• Published 14th May 2020
  • 1,508 Views, 14 Comments

Total Eclipse - TCC56

Who could love a creature as evil as Nightmare Moon? Somepony who loves darkness just as much.

  • ...

Of The Heart

"I admit, that was certainly creative of them." Nightmare Moon smoothly crossed the scarred onyx floor of her throne room, hooves gliding across the stone with subtle grace as she stepped around the fallen forms of the latest failed uprising. Her cat-slit eyes focused on her remaining guest, glittering with interest and watching his actions. Gauging his movements.

They were remarkably bland - perhaps unsurprising for an alicorn made entirely of shadows - as was his dismissive response. "Creative, yes. An apt word."

Closing the distance, she pressed the subject more. "Using lost artifacts to pull ancient heroes out of Limbo and into the current timeline to try and defeat me. I can admit that I hadn't predicted it." She chuckled - darkly, lowly. "But I suppose they should have done better research, shouldn't they?"

The Pony of Shadows cracked a predatory smile at that. "They should have. Their loss." He punctuated the statement by bringing his hoof down on the shovel's shaft, breaking it like its wielder had been a few minutes before.

"All of their losses," Nightmare Moon confirmed with a similar smile. "My gain, as well. Not only are those heroes gone, but so are a number of irritants who have been troubling my reign."

"Thorns in your side?," offered the Shadow, voice dripping from his smirk.

The Nightmare snorted. "Nettles at best." Her hoof reached out, nudging aside the unmoving pegasus who had previously been one of her guards.

Both paced - shadow stallion and moon mare each slowly walking in a circle. They kept a firm distance from each other, orbiting the invisible point between them in the dark throne room that had been the focus of the rebel's summoning spell. Neither drawing closer or letting the other do so as they watched one another with cagey curiosity.

"The question we come to now is - what do I do about you." Nightmare Moon considered the situation aloud - not directly asking the Pony, but simply tossing the question into the air. "Your efforts have helped to secure my rule by crushing those... nettles. But you are also a threat! I cannot deny that you're powerful, nor that you have obvious ambition. I suppose the question is what those ambitions are."

Lowly chuckling, the Pony of Shadows gave a slight nod of his head. "I should thank you for the compliment. Coming from one as mighty as you, being called powerful is.. mmm. Flattering. And I think you shall find my wants simple."

"The destruction of your enemies?," she questioned.

"It was you who broke Starswirl," he pointed out. "Alone I would have had difficulty taking the Pillars. With your aid, they barely stood a chance."

Nightmare Moon smiled, razor-sharp teeth gleaming in the moonlit torches. "And my nettles would have slipped free in the meanwhile if you had not caught them fast."

"True. True." The pair continued their orbiting pacing, and he continued speaking. "But the destruction of my enemies interests me no longer - I have none left to destroy." Both of their gazes flickered for a moment to the still forms of heroes and rebels scattered amongst the similarly fallen Night Guards all around them.

She snorted. "There will always be new threats that rise. It's the nature of the small-minded who fear my night. But you haven't answered my question, Shadow."

A thin smile played across his features. "What do I want? Darkness."

Nightmare Moon stopped in her tracks.

"Darkness," the Pony of Shadows elaborated, "In all things. To extinguish light from this miserable world. To let it feel as I did when they betrayed me."

The orbit broke - Nightmare Moon crossed the circle with a slow sway of her hips. "Oh really. Before, you had my attention. Now," she purred, "You have my interest."

The Pony of Shadows startled. The shadowy pools that composed his eyes widened. "I... I do?"

She closed the distance leisurely, eyes locked on his. "Mmm. You see, I also know what it's like to be betrayed. And I am one who appreciates.." Nightmare Moon brought her lips to his ear. "Darkness."

He shivered, cheeks darkening.

And she laughed with amusement. "I shall have my new seneschal bring us something to eat. And then perhaps we can exchange tales - you shall tell me of what Starswirl did to you..."

"And you shall tell me of what your betrayer did to you," the Pony of Shadows completed. "Yes. This could be..." He chuckled at the irony. "Enlightening."

