• Published 6th Mar 2020
  • 2,280 Views, 68 Comments

Equestria Girls: Link the Circuit of Friendship - Snow Fire

When the Cyberse becomes threatened, six AI ally themselves with six unique humans to protect it. Deck set! Into the Vrains!

  • ...

Chapter 2: Ai Have Arrived!

You Lose.

The words blinked over and over in front of the dejected girl’s eyes. She removed the virtual reality helmet from her head. She was frustrated and resigned. She had just had a simulated match against the school’s Duel AI at its Intermediate Level, and she just lost...for the third time in a row.

The girl, Twilight Sparkle sighed and cleaned her glasses. She had no idea why Crystal Prep emphasized on student duel skills and records. It was school. Why didn’t they focus on scholastics and athletics? Why put so much effort into a simple card game?

She didn’t understand it. Why did the school curriculum change to include such an emphasized focus on this? Sure the game is popular, but was that good enough reason to disrupt everything she had come to learn about school?

And because of these changes, her grade in her new Duel Monsters Application class was in jeopardy. Her GPA was in danger because of these stupid changes! If she can;t raise her score by beating the simulators at higher difficulty, factoring her lackluster Win/Loss record, she could end up failing!

“...can this get any worse?”

“Will Twilight Sparkle please come up to the Principal’s Office? I repeat, will Twilight Sparkle come up to the Principal’s office?” The voice spoke over the announcement.

“...that’s what I get for tempting fate.” With a sigh, Twilight packed up her cards from the simulator and exited the room. She walked down the hall with her head lowered, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone at the moment.

As she walked, she didn’t notice a student with tanned skin and white hair turning his head. His icy blue eyes lift a brow at her retreating form in confusion.

Twilight Sparkle stood with trepidation in front of the Principal’s office. Hesitantly, she rapped on the door twice.

“Come in.” The crisp tone of the Principal spoke.” Gulping, Twilight entered the dimly lit room. Seated at the desk was a middle aged woman with pale skin and glasses. Her purple hair was tied up into a tight bun. Her demeanor was serious and gave her the chills.

“Have a seat, Ms. Sparkle.” She ordered curtly. Twilight sat in front of her. “I don;t believe I have to explain to you why you’re here?”

“Is it because of my scores in Duel Monsters Applications?” She visibly winced.

“Correct. Ms. Sparkle, I understand your...reluctance in regards to the changes of our curriculum. But please understand that Duel Monsters has become so widespread and a prevalent part of our society that it is now being treated as professional competition.” Cinch explained. “As such, we also need to adapt to these changes and ensure that we are the best that we can be. We do have a reputation to uphold.”

“Yes, Ms. Cinch.” She could only nod in dismay. Cinch was dead set on this stance.

“Now I expect you to improve your duel scores to an acceptable level by the time the Friendship Games start, or I may have to reconsider your recommendation to Everton.”

“Wh-what?!” The girl snapped to attention. “But Ms. Cinch, why?”

“Why, it’s to be expected. Failing in your Duel Monsters Application Course would drastically lower your GPA. As a result, your qualifications would reduce as well. I cannot accept a student of ours to go through with their application to Everton if said qualifications fall for any reason. Do I make myself clear?”

“Y-yes ma’am…” She answered with dejection.

“Very well. You’re dismissed.” The woman returned to fill out paperwork, prompting Twilight to leave. As she closed the door, her face was set in sheer anxiety and misery. She slid down the wall after turning the corner. “...what am I going to do…?”


Deep within the realm of Cyberspace, Link Vrains is bustling with various duelists and/or users. The digital realm was much more fantastical than the real world, as there were streams of data that decorated the sky for people to ride or duel on, floating buildings, and advanced structures that seemed to come from a sci-fi movie. It was a realm that anyone could make what they wished or be who they wanted to be. To those who wanted an escape from reality, it was simply paradise.

Further within the marvel that is Link Vrains, a single entity seemed to be gliding across the ground beneath a stream of data.

“Ahhh~! What another beautiful day in the virtual world.” The strange being hummed happily. At first, glance, it seemed to be no more than a glowing purple eye.The eye closed as it basked in the quiet atmosphere. But it all came to an abrupt end when a loud roar cut through the air and shook it. “H-Hey! What’s the big ideaaaaaAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!!”

The disturber was a Duel Monster, a massive one. It was a giant mechanical dragon made out of diamond-shaped segments and green lights along its body. The eyeball recognized it immediately. It belonged to the group trying to catch him.

“C-Cracking Dragon?! Yipes!” The Eye immediately fled further into the network, not recognizing the threats that were present alongside the dragon in the form of three avatars of similar appearance. They each wore white, hooded clothes with metal masks.

One of them, presumably the leader, sat atop Cracking Dragon while the other two people with him rode on D-Boards. “Spread out! It’s gotta be here somewhere!” The leader of the group said before the group of three split off to cover more ground.


