• Published 19th May 2020
  • 4,592 Views, 134 Comments

Incarnate - Revel Montaro

High school is over and the next step in life awaits, however magic is still on the loose. Sunset Shimmer struggles to find her place in the world and must find a way to contain the magic or have the portal sealed forever.

  • ...

Chapter 4

The Grand Canterlot Mall was one of two such shopping extravaganzas in the greater metropolitan area. The second being the much smaller Golden Triangle Mall on the northwest side of the city. Though with the changing retail environment and online shopping it was rumored the quaint, little mall was not long for this world. The Grand, on the other hand, was still going strong. Location had aided in its ongoing success, nestled between the business commercial center of downtown Canterlot City and just close enough to the well to do uptown apartment complexes in addition to the numerous surrounding suburbs. The mall was both a recreational retreat and savvy shopper’s preference and while the parking was acceptable, for a mall, the location was pedestrian friendly as well as having easy access to bus stops.

For many teenagers, the mall had served as a hub for social gatherings as well as a place of part-time employment on busy afternoons and weekends. Now that summer had come once again, the Mecca to capitalism was busy no matter the time of day.

Rainbow Dash was the first to the food court and found a table big enough to accommodate all her friends who would be joining her soon. While she stood guard over the chairs, she salivated at the plentiful choices for her afternoon meal. The teriyaki chicken bowls did smell even better than usual and her stomach audibly agreed. Rarity was next of their group of friends to arrive. “Finally! Hold the table, I’m going to the Red Bowl.”

“Oh!” Rarity dug out a ten and handed it to her rainbow haired friend. “Get me a beef with mixed vegetables, please.” Rainbow gave a half hazard salute and weaved through chairs to go stand in line.

Applejack arrived next, having already bought a plate of barbeque chicken wings and fries. While she no longer worked at the mall it was still a treat to join her friends for a group lunch from time to time. “Pinkie texted me and said she was about five minutes out.” Applejack lowered her voice as she leaned closer to Rarity. “She also said she saw Sunset this mornin’.”

Rarity’s face lit up as if someone had injected caffeine directly into her bloodstream. “And you’re just telling me this now? I’ve already had to restrain myself six times from ripping my hair out at trying to find out how Twilight’s date went after you so rudely cut our expedition short.”

Applejack shrugged, putting a chicken bone back on her plate. “I toldya you could wait and look, here we are.”

“I swear, the stress from all of this is going to make me go grey early.” Rarity smiled, making a gesture as if she were adjusting the wide brim of her imaginary hat. “Regardless, I am ready to continue my investigation and put all the pieces of this complex love triangle together. For the good of all involved, I will reach the heart of the matter.”


“I beg your pardon? I am not nosey!”

“Are we talking about cats? I love their cute, little noses.” Applejack and Rarity turned to Fluttershy as she sat down with her large salad and cup of water. Both smiled warmly at their animal loving friend.

“Ohhhhh! What are talking about?” Pinkie sat down as if she had appeared from thin air.

“Rarity wants to ask how Twilight’s date went. Don’t encourage her.” Rarity threw a salt packet at Applejack who didn’t even flinch. The conversation came to a pause as Rainbow Dash returned with food.

Several minutes had passed before Rarity set her plastic fork down and scanned the food court that was steadily gathering shoppers and mall employees alike. “Where is she?”

“She’s going to miss the whole lunch hour and my boss jumps right up my ass if I’m even more than a minute late,” Rainbow grumbled, crossing her arms.

“Pinkie grinned. “Kinky.”

Rainbow Dash was about to retort when she spotted their friend in her uniform that was a cross between something from Microsoft and Tron. “Yo, Twilight!” The bespectacled girl stopped, a thin smile on her face as she gave a hesitant wave. After a short wait in the cold cut sandwich line, Twilight sat and joined her friends.

“Hey, sorry I’m late, we’re short handed at the store today. I had to come in early and it has just been so crazy.” Twilight gave a small laugh and shoved her face into her food. Rainbow quietly sucked down more of her soda, Fluttershy nodded, Pinkie smiled, Applejack arched an eyebrow. Rarity paused and with every fiber of her being politely waited for Twilight to finish chewing.

Pinkie said with a carefree smile, “Well that explains why you weren’t home this morning when Sunset and I stopped by.”

Twilight froze mid bite. “You… you stopped by my house this morning?”