The Pony of Shadows, it turned out, was more than happy to relate how Starswirl and the Pillars of Equestria had betrayed him. Or his host, at least - the line between the Shadow and the unicorn was blurred, even in his own statements. From his perspective, they had betrayed him only hours ago before locking themselves away in timeless Limbo. A thousand years passing in the blink of an eye meant that the wounds wrought by Starswirl were still raw and bloody.

Nightmare Moon sipped her coffee sedately as the Pony verbally bled all over the balcony dinette they shared.

"And now... it is finished." The Pony breathed out a long sigh. "This path was not the one I once sought - but it is what they earned." His voice dropped to a growl at the end, the last word rumbling up from his throat.

"Reaped and sown," Nightmare Moon pronounced airly. "Your tale is one curiously familiar to me. That fate would carve two paths out so similar makes me wonder." She set her coffee on the table between them - intimately small, set on the balcony overlooking the western statue garden - and took up her side of things. "My sister Celestia--"

The Pony of Shadows stiffened. "Celestia? Wait. Then you're.. Princess Luna?"

Dark stone cracked under the Nightmare's crashing hoof. The abrupt stomp was enough to make the Pony flinch. Rage swept over Nightmare Moon's face - then she pulled it back with a slow breath. "Apologies. As you were sealed in Limbo before my sister's betrayal, I shall excuse your error. But understand this - never speak that name again. I am Nightmare Moon, and will brook no association with the weak foal I once was."

His jaw tightened - at least, as much as flowing shadow could tense. "I... understand. Separating yourself from what you once were - another thing we share."

"One of many." Relaxing into her seat once more, Nightmare Moon summarized her tale. "We were meant to rule together, my sister and I. But she grew greedy and egotistical - the praise of her subjects meant more to her than petty issues like just rule or blood ties. I was weak for too long, allowing her to wallow in the slop of her own ego. That is why I became the Nightmare, for only in this form did I have the strength to stand against her."

"Stand," she admitted, "But not win." Nightmare Moon frowned sharply at the distant memory. "Perhaps you shall find it familiar - the cost of losing was a thousand years of imprisonment. Her mercy was the moon rather than Limbo." A sharp smile came to the Nightmare's lips. "Then I returned and imprisoned her within the sun."

Thoughtfully, the Pony of Shadows scratched his chin. "Betrayed by those closest to you. Became an ally of the Darkness. Fought and lost. Imprisoned for a thousand years, then returning to victory." He considered for a moment more. "Yes. I do see why you found my story familiar. But familiar does not mean friendship."

Nightmare Moon scoffed. "No. It does not." She rose, moving from the table to the edge of the balcony. "I rule now - Equestria is my kingdom, and I shall not share it. That lesson was learned long ago." Looking down on the moonlit garden - on the statue of the chaos god sealed long ago - the Nightmare continued. "But you are strong, my shadowy Pony. You have had your revenge just as I did - and I offer you the bounty, just as I took mine." She turned, star-filled mane blending into the starry sky. "I have use of your strength. I shall make you my general, my vizier. The first among my subjects. We both serve darkness, and you will serve me. Do so, and I will see you lavishly rewarded."

The Pony of Shadows reached out, picking up the coffee that Nightmare Moon had discarded before. Looking into it - finding it prepared unsurprisingly black - he casually lobbed a question in return. "And you do not fear I will betray you? Rise up to snuff out the last light of your moon in favor of true Darkness?"

The corners of her lips twitched upwards. "On the contrary - I expect it. But if the question is if you will betray me now or in several years, I choose to have access to your power for a time rather than destroy you outright." And then the hint of a smile turned into a broader, sharper grin. "And I am used to traitors, as the mess being cleaned out of my throne room demonstrates."

A moment of consideration - then the Shadows nodded with a sly smile. "A wise position, my Queen."

One would not expect a pony as large as the Shadow to move so silently - but being composed of shadow itself made for light hoofsteps. Nightmare Moon knew he was coming as she had summoned him, but it was still slightly unreal to watch him walk across the newly repaired throne room in near silence.

In the six months since the defeat of the ancient heroes and the rebels alongside the Pony of Shadows, Nightmare Moon had found him to be quite the effective partner. As a general, he had crushed two more uprisings; as an advisor, his ideas were simple and remorseless. Frequently useless because of his aversion to all things hope and light, but at least they were straight-forward and balanced well against the more lax thoughts of her other advisors.