Twilight Sparkle sighed as she sat at the living room table. School had ended an hour ago, and she had already finished her homework. Both disheartened by what happened earlier and bored, she took out her deck and decided to go through it. She just didn’t know why she kept losing to the simulators. She thought this type of deck was powerful based on the recipes she’s seen online. She constructed it to make up for her lack of practical skills. But it didn’t seem to help. She studied her cards' effects and tried to play the optimal strategies she had with what she drew at the time. Yet it doesn’t seem to be enough.

She picked up the ace card of her deck. Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic. She wondered if she made the wrong deck choice. The Endymion deck was known for its complex effects and strategies. But it also ate up cards in her hand early on to set up her field. All it took was a disrupter or board clearer card used at the right time and she was a sitting duck.

“I’m home!” Her brother called out as he entered the room. “Hey Twily. What’s up?”

“Hi Shiny.” Twilight greeted back. “Just...trying to organize my deck a bit.”

“I see. I take it you had bad luck with the simulators at school again?” She had explained to him about the curriculum change a while ago. While he was confused about it, he was somewhat envious that Duel Monsters was a part of a school work. He wished he had that when he was in school.

“...yeah…” She sighed dejectedly. “I just don’t know what I’m doing wrong! I can’t even get past the intermediate levels of the simulators!” She thumped her head on the table. “Now my GPA is in danger of dropping and I could lose my Everton recommendation.”

Shining Armor frowned. He wished he could help his sister out. But she only got into the game recently, and barely has time to help due to his work. Suddenly, he got an idea. “Say Twily, why not have a few duels online in Link Vrains?”

“Link Vrains?” She turned her head to face her brother. “Why would I do that? Who knows what sort of crazies are out there on the Internet?”

“While that may be true, Link Vrains has security patrolling at regular intervals to prevent cyber criminals from running amok. Plus, there are practice centers for duelists to use. They have duel quizzes to help critical thinking and strategy, and there are other duelists to test your skill against.” He explained.

“So I can just lose again and again, great.” She murmured sarcastically.

“Twilight, I know you’ve been through a rough patch in dueling, but it won’t stay that way forever.”

“Easy for you to say. You’re actually great at dueling. I just suck.”

“Hey now. I wasn’t always this good. It just takes practice and learning. It took a while, but I finally reached the skill I’m at today.” He reasoned. “Just please try it out at least. Who knows? Maybe something good will happen.”

Twilight weighed the prospects in her mind. On one hand, she’d be susceptible to further losses in a different place while she could get the same results at school. On the other hand, maybe the change in location can bring about a change of pace. Who knows? Maybe she can learn a few things as a lot of the students refuse to duel with her due to her low scores. They would rather duel stronger opponents to hone their skill. After much debate, she made a decision.

“...alright. I’ll try it at least.”

“Great. Let’s get an account set up for you.”

After she and her brother set up her account, Twilight decided to spend an hour in Vrains to at least get used to it before dinner while Shining took care of leftover work documents. She laid on her bed with her glasses by her bedside.

“Alright, here goes. Deck set. Into the Vrains.” Twilight announced. The access code took immediate effect as he consciousness slipped away into the virtual world.

Once she opened her eyes again, she found herself in a plaza of some sort. She heard rumors of Link Vrains, but she was genuinely impressed by how...real everything looked. She looked over the attire of her chosen avatar. She was dressed in a sleeveless maroon bodysuit with a hooded black jacket over it. She had a pair of goggles wrapped around her eyes to replace her glasses. Fortunately, Link Vrains had the option of inputting an eyesight prescription for those who needed glasses or contacts, so she was able to see just fine. She also had a pair of boots that went up to her knees and her hair was more akin to a night sky littered with stars than simply midnight blue with a magenta streak. It was also tied up in a ponytail.

She patted herself down, making sure everything made it through. She noted how her sense of sight, touch, and hearing worked, so nothing was amiss. “Okay...so far so good. Now for movement.” She tentatively lifted her right leg then brought it forward. Her first step in virtual reality...successful.

“Alright!” Twilight, or rather Nebula, smiled, satisfied by her performance. Now, to the duel practice center. She looked around, but saw no indication of where it might be. Not even a sign. She thought about asking directions. However…

“AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!” Screams of terror snapped her out of her thinking process. She turned around to see a massive crowd of people screaming and fleeing in terror. She was woefully unprepared and was tossed around by the crowd as they rushed past her. After getting her bearings back, she grabbed another person and asked.

“Wh-what’s going on? What’s everyone running from?!”

“It’s the Knights of Hanoi! They’re attacking! Run!” The avatar she grabbed then dashed off somewhere. Her grip had slackened as terror filled her being.