“Yeah! Your mom said you got in super late-early and then turned around and ran out the door without saying two words, which is weird because I’m sure your parents wanted to hear all about your date and to make sure you were okay because they love you so, so, sooooo, very much.” Pinkie paused, tapping her chin. “Also, the mall doesn’t open till nine so your boss must be a real meanie to make you come in before there are even customers.”

Twilight swallowed and gulped down half her soda while trying to find anything else to look at besides her friend’s eyes. She took off her glasses and pulled out a cloth to clean them before returning them to her face, posture composed and smiling politely. “No, my boss is not a meanie. We just have so much to do and try not to disappoint our customers.”

“Are… are you sure you’re okay, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked, touching her friend’s hand. Fluttershy could feel how clammy it felt when Twilight briefly squeezed the offered hand before letting go, but chose not to say anything.

“I’m fine, there is no reason for anyone to worry.”

“And the date?” Rarity asked with a sparkle in her eyes and toothy grin.

“It was fine. We had dinner, then ate some cookies from a vendor while we strolled along the river walk until the stars came out. Afterwards, we went to the small hotel that Timber had reserved for us so we could spend the night together.”

It was all said so matter-of-factly and Twilight nodded then took another bite of her sandwich. Applejack could have sworn she saw smoke coming out her Rarity’s ears as her sapphire blue eyes narrowed and turned as hard as diamonds. “Annnnnnd?”

“And what?” Twilight asked, taking another sip.

Rainbow sighed, groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose, leaning closer to the table. “She wants to know if you two had sex. You know, bumped uglies, rode the wooden pony, that kind of stuff.” Rainbow caught Rarity’s exasperated expression. “What? You’re the one who says all the time we’re freaking adults and this a perfectly normal adult topic, like politics and retirement plans. Our lives are now just some Friday night TV drama crap.”

Rarity was about to scold her brash friend, but nothing that was said was untrue. Except calling her favorite TV dramas crap. That was probably uncalled for. Fluttershy blushed, but did not turn away. Applejack pulled her Stetson down a bit farther and Pinkie just smiled, slowly leaning in closer. Twilight set her sandwich down taking an extra moment to wrap the rest up and clean her hands.


Rarity gasped and grinned, Fluttershy smiled serenely, Rainbow shrugged and sat back down to finish off her bowl, and Applejack simply nodded. Pinkie, however did not cheer, did not smile, or frown, or do anything. She just stared. Twilight finally looked to her right. “Is there something on my face?”

“There’s definitely something NOT on your face,” Pinkie replied in an extremely un-Pinkie Pie like tone.

The exchange brought Rarity’s head back down from the clouds. “Darling, I know we’re in public, but don’t you want to elaborate? You are easily the most well-read out of all of us. Surely you can eloquently comment on how it was everything you imagined it would be and he was a perfect gentleman, catering to your every need and desire. Give me something, I’m dying over here!”

Twilight pushed her chair back and stood, taking her half eat lunch with her. “Timber did everything right and yes, he catered to my needs and desires. I’m sorry, I have to get back to the store.”

“Twilight!” Her friends called out, but she continued to walk away without looking back. The five remaining friends all shared glances between each other. Rarity finally smacked Applejack’s bicep.


“Well?” Rarity demanded. “Was she lying? We all know you can sense a lie the moment it leaves someone’s lips.”

Applejack sighed. “She wasn’t lyin’, but she was also not tellin’ the truth either. Whatever’s goin’ on with that girl it’s as complicated as a quality sailor’s knot.”

“You… you don’t think Timber… Do you think he…” Fluttershy could not bring herself to say what crossed her mind, but they all understood where her fears went.

“She did make him wait a long time for it. I mean, most guys expect the panties to come off after the first few dates if they’ve gone well and they’ve been dating for a year, right?” Rainbow looked around the table. Rarity’s face twisted in disgust, mostly likely at Dash’s lack of dating protocol decorum. “I’m just saying, we’ve all had that fear. Well, except AJ, who doesn’t go on dates.”

“And considerin’ where your mind’s goin’ is it so surprisin’ I don’t date?”

“Girls!” Rarity hissed, taking a moment to compose herself. “We are making wild assumptions and Twilight said he did everything right! That leads one to better assume that Twilight was the problem, not Timber.”

“She didn’t smile.”

Rarity turned to Pinkie. “Pardon?”

Pinkie frowned and the entire world felt a little more grey. “She said yes, but her eyes didn’t smile when she said it.”


