• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2015
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High-Tier Mediocrity | Commissions Open


Comments ( 27 )

This was super good and really fun to read I had a blast reading it! I think you really balanced the smut of it with the non-smut of the story perfectly! Keep writing and I have to ask if you will be doing others of these stories for the other sirens. Keep writing and have fun!

Thanks for the praise! I do have a lot of interest in the sirens, and will certainly be writing about them more in the future.

I thought the story was really well paced, and the development of their relationship was super fun to watch. One of my favorites for sure!

Top. Tier. Stuff.

Couldn't have done it better myself, and you know better than anyone that's damn hard for me to say.

Good fucking job

That was some A++ Grade Good shit right there! Well done!

Thanks for the praise!

Aria is very comfy indeed

This was really, really good and cute

Thank you! Glad to hear you enjoyed.

Excellent, excellent!

“Shut up, doofus.” Aria pulled out a phone that very obviously belonged to Sonata. If the light blue case didn’t give it away, all the cutesy stickers definitely would’ve. She handed the phone over to Adagio. “Since Sonata wants to skip out on class, maybe she can skip out on her phone for a while.”

Uhhhh But how did she text Aria if her phone was there

Aria stopped in the middle of her sentence, her face slowly turning from bored to angry. "Goddamnit, she just texted me from home!"

Thank you, to the both of you

She got...

Sorry, I had to make the joke. It's an honest to goodness plothole.

2nd time reading this and it's still good, kinda wish you'd make two other stories for the sisters connecting to this one, but oh well, I'm happy reading this one

Hahaha, it sure would be funny if that was my plan hahaha sure would be funny and cool if I planned out two other stories that weren't hindered by my laziness wouldn't that be cool haha. cdn-prod.medicalnewstoday.com/content/images/hero/321/321663/321663_1100.jpg

They're coming eventually, I promise :)

Oh, I am so sorry if that was a spoiler for any up coming stories, I can delete that comment if you want, and please, take your time all good things are worth waiting for.

Nah it's cool, I was just messing around. Good to know that people are actually waiting on me, though. Thanks for liking the story, and I'll hopefully have more stuff you like out soon!

Im glad I didn't spoil anything, and I seriously can't wait for more stories, Im sure they're gonna be just as good.

Comment posted by Jcw08 deleted Jul 11th, 2020


Raven art source?

It's from an artist named John Doe. I found the image on a site I can't link, cause it's nsfw, but his twitter should be fine.

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