• Published 11th May 2020
  • 6,812 Views, 114 Comments

A little big secret - Centurion Pike-Wall

Rarity has entered into the world of the Canterlot Aristocracy, a world so different from her humble upbringing in Ponyville. So, imagine her surprise when she finds one of her friends already there.

  • ...

... Let me explain

Rarity squinted over the dress under her sewing machine, careful to move it in just the right way. She mumbled to herself, careful to keep the dress moving correctly. Her eyes felt heavy, falling over her eyes like shutters. Her eyes suddenly shot open, before sighing. She flipped off the machine, before taking the dress off and examining it. It was mostly done, and she decided that she could finish it later.

She slid the dress onto a hook, before sleepily trotting over to a chair by the stairs. She sat down, sighing and looking up at a clock over on the opposite wall. Ten Forty-five. Another fifteen minutes to when Rainbows... Help, would be arriving.

She still could barely wrap her head around the concept. Rainbow Dash, the least formal and most brash pony she knew, was apparently not only wealthy, but she was an aristocrat! She had spent the whole night after getting back from Canterlot thinking about it. Hence why she was so tired at this time.

She didn't realize that she had slipped into a light sleep until the bell above the door issued a shrill ring. She shot up in her seat, looking around in a panic before spotting Twilight and Pinkie Pie enter the boutique. She stood up, quickly flipping her mane back into place, and asked, "Oh, hello, darlings. What can I do for you?"

"Hi, Rarity", Twilight said. "I was just coming to see how my dress was coming along."

"Oh, yes. Of course", Rarity said, nodding. "I almost forgot. I just got it finished yesterday before I went to attend the opera with Fancy Pants and Fleur de Lis. I'll go grab it."

As Rarity went to the small storage closet to retrieve it, Pinkie asked, "So, how was the opera anyway? I heard C.S Pinafore is actually pretty good!"

"Oh, it was a perfectly fine performance", Rarity said, grabbing the dress in her magic and turning back to the two of them. "To be honest, however, I was personally more interested in the other pony we were sharing the box with."

"Who was that?", Twilight asked.

Rarity mulled the thought over in her head. They likely didn't know about Rainbow's secret. Or would it be Silver Rush's? Anyway, it couldn't hurt. "Have either of you heard of one Baroness Silver Rush?"

"A few rumors, but nothing all that substantive", Twilight said.

Pinkie just shook her head and said, "Nope. Was she nice? Did she actually have a lot of silver? Was she another uptight Snobby McSnob-pants?"

"No, she wasn't, and no she didn't", Rarity said, transferring the dress to Twilights aura. "She was actually kind enough to invite me to her family estate in order to work out a few... details."

"What sort of details? Are you making her a dress?", Twilight asked.

"Potentially. Again, it's mostly just to work a few things out", Rarity said. "She's supposed to be sending somepony down to pick me up at around eleven, and I was just finishing up my work before th-"

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Ah, that must be them", Rarity said, slipping past her friends to open the door.

Sure enough, on the other side of the door was the same griffon that she had seen last night working for Rainbow Dash. He still wore the same suit jacket and clothes, however also wore a simple black fedora to protect his face. He bowed his head and said, "Guten Morgen, Fraulein. The Baroness is waiting. This way, if you will."

"That's my cue. I must be going, girls. Please lock the door when you leave", Rarity called back, heading out the door. Outside, just in front of the boutique, was a fine carriage hooked up to a pair of griffons in the same armor she had seen last night, albeit not on the same griffons, with a third on the back in a similar uniform to Gabriel. The carriage itself was a thing of beauty; made of what appeared to be oak painted a dark burgundy, with golden rimmed wheels and a rather aerodynamic shape for a carriage. Although that was a given, considering the fact it was pulled by griffons.

Gabriel walked up to the side and opened the door, holding it open for Rarity. Rarity stepped inside, noting the red velvet seats and the container below the seat filled with several bottles of wine and rolls of crackers. Gabriel entered after her, shutting the door and yelling something to the coachgrif. The carriage took off, flying north and soon leaving Ponyville and Mount Canterhorn as a mere speck on the horizon, before they vanished completely.


Around an hour later, Rarity was tapped awake by Gabriel. He said, "Ah, you are awake."