Sunset hadn’t felt like eating on the train and instead chose to nap, her fatigue from the night before finally catching up with her. The gentle rocking of the railcar and the light murmur of background noise granted the goldenrod unicorn a calm and dreamless rest for a few hours before the train's steam whistle roused her. When Sunset’s eyes fluttered open, a cup of coffee and a strawberry scone were floating in violet levitation magic nearby.

“I saved you a little something from the snack trolley. Hopefully I didn’t scorch the coffee trying to keep it warm,” said Princess Twilight with a sheepish grin.

Sunset took the offered drink in her own magical aura and carefully risked a sip. It was plain and black and desperately needed cream and sugar, but it was just the right temperature. “It’s fine, Twilight. And thank you for letting me nap. I didn’t sleep well last night.”

“Not sleeping, not eating. Are you sure you graduated and are not secretly preparing for a study binge before a final exam?”

Sunset thought it was supposed to be a joke, maybe. She smiled politely regardless of its intent and moved on. “You know, I’m still a little mad at you.”

“Oh, come on!” Twilight groaned and facehoofed. “I could have sworn I told you he was alive. That was a crazy week and… well overwhelming only begins to describe it.”

“Star Swirl the freaking BEARDED, Twilight. You forgot to mention to me that you not only met one of the greatest unicorn mages in the history of the world, but you forgot multiple times! I’m not his biggest fangirl,” Sunset gestured to Twilight, “but I still totally respect the kind of magic he was able to wield and conjure. He could have helped us with the memory stone incident because he knew Clover the Clever!”

“Well, he wasn’t in the city at the time if I remember correctly. Besides, I came through for you in the end!”

Sunset chuckled, give Twilight a quick hug. “Yes, yes you did. Thank you.”

Twilight moved to the exit as the train pulled to a halt at the platform. The conductor held the other passengers back to allow the princess to exit first. Twilight rolled her eyes, but did not bother to argue. She after all, had to get used to it and the entourage that would soon follow. Speaking of entourage and hangers on…

“Sunset,” Twilight began once they were away from the platform, “do you want to take time to visit Princess Celestia while we’re here? I’m certain we’ll have time and I know she loves getting to see you.”

Sunset was about to comment when the pair were blitzed by camera flashes and reporters fighting to ask Twilight questions. They shielded their eyes and nodded to one another. In two flashes, both alicorn and unicorn disappeared popping back into existence right before the guard gate at the front of the palace grounds. The two guards snapped to attention and quickly moved to block the entryway with stoic expressions and polearms in case anyone had tried to follow the princess too closely.

“Glad we had the same location in mind,” said Twilight.

“Not the first time I’ve been chased by the paparazzi either. Celestia always told me that if I felt like they were invading my personal space to make for the guard house. They would know what to do. Plus, that was more diplomatic than my kneejerk reaction to try and set them on fire.”

Twilight gapped. “You didn’t?!”

Sunset grinned. “Only once.”

“You are horrible sometimes.”

“Love me for who I am.” The mares laughed as they followed the path that would take them to the lecture halls of Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. It was a path they both knew well and could have walked it backwards, blindfolded, while reciting bad poetry. Unlike Twilight, Sunset did not have many fond memories of her time at school and humored her friend while Twilight pointed out certain spots and changes to the campus that had occurred over the years.

Sunset did manage to trip her friend a few times with a well timed comment. “Oh, I see they actually did put a new roof on the potion chemistry lab. They tried to fix it when I blew it up, but it never quite sat right.”

“So that’s why it looked asymmetrical? Ugh. That use to bother me for the longest time when I would look up at it. I just thought it was the architect trying to be clever.”

“If by clever you mean trying to save money by re-piecing a near completely obliterated wooden slat roof back together then sure, clever.” Twilight smiled at her companion, adding an eye roll for good measure.

The two arrived at the lecture hall and found an inconspicuous corner to sit in despite that there were no bad seats for viewing and the acoustics paired with a simple projection spell meant that everyone could see and hear just fine. Much to Sunset’s surprise it was not a full house. Perhaps everypony who wanted to hear the legendary mage speak had already caught an earlier seminar? Sunset was slightly disappointed she did not need to cast a disguise or shield spell just to keep ponies from crowding her or Twilight. More than her disappointment was her surprise that Twilight was not studiously taking notes.

“Heard this all before?”

