• Member Since 30th Aug, 2015
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Lighttone GryphonStar

I write stories because I enjoy them. I want to do better and am willing to take any advice to improve.


Bab Seed goes on an adventure of a lifetime, or at least that what she was expecting until she was saddled with delivering cat food to Granny Golden Delicious's house. Things couldn't get any more boring... until she finds a poorly disguised King Sombra attempting to steal her basket with a motor-mouthing Cozy Glow beside him. Before she can process any of this, Derpy crashes through the window with a dead body in her hooves and the police show up to arrest all of them. There is going to be a lot of explaining to be done and mysteries to unravel and it's up to detective BlueBlood to end the case.


Yes, this is based off the seriously underrated movie, Hoodwinked, and involves a multiple POV retelling of events with overlapping ties and a really good though cliche twist. Each chapter will have an Interlude Chapter posted before it introducing the character to be speaking their POV in the corresponding chapter.

To make things more challenging on me I used a random assortment of characters as replacement like;

Bab Seed as Red
King Sombra as Wolf
Golden Delicious as Granny
Derpy as the Lumberjack
Cozy Glow as Twitchy
Blueblood as Flippers

And many more to be revealed like;

Lil Cheese
Pinkie Pie
Birch Bucket
Parcel Post
Lightning Dust

A small cameo from Arubus, the G1 villain
Grogar(the real one, Yes, I'm using him to replace that character)


Also, I will be following the canon as closely as possible, by that as close to the show's canon so expect some rather fun and odd reasons why certain characters are doing certain things. The biggest point of the movie was to find out why these characters were gathered together like this and I plan to explore the same idea, just with a less flexible cast to really push my limits in storytelling.

I try to post monthly.

Chapters (23)
Comments ( 42 )

If you're not going to get a proofreader, you should at least run a spellcheck or use something like Google Docs to check for any typos.

Is Hoodwinked really considered underrated? I actually thought it was pretty good.

Said in the notes that I would love to have a proofreader, I tried searching but to no avail.

Blame the CG animation, that always gets attacked first when I see reviews of it. Personally, I enjoy it as well.

"Oh, that... look dear, when grannies get lonely they grab out a special red friend to make the loneliness go away."

I can't stop laughing at that one.

I have been waiting for this my ENTIRE LIFE


ah yes hoodwinked, a rather interesting case of fairy tale mystery, i wonder who's body derpy came tumbling in with, can't wait to see how this goes. but so far i can say good job.

If you are familiar with my other comedies then it should be obvious. I treat him as my Kenny when I write this kind of stuff, heck his agony has even snuck into a few of my darker stuff.

I'm writing the next chapter right now. His death will be one of the biggest mystery, but will actually make way too much sense when we get to our villain.

Honestly i think this is the first time i have gotten to read one of your works, so i didn't know about the running gag with the character, thank you for explaining.

Good luck with the next chapter, i will be waiting for it and to see what this new mystery adds to the story.

Well it looks like we are about to get into this mystery in full, you know at first i thought luster dawn was going to be flippers but it seems like it is going to instead be Blueblood, though now this does make me wonder why Babs is still a filly if (as sombra put it) she is older then luster, a bit strange but i am going assume a answer will be forth coming in one of the story's. I got to say that i am happy to see Blueblood having a competent role in this unlike most stories tend to do to him. Good job. :twilightsmile:

With Luster, since I told myself this was going to take place after the show I wanted to use her at least once to have some fun exploring the character. Both my headcanon and my perception of the character is used in full here.

I'm sorry if it was a bit jarring not going straight to the case with Blueblood, but I wanted to also establish the characters of the cops too. Some of the biggest laughs I remember from the movie was hearing the reaction the cops would have for the events as they were being told. I hope with a better understanding of the dynamic between these versions of the cops now, I can pull off better jokes down the line.

As for Babs, the joke will certainly be followed up and sort of tie into better reasons for her actions in the story then compared Little Red Riding Hood's need to go see far away places. An understandable motivation, sure, but compared to the others, a bit lackluster.

Well i can understand that, though it was a bit confusing at first to see Luster here, either way i hope we can get more details about what is up with her mother and Barburn latter on, maybe as just a quick gag (like in hoodwinked when they give us a view of why Flippers is called Flippers)

Speaking of Flippers i am happy that you decided to give Blueblood his role, i feel a bit too many people make's him look the fool or as a straw stallion evil/cruel noble more then anything else, while giving Fancy Pants all of the good noble roles, though i do see where their coming from to a extent (and i do love a good straw man/stallion Blue Blood every once and a while).
I also can agree with you taking the time to set up the police ponies in this scenario since a good part of the original's comady did come from their actions/reactions to the stories.

Good to hear that the Babs age joke will be followed up upon, as well as tie in more to her character, i wish you luck with your plans for her.


maybe as just a quick gag (like in hoodwinked when they give us a view of why Flippers is called Flippers)

Good guess, I was thinking something along with that line. Maybe something akin to a Family Guy side gag too. I'm thinking of giving a few more hints on who Luster's mother is and what the connection to Braeburn, then have the big reveal during one of the later chapters. Really, who she is, isn't really a big mystery my headcanons usually aren't that different from most, hence the reason I added a connection to Braeburn to add more flavor to the joke.