The Knights of Hanoi. A name she was familiar with. How could it not be? They were practically all over the news pertaining to Link Vrains. They were a group of hackers that were essentially cyber terrorists. They would attack and forcibly duel other people in their search for something called the Cyberse and Ignis, whatever those were. When they defeat them in a duel, they would delete the victim’s account. Their attacks were not focused on duels alone. Sometimes, using the free nature of the virtual plane, they summoned duel monsters and somehow gave them the ability to attack and cause lasting damage in Vrains.

How? She had no idea. But she did not want to stay and find out. She was about to follow the fleeing masses, but something wrapped around her wrist and stopped her. Her eyes snapped to her right wrist, taking note of the red band of energy around it. She followed the band’s length to see it connected to the hand of a Knights of Hanoi member, evident by his mask and cloak.

Now fearing for her life, Twilight opened up her menu and tried to log herself out. The issue? The logout button was grayed, and no matter how many times she pressed it, nothing happened. She was hyperventilating at this point.

“You’re not going anywhere.” The man answered. “With that data anchor I used, you’re not logging out or escaping unless we duel. But should you lose, your account will be mine.”

Twilight felt her heart beat rapidly. If she lost, her account and her info will be stolen? That was terrifying! She didn’t even have a choice in the matter. She had to duel.

“Wh-why? Why are you attacking me? I never did anything to you!” She exclaimed, hoping to buy time for security to reach her.

“That’s true. Honestly, I would’ve just ignored you, but you have something we Knights want based on the data signature we traced back to you. You’re affiliated with the Cyberse and Ignis, aren’t you?”

“C-Cyberse? Ignis? I have no idea what you’re talking about!” She yelled in honesty.

“You say that...but the signals are as clear as day. Guess I’ll have to beat the answer out of you through a duel.” He pressed a button on his duel disk, and hers forcibly accepted a duel from him.

She had hoped to get away or buy some time for help to arrive, but now it seemed she had no other choice but to duel...something she was bad at! Still, if it is her only chance to survive...she had to do it.

“...alright, fine!” Begrudgingly, she drew five cards.


Nebula LP: 4000

KoH(Knight of Hanoi) LP: 4000

“I’ll start things off!” The Knight of Hanoi selected a card and played it. “I play Double Summon!” On the field appeared a spell card that depicted a spellcaster and a beast surrounded by lightning. “This let’s me perform two normal summons instead of one for the turn. I’ll use my first summon for Double Coston!”

He slapped another card to the board. On his field appeared a ghost-like entity consisting of two identical beings.

(Double Coston / DARK / Zombie / Effect / Level 4 / ATK 1700 / DEF 1650)

“This little guy counts as two tributes for a Dark monster.” The Knight informed. “Which is what I’ll do for my next summon. I release Double Coston.”

The monster split into two glowing balls of light before rising and combining higher in the air. “Strike down your foes and instill in them terror. I summon Cracking Dragon!”

The light expanded and changed shape. When it faded, a dragon-like creature was in its place. It appeared to have been made out of diamond-like segments and green lights. The mechanical dragonoid let out an earth shaking roar.

(Cracking Dragon / DARK / Machine / Effect / Level 8 / ATK 3000 / DEF 0)

“A monster like that...already?!” Twilight backpedaled in shock.

“Don’t be too surprised. Things will only get worse for you from here.” The Knight said. “Now I place one card face down and end my turn.”

Her opponent only had one card left in hand, but now he had a strong monster and a face down on the field. She didn’t know if the card was a bluff or a counter for what she had in hand. Nonetheless, she had to keep going.

“Alright, it’s my turn. I draw.” Her hand size increased to six before she selected a card. “I play the field spell, Magical Citadel of Endymion!” She slapped the card onto her duel disk. The area around them turned into a wall-enclosed city littered with towers. At the center of it was a tower above all others glowing with magic power.

“Next, I’ll summon Magical Exemplar in attack mode!” On her field emerged a young priestess with long, black hair and green robes.

(Magical Exemplar / LV 4 / Earth / Spellcaster / Effect / Level 4 / ATK 1700 / DEF 1400)

But as soon as she appeared, Cracking Dragon shot a beam of energy at her, causing the spellcaster to cry out in pain while energy bolts flew and impacted Nebula as well.

(Magical Exemplar / ATK 1700 - 800 = 900)

Nebula LP: 4000 - 800 = 3200

“Gyagh! H-Huh? How did...my life points…?”

“It’s because of Cracking Dragon’s ability.” The Knight said smugly. “Whenever you summon one monster at a time, that monster loses attack points equal to its level times 200. And you take damage equal to the loss.”

“So that’s what it’s capable of…” She murmured. Truly a dangerous effect. She considered her next move carefully. If she played this wrong, she’d lose much more lifepoints. So for now, she’d play defensively. “For now, I’ll set my Scale 2 Reflection of Endymion and Scale 8 Magister of Endymion in the Pendulum Scale.”

