• Published 22nd Dec 2021
  • 871 Views, 60 Comments

Monster Hunter World: Monsters and Magic - Blackdrag-rose

Grogar finds himself transported to a fleet that is making the voyage to the New World, where he must adapt to his new body and face the dangers of his new world... even if it means facing the monsters of the New World.

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Interesting Discoveries

Grogar groaned as he shifted for a moment, where what little he could feel told him that he was resting on a bed of some kind, though it was hard for him to feel his limbs or the majority of his body, even though his back legs left like they were sore from something and, unless he was mistaken, his body felt wet, almost as if he had fallen into a pond or a river for a few moments. From what he could tell it didn't seem like his body wanted to respond to his commands, since he wanted to move his legs and pick himself up, like something had gone wrong when he exited the Realm of Darkness and collapsed in the cave that the Tree of Harmony was resting in, which actually confused him for a moment when he considered how wet his body happened to be, given that there were no bodies of water near the cave, not unless someone carried him for a time and dropped him in one of the few rivers that ran through the Everfree Forest. As such he forced his eyes open and found that he was staring at the ceiling of a wooden room, where he had to assume that he was on a ship of some kind due to the noises of a sea or an ocean that were outside the wall to his left, though from what little he could tell the vessel he was currently resting inside seemed to be fairly well made and didn't seem to be falling apart anywhere, which meant the wetness didn't come from the ship itself, such as a leak that could have been overlooked, though based on everything he could see there were no flaws in the room he was resting in. Another thing he discovered was that there didn't appear to be any windows in the room that he was in, meaning he was either near the center of the ship or the sleeping area was below the water, though it was impossible for him to tell since he had no idea where he was, though at least his room had some lights so he could see what was around the bed he was resting on, where the lights were provided by a few lanterns that had candles resting inside them and were positioned to give enough light for whoever called this room home, or that was his current thoughts on the matter.

After taking in what was around him at the moment, or what he could see, Grogar shifted a little more and glanced at his body so he could figure out what was wrong with him, only for him to discover that his entire body was totally different, as it no longer looked like what he remembered it being earlier, as his body had been warped into what the minotaurs had, at least according to what he recalled, so based on that he could tell that he seemed to be a bipedal ram now, which was odd since he knew of no spells that would do something like this. Of course, even as he thought about that, he considered that Discord was behind this since the Spirit of Disharmony would have a laugh over something like this, but based on the limited amount of magic he could feel at the moment, which alarmed him since it there was next to no magic around him, he doubted that Discord was behind what he was experiencing at the moment, causing him to return his attention to his body so he could take in what it actually looked like. It felt weird to have his body twisted in such a way, which gave him a bipedal stance that was rather uncommon in his home world, save for several creatures that came to mind, and from what he could tell his front legs had been turned into the arms and hands that a minotaur had, only his were slim in comparison to the thick nature of the arms that the minotaurs possessed, while his back legs had been shifted until they gave him the bipedal stance he had quickly noticed, meaning that from this day forward he would be walking on two legs, something he knew would take some time to get used to. In addition to that he could feel his tail and could tell that his horns were still in place, so part of his body was familiar while the rest of it was totally new to him, meaning that he would have to get used to his new body and adapt to how the bipedal creatures walked, before attempting to figure out where he was and how he was going to get back to Equestria, though the latter was going to be near impossible if he was actually in a world that had next to no magic.

Just as that thought came to Grogar's mind, however, the door that was off to his right opened, something he must have missed when he was looking around the room he had found himself in, and three individuals walked into the room not a few seconds later, where he could tell that two of them had to be female, at least according to the mounds that were on their chests, and the other was a guy that seemed to be excited about something, though the most important thing about all of this, and the most interesting at the same time in his mind, was the fact that none of them looked anything like what he was used to seeing, as none of them possessed horns, wings, hooves, or any of the other identifying features that were common in Equestria.