Turning to face him, the Nightmare waited in the middle of the hall as he drew close. "My shadowy pony. So glad you could join me."

The Pony of Shadows snorted, nose billowing from the mockery of breath. "It was an order."

"It was a request," she countered smarmily. "But no matter - you are here. And now I can show you why."

Her horn lit, directing a tiny charge of magic into the window they were beside. The metal sprues between the colored sections of crystal lit up with pale magic, making the design of the stained glass window spring to visibility without the sun's rays.

On it was a stylized image of the Pony of Shadows, rearing tall with wings wide - and towering over the fallen shapes of the Pillars of Equestria that he had defeated. Below them lay the smaller, vaguer forms of the rebels who had summoned the Pillars; and above and behind the Pony was Nightmare Moon's own image, sitting on her throne and looking down on the victory.

Nightmare Moon motioned with a wing to the artist's work. "When my sister held this castle, she filled this hall with windows such as this. Each portrayed a critical moment in Equestria's history and paid homage to the heroes that made it so. I felt it appropriate to give you the first window after the one showing my victory over her."

The Pony of Shadows grimaced. "So you honor me by framing me in light. Are you certain you are no changeling?"

Merry laughter rang out in response, and she shook her head. "Oh, you amuse me so. And this is why I like you, Shadow. We share common ground that lets us share common speech - none of the others of my inner circle would dare make such a comment."

"They fear you," the Shadow pointed out. "I do not. I respect your power, but it does not intimidate me."

The Nightmare laughed again. "So you say. Come - walk with me."

Together they turned, slowly heading down the hall towards the audience chamber for court. "You have been quick to learn of the new era, Shadow. A thousand years is a long time to be absent, but you have adapted."

"I have you to thank for that," he replied. "From what I understand, you have molded it more to your sensibilities after deposing your sister - sensibilities from an era close to my own."

Nodding, Nightmare Moon smiled. "Quite. The ponies of this time are learning to meet us halfway - just saying the word 'Queen' is difficult for their tongues. But I still take pride that you have done so well. My own transition was... rocky."

The Shadow cracked a dark grin in return. "The books you suggested to me have been invaluable. I am not so prideful a fool to turn away from a path that has already been trod when it is so similar to my own."

"Wiser words than the rest of my council." The Nightmare considered as they passed by a row of windows that remained empty - their old glass broken and the history Celestia put in them erased. "The question then is where you go from that path, my Shadow."

He considered, pondering his words before letting them fly. "I shall remain loyal to the Darkness - and to you, for now." The Shadow caught her raised, curious eyebrow. "We both know that betrayal is inevitable - you said so yourself. We both serve the Darkness, but you care too much for the light of your moon. One day, we shall have to clash. But not today, I think. I am too useful to you - and in turn, I respect your strength. If I were to strike against you, my victory is not assured. So - we have a balance."

Nightmare Moon laughed again, bitter as coffee. "A detente? You tell me to my face that you intend to betray me and you expect me to abide it as status quo?"

"We both know betrayal," he noted. "And we both have survived it. You may know I will strike you down, Nightmare, but you also know I will not move until I am certain of victory. Is that not greater assurance than any of the rest of your council?"

A moment. A pause. Then a nod. "True. I suppose I should be grateful for the honesty." Nightmare Moon resumed their walk, striding slightly ahead of him down the plush violet carpet. "I could likely use more of it in my life." For a moment - just a moment - the Queen of all Equestria, the Moon Incarnate sighed and let herself deflate. For just a moment her head bowed and she showed the Shadow another face: that of a young mare alone in a world she still barely knew. Then her walls returned, as did the weights on her withers. "I will not make this an order, Shadow, so do not mistake me again. But I would like for you to attend me later - perhaps we can speak of things other than thrones and darkness. Tales of old times that we have both long left behind, or of dreams that I see in my moonlit walks. All I ask is that you bring your ear and your honesty."

The Pony of Shadows said nothing for a half-dozen paces - long enough for Nightmare Moon to become uneasy. Just as she took a breath to countermand her request, he spoke. "I shall bring my honesty, my Queen. But in return I expect you to bring a bottle of your finest spirits. My ear is granted free, but my tongue will require wetting."