Two spell casters appeared in pillars of light on either side of Twilight. The one on the left was a male figure in green robes. The one on the right was a blonde woman in white robes with green orbs and markings decorating the outfit.

(Reflection of Endymion / Light / Spellcaster / Pendulum-Effect / Level 7 / ATK 1850 / DEF 2700 / Scale 2)

(Magister of Endymion / Earth / Spellcaster / Pendulum-Effect / Level 3 / ATK 1500 / DEF 900 / Scale 8)

“A Pendulum deck? Don’t see a lot of those anymore. Interesting.” The Knight mused. Ever since the advent of Master Rule 4, Pendulum decks were hit the hardest as the Pendulum Scale was integrated in the main Spell and Trap Zones instead of separate ones. And unless you had a Link Monster with multiple arrows, you could only special summon one Pendulum Monster from your Extra Deck to the Extra Monster Zone at a time. In short, the ‘immortality’ of Pendulums was significantly reduced.

“I activate the Spell card, Spell Power Grasp!” Another card appeared. This one depicted a magician cloaked in black raising a scepter imbued with power. “With this, I target my Citadel and place a Spell Counter on it. After that, I can add one Spell Power Grasp from my deck to my hand.” She pulled another card from her deck. “And since a Spell was played and now resolved, all of my cards get a Spell counter while Exemplar gains two.”

(Magical Exemplar / SC: 2)

(Reflection of Endymion / SC: 1)

(Magister of Endymion / SC: 1)

(Magical Citadel of Endymion / SC: 2)

“Finally, I set a card face down. My turn ends.”

“Then it’s my turn. Draw.” The hacker drew his next card. He hummed, not finding any use for what he drew but shrugged. I’ll summon my Jack Wyvern.” Another monster appeared next to Cracking Dragon. It was significantly smaller, about half the size, but similar in design.

(Jack Wyvern / DARK / Machine / Effect / Level 4 / ATK 1800 / DEF 0)

“Battle! Jack Wyvern, attack and wipe out her Magical Exemplar!” The smaller dragonoid unleashed a green laser that cut through the spellcaster with ease, shattering her into fragments before pelting Nebula with them.

Nebula LP: 3200 - 900 = 2300

“Guh. With Exemplar destroyed, her Spell Counters transfer over to my Citadel.”

(Magical Citadel of Endymion / SC: 4)

“Doesn’t matter now that the game is over. Cracking Dragon, wipe her out! Traffic Blast” The massive Dragon charged a beam of energy before shooting it from its maw.

“I activate my trap card, Defense Draw!” Her facedown revealed itself. It depicted a duelist surrounded by a barrier. “With it, I can negate one instance of battle damage at zero and draw a card.” She pulled out the top card of her deck.

“So you survived…” The hacker sneered. “No matter. You’re only delaying the inevitable. I end my turn.”

“Then it’s my turn. Draw!” Nebula added another card to her hand.

“I’ll activate my second Spell Power Grasp and add its Spell Counter to my Citadel, and add another copy to my hand. Now that it resolves, all my cards get another counter.”

(Reflection of Endymion / SC: 2)

(Magister of Endymion / SC: 2)

(Magical Citadel of Endymion / SC: 5)

“Next I set a monster, and then I’ll set a card.” Nebula placed two cards on her board, leaving a lone Spell Power Grasp in her hand. “My turn is over.”

“Back to me again, I draw!” The hacker added another card to him, giving him a total of three. “First I’ll summon a second Jack Wyvern to the field.” Another one appeared next to the first. “Then I play the Equip Spell Fairy Meteor Crush onto Cracking Dragon.”

The Dragon roared as the image of a falling meteor phased into its body. “Now he can do piercing damage.”

“But since your spell resolves, my cards gain more counters.”

(Reflection of Endymion / SC: 3)

(Magister of Endymion / SC: 3)

(Magical Citadel of Endymion / SC: 6)

“Doesn’t matter, because it’s over! Cracking Dragon, Traffic Field!” Cracking Dragon fired an energy blast at the face down monster. The monster flipped itself up, revealing to be Marshmallon, a marshmallow-like monster with an upside down smile on its head with its eyes right below it.

(Marshmallon / Light / Fairy / Effect / Level 3 / ATK 300 / DEF 500)

The energy beam struck through the marshmallow’s body and impacted Nebula, causing her to scream. “Haha! Game over! Now your account’s mine!”

“I-It’s not over yet!” She yelled. The smoke soon cleared, revealing her avatar unharmed and her life points untouched and her monster intact.

Nebula LP: 2300

“What? Why haven’t you taken damage?!” He snapped angrily.