"Well look whose up. We were just coming to check up on you," one of the ladies, the one with the short black hair and the scarf around her neck, said, though as she did that she walked over to where Grogar was resting while the really short red haired guy and the short brown haired girl stood off to the side, either not wanting to get in the way of what was going to happen next or making sure they had room to observe the next couple of moments, before the black haired lady stopped by the bed and sat down near what Grogar assumed was his waist, "How are you feeling? Anything sore?"

Grogar opened his mouth to say something, so he could reply to the question, though that was when he coughed for a few seconds, almost like he hadn't drank anything for a long time, which was weird since he knew he had been just fine when he left the Realm of Darkness, meaning whatever had happened to him after he found the Tree of Harmony had taken a lot more out of him and left him in this state, before the lady was handed a small container that seemed to be filled with water, a cup that she took and helped Grogar drink some of it, showing that they must have been expecting something like this to happen, even if he hadn't been expecting it, making sure to pull back after a time.

"Thanks." Grogar replied, this time finding that his voice was back to normal, which was good since he'd rather not cough all the time whenever he wanted to say something, as that would have gotten annoying rather quickly and he was sure it would have caused him to find a way to return to normal, before he took stock of the rest of his body and considered the question that he had been asked, since he knew that the lady and her companions were no doubt eager to see how he was doing, which was quickly followed by his answer, "Also, I'm feeling okay... the only soreness I can feel right now is in my hooves, even though my body is still a little wet."

"Makes sense, since you fell into the ocean from a hundred feet in the air... or from the top of our mast anyway, according to what our researchers said," the guy stated, showing that they must have noticed his arrival in this area and had been keeping track of everything that might have happened since that point in time, though at the same time he shrugged for a few seconds, almost as if he was indicating that he had no answers to whatever was going on, even though his words did reveal that he wasn't the smartest among the trio, "though it did knock you out for a while, given that we pulled you out of the water an hour ago, so you soaked pretty good if you're still feeling a little wet, but that's probably just the ragged robe you were wearing when we rescued you."

"I see." Grogar commented, where he took a moment to stare down at the robe he was apparently wearing, something he knew he hadn't been wearing when he returned to Equestria or collapsed in the cave that the Tree of Harmony rested in, so he had to assume that whatever magic had moved him to an entirely new and strange world, dropped him in an ocean, and had changed his body to this extent had given him something to wear for the foreseeable future, before he glanced back at the group that was in the room, "What in the world are you people?"

"We're humans... and from what we can tell, you're half human, at least based on your body structure," the brown haired lady stated, where all three of them seemed slightly amused by the question, almost as if they weren't surprised by him even asking it in the first place, meaning they must have gotten used to his presence, for however long he had been out, though at the same time Grogar wondered if there was something about the lady that was a little different than the other two that were in the room, as she seemed far more nervous than the others were, "Oh, where are our manners? My name is Sherry, and these are my friends and colleagues Erica and Aiden, though we're all members of the Fifth Fleet and we're heading to the New World to solve one of the greatest mysteries in the world!"

"So, do you have any idea what your name is?" the guy asked, which meant he had to be Aiden, an interesting name that told Grogar that he definitely wasn't in Equestria anymore, and from his studies over the last thousand years he knew humans didn't exist anywhere across the entire planet that he had once called home, meaning that whatever event had happened to him had definitely sent him to an entirely different world for some odd reason, before Aiden leaned against the wall near the door, "Or did the fall from that height make you lose your memories? Its okay if you don't remember, as we already have some ideas on how to help you out in that regard."

"No, the fall did nothing to my memories," Grogar replied, though he did think it was interesting that one of them, or two of them anyway, believed that he might have lost all of his memories after falling from that height, where he determined that if he had hit the water head first he would have suffered some major brain damage, which would have resulted in the event in question happening to him, before he pushed himself into a sitting position a few seconds later, even though he found that Erica helped him out for a few seconds, "My name is Grogar, and it is nice to meet you guys."