Twilight shrugged. “It’s all in the general reading. Either he doesn’t cover his restricted works or it’s been so long even he can’t remember what he wrote down.” Sunset settled in for what would likely be a slow hour and a half.


“That’s all the time we have for if there are no pertinent questions.” Star Swirl the Bearded stated and no students raised a hoof. He nodded, retrieving his cloak and infamous chapeau lined with bells from the rack in the corner. Sunset had to agree with Twilight, it hadn’t been a riveting or life changing seminar. Most of the material covered was simply a rehash of laws and principles of magic that Sunset had long ago memorized along with his favorite subjects and strange tangents including one about the cream filling of deep fried sponge cake. If Sunset hadn’t caught that nap on the train she would have fallen asleep in class for sure. The thought made her both nostalgic and embarrassed.

With a nod of approval from Twilight the two mares exited their seats and proceeded to the lecture floor before the legendary unicorn could vanish. The elderly, grey furred unicorn still had a spring in his step and eyes as sharp as surgical blades. He spotted the approaching pair and gave a respectful nod of his head. “Princess Twilight, you know my work backwards and forward and you still honor me with your presence.”

“While the material wasn’t new, I did enjoy your side discussion about the merits of possibly using whipped cream as propellant catalyst. I know my friend Pinkie Pie would approve.” Twilight stepped aside and gestured to Sunset. “But I really came here so that I could personally introduce my good friend, Sunset Shimmer, to the greatest unicorn of the pre-classical age.”

Sunset stepped forward and gave a proper curtsey just like she had been taught long ago by Celestia. Star Swirl returned the honor with his own. “I’ve read many of your works, maybe not all of them, but many. Your accomplishments are unparalleled.”

Star Swirl nodded again and turned as if to leave. “Thank you. Any young mind that can appreciate my words and formulas and is a friend to knowledge is worthy of my utmost respect. Good day.”

Sunset could sense the starting spell formulations for a teleport and slammed down on his magic to interdict the spell matrix. The unicorn stallion blinked twice and turned back to Sunset, his expression less elderly and also less welcoming. Sunset did her best to look admonished, but only just so. “Sorry, I really have some questions for you and Twilight had mentioned you might try to avoid us.”

Twilight’s face was a cross between horror and betrayal. “That didn’t mean I wanted you to clamp down on one of history’s greatest mage’s horn! You could have caused a feedback block and seriously injured him!”

Star Swirl gestured and shrugged off the comment. “While unexpected, it was not so terribly sudden that I couldn’t divert the power build up to just fizzle. Still, not an easy feat to accomplish. You have my attention, Miss Shimmer. Not just any unicorn could penetrate my barrier matrix with brute force alone.”

“I’ve had a lot of specialized training in the past.” Sunset paused before deciding it was better to just be direct. They didn’t have time to play the usual game of jockeying information to see how much was safe to reveal. “We’re both pretty busy so I’m just going to level with you since Twilight probably didn’t mention me to you, since she forgot to mention your return to me until this morning.” Twilight had suddenly found the lecture hall ceiling very interesting. 'Oh yes, look at that, very interesting.'

Star Swirl nodded. “Follow me to the antechamber so that we may continue without the on lookers.” Sunset and Twilight turned to find a few lingering students who had stayed and found the exchange interesting. The three ponies left the lecture hall out the side door to a smaller classroom that barely had enough space for a chalk board and ten chairs. Star Swirl set his hat down and took a moment to throw up a privacy bubble around the room. He gestured for the other unicorn to continue.

“When I say I had specialized training I meant from Princess Celestia herself. I was the Princess’ former personal student before Twilight. Even more so than that, I practically grew up in the castle and used to terrorize the staff and guards as practice with my magic. The long and short of that I was a huge pain in the rump and a powerful one at that. But then, ten years ago Princess Celestia showed me one of your magic mirrors and I saw something in it and it changed my life forever.”

Star Swirl’s expression changed several times in a matter of seconds. It was fortunate that his eyes were so expressive given that his beard hid much of his muzzle. “Celestia showed you one of my mirrors? May I ask why?”

“Even to this day I don’t know for certain why she showed it to me. I never got a straight answer. Regardless, I became obsessed with the mirror and eventually Celestia and I had a fight over it. It resulted in my sneaking into the dark magic and forbidden section, my dismissal and,” Sunset sighed, “and with me jumping through the mirror.”

