• Published 19th Apr 2020
  • 3,129 Views, 16 Comments

A Full Bushel Once Again - Matthais Unidostres

After the liberation of the slaves in Klugetown, Applejack brings two of the freed slaves back home.

  • ...

All the Apples

It was slightly late in the afternoon, and Applebloom had rather quickly eaten lunch a little while ago. Or was it an hour ago? Two hours? Honestly, Applebloom couldn't tell. Right after she'd eaten, she had bolted out to the main gate of Sweet Apple Acres, and had taken up a restless vigil at the threshold to her family's land. The young farm filly switched between pacing back and forth at the gate, sitting on her haunches, and lying on her tummy; all the while still looking out ahead of her. Eventually, her patience was rewarded, and she gleefully took off to meet her big sister as she approached.

"APPLEJACK!" the filly cried out with sweet joy as she hugged the mare, who warmly returned the embrace and threw in a loving nuzzle to boot.

Applejack smiled at her little sister and said, "Sure appreciate the warm welcome, darn tootin'."

Applebloom jumped back and grabbed Applejack by the foreleg, pulling her forward as she said, "C'mon, c'mon! Ah gotta know all about how ya freed all those slaves! Ah've been dyin' to hear how ya bucked those slavers from there to next Sunday!"

Applejack just chuckled as she let her sister pull her along, the wheels of her mind still turning on how the story of tonight, and the unexpected events, would go over with her family.

The Apple sisters entered the barn house, where the rest of the family awaited them. Granny Smith was in her rocking chair as usual, and Big Macintosh was sitting with his new wife Sugar Belle. They couple had returned from their honeymoon a month ago, and the unicorn bride had very quickly settled pretty well into farm life on Sweet Apple Acres.

"The heroine returns," Sugar Belle said with a smile.

"Eeeyup," Big Mac said.

Granny Smith momentarily ceased her rocking as she looked upon her eldest daughter. The elderly mare had a twinkle in her eye as she said, "Eh, back from that Klugetown pit already, are ya? Shame Ah wasn't a decade younger, or Ah'd have gone with ya and really given those torturer slaver types what for!"

Applejack grinned at this, but it wasn't out of humor. As old as Granny Smith was, Applejack had come to understand the full extent of the Apple family matriarch's vitality. Granny Smith's old and creaky body only slightly held back a powerful soul, as seen by her love of roller coasters and recent swimming feats. That being said, a high dive into a bucket of water would be dangerously pushing it without a doubt. . .

Applebloom jumped onto the couch next to Big Mac and asked eagerly, "How many bad guys did you fight, Applejack? Ah bet you took on three, no five, no ten all at once!"

Applejack rolled her eyes, but kept her smile as she said, "Shoot, Applebloom. You know that mah friends and Ah had a whole army with us when we took on Klugetown."

Granny Smith leaned forward a bit and let out a dry chuckle before inquiring, "But ya still made sure to buck the brains out of some of the scum fer yer old granny, didn't ya?"

Applejack adjusted her hat a bit and said, "Let's just say any creature who thought sneaking up behind on Apple was a good idea learned two good reasons why it wasn't."

"Eeyup," Big Mac chimed in stoically.

Applejack then stood with her legs crossed and said with a bit of pride she was simply unable to hide, "Aaaand, Ah suppose Ah was the one to lead the charge on the slave compound."

Applebloom was bouncing around like a rubber ball with thrilled excitement. "Ah knew it! Mah sister freed the slaves! Mah sister saved them all!" she exclaimed with glee.

As Big Mac reached over to gently hold the hyped up filly down, albeit with an amused expression on his face, Applejack blushed a bit and said, "Ah, no, c'mon now. Ah wouldn't nearly gotten that far without, well, the whole dang army Tempest had put together. Now, listen here, ya'll, and Ah'll tell ya the entire tale."

