• Published 3rd May 2020
  • 581 Views, 52 Comments

The Slayer 6 - MrAquino

The Students 6 Wind up in the World of Dauntless.

  • ...

Heralds of the Storm

Silversteam and Ocellus watched in curiosity as various slayers lowered in what appeared to be a purple orb surrounded by golden patterns. Arkan Drew had a very high interest in it, taking a deep inspection into it. Both creatures arrived to Arkan and looked at the large device.

"Whatcha looking at?" Silversteam asked.

"... something from the Umbral caves." Arkan answered, not looking at them.

"... what is it?" Ocellus asked.

"... if my research is correct, this is a portal driver, left behind by the Void Runners."

"Void runners!?"

"Portal driver?" Silversteam added.

"The void runners were a group of intelligent people who ventured into the void," Arkan explained. "but they dissapeared. If this proves true, then this device can open a portal, leading to a new area, possibly across different dimensions."

"Wait… we have a way home!?" Both creatures eyes twinkled with excitement.

"It's a possibility, but I need to know how this works. And it's best for your friends to return before-" he stopped as he looked up, seeing the sky darken with purple clouds. Silversteam quickly cowered behind Akarn, hugging him tightly.

"Is… that normal?" Ocellus asked.

"Only when the Demon's Bane is here, but this is too early."

"W-w-what does th-that mean?" Silversteam shivered. The bell on top of the middle rung, with horns blaring. Every slayer looked up, seeing the skies darken, a huge sense of dread taking over them. Silhouettes of winged, bird-like creatures were seen in the clouds, followed by them flying down, knocking the main tower over, and chaos erupting. Kat ran into the middle of the chaos.


Admiral Zai ran out of his stand, as did the Scarred one from her temple, the former pulling out Repeaters, and the latter going into a combat stance. One of creatures swooped down at the two. Zai quickly fired a combined blast that knocked it down, as the scarred one delivered a series of punches in specific areas, causing it to fall down and not move.

"Didn't take you as a fighter." Zai quipped.

"And I didn't think you were a soldier." She replied.

Agario Flynt ran away from his stand as some debris fell onto it, destroying his fashionable wares.

"NO!!!" He screamed. "My latest fashions!!! Where will I get my inspiration now!?" One of the creatures landed behind him. He turned to see the creature and it's very bat-like face. "Ugh! You need a serious makeover." The creature screeched at him, ready to attack, before getting stabbed in the back, with a sword right through it's stomach. It fell down, revealing that the Middleman saved him. Flynt looked rather surprised.

"Come, now's not the time to cry." He stated, picking Flynt up.

Wils and Moyra both ducked and hid from the attacks, as other slayers fought back. The former lugged around her tortoise.

"What are you doing!?" She asked. "Help them!"

"Me!?" Wils replied. "I make weapons! I don't use them. Why don't you help them out?"

"I have to keep this little guy safe!"

"Little!? He's not little! He's-"

"Are you both done bickering? The very familiar pirate-esque voice of a woman spoke. They both looked above to see Lady Luck hiding with them.

"Lady Luck? How did you get here?"

"I ran. They destroyed my stand."

"Are you going to help them fight?" Moyra asked.

"Oh, don't be silly. I would, but my weapons were destroyed as well… and I doubt Zai would like it if I helped."

"So… we all agree to stay hidden?"

"Agreed." The other two answered.

Arkan looked over the contraption carefully.

"What are you doing!?" Ocellus asked in shock, pulling her warpike out and using it to ward off the creatures. "We're under attack!"

"If my calculations are correct, I can quickly get everyone out of here, perhaps into your world!" He answered.

"But how long will it last!?" Silversteam asked, firing at the creatures. "We can't leave our friends behind!"

"I don't know! All I know is that they need to hurry up with their hunts, or else they'll be lost here forever!" He began to tinker with the machine. "Keep me safe! I'll do everything I can to get it working, and try to keep it open for everyone to enter!"

"Oh, this is almost as bad as the storm king!"

"C'mon, guys," Ocellus muttered to herself. "Please let your hunts be fast."

I'm not sure if Grogar actually knew about it or not, but it seems that his monsters have a sort of pride in them. Depending on the number of oppositions against them, they'll either raise or lower the defense. In every case, the more opposition, the more defense they'll have. In many cases, a small team will have an easier time taking down Grogar's monsters than an entire platoon. Only the most boldest would dare battle a monster on their own, but doing so has to be the most rewarding feeling to any individual, especially if it's a particularly powerful monster. But I recommend not doing that unless-

"It's my monster! Not yours!" One of the two other slayers yelled.