Star Swirl sat down and stroked his beard. “Well now. This just got more interesting. I asked Celestial about the Multium Mirror once all the business with the Pony of Shadows had been settled. She said it had been destroyed.”

Sunset looked to Twilight whose face twisted in contemplation before eyes lighting up. “Oh, you must mean that prototype mirror where we met an evil, alternate Celestia. Yeah, that got weird fast. We almost lost the princess when the realities started to merge.” Sunset’s jaw was hanging open and Twilight gently closed it for her and smiled sheepishly. “I forgot to tell you about that adventure too, didn’t I?”

Sunset sighed and rolled her eyes. “It’s like I live in a different universe or something.”

“But you do!” The two mares shared a small laugh before a polite cough brought them back to task. “Right, yes. That mirror was destroyed. But the one where Sunset ran through is different, has a pony at the top and a moon.”

“Ah!” Star Swirl nodded. “The Lunar Lock Mirror. Yes, that one was much safer. Because it was locked to a specific time dilation its magic coalescence was minimal even locked to only a single dimension. I would love to read your notes and papers on what you experienced on the other side. Surviving for thirty moons amongst aliens and still able to return unharmed. What an adventure indeed!”

Sunset nodded. Scientifically speaking, her time on Earth probably would be academically very intriguing to any Equestrian researcher... but that was a conversation for another day. “I would gladly get into the details with you about it, but the reason we came today is we need your help to save Earth... the place on the other side of the mirror that is. Equestrian magic is beginning to bleed through at an increasing rate and I fear for my friends on the other side.”

“Impossible,” Star Swirl dismissed with the wave of a hoof. “Well, improbable. Even if that were the case once the mirror closes again any residual power spillage would simply dissipate into harmless celestial energy. That realm has almost no magic. In fact, I use to dump really dangerous artifacts and creatures there simply for that reason.”

Twilight and Sunset both stared flatly at the stallion. “We know,” they said in unison.

“Then problem solved! When can I expect to see your notes?”

“I don’t have time to write notes on living there, I’m too busy, you know, living there!”

“But if you go back you’ll be trapped again. A unicorn with no magic… that would be a fate almost as excruciating as being locked in Tartarus after the guards sawed your horn off.”

Sunset shuddered and scowled, memories flooding over her that she had to fight hard to suppress. “Trust me, I know.” She let out a breath and composed herself. “It’s my home, or at least my primary home if I can save it. I like it there, my stuff, my friends. People I care for. If I can’t get the loose magic under control it could ruin their lives and possibly endanger the Earth to a catastrophic disaster.”

“Then we destroy the mirror. Pesky things now seem like they were more trouble than what they were worth.”

“WHAT?!” Sunset screamed. “NO! I said control not close forever! I mean… Yes, I love it there, but! Grrrr! It’s complicated!”

“Plus, Princess Celestia would be heartbroken if you were lost there forever.” Sunset smiled at Twilight’s comment, but it was just one more burden to bear if this plan failed.

“Alright, I’m clearly missing some of the story. Please, tell me how the magic became so unstable, every detail. Even the smallest pebble can create an avalanche under the right circumstances.” Sunset gulped. She was afraid it would come to this. Twilight wrapped a wing over her and pulled Sunset close. At least she didn’t have to lay all her failures and crimes before this legendary unicorn mage alone.

After nearly an hour, Sunset and Twilight wrapped up the various adventures and tales of stolen crowns, singing sirens, power mad doppelgangers, and loose forgotten artifacts. After a pause for a water break Sunset let out a soft chuckle, reminding herself once again she should be writing these things down to sell for the movie rights. The amusement was lost however when Star Swirl finished pacing and looked at both mares with another one of those expressions that changed multiple times in a matter of seconds.

“You… How are you two not dead? How have you two not destroyed the universe as we know it?!”

“Um…” Twilight stalled.

“Yeah… It’s not like… You know what, I’m just going to be honest and say dumb luck.”

Star Swirl narrowed his eyes, his pacing coming to a stop before Sunset. “Perhaps. If I may, Miss Shimmer, may I perform a scan on you?”

Sunset arched an eyebrow quizzically. “Uh, sure. I mean I’ve had full scans done before, but I don’t feel sick or anything if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“No, this is a different kind of scan. It goes… deeper.” Star Swirl took a breath, his horn beginning to glow. “You may feel a tingling sensation, but it will pass.”