“It’s because of my trap card, Impenetrable Attack!” Her revealed trap showed a heroine blocking a stream of flame to protect another hero behind her. “It has two effects, and I chose the second one; I take no battle damage during this battle phase. And because Marshmallon got flipped face up, it deals you 1000 points of damage.” The marshmallow opened its mouth and shot a bolt of electricity at the Knight.

KoH LP: 4000- 1000 = 3000

“Furthermore, Marshmallon can’t be destroyed by battle. So you’re other monsters won’t be able to do anything.” Nebula declared.

“Tch. I end my battle phase. But now I’ll play Burden of the Mighty to reduce your monsters’ attack even further; by 100 times its level.” The next card he played was a continuous spell depicting a birds’ nest made within a helmet and a hand gingerly reaching toward it. “And I’ll end my turn with that.”

(Marshmallon / ATK 300 - 300 = 0)

She was confused. Why would he play that if her monster was in defense mode? Something was fishy.

“My turn, draw.”

“I activate my trap card, Battle Mania!” During her standby phase, the Knight revealed the face down card he set on his first turn. It revealed a trio of students covered in energy as they faced off against a long-haired martial artist.

“Oh no!” Nebula paled.

“That’s right! Now all of your monsters are shifted to attack position, and must fight my monsters during the battle phase! So whatever you try to summon, it won’t be enough to take out my monsters, and you’ll lose!”

Nebula felt her arms tremble. The situation was turning bleaker with each passing turn. She needed a miracle or something! She looked at her drawn card and despaired. It was Cup of Ace. Just a gamble card. If she had drawn something like Endymion, Master magician instead, she could turn the duel around in her favor. But now she had nothing left. She was done for. It was the same type of helplessness she felt earlier at school...


Twilight Sparkle just sat there, slumped up against the wall. She had not moved from her spot for several minutes. She had still been trying to process the ultimatum Abacus Cinch gave her. Increase her duel score or lose her recommendation? Just how was she supposed to do that? The Friendship Games were about a month away! How was she going to boost her score high enough to satisfy Cinch's expectations if she wasn't even good at dueling?!

"Hey." A voice interrupted her downward spiral. "Are you alright? You haven't moved from that spot for some time."

Twilight looked up at the speaker. He was a student her age with tanned skin. His hair was white with blue highlights. His eyes were also an icy chase of blue. He was about a few inches taller than her, and wore his uniform with the sleeves rolled up. Around his shoulder was a filled bookbag while he closed his locker door.

"Uh...who are you?" She asked, not recognizing him in the slightest.

"My name is Varis Rifle. I'm in the same Duel Monsters Application course as you." He answered bluntly.

"Oh...you are?" Twilight didn't recognize him. Then again, she didn't pay much attention to her classmates' faces in a class she wasn't too crazy about.

"Yeah. And are you doing okay? You've been sitting there for a while." He frowned in concern.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine. Don't worry about it." She didn't know why he was concerned about her. Maybe he pitied her or something? Her thoughts were interrupted as Sol sat down next to her.

"I get the feeling that's not the whole truth." He shook his head. "Let me guess...it had something to do with your talk with Cinch?"

"How did you…?"

"You may not recognize me, but I see you around in class. So when the announcement came, I put two and two together." He then spoke in a whisper. "Given how our principal is...I don't blame you for being upset."

Twilight had to fight to keep a smile from gracing her lips. She wouldn't deny that last part. But she quickly returned to the matter at hand. "Why are you even talking with me about this?"

"You just looked like you were having some trouble. Thought I'd try and help." He shrugged.

"Why? We're not even friends. We barely know each other." She retorted.

"Maybe. But I can't really turn away from someone who was depressed for like you. Wanna talk about it?"


"I learned from my father that sometimes talking about it can help. It gets that weight off your chest. I won't talk. Just listen, alright?"

Reluctantly, she explained what happened in the office. She could have sworn Varis' eyes grew intense for a second.

"So the issue was that you have to bring your DMA scores up to keep your Everton recommendation?"

"Pretty much. And it's pretty much impossible for me since I can't even get past the second level on the simulator!" She hung her head.

"Don't you think it's a bit too soon to give up?"

"You don't know what you're talking about."

"Maybe not. But it seems you worked hard to get into Everton. But now you're just going to let everything you worked so hard towards fall apart? Just like that?" Varis questioned.

"What can I do? I can't improve my duel scores! No matter how hard I try, or how much effort I put it, it's never enough!" Twilight snapped emotionally. His words hurt. He had no idea how much she tried, studied, or practiced through duel quizzes to improve herself. "Every time, it's either I play the wrong thing at the wrong time, or I never draw what I need! It's all just luck that determines whether you win or lose!"

"...Well, I won't deny that luck is a factor. However, it's not the only one. It also comes down to experience, skill, and strategy. Drawing what you need is only part of it, the rest is knowing how to play what you have to turn the duel in your favor. Sure it may be fine to give up. But when your back is against the wall and you can't risk defeat, is resignation even an option? No, it's not. No matter what, you need to gather up all your might and skill to break through that wall. So when things may seem bleak, always think of three things."