Applejack regaled her family with the key events of the Battle of Klugetown. She started with Rainbow Dash delivering the message of "release the slaves or prepare to fight," and Verko's inevitable refusal to comply. She spoke of the pegasi, thestrals, and hippogriffs flying first, braving the arrows that the evil Klugetowners fired up at them. The she spoke of the unicorns led by Twilight, Starlight, and Spike who occupied most of the foes while the earth ponies charged in. She also touched upon how Fluttershy led a team of medic ponies to tend to the injured, how Tempest worked with the kind Klugetowner Vera to create a safehouse for any fleeing slaves, and even how Pinkie Pie took out the vile, heartless, scourge wielding, slave master Dorf.

Inevitably, Applejack came to her role in the story.

". . .And Ah said, 'Howdy, ladies and gents! Anycreature fancy being liberated today?'" Applejack said with a smile.

"Woohoo!" Applebloom cheered gleefully as Sugar Belle and Big Mac chuckled.

Applejack gave a nod, and she briefly turned to steal a glance at the clock. She smiled at the time, then resumed her story, "Well, with the royal guards backing me up, Ah was free to take a good look at all of those slaves. They were all penned in and cramped in the dark, all half-starved and beaten. Between them and me was this great big iron gate with a big honkin' lock in the middle. Seeing all those poor creatures, taken away from their homes and families and dreams, like Tartarus it got to me. Ah just had to set them free, right then and there."

Applejack pushed up the brim of her hat as she said in a serious tone, "So, Ah turned around, Ah stood firm like the oldest trees on this farm, and Ah bucked out at that hated lock. Ah hit once, twice, three times! And it cracked! A fourth time, and it cracked even more! And then, as Ah thought about. . .how much it hurts. . .to be. ..separated from somepony ya love more than anything. . . Ah snapped that lock in two and brought Verko's slave trade to an end!"

Applebloom let out another cheer, and Granny Smith clapped her hooves and said, "Hot-diggity, yer a grand girl, that's what yer are, hon."

Sugar Belle nodded and said, "I can't deny that. And I have to say, what those slaves went through makes living without my Cutie Mark seem like nothing. You've done an amazing thing, Applejack."


Applejack shook her head and said, "Well, as good as it felt, it's like Ah said earlier. Ah wouldn't have gotten that far without everycreature who was willing to risk their lives and fight for freedom." Applejack then gained a strange nervous tremor, as if anticipation was building up inside her, and said in happy yet nervous voice, "Anywho, Ah think Ah should mention that. . .well. . .Ah ran into some familiar faces in that slave compound."

The atmosphere in the room seemed to change a bit at this time. Applejack's audience became rather inquisitive and slightly confused with Applejack's statement.

"Familiar faces?" Sugar Belle questioned, "In the slave compound?"

Applebloom's eyes widened, and she asked, "You knew some of the slaves?"

Applejack's smile seemed to rapidly fluctuate from a sad, bittersweet smile to a genuinely happy one and back as she nodded and said, "Well, yeah. Two of them, to be exact. In fact, Ah'd say most of us here know 'em."

"Eh?" Granny Smith said, looking utterly bewildered by what her granddaughter was saying.

"Sugar Belle wouldn't know 'em," Applejack explained, "And Applebloom was too young to remember 'em, but-."

The clock suddenly struck the hour, and not a second after it finished chiming, there was a knock at the door. Applejack took a deep breath and let it out. She put on a big smile and said breathlessly, in spite of the deep breath she'd just taken, "Well, it's about time, ain't it. Twilight said she'd be sure they be here right on the button. If that girl ain't anything she's on time."

Applejack then turned to the door and approached it. When she reached it, she didn't hesitate for a moment. She boldly opened in, and stepped out of the way to allow the two ponies waiting outside to come in.

Never had the barn house been as silent as it was when the couple finally re-entered through its doors after so many years. The stallion's breath caught in his throat as he took in about a hundred or so familiar sights and smells that he had nearly forgotten, only to have his mind go nearly blank when when his eyes fell upon the rest of his family. As for the mare accompanying him, she was already on the verge of tears the moment she stepped over the threshold, and not even she could tell where the tears regret stopped and the tears of relief and joy began.

