• Published 22nd Apr 2020
  • 4,740 Views, 208 Comments

Cozy Glow: FIENDship is Magic - RainbowDoubleDash

Tirek and Cozy Glow meet for the first time. This looks like the start of a beautiful FIENDship.

  • ...

Touch and Move


“He used me,” Cozy growled as she finished explaining to Tirek, while she looked at the paper in her hooves, whole body trembling. “He’s always been using me. He always just wanted Daddy’s money ‘cause he’s too lazy and stupid to make his own so he just worked for Daddy. And I knew that and I didn’t really mind ‘cause he let me do whatever I wanted while Daddy was away. But he messed with our game. Uncle Fork…he m-made me think…”

She shook her head, and looked up to Tirek as she folded the paper. “So he deserved to have his magic taken! He deserves to suffer! This is just going to be the start. I wasn’t going to do anything today but you came and Discord came and presented the perfect opportunity! It’s only for now…but I’m going to take Uncle Fork apart. This is just the start.”

Tirek crossed his arms, brow raised. Well. He had sorely underestimated this little hellion, hadn’t fully appreciated how her intuition and intelligence would clash with the very real fact that she was still just a foal. But her reason for turning on her uncle…

Tirek grunted, thinking of Scorpan, his brother. Of Vorak, his father. Both had turned on him, betrayed him, Scorpan out of weakness and soft-heartedness towards ponies, Vorak out of fear and jealousy towards the magic power Tirek had possessed, greater than any other centaur’s. Tirek had been betrayed before…and he knew how to respond to it: overwhelmingly.

Cozy Glow hadn’t betrayed her uncle. She’d been betrayed by her uncle, and now sought retribution. Tirek could understand that perfectly.

Tirek found himself grinning. His horns glowed, and he waved a hand over the chess board. The pieces started re-arranging themselves into their starting positions. “Very well, Cozy,” he said. “I sympathize with your reasoning. No…I empathize. I too have been betrayed before. I can hardly blame you for wanting revenge.”

The little filly smiled sweetly up at him. “Aw, thanks, Mister Tirek!”

Lord Tirek.”

“Mm-hmm. Anyway, I’d super appreciate it if you didn’t tell anypony.”

“Small chance of that,” Tirek chuckled. A part of him wondered why it was that Cozy seemed to still think that Equestria as a society would still exist in any meaningful for once he and Discord were through with it. But even that small part didn’t write it off as foolish naivety, not now that she’d shown him her true face.

He frowned. “Who would I tell, anyway?” He asked. He clenched a fist, and flexed his muscles. “Do you really think your Princess Celestia can save Equestria now? I have already taken the power of more than half of Equestria. Celestia and Luna are no match for me! And with Discord aiding me I’ll soon have all the magic in Equestria! Who could stand up to me then?”

Cozy shrugged, leaning against the chess table. She flicked a knight with one hoof, setting it wobbling. “Golly, I don’t know. You do sound really strong! Then again, it’s not like Nightmare Moon wasn’t strong…”

Tirek scoffed. “One overly emotional alicorn whining about not getting her way cannot compare to my power.”

Cozy giggled. “Okay, that’s true. But I’m just saying, Equestria’s been through a lot lately.” She laughed again, but the way her wings flexed and unflexed betrayed the nervous tension within her to Tirek. “But, it’s still here! Things just work out a whole bunch. Something-something Magic of Friendship.”

Tirek scoffed. “A cute sentiment. No wonder you ponies adore it.” And soft-hearted gargoyles like his brother. “But that so-called ‘magic’ pales next to true power. When you rely on friendship you’re only allowing yourself to become dependent upon others.” He lit up his horns like he was about to begin taking Cozy’s magic. “True power is power subordinated to nothing but your own will!”

Cozy didn’t even flinch, though her grin did drop. “I sure wish I could do magic like that,” she said, looking down. Her wings were spread wide. “When Nightmare Moon came back I just hid under my Daddy’s desk. The same when Discord turned the world literally upside-down. And when the Plundervines attacked…I tried making all the friends I could but it never did anything. All I did was waste a whole lot of time and effort and it didn’t even keep a few stupid weeds away!”

She shifted, then looked back up to Tirek and smiled again. “But…I’m kinda’ glad I wasn’t hiding under a desk this time. And not just ‘cause I was able to get back at Uncle Fork. This time it just wasn’t so bad ‘cause I could talk to the monster. Maybe…we could even be friends?”

Tirek blinked…and then threw his head back and laughed, hands clutching at his stomach as he did. “Friends!” He exclaimed, and looked down at Cozy Glow. “Did I not just finish telling you how friends are a weakness?”