Ahead, the doors to Night Court stood tall and ominous, darkly bearing Nightmare Moon's sigils. On the other side waited Equestria's nobility and a bevvy of petitioners for the evening. She would have to be Queen there. On this side, however? The Nightmare smiled a filly's smile. "That can be arranged, my Shadow."

The doors of Nightmare Moon's throne room opened with the fanfare of trumpets - and her greatest general strode down the deep purple carpet. Before the throne, the Pony of Shadows dropped to a knee, bowing. "My Queen. I bring you a present from the front."

The two soldiers behind him came forward, presenting an ornate chest to Nightmare Moon. She pried it open with her magic - and from the velvet-lined interior, raised up her prize: the broken horn of Sombra, so-called King of the North. Holding it high for all in the court to see, she launched into her speech. "And so the war is ended. Let the world witness that no power is greater than Equestria's! And that this is the fate that awaits those who dare challenge us." Cyan magic surged around the horn - and burst into flame, disintegrating. "Have messengers take this news and my warning to every corner of the world. The rest of you may go and begin preparations for the victory celebration - save one. My general? To my side."

Nightmare Moon waited until the Pony of Shadows stepped up beside her on the dias - and then both vanished in a flash of blue energy.

A thousandth of a heartbeat later, they reappeared in the Queen's salon - while he took a moment to regain his bearings, she sashayed away to lounge on a convenient fainting couch. Stretching out across the violet velvet, Nightmare Moon watched as her right hoof pony poured out two glasses of wine.

"Before you ask - yes, it was as easy as you expected." The Pony of Shadows snorted. "Sombra thought he could use the Darkness against us. When that failed, all he could fall back on was his pitiful slave army. It took longer to locate where he'd hidden himself than it took to conquer his lands."

One of the glasses transferred from his black aura to her cyan one, and she brought it to her lips for a sip. "You still did well, Shadow. None of my lesser generals thought that army so pitiful."

With a deep laugh, the Pony of Shadows raised his own glass for a sampling. "I serve the Darkness. An army enthralled by dark magic, without light or hope? Sombra's tools were merely fuel for me."

"I suppose," the Nightmare mused, "I should now consider how to reward you for such a ruthless victory in my name. Gold? A villa overlooking the sea? Ten minutes alone in a room with no consequences and that pegasus general who was foolish enough to vocally doubt you?"

Another sip - and the Shadows dropped his bomb. "I want Sombra's slave army."

That got an eyebrow-raise from Nightmare Moon. "An army nearly the size of Equestria's, mindlessly loyal to you. And I expect your calling them fuel was more literal than fanciful?" He nodded. "Hm. So this is the time of your betrayal, then?"

"If you choose to see it that way." The Pony of Shadows didn't commit - but his tone said yes where his words did not.

She sipped the wine again - a vintage he had brought as spoils from subjugating Griffonstone. "I admire your patience, Shadow. Almost five years of serving me faithfully before making your move. And being bold enough to ask me personally to give you the tools of your treachery? No other would even consider such brazen action."

"Five years," noted the Shadow, "And in that time I have served you without failing. I have crushed those who would rebel against your rule, subjugated those who would not bend knee and all while tolerating the light of your moon." He drank deeply of the wine - and tossed the glass into the fireplace. "I have been rewarded well, but not as well as you have been. Give me this army and we will continue our status quo. Refuse and I have little choice but to strike - if it is put off any longer, your power may grow too great even for I."

His magic flared, wings extending out to prepare for battle. The Pony of Shadows readied himself, swirling form brimming with power. While he would have preferred to have the slave army under his control first, it was not to be. Instead they would settle this here; now; forever.

Nightmare Moon didn't rise from her lounge. The only thing her magic did was lift her glass again for another simple, languid sip of wine. "I," she stated, "Have a counter-offer for you."

He held his place, waiting.

"You demand that I give you the tools for your betrayal by threatening me with betrayal - but I'm no foal. I know giving you Sombra's army would break the status quo rather than preserve it." Nightmare Moon set her wineglass aside, levitating it back to the table it came from. "Do not think I haven't noticed the moves you make, Shadow. I know that all my generals are loyal to me - but most of their seconds are loyal to you. And the rebels in the south are pursued by the least capable choice - I have no idea where you found General Breeze, by the way." She laughed.