As the trio looked at each other for a few seconds, due to the fact that they had never heard of a name like his before and were clearly thinking about what they needed to ask him next, as it looked like two of them might be researchers, to some degree anyway, a figure stepped into the room and that caused Grogar to raise an eyebrow for a moment, as the creature in question was a small bipedal cat. He was sure that the cat was of the calico variety, due to the fact that about seventy-five percent of its fur was white colored and had a few black patches and a few orange patches, especially when there was a black patch over its right eye and an orange patch over its left eye, though what was interesting about the creature, other than the bipedal nature, was that it was wearing what was either cloth that was made to resemble armor or leather armor to provide it with some protection, even though he had to admit that his knowledge on armor was far less than everything else he had learned about in the distant past, especially since a new world meant new rules. It looked like the cat creature was sort of outfitted for battle, given that there happened to be what appeared to be a weapon that was a mix of a shovel and an acorn on the creature's back, like a mace of some kind based on his understanding of weapons, though that wasn't what his full attention was on right now, as he was staring at the hand sized wasp that the cat was currently holding, one that had what appeared to be a sack full of some light green material, either nectar or some kind of spore spray, attached to it. While he was thinking about what the cat was holding it moved its arms and seemed to manipulate the wasp in a way that released the light green material, which he realized were spores, all over Grogar's body in a matter of seconds, where at first it appeared that nothing had happened to his body, except for the haze disappearing a second or two later, before he felt the soreness in his hooves go away and any other pains that he was feeling seemed to disappear, informing him that this type of wasp generated a vitality nectar, something that healed those it came into contact with, causing the cat to smile as it noticed what was going on.

With that done the cat nodded his head and quickly departed from the room that they were in, either to go get some more medical supplies or do whatever another task that had been assigned to it, leaving Grogar to think about what he had just seen and what else this world might have to offer him, since it was totally different from everything he was used to seeing, before he focused on the group that was currently staring at him, who seemed amused by his reaction to seeing both the cat and the wasp in action.

"What was that?" Grogar inquired, as he figured that if he was stuck in this new world, something he would have to either confirm or deny after he left this room and explored the ship a little, it would be nice to learn what the various creatures were and so far he knew two races, the humans that were staring at him and the odd cat creature that had used a wasp's nectar to heal his body, which was rather interesting when he thought about it and considered how his body had reacted to the thin cloud of spores that had covered him.

"A Felyne, which is a small bipedal cat creature who are sentient and can form small communities of their own kind, or join the Commission," Sherry stated, while at the same time Erica and Aiden nodded their heads, mostly to show Grogar that the lady was speaking the truth and that all of the information she was sharing with him was the truth, which was why he remained silent and let them tell him what they knew about the creatures, mentally taking notes on what he learned and what might be useful in the future, "well, they can join normal human civilizations as well, so they're not limited to joining us. Anyway, they usually take the positions of cooks, as their recipes and their unique cooking methods are some of the best in the world, servants, which involves carrying things around, being house keepers, or helping doctors treat patents, and craftsmen, be they smiths or whatever profession interests them... and those that join the Commission, and work with Hunters, are known as Palicoes, helpful aids to the individuals that head out into the world and engage the monsters that we share this world with, to capture or end those involved with a quest."

"Fascinating. So I would have to assume that the Felyne that healed me is an assistant to the ship's doctor, or maybe one of the apprentices?" Grogar inquired, because all of this was rather interesting and he was eager to see what else he might learn during his time in this odd world, while at the same time showing that he was hearing what the trio was telling him and that he was able to make his own decisions based on what he had seen, though he had the feeling he was wrong since the Felyne was wearing armor and not the attire of someone that would be working with a doctor, even though it could be that he hadn't changed into his proper attire yet.