Cozy Glow pouted, and she crossed her hooves. “You don’t have to laugh, you big meanie! You’re friends with Discord.”

“I am allies with Discord. Our interests align. He is aiding me in gaining all the magic in Equestria, and once I have it, the havoc he will wreak upon your kingdom without Celestia to protect it…” He grinned down at her. “You have grasped that I am granting you the last moments of relative kindness in your life, haven’t you? That after the two of us are finished, your world will be at Discord's mercy forever?”

Cozy Glow shrugged. “Like I said: Equestria’s been through a lot lately. Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m sure you’ll be defeated in the end.” She grinned at him. “Maybe it’ll be Discord. If you’re not friends, then why shouldn’t he betray you?”

Tirek leaned down over the table, still smiling a smile full of fangs. “I’m sure that he will try.”

Cozy matched the gaze, and her grin returned. “Ooh…devious! I knew you were good at chess! You’re already thinking ahead, aren’t you?”

Tirek shrugged, leaning back. “I intend to give Discord every opportunity to honor our bargain. But should he prove to be less than trustworthy, I see no reason to be so myself. A creature should not be held to a bargain that is neither made nor kept in good faith. And expecting loyalty from Discord would be a foal’s errand.” He considered, and eyed Cozy. “No offense.”

“None taken!” Cozy laughed.

The centaur glanced up at the sky and the position of the sun, considering. The game with Royal Fork hadn’t taken very long, he still had more than an hour before Discord returned. He looked back to Cozy.

“Another game?” He ventured, and gestured to the chess board. “Now that I’ve seen what you’re like when you’re trying to lose, I would know how well you play when trying to win.”

Cozy Glow brightened further, though she soon checked herself. “I don’t wanna bet my magic,” she said.

“Of course not, child,” Tirek agreed. He stroked his beard once more, and grinned as he remembered Cozy’s earlier wish. “But to motivate you to play to your utmost ability…if you do manage to win, I will teach you a simple spell.”

The filly blinked, eyes growing wide. “But…I’m a pegasus…”

“Unicorns do not have a monopoly on magic among your race.” Tirek countered immediately. “It is harder for pegasi and earth ponies, perhaps, but not impossible.” He wave a hand nonchalantly. “The spell will be a very simple one, allowing you to burn paper in order to send it almost instantly to a creature of your choosing whose location you are aware of.”

Cozy’s eyes grew even wider. Apparently despite the basic nature of the spell, the full implications of its utility weren’t lost on her. “Okay!” She said. “You’re on!”

Tirek nodded, and indicated the chess board. “White or black?”

“Black! If you want me at my best, then I’m better with black.”

“Very well then.” Tirek once again stroked his beard, which also allowed him to hide a smile at how the filly practically trembled in place with excitement. She was quite endearing, for a pony.

Tirek selected his king’s pawn, and moved it forward – two spaces, as per the modern rules for chess. He looked to Cozy.

“Your move.”

Author's Note:

This chapter was extremely difficult to actually write because of a plot hole in the original episode: Tirek not knowing about Twilight Sparkle. Bluntly, I cannot conceive of how Tirek could possibly know about Princess Cadance and yet not know about Twilight; even if not as an alicorn princess, then at least as that five-times-over (by that point) co-savior of Equestria and Celestia's protégé.

I had actually originally intended to address this fact more directly, having Cozy nonchalantly reference Twilight and have Tirek freak out about there being a fourth princess, which would then also be used as a way to explain why Tirek seemed generally, well, genuine when he first talked to Discord in the alley, but then by the time he confronts the three princesses in Canterlot he's much more obviously going to betray Discord even before learning about Twilight. The idea being that now that he knows about Twilight from Cozy, Tirek has decided that he cannot trust Discord at all. He will (he is certain) be betrayed by the draconequus, and so has already resolved to act first.

However the problem, when writing it, is that there's just no way for Tirek to, well, calm back down if Cozy were to reveal the existence of Twilight to Tirek. I can't see him as willing to sit down to another game of chess, not teach Cozy a spell - certainly not in the limited timeframe before Discord gets back, anyway. So instead I had to structure the dialogue between Tirek and Cozy so that Cozy can pretty obviously know about Twilight without directly mentioning her, and Tirek can just blithely assume that Cozy is referring to Celestia, or at most to Luna or Cadance, without directly making it clear that he doesn't know about Twilight.

I still have no idea how he can know about Cadance but not Twilight, but, I'll just have to grit my teeth and bear it.