"Nuh-uh! It's mine!" The other yelled back.

Yona grumbled as she saw the two opposing slayers. A man that's part of the green enduring team, and a woman with the purple defiant team. Sandbar stood between them, looking pretty uneasy as the two slayers heads were practically touching each other.

"Guys, you know we're together on this?" Sandbar spoke.

"Together until he falls." The woman replied.

"Or she runs away, screaming for her mommy." The man mocked.

Yona grumbled as she tried to catch up on her reading.

Gallus landed on his island with the Endurance team. Said island was a desert, with very little plant life, only sand and rocks. All men had green hair thatlooksed pretty similar in style to Gallus' feathers, but wore green visors over their eyes. One had themselves a warpike, another some chain blades, and another with repeaters.

"Alright lads," the repeater one spoke with a bit of a British accent. "Let's help our bloke here get this here Hellion and prove those Defiants why we're the best!"

"Yeah! Screw those Defiants!" The warpike one added. "They think they're so good, but can't go longer than a few minutes."

"But one of them is my sister." The chainblade one spoke. His 2 teammates stared at him with a blank expression. "What? I'm just saying."

"Uh… any tips on hunting a hellion?" Gallus asked.

"Certainly." The repeater leader answered. "Avoid it's tail, and hit the legs."

"That can also be said with the hangar though." Their chainblade ally added.

"Wait, the pangar and Hellion are the same?" Gallus asked.

"You'll see for yourself." The warpike slayer replied. "Let's get ourselves a Hellion."

Somewhere in the complete opposite, a frozen tundra, Smolder landed alongside 3 other deviants, all women with purple hair. One had a hammer, another a sword, and the last with an axe, similar to Smolder's.

"Ok, Gals," their hammer leader spoke in a very western accent that just reminded Smolder of professor Applejack. "Our sugarcube here needs help takin' out a Pangar. Surely, we can take out one faster than those Endurance fellows."

"That is if they can ENDURE the pain." The sword member replied before giggling to herself.

"Hey! One of them's my brother!" The axe member retorted.

"Ladies," Smolder spoke up. "can we just take out this Pangar and head back?"

"Impatient now, are we?" Their hammer asked. "That's the deviant way!" She lifted her hammer and cocked it. "This is certainly going to be fun!"

Yona and Sandbar walked through their field island, both looking quite annoyed as the two rivals kept bickering to each other."

"Out of breath already?" The deviant asked.

"Depends. Out of brains already?" The Endurance asked.

"I've got more brains than you have breath!"

"Well that means nothing if I've got Infinite breath!"

"That's not even possible!"

"Says the Deviant!"

The sounds of the Drask made the two stay quiet. Yona and Sandbar quickly followed the noises through the trees nearby, and saw the beast. Like before, it was very lizard-like, but now it was green with a red dorsal fin on it's back. Sandbar quickly equipped his new Terrain strikers, which felt as bulky as they looked, as Yona pulled out her Gnasher hammer.

"Ok, on three, we charge." Sandbar whispered. "One… two…"

"He's mine! All mine!" Their endurance member yelled.

"No! He's mine! You pushed me!" Their deviant yelled. Both ran past the two, pulling their weapons out, both with swords. The Drask turned to them, and fired a blast of lightning from its mouth, knocking them down to the floor.

"... or we can do that." Sandbar commented. He and Yona charged at the Drask, catching it off guard as Sandbar delivered a hard punch to its face. The punch was enough to knock the Drask back, with some teeth coming right out. It roared at him, only to be met by Yona smacking the other side of it's head, knocking it back farther, with all it's teeth coming out. It didn't take long for Sandbar to charge right in and delivered a series of punches before letting out a powerful blast of Terrain Aether at the Drask, slaying it instantly.

"... That was easy." Yona spoke.

"A little too easy." Sandbar replied. Their two other allies got up and charged.

"Where is it!?" Their endurance member yelled.

"Yeah! Where is-?" The deviant asked, only to see the Drask was slayed.

"We took care of it." Sandbar replied nonchalantly.

"... wow, we both sucked." The man spoke.

"Big time." The woman added.

Gallus and the Endurance team found the Hellion. The Hellion was bipedal, similar to a T-Rex, if that dinosaur was as dark as coal and had red, sharp scales across the back of its head to the tip of its tail. Gallus readied his blade, with the others following suit.

