expect it to be so crowded," Trenderhoof said. "There weren't so many creatures when I got here."

"Well, it's hardly a surprise for me," Tempest said. "A lot of creatures were oppressed by the Storm King. It only makes sense that they would want to partake in the celebration."

"So I see," Trenderhoof said.

Just then, they heard a group of hippogriffs sounding their trumpets, and the crowd instantly became silent. Twilight and Queen Novo looked at each other and nodded before the hippogriff cleared her throat and spoke loud enough for every creature to hear.

"Welcome one and all to the first annual Festival of the Free Creatures," she shouted. "It warms my heart to see so many of you coming together to celebrate our freedom from the Storm King."

The crowd clapped their hands/claws or stomped their feet before the queen continued.

"It is my wish that with this festival, we shall bond in fellowship as we rejoice that we shall never again fall victim to tyranny that covers our lands."

The crowd cheers even louder than before.

"And now, on behalf of all hippogriffs, ponies, storm creatures, and all other free creatures in the world, let the celebration begin!" Queen Nova finished proudly.

With that, the crowd cheers louder than before. Hippogriffs shrieked loudly and flew high in the air with joy. General Seaspray had his sailors fire the cannons on his ship to express their excitement. After the cheers died down, the crowd began to disperse. Some decided to go on a ride on General Seaspray's ship. Others went into the ocean where the seaponies were turning them into sea creatures so that they could go to Seaquestria. The rest went back up the mountain or stayed in the docks to partake in the festivities there. Tempest and Trenderhoof remained in the dock, watching everyone starting to celebrate before the latter turned to his date.

"So, what would you like to do first?" He asked.

Tempest thought about it until she heard her stomach rumble. She felt a blush in her cheeks as she chuckled nervously.

"I guess a little breakfast wouldn't be a bad idea," she answered.

"Then breakfast it shall be," Tenderhoof said.

Thus, the two of them walked back to town, where dozens of creatures were partaking in games and grabbing food at food stands. Trenderhoof looked at the various kind of food with a big grin while Tempest was browsing with a skeptical look.

"Look at all of these choices," Tenderhoof said in excitement. "Egg muffins, croissants, crullers, burritos, even pancakes on a stick. It's amazing."

"Really? These are common in a lot of places," Tempest said. "I would think that Equestria has at least half of the things you listed there."

"They are, but these are from different countries who use different ingredients to make some of these delectables," Trenderhoof said. "Why discovering the kinds of food in various places in Equestria is one of the things I live for."

"Right, because you're a...travel writer, was it?" Tempest asked.

"Correct," Trenderhoof said, placing his hoof on his heart. "I'm flattered that you remembered."

Tempest smirked at the stallion, and said, "In any case, I can't say I share your enthusiasm, Trend. I visit a lot of places outside of Equestria, so it's become normal for me to eat all sorts of different food. Frankly, I'm hoping we can find something that I've never tried before."

"Oh, wow," Trenderhoof said in awe. "Sounds like something we have in common. We're both travelers."

Tempest stopped walking and thought about Trenderhoof's statement before she shrugged and said, "I guess so."

Tenderhoof smiled cheerfully, growing excited over how he found something in common with his date. Tempest rolled her eyes and went back to looking at the food stands until Trenderhoof spoke again.

"So, is traveling something you started doing after the Storm King's defeat?" He asked.

Tempest kept her head away from Trenderhoof, unsure of whether or not to answer before she sighed and said, "No. I've always been traveling ever since I was just a filly. At first, it was to find a way to fix my horn, then it was when I was serving the Storm King, and now I've been going to the places I've conquered to spread the news that he's gone."

"Oh," Trenderhoof said, his voice less cheerful. "That sounds hard to do when you've been the enemy of all of those places."

Tempest turned her head to smile at Trenderhoof, knowing that he was sincere again.

"It was, but it's been worth it just to see every creature become happy that they are free," she said. "The more I see it, the more it feels like I've been undoing my cruel deeds. It's what makes me happy that Queen Novo and Twilight made this festival. I get to see everyone being happy together."

Trenderhoof smiled back and said, "I think I can relate to that. You see, seeing others be happy in some way or another from all the events I go to is one of the things I love about my job. My specialty is using my writing to make the simple, mundane, and unappreciated relate to others so that everypony is happy."

"Then I guess that makes one more thing we have in common," Tempest said.

Trenderhoof's smile grew, and he said, "It certainly does."

The two ponies stared at each other, smiling until Tempest looked passed Trenderhoof and raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Hey, Trend, have you ever had that before?" She asked.

Trenderhoof turned around to see a French toast casserole food stand several feet away from them. The stallion was equally befuddled to see a purple hippogriff happily selling the treat to his customers.

"You know, Tempest, I can't say I've ever heard of French toast casserole," Trenderhoof answered. "Have you?"

"No, I'm as surprised as you are that that's a thing," Tempest said.