"I, I fell asleep?", Rarity asked sleepily, rubbing her eyes.

"Jawhol", he said. "The Baroness doesn't like to be awoken from her naps, so I have grown accustomed to letting her sleep. However, we are here, so I should wake you, lest you fall out the door as I open it. Given the circumstances, I have a feeling that would be bad."

Rarity looked out the window, and her eyes went wide. In front of her was a massive cloud mansion, easily ten times the size of the Carousel Boutique. It was styled in the fashion of an Ancient Pegasi fortress, with high columns, narrow windows, and a parapet lining the roof. A large staircase ran up the front, statues of Pegasi in armor lining the edge of the stairs. A sort of garden was around the base of the stairs, enchanted terracotta pots filled with flowers and small fruit trees.

Rarity scooted over to the other side, looking out the window on the opposite side only to be greeted with the open sky. Looking down, she could make out a sprawling marsh, dotted with trees and places where the waterways collected, below the cloud cover. A small house sat in the shade of a large forest, with a small farm snaking around it like a large horseshoe.

"Before we go any further", Gabriel said, pulling out a small box made of silver. He opened it, revealing a small, carved bone pendant on a golden chain. "You should put this on. It is enchanted with a cloud walking spell. She insisted that this be given to you, as opposed to the Butler casting a spell on you. Something about magic wings?"

Rarity giggled lightly at the recollection, before taking the necklace and putting it around her neck. Gabriel then opened the door and exit the carriage, stopping and holding out a paw for her. She took it, stepping out onto the clouds. After a heavy sigh at her not falling through the clouds, she followed him up the stairs and into the foyer.

Rarity was once again amazed by the interior. A large golden chandelier hung over a red Saddle Arabian carpet. A few mahogany tables stood at various points around the foyer. Several doors lead to various wings of the mansion, with a large staircase leading up to both the second and third floors.

In front of them were two ponies. The first was a pale yellow unicorn with an orange mane, wearing a similar coat to Gabriel. Next to him was a pegasus mare, with a pink coat and a blue mane and tail. The latter wore a simple spring dress, a darker shade of pink than her own coat that contrasted against her coat.

"Ah, Hallo Gabriel", the Mare said, a warm smile on her face. "And you must be Rarity, no?"

"Ah, yes. I am. And, you are?", Rarity asked.

"Oh, where are my manners?", she said, before grinning. "I am Baroness Firefly, wife of Baron Blitzwing. And, of course, mother of Baroness Silver Rush."

"Right", Rarity said, still growing accustomed to her friend having that name.

"All due respect, Baroness", Gabriel said. "But her excellency wishes to meet with this ponyage post haste."

"Well, don't let me stop you", Firefly said, shrugging. "I'm just going to stretch my wings. You have a good day, Miss Rarity." With that, the two of them walked past them, heading for the door.

"Right this way", Gabriel said, motioning for Rarity to follow him.

She followed him up the staircase to the second floor, before turning to the left and entering one of the doors. This lead to a long hallway, lined with busts and paintings of various pegasi, many wearing circlets or helmets. Near the end of the hallway, and past several other doors, was a simple wooden door with golden inlays. "This is the Baroness's drawing-room", Gabriel said.

"She draws!?", Rarity almost shrieked.

The door opened, and Rainbow Dash opened the door. She was wearing a purple bathrobe with a fluffy white lining, and also wore a deadpan expression. "No, I don't. That's just what it's called. Now, come in, before the Butler has an aneurism."

"Isn't Gabriel your butler?", Rarity asked.

"No, he's my Valet", Rainbow said. "The butler is a yellow unicorn. Now, are you gonna come in or not?"

Rarity simply nodded, following her friend into the room. It was a simple, almost spartan room. A simple table sat in the middle room, a few chairs around it, along with a small desk on the opposite wall. A small window shot a ray of light onto the desk, revealing the dust that floated above it.

Rainbow slumped down onto one of the chairs, sighing. "Yo, Rares. Want some coffee?"

Suppressing a yawn, Rarity said, "Yes. As, as a matter of fact, I would."

"Trotish or Equestrian?", Rainbow asked.

"Eh, Equestrian?", Rarity asked, somewhat unsure of the difference.