"Alright lads," the team leader spoke. "FIRE!!!" The Endurance team charged forward and threw what appeared to be metal balls at the behemoth. The Hellion turned to be pelted by these metal balls, which exploded upon impact, releasing shards of ice that flew for a few seconds, before exploding again, making the behemoth froze a bit, making it slow.

"What was that!?" Gallus asked.

"Grenades." The Warpike member answers. "Admiral Zai can help you craft or buy them. Never knew that?"

"Uh… no, I didn't."

"It's not down!" The chainblade user yelled. "Bring the rain!" He threw down what appeared to be a beacon at the Hellion's feet, which was followed by missiles raining down, hitting and exploding the behemoth. Gallus only watched as the Behemoth was slain without anyone having to lift their weapons.

"Easy peasy, lemon squeezy." Their leader spoke.

"That was… interesting." Gallus spoke. "Wonder if the same thing happened to Smolder?"

The same thing happened with Smolder. The Pangar looked very similar to the Hellion, but had more purple and blue colors, and the scales were a tab bit smoother looking. Smolder had her arms folded in Impatient.

"What's wrong?" The hammer deviant asked.

"I wanted to have fun." Smolder grumbled.

"This is fun!" The hammer deviant replied. "Taking down behemoths easily is better than struggling against them."

"... that's the total opposite."

Everyone had returned to Ramsgate, but not in the smoothest way possible. The entire city ablaze, and slayers everywhere fought off the creatures attacking them. All three bosons were hit by falling debris, causing them to crash. Yona and Sandbar came out of their ship, coughing hard, and were taken back from all the chaos.

"W-what's going on?" Sandbar asked. "What happened?"

"Yona unsure!" Yona replied, pulling out the journal. "Maybe journal can help?" As she pulled the journal out, the creatures stopped attacking the other slayers and turned their attention to the Yak. With a combined shriek, they all flew towards the Yak.

"Yona! Look out!" Sandbar got into a combat stance and readied his strikers. The swarm attacked the two, Yona quickly hiding the journal as Sandbar blindly swung his strikers around, hitting some of the creatures, but not enough to knock any down.

"Grenade!" Their Endurance team member yelled, followed by a grenade hitting the swarm, causing them to disperse. They turn to see their savior on the floor, covered in rubble, only his upper body exposed, on his chest. Blood appeared to be dripping from his mouth as his glasses were cracked. The Deviant that was with them was also covered in debris, but only her legs were exposed, and she wasn't moving. The two ran to their Endurance member, who coughed loudly.

"Are you ok!?" Sandbar asked. "Yona! Help me get him out-!"

"No, leave me…" their ally spoke, coughing harder. "I'm a dead man. I'd be… just dead weight to you all."

"Yona not say so!" Yona replied. "Endurance member saved Yona and Sandbar, and Yona say-!"

"Listen to me!" He interpreted, before hacking out blood. "You… you're both stronger than me… and my deviant friend… we just had a petty rivalry...but now… now, we should've been working together." He turned to Yona. "I don't know what's up with your journal, but those bastards are interested in it. Get outta here, I'll give them a distraction. It's the most I've ever done in my pathetic life."

"No! We can't! We won't leave you, or your friend." Sandbar retorted.

"She's dead!" He pulled out a grenade. "And so am I." He weakly pressed the button on the pin. "And you too, if you don't get out…" The grenade took the two back, and they got out, as the swarm returned. Even though his vision became blurry, he saw the swarm reach for the two. "Hey… I've got your journal here!" He pulled a manual out and waved it. The swarm ignored the two and flew for him. With one last breath, he released the trigger.

Smolder woke up as she heard a loud explosion. She was upside down, bruised, and with a few cuts, but was otherwise unharmed. As for the deviants… only one was breathing. The axe member, who's axe was in her leg. The dragon got herself loose, and stumbled to her.

"Oh thank god!" She spoke. "You're alive!"

"Yeah… I guess so… " Smolder replied. "I'm… not gonna ask what happened."

"It hurts! A lot! Please, can you-?" Smolder handed her a rag. She took the rag and put it in her mouth, biting it hard. With a deep breath, Smolder pulled the axe out of her leg. Even though it was muffled, the deviant still screamed loudly. The cut was deep, and she was crying hard. Smolder picked her up and flew outside, seeing a huge gathering around Akern.

