• Member Since 30th Nov, 2019
  • offline last seen May 26th



What if Rapunzel was the one who died instead of Cassandra? What if Cassandra was the one who grabbed the stone and saved the kingdom from the death incantation? Well, in the infinite expanse of alternate universes somewhere Cassandra was the one to save Corona. And because of the mess of magic, Cassandra is sent to another world filled with it as the stone's last-ditch effort to save its host, only someone else hitched a ride with Cassandra. Now the fate of a whole world unknowingly depends on Cassandra, it's too bad she has a lot of emotional problems.

Updates should never take longer than a week. I will never post on Saturday (that's my day off.)

Profanity is light and there are moments where there are characters who are racist. This story is rated teen for a reason!

You should watch Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure to understand this story. Although it's not entirely necessary I highly recommend it.

I don't really know who the artist is I only found this one link. If anyone can help me so I can properly credit the artist then please help. if they want me to take down the cover image then I will.

Chapters (14)
Comments ( 46 )

I like it! Smash's cup on the floor, ANOTHER!

Interesting development....

What can I say except, your welcome!


Thank you guys! I have plenty of more interesting developments

Canterlot Castle - [\b Celestia's private study 5 minutes later

So apparently pegasuses and unicorns were real. she shouldn't have been so surprised, she did once meet a mermaid of all things.

I don't mean to be rude or anything, but the plural form of "pegasus" is "pegasi", not "pesaguses". Also, small typo, in that same paragraph, the second sentence doesn't start with an uppercase letter.

Thanks I totally forgot that "pegasi" was even a word. Now I got some chapters to fix.

Comment posted by Acceptable_trash deleted Aug 29th, 2020

You do not need to watch Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure to understand this story although I highly recommend it. Just know that you're missing out and likely won't understand much.

So... You do need to watch Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure in order to understand this story?

To answer your question, yeah pretty much. There's a reason why I say it's HIGHLY recommended but I know most people will probably read this anyway if it caught their attention so I try to make it understandable for people who haven't watched the show.

So yeah, you should totally watch it! If you like MLP you'll probably like Rapunzel's tangled adventure too!

Is Rainbow Dash going to help and support Cassandra And the griffins sooner than later?

You know I think you'll like the next chapter. ;)

Thanks for the info! Rainbow Dash rules!

Great chapter!

One of the reasons why I love Rainbow Dash is because of the many fanfic stories that I’ve read. The authors made Rainbow Dash more caring, more smart, they give her more depth. They also give Rainbow Dash a lot of physical and emotional obstacles to overcome, especially when it comes to her loyalty, and many more reasons. She’s a great character in the show, but she’s even more greater in fanfics. Rainbow Dash is great here, hopefully we’ll see more of her in this story, especially wanting to help Cassandra.

Thank you! Now Rainbow Dash probably won't appear for another few chapters but don't worry! She's here help and here to stay! Even if she has to go through an emotional crisis first.

"Rainbow Dash thought about the strange creature, how it brutally murdered a pony to avenge what could have been its friend. She knew that if it ever came to it and her friends were in danger, she would very well do the same, no matter how she felt about death.

Anything for a friend..."

The burden of Loyalty, not just to friends, but to a creed.The death and apparent injustice tore at RB viscerally so of course her first inclination would be to attack; to right a wrong. The fact that other ponies defended the monster and stood up for 'it' resonated with Loyalty. The fact that the monster healed the griffon, as well added to the uncertainty. I am disappointed RB left Free Fall hanging, but maybe the internal conflict was such that it needed resolved like now for her own sanity?
Anyhow definitely enjoyed this chapter, even if I know nothing of Cassandra's reality and due to time constraints probably never will. Hopefully your storytelling will make it unnecessary and like I said I've enjoyed it so far without knowing anything.

Thank you! I'm so happy you caught on to my thoughts while making this chapter! Of course Rainbow Dash would feel conflicted, it makes her think about her own element. Loyalty! That's the same reason she ran away from her friend Free Fall, because she wasn't there to support Rainbow Dash when she felt uncertain and afraid. So she left to find someone she knew would always be there for her.

Also, making people enjoy this story without much knowledge of the show is one of my goals, I believe that a story should be self-explanatory for anyone who wishes to read it. So not to worry! Anything that might confuse you now like the "blue lady" WILL be explained in further chapters.

Thanks for reading!

Great chapter!

Is Cassandra going to be on both sides (the chagelings and the ponies)? Is she going to hear Equestria’s side of all this? Is Celestia going to read Rainbow’s discovery before Luna arrives?

Oh GOD, you have no idea how much I would love to answer your wonderful questions, BUT that would be telling and I'm all about the suspense!

And thank you! I wasn't sure if I was going to post this chapter today but I couldn't find anything wrong with it so here it is!