As for the others in the room, their reactions were a veritable grab bag. Sugar Belle seemed to be stuck in a state of dawning realization as she beheld the pair, while Applebloom looked simply. . .confused. Big Mac was in a very rare state, that is to say, he looked frightened. . .perhaps even terrified as he just sat on the couch, motionless. As for Granny Smith, she had immediately brought her rocking chair to a halt and was leaning forward, staring at the two ponies as if in a daze.

Applejack was grinning like a fox as she beheld the scene playing out before her, although it appeared to be stuck on pause at the moment. So, Applejack turned to Bright Mac and Pear Butter and, with a subtle nod of her head, said in a gentle voice, "Go on, now. . ."

Pear Butter couldn't even begin to find her voice as she beheld her oldest and youngest children. Luckily, Bright Mac had it in him to step forward as the first one to speak. Unluckily, even he was having trouble finding the right words to say. And so, he took the path of least resistant and looked to Granny Smith.

"H- howdy, Ma," was all he could think of saying, with a awkward smile on his face yet.

With exuberance that should be impossible for a mare of her age, Granny Smith leapt out of her rocking chair and embraced her son, hooting with laughter as she pulled him round and round in a circle.

"Hot-diggity, I knew it the whole dang time I did!" Granny Smith shouted out loud, her laughter reaching near manic levels, "A rock-slide!? A rock-slide put down any son o' mine? Hogwash! Horse apples! It takes a heck more than that to bring an apple down!"

The elderly mare started laughing again, only to suddenly flip into a state of pure wrath as she turned to stare into space. Still clinging tightly to Bright Mac, she spoke with a voice dripping with scorn, saying, "Curse those dang slavers! Let 'em die a thousand deaths, and their stinkin' worm filled corpses rot in the depths of. . ."

Granny Smith then immediately clung tightly to Bright Mac and sobbed.

"Oh, Ma," Bright Mac whispered as he held he gently, "They ain't worth thinkin' about. We made it through. We're here."

Granny Smith suddenly raised her head and glanced over at Pear Butter. "Git over here. C'mon, yer Ma's waited long enough," she croaked out with a twinkle in her teary eye.

Filled with a joy of acceptance only felt one other time, after her wedding, Pear Butter ran over and joined the embrace. Bright Mac smiled, not all minding, and perhaps even welcoming, the sensation of being cried on by the two mares.

Meanwhile, Pear Butter finally spoke. "Thank you," she said to Granny Smith with more sincerity and meaning than the most impassioned of rousing speeches, "Thank you for. . .everything. . ."

Granny Smith understood exactly what her daughter in law was saying, and she said, "Yes. . .yes, yes, alright now. Ah ain't gonna hog this evening." Granny Smith slipped out of the embrace and wiped the tears from her eyes. Then she turned to find that Big Mac had already gotten up off of the couch, still with a look of fear in his eyes.

Granny Smith just shook her head, a smile on her face as she walked past the young stallion, only to give him a quick shove forward.

Big Mac stumbled from the unexpected push, and he breathed heavily as he beheld his lost parents. They looked slightly different than how he remembered, but only slightly. Slightly older. . .slightly smaller, although he had grown slightly bigger since he'd last seen them.

Big Mac's hooves were trembling as he looked at them, but then, as he looked closer, something began to chase his irrational fear away. Pear Butter was smiling through her tears, and Bright Mac's eyes were sort of. . .twinkling with something. Big Mac couldn't really pin point what it was at first, but whatever it was seemed to create a strong urge within him to step forward and close the final distance between them.

"He's just like you kept saying he be, ain't he?" Pear Butter said suddenly as looked lovingly between the father and son.

Bright Mac nodded and smiled like a sunrise on the first day of Applebucking Season. "He's every bit the stallion I was. . .only better."

It was those words that gave Big Mac the answer. The look Bright Mac was giving him was nothing less than pure, adoring pride.

"Ah was. . .sure you were ghosts," Big Mac finally said with wide eyes.

Bright Mac nodded, "Eenope."

"Yer. . .was slaves," Big Mac said.


"For. . .all those years."


Bright Mac's third reply came with tears, and then Pear Butter stepped forward and said to her eldest son, "You know. . . no matter how big you get, you ain't too big for a hug."