Speaking of Flippers i am happy that you decided to give Blueblood his role, i feel a bit too many people make's him look the fool or as a straw stallion evil/cruel noble more then anything else, while giving Fancy Pants all of the good noble roles,

I get what you're saying. I did consider Fancy Pants as I've never been a fan of Blueblood, but then I remember back to a meme I made back when Season nine dropped. In it, I comment on how Blueblood hasn't had a line since season one. he's had appearances sure, but no lines that I could instantly think of. So, yeah, I sort of felt sorry for him. Plus, I thought it would be a cool way to test my skill with writing him in a way I'm not really used to.

Sounds good, honestly i haven't really heard much of Luster Dawn since the finally, not even head canons so at least the reveal will be a surprise to me. :twilightsmile:

Yeah, while i do like seeing Blueblood get the short end of the stick from time to time i do also like seeing him catch a break, like most of the early season minor antagonists if you stop and think about it Blueblood's actions in the Best Night ever can be easily rationalized. As for Fancy Pants well a thread i was recently reading pointed out that if Rarity hadn't mentioned her staying at the castle then Fancy would of walked right past her without even a glance.
I think he made at least two notable appearance in the comics, one where he and Shining Armor went on a diplomatic mission, and the other a AU where Blueblood replaces Twilight as the Princess Student, though most people tend to ignore the comics (aside from a handful of story lines).

Huh so Babs only looks like a kid because of one of Twilight's experiments. . . makes sense in hindsight, and it isn't uncommon in fanfics for Twilight to do very questionable things to keep her friend's with her.
Also i hope Blueblood remembers next time to be careful with the sarcasm, he is dealing with the Equestian military, the most inept military group in fiction history. (what else do you call a group that's only notable achievement in 9 seasons is to arrest a already defeated child. )

Well, I wanted some sort of achievement for Blueblood to show his brilliant deductive skill. While I was a bit on when to reveal it I knew I couldn't have it happen during the flashback or else it would feel like an exposition dump. Plus, much like Red in the movie I needed something about Babs Seed that separated her from the classic kid mold, for Red, it was kickass moves, for Babs Seed, she is a mare locked within a filly's body.

As for Braeburn, yeah it would have been fine for any guard to say that, but that stallion has had some brainless moments as well so adding a character to the mouthpiece of the joke adds more character.

Also speaking of Cozy Glow, I do plan to make at least some reference to that when she can finally speak. Though it was very quick in the first chapter she did appear but got no speaking lines yet because out of all the replacement she is going to be the hardest for me to justify.

Yeah plus along with all of that you also needed to give a reason why Babs still looked like a kid while Luster Dawn is their, but yeah i agree it was a nice way to show off Bluebloods skills.

Well i was talking more about the solders who where about ready to stab Babs at Blueblood's comment about her slipping out of her cuffs, but now that you bring up Barburn i am a bit surprised that no one has pointed out that two the the suspects are family members of his, i am getting the feeling that he is going to get a earful latter because of this.

Yeah i am going to enjoy seeing how you justify giving Cozy Glow the role of Twitchy, while i can see how she would end up working with Sombra it will still be funny to see her in that role.

While I can't give her a motor mouth or over hyperness in general I do plan for something very fun. I'm sort of pulling on something a lot of fans have curious about ever since her imprisonment in stone as a child.

I will be giving hints before the punchline like how Red had a random encounter with Twitchy during the falling scene before we got Wolf's version of the story and understood just what was wrong with him.

Well i will be waiting to see what you plan to do with Cozy regardless (i am unsure what thing fans have been curious about so it will be a surprise to me), it is funny to be that you didn't have her take the part of Boingo Bunny but then i suppose that would of been too obvious, huh?

Good to hear, you know one of the best parts of Hoodwinked was how most of the stories intertwined together, with some bits like Red meeting Twitchy having multiple perspectives to them to show each side of the story.

Don't worry, I have the perfect choice for that role.

My body just refused to move

That doesn't sound good at all if that happened. :twilightoops:

It did happen and it was quite agonizing and annoying. I had to fight myself to get up for work. I had to fight myself just to type. Heck, this chapter barely got finished today, less than an hour before posting!

That sucks. Hope you get to feeling better.

So now it's time for King Sombra's story. This should be interesting. :pinkiecrazy:

I'm glad you're enjoying it so far. Sombra's part is going to be very interesting. :raritywink:

Sombra was sent to destroy Babs Seed and was resurrected by Princess Luna? I have a feeling Twilight's not gonna be happy to hear about that.

Just wait until you hear why Babs Seed is the target. This one I've been foreshadowing since the first chapter.

So, I'll bet Lil' Cheese sabotaged the airship when Babs on it.

Oh, the mystery building up, to say the least. Just wait, the next chapter is almost finished.

I am surprised I got that much fun out of a last minute inclusion. Seriously, right as I was forced to cut this scene in half, something told me, I need another reason for the scene to still exist in its new form. So I thought, what if I introduce a new clue? And everything spiraled into craziness from there.

Can't wait til we get to Derpy "screaming like a maneiac".

Same, there are a few hints in this chapter already as to what will happen later during the flashback leading up to the "screaming like a maneiac" moment.

Will you also be doing the squeal? I mean, I heard that movie didn’t do very good, but I’m sure you can make it good.

Depends. Yeah, the sequel wasn't great, but I enjoyed a lot of the jokes in that one. The biggest problem in making my own take on that one would require a lot more work, especially if I want to keep as close as to that original plot.

Hmm, ask me again when I get near the end of this one. I still have 2-3 more sections to go.

Golide Delicious and Ahuizotl? Can't believe the idea of that crack ship never crossed my mind until now. :rainbowlaugh:

I can't believe it's just a crack ship. They certainly have much more in common than some of those other crack ships.

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