• Published 16th Mar 2020
  • 9,370 Views, 653 Comments

Prey - Kkat

Ocellus is trapped in a palace infested with a brood of love-starved changelings and their queen who are intent on using her only way home as a means to invade her world.

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Chapter 18: Real Things

"It probably thinks it was dreaming. That nothing mattered."

Ocellus opens her eyes.

She is still in the oculus room. The stonework is still cold and hard under her hooves. She can feel the engraved stars in each stone. The portal still shimmers with ethereal light. The Nightmare still towers before her, glaring balefully.

She no longer hurts. Her headache is gone. All replaced with a suffocating weariness. There is no sign of the changeling hive.

Ocellus blinks in confusion. "What?"

"B-but I'm dreaming," the nymph stammers in protest. "I know I am. When you know you are dreaming, you're supposed to wake up. That's how it works!"

She hears the clopping of hooves on the stonework. Luna's voice comes from behind her. The voice isn't from an image in a mirror.

"You are lucid dreaming, Ocellus," Luna tells Ocellus in her somber, dulcet tone. "You have a great deal of control over the dream now."

Luna walks up beside her. Ocellus turns, looking up at the night alicorn.

"But listen to me carefully, Ocellus. While you are correct that this is a dream, there are three things here that are real. I am real. You are real. And that," Luna says, pointing to the Nightmare, "...is real."

The Nightmare's shifting maw opens wide enough to swallow Ocellus and everything around her, blasting her with It's rotted, burning pumpkin stench as the Nightmare lets out Its primordial, sense-destroying, panic-inducing roar.

Ocellus feels... nothing. No will-erasing terror. No panic. Just weariness. She stands her ground, staring at the monstrosity with a failure to care that would impress even Gallus.

"If that is real," Ocellus asks the night alicorn beside her, "Then why am I not scared?"

"Nightmares lose their ability to terrify you once you know you are dreaming," Luna states.

Ocellus opens her receptors. She can taste Luna's love -- honeydew, jicama and tar -- so vibrant and real that everything else seems to fade a little. Because Luna's love has always been real.

"That's why I gave it the ability to fool me." Luna steps forward, her eyes narrowing as she addresses the Nightmare directly. "Isn't that right, Tantabus!"

Ocellus' thoughts are spinning. Yet she understands. No creature could possibly fool the night alicorn into not recognizing a dream for what it is... save for the one creature Luna empowered to do so.

Queen Elytra dissolves, melting into the Nightmare. Then the Nightmare itself dissolves into blue smoke.

"Tantabus? But... but you destroyed it... didn't you?"

Actually, now that Ocellus thinks on it, her professors had been a bit unsure exactly what Luna had done. Headmare Sparkle thought she knew, but maybe she was wrong?

Beside her, Luna shakes her head. "I created Tantabus out of my own self-hatred. I couldn't destroy it." Her tone is one of regret, but carries a hard edge with the Tantabus present. "Once I had forgiven myself, stripping it of all of its power, I banished it to the dreamscape of the moon."

Ocellus stares at Luna.

Luna raises an eyebrow at the nymph's stare. "What else would I have done?"

The changeling nymph tries to process this. Tantabus is alive? Wait... the moon has a dreamscape? What does that even mean?

Ocellus' eyes widen in understanding. "You were asleep." Her words aren't really to Luna, just a vocalization of her realization. After all, it is not the night alicorn beside her whom she means. Not her-Luna. Her-Nightmare Moon.

Ocellus has been dreading being alone on the moon. Even with the promise of visits from Luna and the slim hope of dreams with her friends, the idea was nearly unbearable. To be cut off from love, from friendship. To be completely and totally alone... the very idea was beyond miserable. It was isolation from everything good.

Celestia didn't want to torture her sister. Nightmare Moon wasn't awake on the moon for a thousand years. "This palace..."

A lot of this dream was from herself: the puzzles, the love-starved changelings, her friends. But even in her dreams, she wouldn't have come up with this palace. There is a reason Luna found it familiar, a reason that Tantabus was able to trick her into believing this was a real place from her past.

"...is what Nightmare Moon dreamed about."