"I don't know if it's safe, but we're not going to risk with whatever just hit us." Her partner nodded, still biting onto the rag and trying not to scream. Smolder flapped her wings and made it to the crowd, all making way for her and her heavily injured partner. Following her, Yona and Gallus followed, having a hard sense of guilt over them, even though their Endurance member sacrificed himself. In the far end, Akern tinkered with the portal driver, sweating hard as Kat was standing over him.

"Come on! We're losing a lot of people here!" Kat barked.

"Almost there." Akern replied.

" People are dying! Either get this working, or we're all dead!"

"Almost there…" the portal driver glowed, followed by a blue portal opening up, revealing a clear, sunny, open field. "I DID IT!!!"

"Everyone! Hurry! Get to the other side!!!" Everyone began making their way through the portal, most shoving each other out of the way. Smolder entered with her partner still in her hands, but was excited to see Ocellus and Silversteam safe.

"Girls!" She yelled, running to them. "What happened!? Why is Ramsgate on fire!?"

"We don't know." Ocellus replied. "As soon as that portal driver arrived, everything changed drastically."

"It was awful!" Silversteam added. "So many other slayers! Lost!" Her eyes began to tear up. "It was like the storm king, but worst!"

Sandbar and Yona entered, both breathing hard, seeing the other three. Though they were tired, they ran to them, giving Silversteam a hug.

"Oh sweet Celestia!" Sandbar yelled. "You're both alright!"

"Sandbar! Yona! You're both safe as well!" Ocellus spoke gleefully.

"Wait… where's Gallus!?" Yona asked.

They looked outside to see that nearly all the slayers were through the portal… all except two. A lone Endurance team member, ran to the portal that began to dwindle, with Sandbar in his arms.

"No! Wait for us!" He begged.

"GALLUS!!!" the group yelled. Everyone but Smolder ran back outside, and Smolder's partner reached out, spitting the rag out of her mouth.

"Nick…" she murmured.

"Brook…" the lone slayer spoke. "I'm coming!" Yona ran ahead and stopped at the other Slayer's feet.

"Hop on!" She ordered. Without a word, the Slayer hopped onto her back, but not without Silversteam and Ocellus picking up the limp body that was Gallus. The swarm erupted from the exploded wreckage and turned to the portal. It was a mad dash, as the swarm quickly flew to the slayers. Sandbar watched in terror as, past the swarm, walking to them, was the silhouette of a lone ram, with glowing yellow eyes. Sandbar was frozen in fear, but was quickly pulled in by Kat, as the portal closed, and the swarm hit the wall behind it.

Yona placed Gallus onto the floor gently, tears in her eyes.

"Gallus?" Yona asked. "You… dead?"

Smolder gently placed Brook on the floor as Nick ran to her, giving her a deep and affectionate hug. All the creatures gathered around Gallus, sharing the same fear.

"Gallus! Don't go into the light!" Silversteam begged. "We need you!" A few moments passed, followed by the griffin slowly opening his eyes.

"G-guy?" He muttered, looking around. "Are we… home?"

"GALLUS!!!" Smolder screamed, giving him a deep hug. "You're alive!" Famous looked a bit shocked.

"Yes… I'm Alive… where are we?"

"Not Ramsgate." Akarn answered. "We've made it… at least… most of us did…" A collective silence fell throughout the area, as Slayers quietly took off their helmets and placed their weapons down, in honor of those that have fallen. Kat made her way into the middle.

"If I may have your attention," she began. "We lost a lot of good people today. Young and old, but they will not have died in vain. Ramsgate has fallen… but not all is lost. It won't be easy, but we must not wallow in defeat. We shall tend to our wounds today, but tomorrow, we will rebuild! A new Ramsgate will be made, better than the last one! The behemoths may have won this battle, but we will win this war!" A collective roar made from the crowd. All the slayers walked off, exploring their new world, helping wounded slayers and civilians alike.

"Guys," Sandbar spoke. "I… think I saw Grogar."

"You saw who?" Ocellus asked.

"Grogar. I think he attacked Ramsgate."

"But why?" Silversteam asked.

"Maybe because of journal." Yona answered, pulling out the journal. "Perhaps journal holds secret to Grogar's end?"

"I… wouldn't deny it." Smolder added.

"That's great and all," Gallus replied. "But we just got our flanks whipped by him! What are we gonna do when he strikes this place!?"

"I… don't know." Ocellus replied. "Only that we get stronger."

"And how will we know we're strong enough to handle him?" Silversteam asked.

"Only time can tell."