"Three things?" She asked.

"Three. Think of Three Things. Three things to live. Three things to go home. Three things to defeat the enemy. By thinking, you can still live." He told her.

"...Do you always say such dramatic, yet inspiring stuff?" Twilight questioned after processing his words. Despite her initial confusion, she felt a bit better from hearing them nonetheless.

"Actually, I just quoted from my father. He was the one who taught me it." Varis spoke before he got back up. "In the end, it's all up to you to take that first step. By the way, here." He pulled out his deck box and handed her three cards. "I saw your duels in the simulator. Thought these could help you out, especially with that deck of yours."

"But, I can't take them." She shook her head, but Varis just pressed it into her hand.

"These will serve you better than me. I pulled them from a set a while back, but haven't been able to use them. Maybe they'll work for you better." The girl then got a good look at the cards in her hand. Her eyes widened so much that almost rolled out of her sockets.

"Th-this is…!" She stammered. But before she could get her retorts out, he was already near the end of the hall.

"I gotta go...see ya around." With a wave goodbye, he turned the corner.

"W-wait!" She quickly chased after him. She couldn't accept them. Not cards this rare and valuable! But when she turned the corner, he was already gone.

'...why am I recalling this now?' Nebula thought. Although she did admit it was something she needed. How could she give up now of all times? Especially since her internet safety and identity were on the line. If there was any time to take a risk, no matter how ludicrous it may be, now was the time!

"I play Cup of Ace!" The next card on her field was one of a gold chalice. "With this, I flip a coin. If it's heads, I draw two cards. If it's tails, you draw two."

"...Really? That's the best you can do now? A gamble? You're seriously willing to risk it all on a single coin toss? You do realize that there's a 50/50 chance of it benefitting me instead." The Knight goaded.

"At this point...I have nothing left to lose. Because I have three things riding on this duel!" Nebula raised a finger one by one. "One: my account information and security are on the line. Two: This is the first serious duel I have been in in a long time, and I just can't give up here. And three: I really want to win and wipe that smug grin off your face!" She pressed a button on her duel disk, and a digital coin appeared in front of her. It flipped over and over. Her heart thundered against her chest from the suspense. Finally, the coin stopped and landed….on heads!

(Reflection of Endymion / SC: 4)

(Magister of Endymion / SC: 4)

(Magical Citadel of Endymion / SC: 7)

“Tch. Lucky toss. But two cards won’t help you here.”

She frowned. He might be right. It might not be enough. But even so, she needed to turn this duel around. She looked to her deck for help. Her next draw would decide the outcome. “I draw!”

She pulled the top two cards off her deck. Her eyes widened upon what it was. It was one of the cards Varis gave her.


While at school, Twilight had placed the gifts Varis Rifle gave her in her deck box, having no other means of storing them safely and securely until she came home. Due to her lack of drive for Duel Monsters, she hadn’t invested in many containers or binders for her cards. The most she has are a couple of deck boxes from her structure decks she purchased and the hand me downs Shining Armor gave her.

When she finished her account and got her deck ready for Link Vrains, he debated about keeping them in her main deck. They weren’t hers. She didn’t feel like she deserved them.

She pursued through her deck until she found the cards in question. “Next time I see him, I’ll be sure to give them back to him.” She nodded. But before she could set them aside, at her feet, a purple and green puppy nudged her leg for attention.

“Hm? What is it, Spike?” She set her deck down and tended to her pet. It wasn;t until later, after feeding him, that she had forgotten about setting the cards aside.

“So I did add it in after all…” She murmured. While she was reluctant to use cards that didn’t rightfully belong to her, she needed the edge to win this duel. And this was the ticket to victory. “Alright Nebula...let’s do this!”

“Are you done talking to yourself? Or has the prospect of defeat made you lose your mind?” The Knight mocked.

“I’m perfectly sane. And I just drew what I needed!” She retorted. “From my Pendulum Zone, I activate the effect of my Reflection of Endymion!”

The white robed spellcaster raised her staff as three lights rose from the head. “By removing three Spell Counters, I can special summon her from my Pendulum Zone, and a monster I can place Spell Counters on from my hand!”

(Reflection of Endymion / SC: 1)

“So with that, I special summon from my hand, Mythical Beast Master Cerberus!” Along with the spellcaster, another monster appeared. It was a humanoid beast-like creature with flowing blue fur. It wore purple pants with black armor plating and a purple cape. In its left hand was a blue scepter that had a beast head-shaped ornament. The monster roared loudly.

(Mythical Beast Master Cerberus / Light / Spellcaster / Pendulum-Effect / Level 8 / ATK 2800 / DEF 2800)

“Grr...even if you summoned a strong monster, Burden of the Mighty weakens them!”