Trenderhoof raised his eyebrow and smirked at his date as he said, "Sounds like we found our breakfast if that's what you'd like."

"Yes, please," Tempest said.

The two of them walked to the stand and waited in line for a couple of minutes before they placed their orders. With a cheerful grin, the hippogriff cut two slices of the casserole and put them in oval food baskets. Trenderhoof paid for both him and Tempest before the two of them took their baskets and found a bench to sit on. After the two of them said a word of grace, Trenderhoof levitated his casserole with his horn while Tempest picked hers up with her hoof. The moment they each took a bite, their eyes widened, and they stood in place. Neither of them were prepared for the taste of blueberries mixed with cottage cheese, eggs, and whole-grain bread. Tempest slowly chewed her bite to savor before she swallowed and immediately took a bigger bite of her food. By the time she was done, Trenderhoof only half-finished his slice.

"I take it you enjoyed it?" He asked.

"It's unlike anything I've ever tasted," Tempest answered.

"It sure is delectable. I agree," Trenderhoof answered. "I honestly can't wait to write about it so that ponies all over Equestria will want to try it."

"I bet they will," Tempest said.

Trenderhoof gave Tempest a heartfelt smile, happy that his date encouraged him. The two ponies started staring at each other's eyes again before their moment was interrupted by a hippogriff shouting from the other side of the block.

"Step right up, ladies and gentlemen!" He yelled. "Show us your strength with this here game. Anyone who makes the bell ring gets a prize!"

Tempest and Trenderhoof turned to see the hippogriff standing next to a high striker game. A big red target stood at the front of the tower that was twelve feet tall. Behind the hippogriff was a wall full of stuffed animals. Several creatures lined up to try their luck while Tempest and Trenderhoof watched. A tall hippogriff came in first, punching the target as hard as he could only for the puck at the center of the tower to go up two feet. Next came a storm creature who punched the target hard enough to go up a couple of feet higher. Then a creature who was half bear and half lizard hit the mark even harder, only for the puck to go halfway. One by one, creatures tried to ring the bell, but none made it higher than two-thirds of the way. Tempest watched their efforts with a smirk, which Trenderhoof noticed.

"Why don't you give it a go?" He suggested.

"You read my mind," Tempest said.

The dark orchid mare put her basket on the bench and got in line. She waited until the creature in front of her, that was a mixture of a tiger and a bull, rammed the target with its head, only for the puck to go seven feet. The creature walked away defeated, leaving Tempest to be the only one left to try. Many of the animals chuckled at the pony half their size and chuckled in amusement, but Tempest paid no mind. She cracked her neck, turned around so that her back was facing the target, and kicked it with her hind legs. The puck shot up and hit the bell so hard that the top of the tower broke, sending the bell flying high into the air before landing right in front of Tempest. Everyone stared at the unicorn in shock as she helped herself with taking a stuffed rabbit from the wall and walked back to Trenderhoof, whose mouth was hanging open.

"That. Was. Amazing!" He exclaimed. "How did you do that?"

Tempest chuckled and said, "What? You think a mare who was the commander of a tyrannical king wouldn't have the strength to overpower creatures like those guys?"

Trenderhoof thought about it for a moment and said, "When you say it like that, it's little wonder you pummeled me like you did yesterday."

"Yeah, I won't lie, Trend. If I were still serving the Storm King, what I did to you would only be half of the punishment for sneaking behind me like that," Tempest said.

Trenderhoof chuckled nervously and said, "I'll keep that in mind."

"Good," Tempest said before holding the stuffed bunny up to him. "Anyway, here you go."

Trenderhoof looked at her, confused, and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Isn't this what happens on a date? The one who wins the prize from a game gives it to their date?" Tempest asked. "Or does that only apply to guys?"

Trenderhoof looked at the mare astounded and said, "Er, no. No, it doesn't have to be the guy who does that."

"Well, then take it," Tempest said.

Trenderhoof paused for a moment, still taken aback before he smiled and took the bunny with his magic. He looked at the toy with a fond look, and Tempest smiled, glad that he liked the gift. The two of them were quiet until Trenderhoof cleared his throat and asked, "So, what would you like to do now?"

Tempest scratched her chin in thought and said, "Well, I would like to go to Seaquestria."

"Then Seaquestria it shall be," Trenderhoof said with a bow. "Though, perhaps we should drop off my bunny where I'm staying first? It wouldn't do to get it wet when I just got it."

"Heh. No, I suppose not," Tempest said. "Is the place you're staying far?"

"It's back up the mountain," Trenderhoof replied.

"Then we better get going," Tempest said.

Trenderhoof nodded in agreement, and the two of them started going back to the village. As they climbed up the mountain, Tempest noticed Trenderhoof still looking at the stuffed bunny. She smiled again before she realized what she was doing and shook her head.

"Take it easy, Tempest," she thought to herself. "It's just one date."