You can tell the absolute TRUTH as you see it and still be wrong. There are two sides to every conflict. Of course Equestria has a dark past. Every country’s history I’ve ever studied has a dark and bloody past. The only reason the US takes so much gaff is as one of the youngest Nations in the world its past is so relatively recent. Having a thousands year old ruler that may or may not have a clear memory of those past events and actually β€œknow” what happened may even hinder things. It depends on how you handle Celestia and how closely she resembles the show’s Celestia.

It’s also amazing how long feuds and grudges last. Holding someone accountable for what their several times over great grandfather did is irrational, but common. There are groups that despise each other for events that happened longer ago than the discovery of America. Cassandra seems to understand that and will perhaps be successful in mitigating that attitude. Of course it didn’t help any that she ran into a speciest Pony willing to act on his beliefs.

I’ll look forward to seeing how you handle this set up. Enjoying it so far.

Man your just spot ON! Of course Equestria has done bad things, I don't believe that there will every be a nation or government without at LEAST ONE "bad guy" that's working for their own gain.

Now I don't want to spoil anything but I would like to say that Cassandra has had personal history with four different people who hold onto their grudges, two of these being based off of something that also happened a thousand years ago so she has some experience with that type.

Also, history can always be lost and forgotten completely. Remember the burning of the library of Alexandria?


Also, history can always be lost and forgotten completely. Remember the burning of the library of Alexandria?

This is very true! History can be "lost", and A lot of things have been forgotten in the past because most of the people were illiterate and by definition "history" is "written." So all that history was lost in the library of Alexandria when it burned. What's nice about the written language is it can permit knowledge and experience to survive the death of the person who wrote it down. But books/scrolls are subject to destruction by fire as are statues and monuments to time and erosion.

However, there is another means of conveying the past into the future, and that is so called "oral history." Legends, Sagas and Myths carry the 'Cliff's notes' of events forward in time. The problem with that is sometimes just like the "telephone game" where everyone stands in line and the one at the end of the line whispers something to the person next to him and so on until you get to the other end and you compare what was said to what it wound up as. No one really wants to be seen as the bad guy so "reality" can change over time unless there are written records and ideally you'd like them from both sides and also from some nation that knew both nations and didn't have skin in the game and could be more impartial.

With Celestia you have an 'eyewitness' to history. But only from her perspective and as some of my criminal justice classes proved even eyewitness testimony can be flawed or wrong. Even if she's correct in everything she knows, she doesn't know everything, only what she personally witnessed and she could 'know' faulty intelligence which she based decisions on that proved to be problematic in hindsight or never knew that it was 'wrong' and carried on blissfully ignorant of the fact.

My personal head canon has Celestia as a good pony who believes in friendship, but she is also practical and has grit. She fought her own sister to protect her ponies and I have no doubt she'd protect them from any danger that would threaten them. Good is not necessarily 'nice', even though Celestia would always want to be, she knows from experience that is not always possible. But I do enjoy others' takes on her so I'm looking forward to how you handle her.

Cassandra has had personal history with four different people who hold onto their grudges, two of these being based off of something that also happened a thousand years ago so she has some experience with that type.

That's good to know. That may give her the experience to take everything said with a grain of salt and come to what is closest to the 'truth' to make everyone agree and be slightly dissatisfied with the outcome which is the sign of a good deal.

"Even if she's correct in everything she knows, she doesn't know everything, only what she personally witnessed and she could 'know' faulty intelligence which she based decisions on that proved to be problematic in hindsight or never knew that it was 'wrong' and carried on blissfully ignorant of the fact."

This is so relevant to what I'm writing right now you don't even know.

Also your head cannon is something that I totally agree with. I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees Celestia as a someone who is just trying her best.

Thanks for the picture! I have no idea how to directly quote your comment on fimfiction!


Okay, how to direct quote someone on FIMFIC: Push the >> to reply to the comment. In the comment section where you see B I U H T color circle chain picture smiley arrow X cogwheel you will see three horizontal lines. Click on that. Or mouse over it and it'll say "show more" click on it and you'll see a drop down menu. At the lower left corner of that menu you will see a double quote " click on that and it'll show {quote}{/quote} except it will be square brackets which won’t show up so I’m using the curlycue ones. {quote}what you want to quote{/quote} Replace the curlycue brackets with the square ones. They're easier to do because you don't have to push the shift key to get them and they're on the same key.

Now here’s a story I read a looong time ago that helped form my head canon for Celestia. It is wonderful. I’m going to spoiler it because it may be gauche linking to someone else’s story on yours. https://www.fimfiction.net/story/232440/the-white-horse

Ah HA! Thank you for helping me out and thanks for the story! I think I'll read it right now actually it sounds good.

Great chapter!

When the rest of the Main 6 do appear, will they be on different sides about giving Cassandra a chance or not?

Oh definitely, as different people ponies they all have had their own experiences and different ideas on something like this should be handled.

And thanks!

So when will the next update be? I don’t want to sound greedy but I’m curious as to what the general time period for the next chapter will be.

Great chapter!

Is Luna going to travel with the Mane6?