(Reflection of Endymion / ATK: 1850 - 700 = 1150)

(Mythical Beast Master Cerberus / ATK: 2800 - 800 = 2000)

“Maybe so. But thanks to Reflection’s effect, both of them gain a Spell Counter.”

(Reflection of Endymion / SC: 2)

(Mythical Beast Master Cerberus / SC: 1)

“Like that will do you any good, since they’re still too weak to beat my Cracking Dragon. Thanks to its ability, it can’t be destroyed by battle by monsters with a level less than or equal to it. And even if you still attack, your Cerberus will be toast next turn!”

“There won’t be a next turn!” Nebula yelled, ceasing the man’s gloating. “Because I activate Master Cerberus’ special ability! Once per turn, I can remove 4 Spell Counters from anywhere on the field, like my Citadel.”

(Magical Citadel of Endymion / SC: 3)

“And when I do, I can target one monster you control...and banish it face up!”

“Wait, WHAT?” The Knight paled when Cerberus pointed his staff at Cracking Dragon and fired a bolt of lightning. The Dragon roared as its body faded to dust. “NO!”

“And when Cerberus banishes a monster, he gains attack points equal to the monster he banished.”

Cerberus roared as his muscles bulged from the increase in power.

(Mythical Beast Master Cerberus / ATK: 2000 + 3000 = 5000)

If the Knight hadn’t been scared earlier, he definitely was now. “...Mercy?”

“...Are you serious?” Nebula raised a brow. “You’re a hacker that forced me into a duel over something I have no idea about, stopped me from logging out, threatened to steal my info, and you expect MERCY?”

“....ah, crap.” The Knight realized where this was going.

“Battle! Master Cerberus! Attack Jack Wyvern!” The monster roared before pointing its scepter at the mechanical dragon. Instead of lightning, a blast of blue fire shot out and burned through the Wyvern before striking the Knight of Hanoi. The force of the attack sent him flying off his feet before landing on the ground in an unconscious heap.

KoH LP: 3000 - 3200 = 0

Nebula sighed as the duel field faded away. It had been a nerve-wracking experience. But she actually won. Then the prospect connected in her mind. She...won...she won an actual duel that wasn’t from a simulator or duel quiz. She actually beat an opponent!

Her surge of excitement deflated when she heard the Codex Security Drones that patrolled Vrains hone in on their location. They must have found the source of the disturbance and closed in. Not wanting to be taken by the authorities for questioning or being involved with anything from a hacker that forced her into a duel, she made the first sensible option resulting from fear.

“I’m out of here!” She quickly pressed the logout button and left Link Vrains.

However, she did not realize she had picked up a hitchhiker.


Sentinel turned to the direction of an explosion going off. “Looks like a Knight of Hanoi is attacking over there.”

“Interesting. That’s the general location where I’ve picked up the signal we’re looking for.” Lightning mused from the duel disk.

“So we should head over and check things out?”

“Perhaps...as soon as you deal with our little stalker.” Sentinel quickly spun and blocked a glowing red tendril with his arm. The cord ensnared his wrist before fading and caused his wrist to glitch. “A Duel Anchor? So this is how the Knights of Hanoi force people into duels. Isn’t that right?” He spoke to the spot where the Knight walked into view.

“You...knew I was here?” The hacker questioned.

“Naturally.” Lightning stated from the duel disk. “In fact, we’ve been counting on it. Sentinel’s debut with the Armatos Legio was perfect bait to draw you in.”

“An Ignis? So it was true.” The Knight growled and pointed accusingly at the Charisma Duelist. “You came into contact with the Ignis and obtained the Cyberse, haven't you?”

“Don’t know where you heard that from, but you’re right.” Sentinel shrugged. “But what’s it to you? I know you Knights go around harrassing other people about the Cyberse, even going as far as to delete the accounts of anyone who has an inkling of knowledge. But what’s your beef with it?”

“It doesn’t matter!” He snapped as he readied his duel disk. “Because I’ll beat you and destroy your Ignis and Cyberse cards to boot!”

“He’s not serious, is he?” the Ignis appeared to be frowning. “A mere grunt thinking he can take you down?”

“Well, let’s see if he’ll actually put up the effort. We gotta stop him and press him for answers anyway.” The Defender of Link Vrains readied his own duel disk.

“Very well, let’s make this quick.”


Sentinel LP: 4000

KoH LP: 4000

“I’ll take the first move!” The hacker first selected two cards from his hand. “Since I don’t control any monsters, I special summon my Steelswarm Cell!”

A black, armored bug appeared on his field.

On his field, two mechanical worms appeared.

(Steelswarm Cell / Dark / Fiend / Effect / Level 1 / ATK 0 / DEF 0)

“Next I play the spell card, Double Summon. This lets me normal summon twice. I’ll first normal summon my Steelswarm Genome to the field."