The collective whistling and humming of Ramsgate's civilians was heard as the sun began to rise. Gallus and Smolder, with every other Slayer with a sword or axe, began to chop down the trees, making timber that were hauled away by other people. Nearby, Yona and other hammer slayers began to mine away at a mountain, getting mineral that were taken to a makeshift forge, making new metals and structures.

♬Cold: the air and water flowing.

Hard: the land we call our home.

Push to keep the dark from coming,

Feel the weight of what we owe.♬

Sandbar and Ocellus delivered medicine to the wounded people, many of which are starting to stand right up and walk, with some falling over and getting up. Those that were fully healed picked up a hoe and started to plant seeds, ensuring a farm was ready to feed everyone.

♬This: the song of sons and daughters,

Hide the heart of who we are.

Making peace to build our future,

Strong, united, working 'till we fall.♬

People began to lay the tiles that is their new foundation, and construction began with the infrastructure being made, as well as bridges connecting to each other.

♬Cold: the air and water flowing.

Hard: the land we call our home.

Push to keep the dark from coming,

Feel the weight of what we owe.♬

Silversteam and others began to paint the completed buildings, adding life to this new Ramsgate, with a statue of a slayer on a slayed behemoth being set near the center, and Smolder flexing her muscles.

♬This: the song of sons and daughters,

Hide the heart of who we are.

Making peace to build our future,

Strong, united, working 'till we fall.♬

The entirety of Ramsgate was finished. Wils and Morya stood by each other's side in front of a new forge shaped like a behemoth's skull. On the left side, Gregario Flynt had a new, extravagant looking area. Behind the center, the scarred one, Arkan Drew, Zai, and the Middleman had their own stalls set up. Behind them was a tavern, and to the back right was Lady Luck's new building. On the far left was Kat's personal headquarters, and Dr. Shaed Pryiana's lab, with the farm just over them in the far back left area.

♬And we all lift, and we're all adrift together, together.

Through the cold mist, 'till we're lifeless together, together, ♬

Everyone stood together, pride over them all.

"Well, this is quite the surprise." A very old sounding woman spoke. Everyone was taken back as behind them stood an elderly woman. She was very small, using a small wooden cane as support. Her clothes looked just as old as she was, with weird symbols on them, with a hat that was pointed at the end, but crooked. On her hat was a frog, moving around, but not jumping off from it. Kat approached the old woman.

"Who are you?" She asked with some suspicion.

"Oh my, I do apologize. Folks 'round here call me Granny Strega." There was a collective murmur from the crowd. "Course, that's what the folks that used to live here called me. Forgot when they packed their stuff and left. But it's been a long time, and I ain't opposed to seeing new faces, especially those out there slaying them monsters."

"She doesn't seem that bad." Silversteam whispered to her group of friends.

"Hey, Kat," Markus spoke, walking to her, not noticing the old woman. "I've been running stock, and we're running really low on tonics. I'd suggest we go back and pick them, but-"

"Oh? Tonics, eh?" The old woman spoke up. "I've got plenty of experience making them."

"... you do?"

"Of course, sweetie, let me just get my place set up." She hobbled over to an open area, nearby a stage, and rolled a ball out. The ball bursted into smoke, and a hit appeared out of thin air, with boxes of tonics around the place, complete with a cauldron boiling some concoction. She opened a crate and gave it a bottle to Markus. "Try it. Tell me what you think." Markus looked at the bottle with curiosity, then a sniff, and took a drink.

"Hmm… this is delicious! Better than my tonics!"

"Ooh! I wanna try some!" Ocellus gleamed.

"Maybe later," Gallus suggested. "I've got a feeling everyone's gonna want it." As he said it, a crowd gathered around the hut, with slayers asking for a drink.

"Whoa! Settle down!" Granny Strega spoke. "I don't have a lot. But if you can get me ingredients, or pay the right price, then you wipper snappers can try my tonics."

"Sounds a lot like Markus." Kat commented. "How'd you feel to be Ramsgate's new resident, Strega?"

"... I ain't in a rush at all, and I see lots of young faces that need a good tonic, so sure, I'll stay." A collective cheer came from the slayers.

"I think everything's starting to look up." Sandbar spoke.

"Yona hope so." Yona replied, pulling out the journal. "Yona also hope to find out how we beat Grogar."

Author's Note:

Sorry if this felt rushed. I didn't expect the developers to drastically change Ramsgate. But yes, this is the new Ramsgate, and though I still miss the old Ramsgate, I also must accept that change is inevitable.