"Gabriel!", Rainbow called. The griffon entered, before bowing and awaiting his commands. "Ein Trab und ein Reitkaffee. Bringen Sie Sahne und Zucker mit*."

After the griffon left, Rainbow sighed. "Anyway, I assume you have a lot of questions. So, ask away, what do you want to know?"

"Why didn't you just bring your own dress to the Gala?"

Rainbow adjusted herself in her seat, raising an eyebrow. "Of all the things you ask, you ask that?"

"It is not the only one, but it is the first", Rarity said. "So, why? If you can afford all this, then why didn't you provide your own dress?"

"Well, if I recall I didn't ask for one. You wanted to make one for me as you did for all the others, and who was I to stop you?", Rainbow asked.

Rarity opened her mouth, only to clamp it shut and put her hoof to her chin. She said, "Ok, that is a good point. Now, onto my second. What's your real name?"

"My real name is Silver Rush", Rainbow said. "But, you can call me Rainbow if it makes you more comfortable."

"Why do you even have all of... of this, anyway?", Rarity asked.

"You mean the two identities and the magic disguise?", Rainbow asked, to which Rarity nodded. Rainbow sighed, sitting up in her seat before leaning back. "You want the long version or the short version?"

"Long, if you don't mind."

"Eh", Rainbow shrugged. "Fine by me. Alright. Anyway, I was obviously born here, and named Silver Rush. I actually didn't spend all that much time in Cloudsdale."

"Really?", Rarity asked. "Then why did you end up there and meet up with Fluttershy?"

"Well, when I was a foal... I was... a bit of a brat", Rainbow said rubbing the back of her head. "Like, Blueblood level brat. However, unlike when whatever kind of home life that he had, my parents had enough sense to try and get me out of it."

"So that's how you met Fluttershy?", Rarity asked.

"Yeah", Rainbow said. "Rainbow Blaze, the guy who I said was my uncle, actually just works for my parents as a courier. I was given a magic earring, they came up with a story about me being his niece, and boom! I spent a year in Cloudsdale. They tricked me by saying that they were renovating my wing of the mansion, and the bits that they sent with me for him was my allowance. After that, of course, I found out their plan and that the bits was his pay."

Rarity nodded and said, "Huh. Obviously, it worked."

"Yeah. I got my cutie mark a few months into my visit, and stopped being such a jerk", Rainbow said, before blushing and giving a slight chuckle. "Well, as much of a jerk."

"I see", Rarity said. "So, why'd you come to Ponyville?"

"A few things. Course, I wanted to be near my best friend. You've only been around other Aristocrats for a few months, so you have NO idea how boring and stuck up noble daughters are. I also wanted to be a bit more independent of my family, which they fully supported. And, besides that, I also wanted to keep a bit of a low profile."

"From the nobility?", Rarity asked, which earned her a nod. "Whatever for? Fancy Pants, Fleur de Lis, and several others are rather nice!"

Gabriel entered the room again, holding a pair of mugs and small cups on a silver tray. He set it down on the table, before retiring from the room. "Danke, Gabriel!", Rainbow called after him. She picked up her cup with her wing, taking a big sip, and let out a sigh. "Ah, that's good. Anyway. Rares, remember what you told me about what happened at the Wonderbolts Derby? With the stares?"

"Of course. Very uncomfortable", Rarity said.

"Yeah. Now, imagine that at all times. The stares, the condescending questions, the chatting behind your back about 'Rustic' hobbies? I do want to join the Wonderbolts, for the record. Beyond that, I don't want to mess up my parent's reputation. My older brother-"

"You have an older brother?", Rarity asked.

Rainbow nodded. "Yeah. Dusk Raker. He's currently in Trottingham with his marefriend, but he's the 'Public Heir', if you will. Anyway, I don't really want my family to be attached to the 'Rebel' who wants to join the Wonderbolts."

Rarity took a sip of her own coffee, before asking something that had been bothering her for a while. "Then, why have you never told our friends."

"I have reasons for each", Rainbow said. "Applejack has a bit of a bias against the upper class, and I thought it might affect our relationship."

"Relationship?", Rarity asked.