He didn't.

Finally, Nightmare Moon rose from the couch, slowly unfolding with a visible lack of haste. "While I have no doubt I would be victorious if we battled now, a civil war among my subjects and the loss of my greatest tool would gravely harm Equestria. So - I make you an offer, Shadow." She took three slow steps forward, closing the distance between them. The Shadow's spread wings loomed large, hanging over the Nightmare like a hawk over a hare. "Wed me."

The Pony of Shadows' wings snapped back with enough force to tear the curtains off the windows behind him. "What."

"A political marriage, of course." Nightmare moved into the space on the Shadow's left that his wing had vacated. Into and past - she casually lifted the fallen curtains in her magic. After a moment of trying to re-hang them, she set them in a neater pile off to the side. She left him hanging, though.

It took nearly a minute for the Pony of Shadows to realize she was doing that. "A marriage. You would make me King? Five years ago you swore you would never share your throne--"

"And I shall not." The Nightmare's words slashed through his, cutting them at the root. "Do not fool yourself, Shadow, I am not proposing an equal partnership. The throne is mine alone - but I have called you the first among my ponies before. This would speak it to the world. Not merely a general or an advisor, but second only to I. All of Equestria's lands, resources and ponies yours to command, so long as I do not say otherwise. None would question you. And..." She turned her head, throwing a smoldering look at her general. "You would have command of that army you want, as well."

Thoughtfully, the Shadow scratched his chin. "Though it would also be yours. Still, it would ensure a balance between us." Another moment of consideration, and then he nodded. "I accept."

Nightmare Moon drew up before her king-to-be, cat-slit eyes gazing deeply into the shadowy pools of his. "And so it shall be."

The peal of trumpets echoed off the luxuriant walls of the grand ballroom as the major domo stepped up. "It is my greatest honor and pleasure to announce to the assembled Lords and Ladies - Her Majesty Nightmare Moon, Queen of Equestria, and His Royal Highness the Pony of Shadows, King of the Crystal Empire."

Cheers and stomps erupted from the gathered plethora of nobles - hundreds who had come to witness the royal wedding. Down the stairs came both bride and groom, basking in the raw adoration of the crowd.

Nightmare Moon had eschewed her usual dark colors for a more traditional dress - an elaborate mass of cream-colored lace, studded with crescent moon-shaped sapphires at the hems.

The Pony of Shadows wore... rather less, largely owing mostly to his body being more shadow than substance. But he had still managed a gleaming peytral of silver and amethyst for the occasion.

Descending side by side, both held their wings out wide with the tips touching between them. The throng parted ways, allowing both out to the center of the room - to the onyx-inlaid dance floor. The orchestra held the music and the nobility held their breath as bride and groom came to the center and turned to one another. A single clear violin chord rang out, and they each brought up their other wing - the tips of their flight feathers dictating the distance between them.

Then the music surged up properly, the pair closed the last step's worth of distance and they began their waltz. The Queen led - unsurprisingly - as they took their first dance.

Halfway through the first movement, she whispered to him through her smile. "You seem a little unsteady. Has my Shadow taken ill?"

"Hardly," he quietly scoffed in spite of the paleness of his shadowy form. "This place merely has far more hope and joy in it than I like."

Nightmare Moon scoffed back. "A grand royal wedding immediately after the kingdom finds victory in a war? I can hardly imagine why my subjects would feel hope."

The two separated a pace, bowing slightly to one another before coming back together with the music's upswing.

"You should enjoy it," she advised. "Not everything has to be about the Darkness."

A snort lept from his snout as they twirled. "We serve the Darkness, Nightmare. You know that."

She clicked her tongue. "Ah ah. That has always been one of your weaknesses, Shadow. When betrayed, you chose to serve the Darkness; I chose to make it serve me. That, my dear, is the difference between us."

"That is why I would win if we did battle," countered the Shadow.

And Nightmare Moon laughed.

A shadowy eyebrow raised, and she pulled her trump card in response. "While I was banished, my sister took my place to raise and lower the moon. As she is now gone, what do you think that means?"