Big Mac didn't have to run to quickly reach his parents, closing the distance in one long stride. They worked together to fully contain the large stallion in an embrace, only briefly stopping so Bright Mac could run his forehoof through his son's mane.

"You kept the farm going," Bright Mac said lovingly, "You kept the family safe. You've made me so happy, son."

And with that, there was only one Apple sibling left. Said filly was still seated on the couch with Sugar Belle. The filly still had the confused expression from when the pair first entered the room. Technically, Applebloom should've know who they were, and in fact, in some corner of her brain, she in fact did recognize them. It wasn't due to some long faded memory, although she did have a number of those. Applebloom had seen photographs of them, of course. But, perhaps there will always be a disconnect between what is seen in a photo and what it witnessed live right before one's eyes, especially when one has been told and long since accepted that these two ponies before her were. . .

Applebloom frowned and turned away as her brother continued to be embraced. She shut her eyes tightly as her head began to pound for no apparent reason. She put a forehoof to the side of her head as thoughts buzzed around in her head like the twittermites from her darkest nightmare. Applebloom struggled to work through her thoughts, making use of all her experience finding her own Cutie Mark and helping others understand their own talents in order to make sense of what could possibly be going on right now.


Applebloom opened her eyes and turned fast to Sugar Belle. The unicorn had a calm smile and look of someone who's heart was filled with joy for others. Sugar Belle nodded and motioned for Applebloom to turn and look. The filly complied, and saw that Big Mac, misty eyed and smiling, had stepped away, leaving Bright Mac and Pear Butter to look upon her with adoration.

Then, Applejack stepped next to them and said with the happiest of voices, "Applebloom, c'mon and meet yer Ma and Pa."

Applebloom gasped and leaned back a bit. Her brain already knew it, and was already wrestling with the fact. But hearing Applejack of all ponies say it plainly to her pretty much sent the rest of her body out of whack as well. It was like she was gonna be sick, being attacked by a Cockatrice, and had the Cutie Pox all at once. The filly mustered up all of her courage and knowledge, and finally was able to speak.


Applebloom stared hard at the arm of the sofa, refusing to look anypony in the eye. Her entire body trembled as she took a breath and went on, "Applejack and her friends went on all sorts of adventures. They met tons and tons of creatures and monsters. Yer could be evil Changelings, of some sneaky type of sirens or hippogriffs, or some other monster or a curse from Sombra or. . . maybe. . .Ah don't. . ."

Applebloom's voice trailed off. She honestly didn't know what to say, and she was wincing at how pathetic she sounded. She shut her eyes tightly, and became all the more frustrated when she felt tears begin to leak out. She was beyond sad or upset at this point. She felt. . .cold. She wanted. . . she needed. . .she craved. . .

In a near instant, in the twinkling of an eye, Pear Butter was right there next to the filly. It took everything she had to keep herself from just scooping up the filly and holding her as tight as she could, never letting her go for the rest of her life. Instead, Pear Butter held herself back, even resisting the urge to stroke her daughter's ruby red mane, and silently beheld the nerve wracked filly before her. In spite of the happiness such a reunion should bring, Pear Butter's heart was breaking as she saw that Applebloom was teetering on the edge of a panic attack.

The mare knew she had to be careful, but thankfully, she also knew just what to say.

"Do you know why I named you Applebloom?"

The one thing still functioning well in the filly's mind was her curiosity. Pear Butter knew this, as most children are nearly always curious. This was the key that that allowed Applebloom to open her nervous eyes and turn to look at Pear Butter. The mare was smiling, and the innocence in her daughter's wide eyes touched her heart.

Pear Butter slowly raised her left forehoof and brought it close to Applebloom's cheek, not yet touching but close. Then she answered the question she had posed earlier, "I named you that. . . because when you were born, I looked at you, and just knew that you'd would do things that nopony else in our family had ever done before. You'd stand out like the most beautiful blooming apple blossom on an apple tree." Pear Butter tilted her head to get a look at Applebloom's Cutie Mark, and she said with a smile, "Looks like I was right."