Rainbow cocked her head in confusion, before her eyes widened in realization. "Not that kind of relationship. Our friendship, let's put it that way. Anyway, Pinkie can't hold a secret to save her life, and would blab it to the world. I don't have a real reason for hiding it from Twilight, but I just have a feeling that she might tell the others. And I didn't want to tell you because you're really into the upper class, and I thought you might blab too."

"And, what about Fluttershy?"

"Oh, she knows. I couldn't exactly hide it from her for all that long, and she agreed to keep my secret", Rainbow said. "So, you can see my points?"

"I can understand it", Rarity said. "But I think you might be underestimating our friends."

"We both know I'm right about Pinkie", Rainbow deadpanned.

"Ok, that's fair", Rarity said. "But, still, I still expect that it won't be as bad as you think."

Rainbow took another sip of coffee, before setting it back down on the table. She said, "You're probably right. I can tell them in a few days, ok? I told them I was visiting my parents, and wouldn't be back for a few days. Now, in the meantime, to business."

"Business!?", Rarity balked. Rainbow snickered, and Rarity realized that she was kidding with her. "Oh, ha ha ha. Very funny, Rainbow."

"Oh come on. You gotta admit I got you", Rainbow said, grinning. "But, in all due seriousness, I do wanna get a dress. I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind either."

"Perhaps... first, I mean, we can do that later. Perhaps...?"

Rainbow asked, "You want me to show you around?"

"If it wouldn't be too much trouble", Rarity said.

"Alright. Let's go", Rainbow said, standing and heading for the door. Rarity followed, eagerness welling up in her. She had a feeling that this was gonna be the start of a new understanding between her and Rainbow Dash. Or, well Silver Rush. Not that it mattered much. They were still friends, afterall.

Author's Note:

*-One trotish and one Equestrian coffee. Bring cream and sugar in case.

Comments ( 97 )

Question: What's Rainbow's real mane colour then? Silver or rainbow? It's not clear which appearance was the real one and which was the disguise, outside of some implied assumtions.

You know, this has potential and I wouldn't mind seeing this continue.

The silver was her original mane color.

I know it's based on your old headcanon, and I've seen Rainbow's house. I still can't see how you got all of this, from just that.

I like the story to be sure though.

You have to love it when canon stuff ruins our fun.
But seriously, I really enjoyed this one. My only complaint is that it was over and done with so quickly.
And much like some of the others here in the comments, I would absolutely love to see you expand this out a bit more.
If you want my humble two cents:
Maybe take a bit longer for Rarity to find out the truth. Sure the audience probably can guess what's happening just from the synopsis, but that doesn't mean we don't have fun watching the characters struggle to figure it out! Give Rainbow a bit more ability to hide her secrets a bit longer, have more fun and explore the duality of Rainbow's two personas.
There's a lot you could do and I think you would do it well, but that's just my two cents.
Great story and thanks for writing!

Quarantine is having quite the effect I see

This was fun. It's an interesting head canon, now AU obviously but I'd love to see more of this expanded upon, Only if you have ideas of course as this works well enough on its own

All in all, great work.

Fun. Gotta admit I found it somewhat unlikely Rarity wouldn't know what a drawing room is or what different coffees are, given her proclivities.

I think Pinkie Pie would be a better secret keeper than Rainbow Dash and Rarity give her credit for.

Still interesting idea! you should expand upon it

I like this more than the canon version.

In both German and English, "very well" can be used to mean "yes". It's just very formal, that's all.

Alternative Universe tag exists for a reason.

This is good. Needs to be expanded upon.


It's called fan fic. Canon is nothing but a suggestion.

~Skeeter The Lurker

What crawled up your ass and died?

I really liked this story, it was a fun and interesting take on Rainbow's family. Despite what certain people say, it works well as a concept regardless of it's AU or not.

If you ever wanted to expand upon this it would be interesting to see more of rainbow’s family history as she is showing Rarity around the house and it would be a good conclusion to end on with Rainbow letting her other friends in on her family heritage with Rarity letting them know what Rainbow has told her with Fluttershy backing up Her and rainbows claims because she already knew from the start.

Great story I loved it😘

Rarity opened her mouth, only to clamp it shut and put her hoof to her chin. She said, "Ok, that is a good point. Now, onto my second. What's your real name?"