"Actually, Patches trained to be a Palico and help a Hunter out, but he and Sherry are missing their Hunter partner, as the one they're supposed to be paired with missed our departure from the Old World," Erica replied, where she sighed for a few seconds as the cat departed for the area of the ship that the ship's doctor was residing in, so it could help him out with the rest of the wounded, if there were any other wounded individuals on the ship at the moment, or whatever task he had in store for Patches, before she turned her attention back to Grogar, who was listening to everything he was being told at the moment and forming his questions for when they were done, "so right now he's trying to learn something else so he'll be useful when we reach the New World, while Sherry will likely be regulated to being an assistant for one of the various researchers for the foreseeable future... I should have some books delivered to this room, which you can stay in until we reach the New World, that way you can have something to do while you're, um, getting back on your hooves."

Grogar found it interesting that Erica was willing to send him some books to read, which were appreciated since he could gain some insight into the odd world that he found himself in, especially given that he was so different from the trio that had come to speak with him, though he wasn't going to question it for the time being, since he still needed to figure out if he was stuck in this world or if there might be a way for him to head back to his home world. This was his way of preparing for whatever discovery he might make, because if he could return to his world this would be put off as a dream of sorts, as in put it behind him, but, at the same time, he knew that the latter option was much more likely and if he was truly stuck in this world he would need to know more about it and all of the rules that it had, especially when he considered the fact that Erica had mentioned that they were heading to the New World. As such he nodded his head, to show that he appreciated the gesture, and caused the trio to bid him farewell for the moment, where it was clear that they were going to come and visit him from time to time to make sure nothing bad had happened to him, to which he watched as they walked through the open doorway and closed the door behind them, leaving him in the room that he had woken up inside, though he had little to do until those books arrived. He let a few moments pass by, as it allowed him to make sure no one might interrupt what he was about to do, before he carefully removed the covers and forced himself to sit on the edge of the bed he was on, where he experimented with his arms, hands, and even his new legs for a couple of moments, just to see how each of them worked for himself while he mimicked what he had seen Erica, Aiden, and Sherry do with their arms, legs, and hands while they were in this room. It was rather interesting for him to experience, since he wasn't used to doing anything like this and he knew he could spend an hour learning everything he could do with his new limbs, before he closed his eyes for a moment and felt that his magic was right where it should be, meaning that he still had access to his powers despite the fact that this world didn't appear to have any magic of its own.

As he thought about that he raised his right hand towards the wall that was near the doorway and focused on what he was going to do, as he wanted to see if he could open a temporary portal back to Equestria, so he could return to the cave he had been in and figure out what his next move was going to be, though after a few seconds of nothing happening he came to realize that he was either weak from being sent to this world or he was unable to cast the spell in question, meaning he would be calling this world home for the foreseeable future. With that done he lowered his hand and considered what his new companions had told him, where the interesting part about what he had learned so far was that there were monsters in this world, which also existed back in Equestria and the other provinces of his home world that he was aware of, though from what he could piece together it appeared that this Commission he had found, or more accurately the 'Fifth Fleet' he had landed near, might be chasing a monster across the ocean or something, though he would have to look at the books he would be given to see what sort of information he was being given. There was also the fact that he sensed something different when he focused on Sherry, like there was far more to her than what she was showing to everyone around her, meaning someone would need to keep an eye on her and her actions, though it was possible that he was overreacting to her presence and that he would need some time to get over the betrayal he faced in the Realm of Darkness, even though he should have seen it coming and definitely deserved what he got in the end. Another thing he considered, even if it was for a few seconds, was that this might be his true punishment, to be sent to an entirely different world with no way back, which would make him the problem of whatever world he had arrived on, though for right now, after seeing the villains of his home world being beaten and the betrayal he suffered, he was going to take this time to think about things and come to a new decision on what he was going to do with his life.

While that happened Erica brought him a couple of books to read so he would have something to do, other than sit in bed and do nothing but stare at a wall or the ceiling, before leaving him to his own devices, where he nodded his head in her direction, to thank her, and picked up one of the tomes so he could get started on his quest to learn more about this odd world he had arrived in, as there was so much he wanted to learn before he came to a decision on what he should do with his life and now was the time to get started.