Applebloom was amazed by the words she was hearing, so much so that she hardly even knew how to respond. Lots of ponies had complimented her on her Cutie Mark, but the appreciation, confidence, and loving faith she was recieving right now was on a whole new level.

And then, now that the filly was spell-bound, and perhaps a little distracted by this new revelation, Pear Butter finally touched her hoof to Applebloom's cheek. It was a very simple action. She gently stroked the child's face in a way only a loving mother could. As simple as it appeared, it had all the meaning on the world for the mother and daughter.

For Pear Butter, it was a moment many years in the making. Something she had taken for granted, only have it cruelly ripped away from her for all those years. But now she had it back, and it was like an elixir of life that brought life back to her aching heart and soul.

For Applebloom, it was an experience that fat outdid the moment she and her friends received their Cutie Marks. At that moment, it occured to her that a piece of her spirit had been missing. It had been gone for so long that she had never even noticed it, which was possibly a blessing in disguise as it allowed her to live her life normally. However, now it had finally come to the surface, and Applebloom understood. She knew what she wanted. . . what she needed. . .what she craved. . .

A mother's loving touch.

Applebloom threw herself into her mother's embrace, letting the tears flow as she sobbed into her mother's chest.

"Mama," she finally said, a sense of relief, freedom, and joy rushing through her body as she said the word.

Pear Butter shed tears of joy of her own as she hugged and nuzzled her daughter. "Oh, my precious little Applebloom," she said lovingly, her heart finally feeling complete.

It was official. There was not a dry eye left in the barn house. If Winona hadn't been napping outside, it wouldn't have been a surprise if even she had shed a few tears as well.

After Applebloom had more or less used up her happy tears and lifted her head to smile at her mother, Bright Mac approached and nuzzled her softly, saying, "Applebloom, Ah promise you that Ah won't let anything separate us like this again. Your Ma and Ah will be here for you for as long as you need us. Ah promise."

Applebloom turned and looked up at her father. It was a little strange at first. He had the general build of her brother, but the coloration was her own. And yet there was a sense of sweetness and integrity mingled in with his strength that made its way into his words, making it impossible to doubt the sincerity of his promise.

Still sitting comfortably in her mother's embrace, Applebloom smiled, sniffled, and said the only words that came to her mind, "Ah love you, Pa!"

Bright Mac smiled the biggest smile he'd had in years, and he laughed out loud and said, "Well, and Ah thought Buttercup's singing was the most beautiful thing Ah'd ever hear!"

Any attempt Pear Butter made at looking hurt failed, and she just laughed and remarked, "Oh, you!"

Everyone joined in on the highly infectious laughter, as the love and good cheer in the room was almost intoxicating. As the laughter wound down, however, Pear Butter inevitably brought her attention to the only unicorn in the room.

"Well... I don't believe we've been acquainted," Pear Butter said in a genuinely friendly manner.

Sugar Belle, who had previously gotten up off of the sofa to give Pear Butter and Applebloom ample space, froze up for the briefest of moments upon being addressed. But she quickly returned a smile and stammered out, "OH! I I I mean, yes. Of c c course. Yes, um, I..."

Big Mac immediately came to her rescuse and walked to her side. Standing close to her, he said with a smile, "Ma. Pa. Ah present you, mah wife, Sugar Belle."

As she stood there smiling, Sugar Belle fervently hoped that she wasn't sweating. She knew that the fears and disastrous scenarios playing out in her head were irrational and silly, and yet as the older couple looked upon the newer couple in surprise, she couldn't help but feel highly nerve wracked as panic surged through her from her hooves to the tip of her horn...

"Oh, doesn't she just look so pretty and sweet when ya'll are standing by each other!" Pear Butter crooned in delight.

"Ah can see it in your eyes, son. You know now, how I felt... and still feel. You two are more lucky than you can imagine," Bright Mac said with pride as his heart swelled with happiness.

Sugar Belle didn't even bother to hide her sigh of relief.

Author's Note:

All the Pears
(Come on, you all know I wasn't gonna leave a certain old stallion out of this. How could I. We've got an emotional dinner scene to unveil, and that stallion got an invite.)