Didn't Rainbow already confirm to Rarity that her real name is Silver Rush back in the restroom (of the previous chapter)?

I would recommend to skip to the discussion about her two identities if that is the case.

"We both know I'm right about Pinkie", Rainbow deadpanned.

"We both know I'm right about Pinkie,"...

"Ok, that's fair", Rarity said. "But, still, I still expect that it won't be as bad as you think."

"But still, I expect..."
"But, I still expect..."

"Business!?", Rarity balked. Rainbow snickered, and Rarity realized that she was kidding with her. "Oh, ha ha ha. Very funny, Rainbow."

I recommend deleting the comma. The combined exclamation point and question mark did the job for you.

These stories where Rainbow Dash has a second identity that's starkly different from herself are always a delight to see. The most recent and favorite I've seen in fimfiction is one where her other identity is Photo Finish (sadly, I think it's been discontinued).

But now I'm curious for a sequel in the sense of seeing Applejack's reaction to Rainbow's true identity. I can't imagine Applejack having so much beef with the upper class since she has relatives (The Oranges) that once lived with, but perhaps being rich and being royalty are two different things.

Fun little story all around, always interesting to see different head cannons like this. Wouldn't mind seeing a bit more of it, but it also works as it's own story.

"Applejack has a bit of a bias against the upper class, and I thought it might affect our relationship."

To be fair, Granny Smith help found Ponyville, there is good odds that they are minor nobility. Applejack's bias might simply be from direct exposure when she was young.

The idea that Rainbow is actually nobility has been around for quite a while. I don't think season 1 was even over before someone had her as Lady Prism Radiance Windemere Silverhoof.

Well now we need a sequel where she tells the rest of her friends. And if Rainbow/Silver wants Pinkie to keep quiet then all she has to do is make her Pinkie Promise.

short but amazing. love it. this can be a small goldmine for you if you expand it. I would read it for sure.

Anyway, Pinkie can't hold a secret to save her life, and would blab it to the world.


This is only compounded by how Rarity Pinkie Promised not to divulge Dash's double life.

In any case, certainly an interesting scenario, but it feels a little flat. You present the concept very well, but you don't do much with it beyond presenting it. The good news is you've left me wanting more. The bad news is I want more because I'm not satisfied with what you've given me. Plus, you spoil your big mid-story twist with the character tags and cover image, so rather than spending the first chapter wondering, I'm just waiting for the inevitable reveal.

All that being said, still an interesting idea. I just want to see more drama play out after this.

Counter, Counter point...


Also, this is a really good story, I really wouldn't mind seeing some more to this. It could make for an interesting romance story between RD and Rarity. Or even just seeing what happens next would be pretty cool. but it does end at a good point. I really enjoyed the story. Thank you for making it Centurion Pike-Wall

Good one. Too short, more please.


This is only compounded by how Rarity Pinkie Promised not to divulge Dash's double life.

Yep. Rarity Pinkie Promised. There's no way Pinkie doesn't know Rarity made a Pinkie Promise. Because Pinkie Sense. She might not know what the promise is, but people far too often underestimate, or worse just plain forget, how sharp and especially how perceptive Pinkie is because her usual behaviour gives the impression of being an airhead. Considering the short difference in time, and Rarity's choice of words when she brought up her meeting with Silver Rush and any auxiliary mention of the name, I think Pinkie suspects the promise has to do with 'this Silver Rush pony'. Now, the next time Pinkie sees Rarity and Rainbow interacting, there will be the occasional, subtle difference in how Rarity looks at Rainbow, or vice versa, and Pinkie will pick up on it because she knows her friends so well, and things will start to come together because ponies don't expect perception from Pinkie.

This actually makes me think of another fic from waaaaaaay back when that operated on a loosely similar premise: Dance of the Rainbow

It really is a neat idea, and considering how Rainbow's family and heritage was left so utterly blank for so long, it did make some sense that it might be for reasons such as this. I'm sort of sorry it never got explored more among the fans before canon decided to...discourage it.