“What do you-“ Sunset did not get a chance to finish her sentence as the scan passed over and through her. Medical scans usually left the patient with a slight tingling sensation that was similar to goosebumps. Star Swirl’s scan felt like someone was poking her with thumbtacks over her entire body. Sunset squeezed her eyes shut and tried to squirm, but found her entire body paralyzed. The discomfort did not go unnoticed by Princess Twilight.

“What are you doing to her?”

The scan concluded and Sunset jumped around the small room trying to get the invasive sensation to go away. “What the hell was that?!”

Star Swirl staggered back, his eyes as wide as saucers and unfocused as he gazed at information that only he could see. His mouth hung open and Twilight was suddenly afraid the elderly unicorn was about to have an aneurism. The princess was about to reach out to him when he breathlessly whispered, “Sweet mother of all creation…” His eyes regained their focus and they locked on Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset had seen that look in the eyes of many before, ponies and human students alike. It had only lasted for a second or two, but it had been all too familiar. She was intimately acquainted with the expression of mind numbing fear in someone’s eyes. After all, she was the one who most often had been instilling it.

“Star Swirl?”

He ignored the princess. “I have to go.”

“What kind of scan was that? What did you see?” Sunset demanded.

“A special scan spell that only I and perhaps the two sisters know. I never wrote it down. If done improperly it can leave the caster’s brain leaking out their ears and the volunteer in convulsions. It scans not only your body, but your life energy. Done properly I should have been able to see your ancestral tree dating back a dozen generations.”

Sunset gasped, falling to her knees as tears began to form in her eyes. “You… you mean, you know who my parents were? My grandparents? Please, I apologize for every prod and quip I have ever made about you. Please, tell me what you learned, if nothing else, please tell me if you know their names. I never knew them and I could pull records when there’s time and work backwards from there.”

Star Swirl sighed. “I’m sorry, but I believe I made a mistake,” he put on a smile. “I haven’t cast that spell in forever, I’m just lucky my brain didn’t melt. I apologize again for your discomfort. I have a very important meeting to attend to. Please, take this card, it will grant you access to the restricted section of the Star Swirl wing of the library where copies of all my research on mirrors now resides. We will reconvene at first light to discuss our options on how to correct the flow of magic to the other world.”

“But, no, wait!” Star Swirl vanished a moment later. Sunset got back to her hooves and kicked a helpless chair across the room. “Grahh! He’s hiding something!”

“Not to mention, as a princess I already have unrestricted access to all the Star Swirl wing.” Twilight paused to contemplate. “Well, I’m never one to say no to research.”

“And the fact that he’s hiding something?”

“Let’s check in with Raven later to see when Princess Celestia is available. I’d be willing to bet we can get this all straightened out over dinner. But first, to the library!” Sunset smile returned at Twilight’s enthusiasm though it did little to dispel the unease that now sat in the pit of her stomach.


Canterlot Castle had variously levels of protections from the obvious, such as gates and legions of guards to the subtle, such as wards, spells, and magical trap alarms. Few unicorns were capable of properly performing a teleportation spell so there were only interdiction wards against such spells in the most secure of locations. Even still, a unicorn with sufficient enough power, experience, and imagination could find ways to get around the castle and grounds quickly.

Star Swirl appeared in the throne room where Princess Celestia was just wrapping up what was supposed to be the last public grievance of the day. The unicorn mage appeared in a flash, setting the waiting Solar Guards on edge. He ignored them and marched pass the silence struck ponies who had been arguing about an inheritance property dispute that local magistrates had been unable to resolve. Celestia was about to comment on the sudden appearance of her old friend and mentor when he shocked them all by climbing right up to the princess and wrapped his forehoof over her shoulders.

“Solve it yourselves, court is adjourned!” In a flash, Star Swirl teleported himself and the solar princess out of the throne room. They appeared a second later in the center of the maze garden.

“Star Swirl!” Celestia was caught between irritated and surprised confusion. “That was highly inappropriate even for you. Explain yourself.”

The elder mage narrowed his eyes at Celestia. “Certainly. After you explain to me why I just ran into the Ignis Ferrum Incarnate?” Celestia gasped. If she had not already been pure white all the color would have drained from her face.

Author's Note:

I'm not sure if people will like how I portrayed Star Swirl in this, but he has his reasons. And no, the mirrors did not have names, but I think since he invented them he would have called them something more than just, "the mirror." Creative liberties and all that.