*Reading this chapter*

Uuuuhhh!!! :facehoof:

Celestia is 100% In the WRONG here. And while I agree with Luna, I still don't like her method of trying to "Purge" Cassandras's Moon Magic. I HOPE Cassandras will make a raging " Why You Suck, and you are in the Wrong here" Speech on Both of the Royal Sisters ( Mostly Celestia).

And my god! If you say "Creature" one more time! I will B**** SLAP the Both of you Idiots!!! 😠😠😑😑

Celestia,Luna: 😳

She is a HUMAN!!!!! :flutterrage: Get going our Species Name right! :facehoof:

Comment posted by ILoveMy deleted Aug 24th, 2020

Alright wow, let me just start out with a big thank you to everyone for your comments and for reminding me that there are people who are actually interested in this story. Seriously, I just logged on and you guys just made my day!

Now to answer your questions!

Updates are going back to how they were before, the usual weekly updates give or take a day or two. I will still never post on Saturdays and due to the upcoming school year and other reasons (babysitting), I would like to warn you that it is possible for updates to get another day or two slower :( BUT! Rest assured, now that I have returned into the "groove" of writing and set the story straight I would like to think you all don't have much to worry about!

Good question! I would love to answer but that would be telling! *whispers* possibly...

THANK YOU! GOD, I DON'T LIKE IT EITHER! But you have to think about these things, Celestia is just too... You know, "I'm just going to push all my problems under the rug and pretend they don't exist for a 1,000 years" kind of person. It's either that or "full oblivion mood".

And yes luna is old school and kinda shifts into the "full oblivion mode" too but she can also sympathize. Her whole deal with "purging" the "darkness" thing is based on personal experience and a lack of knowledge on Cassandra's magic type so you can't really blame her for ignorance. Unlike Celestia, Luna is NOT ignoring the murderous pony problem AND stood up to her sister about it so give some points for that.

Believe me, as much as I want Cassandra to grab two pieces of bread, put them on both sides of Celestia's head, and yell "WHAT ARE YOU?!", and then have Celestia reply " an idiot sandwich", I doubt think I can make that happen. (Wow, what a run-on sentence.) But I really want to.

Also, imma just say that I AGREE! I am SUPER TIRED of referring to Cassandra- a fully sentient and sapient being and HUMAN- as "CREATURE" or "IT"! I'm mean I'm the one who has to write this!

All in all, thanks, things are going to get more interesting, hope you stay to enjoy the ride!

Thank you, I love your comment too!

BRAINS!! It must feed on BRAINS!

PLLLEEEAAASSSEEE TELL ME VARIAN AND Rapunzel and her friends will appear in Equestria PLLLEEEAAASSSEEE I LOOOVVVVEEEE VARIAN soooo much!? PLEASE let me know and GREAT WORK CAN'T WAIT TO READ MORE!?πŸ€©πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ₯°πŸ˜˜

Oof ok so school killed off my motivation for this story (you can see that by my lack of updates) BUT! This story is NOT DEAD! (Just me apparently) To answer that question, YES THE REST OF THE GANG IS COMING TO THE PARTY! (Eventually)

Also, I have improved my writing abilities over these last few months so I'm planning to rewrite some things. (plot changes are possible so uh reread it I guess?) I'll cover more things in the next chapter update about what's been going so see you then!

Can you PLEASE have somepony cast a spell on Varian causes him to grow dark gray donkey ears over his ears, tail, and brays between talking and laughing wearing Season 3 outfit (love that outfit 😍❀!!) Look Varian up on Google images Varian donkey he looks so CUUUUTTTE!? πŸ˜†πŸ€©πŸ˜πŸ₯°πŸ˜˜πŸ‘ Let me know if you like this idea for your story? And the spell can only be removed by true love from Cassandra!

Did you hear my 2nd question about my request?

I'm flattered that you enjoy my writing so much but I'm not much of a romance writer. I have a story to tell and I get to chose what I write and how I write it. Suggestions and plot ideas are always welcomed but whether or not I want to use these ideas is up to me. This specific plot idea seems too difficult and uncomfortable for me to write so I won't be using it. Still hope you enjoy the story though!

So you don't agree that just Varian given dark gray donkey ears and tail because of the mane 6 intarigates him even can be used instead?

It's just a strange and unusual concept that I don't understand. Is it a reference? Is it an inside joke? Is it something someone else wrote in their fanfiction? Truth is that it does not matter, most of the story is already planned and I really don't feel like making the story bigger than it already IS, you know? Especially if it's for something that I do not have any strong emotions about. Sorry to disappoint but I like to write for MY enjoyment and I only share it because I think other people might enjoy it too. But if you ever want to write your own stories feel free to use my style as inspiration! sometimes all it takes is figuring out how you like to explain and describe your stories to see how enjoyable writing can be!

Ok OK so sorry!πŸ˜– Still can't wait to read Varian he's sooooooo CUUUUTTTE.

To be fair the series is only 3 seasons and they are AMAZING. a genuine sequel to the Tangled movie, not a cashable. I WISH Disneys live action movies had HALF the effort Tangled Adventures had.

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