Still...that's what AUs are for. :ajsmug:

Wouldn't mind seeing more either. :twilightsmile:

What a wonderful little story! I loved reading this so much. Always enjoy seeing weird headcanons about Rainbow Dash.

can we get a sequel where she tells her friends?
maybe have a reveal involving AJ being a Countess or such by technicality

Comment posted by ShadowSpectrumSwordtails deleted May 21st, 2020

"The preceding segment was sponsored by the the Silver Rush. Silver Rush, feel the rush of a warm laser in your hand."

I had to. I'm sorry.

Dont be sorry now I want to see posh Ranbow with a plasma caster


Ha ha, I can't get that image out of my head, thank you.

Needs like sixty more chapters



Yeah I agree. This needs either more chapters or a sequel.

It does seem like something that could be turned into a 30,000 word novella, if not more. Would take some imagination to work out the details of a broader story, but there's already plenty of that on display here.

Also, maybe I missed it. Is her hair naturally silver, and the rainbow coloration is the magic disguise? Because just seeing her friend's jaws drop at that revelation would be comedy gold. :rainbowlaugh:

Does she dye her mane silver or rainbow?

It's the magical earring she was given.

Her hair is naturally silver. Her rainbow coloration is a disguise to make her look similar to one of the employees at her family home

This story has a very intriguing premise. Perhaps it explains Rainbow Dash's love for luxurious spa treatments.

Dashie is definitely a good enough flyer to qualify for the Wonderbolts, but being a descendant of nobility can't hurt. Just saying. :rainbowkiss:

Also, imagine what happens if Scootaloo finds out. :scootangel:

Interesting that you picked German as the "aristocratic" language. I imagine aristocrat Dashie speaking French rather than German. French sounds more "upper class" to me.

Wait a sec...

Rainbow Dash is a descendant of aristocracy.

Rainbow Dash's G3.5 ancestor always dresses in style.

OH MY GOD IT ALL MAKES SENSE! :pinkiegasp::twilightoops::raritydespair::rainbowwild:

Is a sequel planned at all?

Very fascinating premise and well written, allowing the characters alone to sell the story and be entertained by them while keeping them in character even with all this new stuff for Rainbow Dash. It stays true to her while adding extra depth and shows how she enjoys her friends and had worries over how this might affect things.

Thank you.

Honestly, I just did this because I was bored and I was in a bit of Writers Block with 'Youngblood'. I did not expect it to do this well!

Funnily enough, that's the same robe she's wearing in the story.


Interesting , if short. You could probably take this at least a couple chapters further, if only to tell us about this dress Rainbow wants...

Tangentially, I know there is, or used to be, another fic (on here I thought) with a very similar take only Rainbow's been independently living almost peasant-style to keep a low profile. Which I guess is also sort of similar, but I think there are some different angles on details. And then, of course, there's the Rainbow is Celestia's daughter one.

The mane six go to the gala in season one, so sidestepping the matter of an AU, how does that line up with 'oh no they'll blow my cover' business'?

In the small description

Rarity has entered into the world of the Canterlot Aristocrisy, a world so different from her humble upbringing in Ponyville. So, imagine her surprise when she finds one of her friends already there



And then, of course, there's the Rainbow is Celestia's daughter one.

What a dumb idea for a fic! Author must have been smoking some good ganja to come up with something like that! :rainbowlaugh:


Hm... I was thinking more that RD would have been the daughter of the Baroness and not the Baroness herself, this stretches the credibility quite a bit.

The story plays it a bit fast and loose with titles. Rainbow Dash's mother is Baroness Firefly; her father is Baron Blitzwing. They seem to be the ones who hold the titles of nobility, not Rainbow. Despite not holding any titles herself, Rainbow is still styled as a baroness in this fic. In an actual feudal system, a baron ranks pretty low on the totem pole, below a count or earl, far below a duke or duchess, and waaaaay below a king, queen, or princess — not that any of that's relevant in MLP's messed up world of titles. As the daughter of a baron or baroness, she would probably only be styled as "The Honorable" Silver Rush irl. The title of baron or baroness would remain with whichever one of Rainbow's parents holds it, until such time as they pass away or abdicate.

Also, the fic makes it clear that Rainbow's brother Dusk Raker is the public heir of the house, so upon the death or retirement of Rainbow's parents, the title will pass to him, not to her.

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