It took only a moment before understanding flashed over the Shadow's face - and his spine stiffened fearfully. "You could raise the sun at any time."

"And burn you away like so much morning mist," the Nightmare cheerfully confirmed. "But you will notice I have not."

"You need my strength," the Shadow surmised.

They parted again, this time rocking away and then towards each other. On the forward movement, they came alongside one another from opposite directions, each spreading a wing over the other's back. They turned like that, rotating around each other closely, head to flank. It dimly reminded the Shadow of their first moments together, pacing warily in the ruins of the throne room.

Nightmare Moon shook her head just slightly. "Your strength is useful, but that is not why. I am truly fond of you, Shadow. We both come from similar places in our lives and have overcome loss to become much greater. You are the only one I can speak to without pretense - you understand. And I know you feel much the same about me. If you did not, would you really have spoken to my face about our status quo? Would you have been so honest with me, rather than hissing pleasant lies?"

The pair reversed - switching directions and changing which wing was over the other's back. A mirror image of their swirling dance from a moment before. "And yes, your strength. But just as much I am fond of the egghead of a unicorn under the shadows, who blushed when I first spoke into his ear. We are wed for politics, my Shadow, but ponies such as us? We are greater than pitiful forces like politics or darkness."

Then - as the orchestra played the final note of the song, she turned when he did not - and before the gathered nobles and gentry of Equestria, Nightmare Moon kissed the Pony of Shadows.

All around them, the crowd cheered. They were too far away to notice the smallest of details - the way the shadows rippled and for just a moment? Nightmare Moon could see the pale grey face of a scrawny unicorn, cheeks hot and blushing.

"What... what is this feeling?" The Pony of Shadows recomposed himself, drawing his bride into a winged embrace. "I don't understand."

"That," the Nightmare smarmily noted, "Is the hope you so scorn." She pulled away from him to move to the table set for them at the head of the room. But before taking a step, she turned her head back to him for a moment. "If you are so confused by it, perhaps you should investigate. A general who knows not his enemy cannot hope to defeat it."

As she walked away from him, her star-lit tail swished across the Pony of Shadow's face. He blinked. And he smiled before following to join his Queen.

Author's Note:

This story was a bit of a challenge - largely because Nightmare Moon and the Pony of Shadows have such similar character voices. Making them sound distinct from each other was a bit rough.

Still, it really lept out at me that the two had the potential for real chemistry: their extremely similar stories at the very least suggested they could bond over common ground.

Comments ( 14 )

Wow, that was dark. In more ways than one, I might add.

Overall, I really enjoyed this. Nicely done!
(I especially got a kick out of the implication that Zephyr Breeze of all ponies is a general in Nightmare Moon/The Pony of Shadows' army. Comedy gold, that right there.)

Interesting... Interesting. A pairing that not many think of but is so compelling when grasped. You did a good job in the characterization. I would welcome seeing more from this.

I actually considered adding the Dark tag just to make that joke. (And was talked out of it, likely for the better.)

Nice exploration of two very underused, yet potentially interesting villains, and how they would react to each other.

However, it was surprising though for Nightmare Moon to be the one in charge of the two given that in the IDW comics it's kinda the opposite, with the Pony of Shadows (in an alternate universe mind you) finding Nightmare Moon to be too weak and emotional to be of use to him and had her killed out of disappointment.


Which comic is this?

Nightmare Knights...which is kind of a sequel to Legends of Magic Annual 2018.


Kind of how? Do I need to read the Annual thing to understand the context or can I go right to Knights?

I read Nightmare Knights before Legends of Magic Annual, which made me a bit confused over the opening scene as well as the backstory of the plot...yet Nightmare Knights is still quite different in both tone and story, so I guess it can stand on its own.


Cool. I now have some reading material. Cheers!

An amusingly nefarious relationship. This was fun read.


I have no idea where you found General Breeze, by the way." She laughed.

Really hoping this is an evil Breezie General

Really neat and interesting, if a bit repetitive. A very different but really obvious when you think about it ship and you handled it amazingly. Kinda sad it ended at the wedding, was hopping to see some super shadow moon children.
Nice job


I presume the 'General' is Zephyr Breeze, Fluttershy's brother.

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