• Published 10th Mar 2020
  • 3,508 Views, 12 Comments

All they can do is Run - Holocron

Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow are freed from their stone prison by none other than Grogar; or have they?

  • ...

Years Later

"So..." Cozy Glow asked, her tone sounding more than weak and soaked in despair. "Is there anything left to talk about?"

"I don't believe there is." Tirek groaned, more than tired of the company he was forced to keep. "Unless time also stopped, you should've died long ago, so clearly we're stuck with you until old age kills you."

"I don't even think we'll be that lucky." Chrysalis added, mentally rolling her eyes. "Seeing as how I was the only one who noticed, I have watched the Sun rise and set over three thousand times. And the brat doesn't seem to have changed at all. So she's probably not going to age either."

"Oh perfect!" Tirek complained, wishing so hard he could scream his physical lungs out. "It was bad enough I was stuck with her for almost a year in Tartarus, and at least being here with you, there could be some common ground given our skills and interests, but to know I'll be stuck for eternity with that little shit only makes me wish the Princesses just killed us back then."

"Oh? Don't wish for death too soon now."

The three were silent as they all heard a deep and shapeless voice echo in their minds. Though they had not heard it in so long, a flicker of memory sparked in their thoughts. It was a familiar voice, an old voice. It was the voice of Grogar. Almost as if they had forgotten their hatred for each other, the three felt only rage over the voice, a reminded of not only their failure, but how they were played and pawns to Discord as he masqueraded as the ancient goat. But this voice seemed unaffected by the overwhelming frustration the three were screaming in their heads.

"You seek an escape? I can provide it."

"Oh please, like we'll fall for that again Discord." Tirek commented, not believing the voice was truly Grogar's. "Honestly, I don't care how long it's been, I know that smug attitude anywhere." Regardless of his opinions, he, like the others, were forced to listen.

"Oh? You require a demonstration? Very well."

No sooner had the voice of Grogar finished his words, that the three started to feel warm. Small at first, the feel spread and spread, embracing them in this warmth until finally a new sound echoed. A cracking sound, a breaking sound. For a moment, they believed they were being destroyed. Would they survive if their stone form was broken? Most definitely not, but death wouldn't be too bad. In fact, after so long together, a part of them embraced the idea. But this was not the end for them. For the first time in so long, the three of them opened their eyes to the world around them.

"W-what is this?" Chrysalis exclaimed, shaking a little in disbelief. "We're free?! We've been freed?!"

"It would appear so." Tirek added, struggling to stand for a moment as he looked himself over, seeing bits and flakes of stone crumble off him. "But why now?"

"Who cares you idiot!" Cozy shouted, a mix of excitement and anger ran across her face. "We're free, now we can have our revenge!"

"A meaningless effort. Ten years have passed, you are all too weak."

The three turned towards the new source of the ethereal voice, only to see what looked to be a ram shaped entity, more akin to a ghost than anything else. It certainly did look like Grogar. Even now, the three were not too certain. Not that it mattered, with their new freedom, they could have their revenge. But one thing was certain, especially after another look at each other, the first in so long, they were not strong enough. Even standing for more than a moment proved quite difficult. Looking back to the goat spirit, they knew there was more for it to say, whatever it was.

"I have ensured you have the means."

The spirit only pointed towards the Everfree, deep into the darkened forest as the sun was setting. They looked from the direct Grogar was pointing, back to the goat, only to see he was gone; vanished to whatever abyss he crawled from. Confused, as well as on guard for any attack or trickery, the three looked in all direction. It was until something sparkling caught their eyes. Looking at the base of their former stone prison were three items. A bottle of a glistening, pale pink liquid labeled "Love", a large basket of various preserved foods in jars with a large bottle of water, and a small jeweled amulet.

"A means...to escape?" Tirek asked aloud, grabbing the amulet. Feeling the magic stored within, he voraciously devoured it, regaining some of his power. "Whatever that was, he was telling the truth."

"Indeed." Chrysalis admitted, drinking down the bottle. "Not the best quality, but Love is Love."

"Then let's go!" Cozy said, grabbing the basket as she started flying towards the forest. The other two, seeing no other option, followed the filly. "Just you wait Twilight Sparkle, we'll have our revenge!"

"Are you sure it was alright to do that?" Discord asked, standing besides Princess Twilight as they watched the three flee from their former prison from a crystal ball. "I mean I know you're all for redemption and all, I for one can attest to it. But those three are different. They'll be back."

"If they do, we'll be ready." Twilight replied, igniting her horn to change the images on the crystal ball. "Despite their hatred for each other, they have chosen to remain together. So the seeds of Friendship have been sown." As she spoke, the image changed to Ponyville, most specifically her student Luster Dawn with her new friends. "And should they ever come to cause trouble, I have already put into place the one who will stop them." The alicorn let out a small chuckle of pride as she continued. "Who knows, maybe she'll teach them something I couldn't."

Comments ( 12 )


I honestly wasn't even going to make a sequel, then I found this picture by chance and it just came to me.


I'm sure this wont bite them in the flank. Probably could have handled this better, Twilight. Intersting story.

Oh... I was hoping for the real Grogar.


Oh Twilight... classic Twilight.

But I know it will work. At least I think

Same, oh well, I guess this begins season 11.

Awww <3
Of course Twilight HAD to plan this, but if it means getting them together as friends, I am intrigued.

I want more on this, it's interesting

The conga line of writers doing a better job to end G4 than the show did continues.

I like this story, and it could definitely be extended.

Well at least they're free from there unfair prison. But Discord still needs to face punishment for his role in this.

couldn't! you didn't even try!

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