If any dream could continue to exist without the dreamer, it would be one crafted by the alicorn of night and dreams.

Luna nods. "Yes. I was in this place for a very long time..." She stops, taking a real look around. The night alicorn flinches at the tapestries and turns back to Ocellus, her voice melancholy. "In a way, I truly did build it."

Luna looks up again and sees her own reflection in the mirror, staring back at her from above the throne. "I sensed there was something wrong in your dreams, Ocellus," she says, clearly remembering what the dream made her forget. "But when I tried to enter them to help, the Tantabus ensnared me too."

Luna frowns. "The clocks tried to warn me about Tantabus. But while it could not stop their ticking, the dream obfuscated the meaning of their alarm."

Ocellus feels a jolt. She looks about, having almost forgotten that the Tantabus was in the room with them. It had done all of this to her, to them. There had to be a reason!

The blue smoke of the Tantabus has taken a vague form.

In the lesson she was taught at the School of Friendship, they were told it took the shape of Luna. But now, it looks much more like Queen Elytra to Ocellus.

It begins to move for the glowing light of the portal.

"Ocellus, listen," Luna says, her voice calm but bearing just a hint of the urgency it had carried throughout the dream. "I do not understand how, but somehow Tantabus saw in your dreams a passage to the real world. All of this has all been a ruse by the Tantabus to get you to open that passage. If it escapes through that portal, it will infect the real world, turning it into a living nightmare for everyone."

The night alicorn looks Ocellus in the eyes. "Do not allow it through, and do not awaken with the portal open. If you do, it can follow you out."

There it is. The truth.

Ocellus nods, flying to the portal, putting herself between it and the creeping figure of blue smoke. But even as she does so, she knows she can't stop it. Not like this. Their professors tried to physically restrain the Tantabus to no avail. It is real, but it isn't a physical being. It can just flow around her.

Before, it took Luna's act of self-forgiveness to stop it. But Luna has already done that. She already took its power and banished it...

Ocellus' eyes fly open wide as she makes the connection.

I was everything mother wanted me to be! Everything she made me! But once... just once!... I tried to be my own being! Tried to take something for myself! And in response, she takes all my power from me and banishes me here!

Oh no.

All I want is to return home. And you... you and that monster in the mirror... you seek to rob me of that chance!

Oh wow!


Queen Elytra wasn't just some villain conjured from nothing. She has been Tantabus' avatar, as has the Nightmare. Chrysalis was merely a proxy.

Luna is mother.

Ocellus stares between Luna and Tantabus, feeling vertigo at the epiphany. She doesn't know what to say. What to think.

An uncomfortable feeling rises up in her.

And with it, a whispering realization: The Tantabus is appearing like Queen Elytra now. It has connected to its avatar, formed a bond. It won't just give her up.

Ocellus has the strong notion that the world of living nightmares that Tantabus visits on her world won't be crafted from the nightmares of the ponies within it. Instead, their nightmares will be infused into this one. There won't even be an invasion. The Tantabus steps through, and every creature finds themselves in a world Queen Elytra has already conquered.

The blue smoke, shaped like a changeling queen, moves slowly towards her. Towards the portal.

Ocellus looks between Luna and Tantabus once more. Then at the portal. Something is wrong.

How long did she and Luna talk? Why hasn't Tantabus already gone through? The monster of nightmares is steps away from having everything it wanted, and it is moving as slow as tree sap.

Luna is looking at her with a mixture of worry and motherly kindness. Waiting, Ocellus thinks. And hoping. For her to figure it out.

Ocellus, listen: I do not understand how, but somehow Tantabus saw in your dreams a passage to the real world... Luna can't help her any further because Luna doesn't know.

The Tantabus takes another languid step.

...there are three things here that are real. I am real. You are real. And that is real.

Ocellus nods, understanding.

The portal of crystal lattice and shining light isn't real. Like everything else in this dream, it's just set dressing. Tantabus sensed a way into the real world though her, created this dream of opening a portal to push her to open a real one...

"I'm the portal."

Luna nods, clearly having understood that much, despite not really comprehending how or why. Luna couldn't, Ocellus understands. For all the night alicorn is, she's not a changeling.

But Ocellus is. And right now, she is a lucid dreaming changeling.

Ocellus looks to Luna, explaining, "I can bring something real into the dream world."

Luna's eyebrows rise in surprise.

The Tantabus takes a hesitant step back. Then another, stepping away from Ocellus and the shining portal.

Away from the false portal and the real one.

Luna's surprise turns to shock as she sees Tantabus' hesitation. "It's frightened?"

Ocellus nods. There is a huge flaw in the Tantabus' plan. And the moment she realized it, Tantabus did too.

Dreams are in your head. Even when all else is false, your emotions are real. The terror you feel in a nightmare remains when you wake because it is real terror. The same holds true for other emotions.

Luna created Tantabus out of self-hatred. Forgiveness weakens hatred. Takes away its power. But forgiveness isn't the opposite of hatred, and it can never truly destroy it. Only love can do that. And it is impossible for Luna to love her own self-hate. She could never give Tantabus what could actually destroy it.

But Ocellus is a changeling. She stores love. She has been for years. She's been nipping bits of her friends' love for her, collecting them. She remembers what she told dream-Smolder:

I hoard too.

She's lucid dreaming. She can pull that love -- real love -- here. That is the portal between dream and reality that Tantabus sensed. She can give Tantabus her love.

All of it.

To do so would be to lose it. To give up everything she has collected. All the love of her friends that she has surrounded herself with. Her deepest, dearest possession.

Would you sacrifice all of your friends for everyone?

It's a trick question. Her friends are part of "everyone".

Ocellus realizes her answer is "Yes."

The Tantabus takes another step back, shaking.

If the Tantabus is truly nothing but Luna's self-hatred, then love will destroy it. But if it is anything else... anything more... if there is anything within it that can be redeemed...

...Ocellus has to try. No matter the cost.

Ocellus lifts from the floor, spreading her forelegs wide. She opens the portal and lets all the love she has stored for years flow through, giving it to Tantabus.

The light is brilliant. It fills the oculus room. An impossibly perfect symphony of flavors -- cinnamon and mushrooms and berries and mackerel and fennel and tar...

It is a flood. That becomes a tsunami.

Then the oculus room and everything in it disappears as the universe goes white.

Ocellus doesn't know who she is. She has allowed herself to be molded by what would get people to love her. Her friends, her professors, her hive. Her life had become a facade, her behavior a series of masks. She doesn't remember the last time she really felt like an individual.

But she remembers the first time.

Before her, the entire hive was changing. Transforming. Starlight Glimmer hadn't been lying. She hadn't been naïve. Changelings could survive by sharing love. They didn't have to starve. They didn't have to be parasites! They could be symbiotic!

It was the time she gave up her love -- despite having virtually none to give -- sharing it with Queen Chrysalis. And she was transformed.

Ocellus is alone.

All around her is a glowing white empty. The dream is gone.

There is no sign of the Tantabus. She does not see Luna. Only she remains. She is truly alone.

It was real. She knows that without room for doubt. Her collection of love is gone. Her hoard. She gave it all up, sacrificed to Tantabus. And in doing so, she feels she gave up her masks too. Reset herself.

It isn't a bad thing, being alone with herself. Her true self.

But she already misses her friends. She wants to return. She'll just have to take things more carefully. Rebuild herself. Just as she knows she will rebuild her hoard. Her friends have plenty of love to share.

Something permeates the white. A taste of smoked hickory, jalapeno and rubies.

Smolder's love. Pure and real. Her girlfriend.

...No. Not yet her girlfriend.

Smolder loves her. Ocellus knows this. She has known it for a long time. She has been able to taste that it is true and genuine, regardless of any other desires or baggage either of them might possess. And Smolder knows that Ocellus knows.

Her roommate is waiting for her to take the next step. With the patience of a dragon.

No pressure, not even a word. None need to be said. And Smolder is absolutely willing to remain just the friends they are now if Ocellus' heart does not reciprocate the love Smolder has for her.

But Ocellus' heart does. She just needed to work through her own self issues enough to finally see it.

Ocellus smiles, knowing she is waking up.