Next to Steelswarm Cell, a dark plated, pupa-like monster appeared.

(Steelswarm Genome / Dark / Fiend / Effect / Level 2 / ATK 1000 / DEF 0)

But they won’t be staying for long, because I sacrifice them!” The two monsters then vanished, with Genome splitting into two entities before they were absorbed into another, larger entity. “Genome can count for two tributes, so I tribute for three to advance summon Steelswarm Hercules!”

(Steelswarm Hercules / Dark / Fiend / Effect / Level 10 / ATK 3200 / DEF 0)

“Now I’ll end my turn with one card face down.” He set the last card from his hand and the turn shifted over to Sentinel.

“Then it’s my turn. Draw!” Sentinel pulled the top card of his deck before playing it. “First I play the spell, Fusion Destiny.” The card depicted Destiny HERO Dogma and Destiny HERO Plasma facing each other with a silhouette of their fused form behind them. “With this, I can special summon a fusion monster that lists a Destiny HERO as material by sending the cards from my hand or deck to the Graveyard. So from my deck, I send Destiny HERO Drilldark and Destiny HERO Malicious to the grave.”

A swirling vortex appeared behind him. The image of a hero wearing red and brown with a drill on its arm and drill bits for fingers appeared. Next was a demonic-looking hero with a D on its chest.

“Hero of the underground, heroic demon! Unite to usher in the Dystopic savior! Fusion Summon!” From the vortex emerged a new figure. It was a muscular purple figure with a golden mask. “Rise up, Destiny HERO - Dystopia!”

(Destiny HERO - Dystopia / Dark / Warrior / Fusion / Effect / Level 8 / ATK 2800 / DEF 2400)

The Hero touched down on the ground and roared. “Next, I use my normal summon to summon Elemental HERO Stratos!” Another figure appeared below Dystopia’s zone. It was a blue-skinned figure garbed in blue and white armor. Silver wings with hovercraft thrust fans were attached to his back while his face was shielded by a visor. “Stratos’ ability! When he’s summoned, I can destroy spell and trap cards on the field equal to the number of Heroes I have aside from him. Right now, I have Dystopia, which evens up with the one card you have. Gale Break!”

The Elemental Hero’s wings whirred to life before shooting off twin twisters that blew up the Knight’s face down card, revealed to be Sakaretsu Armor, and broke it. “No! My trap!” He cried.

“Now that that’s settled, appear! The heroic circuit!” A Link Gate appeared above Sentinel. “The summoning conditions are two warrior monsters. I set Stratos and Dystopia into the Link Arrows. Circuit combine!” The monsters turned into data streams before shooting up to the lower left and lower right markers. “Appear and start the crusade of justice! Xtra HERO Cross Crusader!”

From the gate appeared a man in gray armor with a black bodysuit underneath, He also had red spikes all over his armor, and giant cross-shaped blades on his gauntlets.

(Xtra HERO Cross Crusader / Dark / Warrior / Link / Effect / ATK: 1600 / LA: Bottom Left, Bottom Right, Link-2)

“Since Cross Crusader is summoned, I can target one Destiny HERO in my graveyard and special summon it. Return to the fray, Dystopia!” The purple-suited Hero appeared once more. “Now I activate Malicious’ effect. By banishing him from the Graveyard, I can special summon another one from my deck. “Manifest, Malicious!”

A copy of Malicious fell into the digital void before another one appeared next to Dystopia. The Destiny HERO looked closer to a typical demon than a human, with the bat wings, horned helmet, forked tail and fur-covered arms and legs. The HERO roared upon his appearance.

(Destiny HERO - Malicious / Dark / Warrior / Effect / Level 6 / ATK: 800 / DEF: 800)

“So you have three monsters. Big whoop. None of them are as powerful as my Hercules, though. And come next turn, you can say goodbye to all of them!” The Knight exclaimed.

“Why would we say goodbye when his turn’s not even over?” Lightning asked rhetorically. Sentinel nodded.

“Now I activate Dystopia’s effect. Once per turn, I can target one level 4 or lower Destiny HERO in my Graveyard and deal damage equal to its attack points to you. I choose the level 4, 1600 attack point Drilldark. Go, Squeeze Palm!” The HERO’s hands began to radiate a purple glow. The Knight of Hanoi screamed as if he was being crushed by some invisible force.

KoH LP: 4000 - 1600 = 2400

“And that’s not all. I activate the spell card, Polymerization!” The next card depicted two orange shapes, a devil and a dragon, falling down a swirling vortex. “With it, I fuse all three of my Heroes together!” One by one, Dystopia, Malicious, and Cross Crusader fell down into the vortex.

“Heroes of the Day and Night, join forces and bring forth the trinity of justice! Fusion Summon!” From the spiral emerged a tall figure clad in red armor. “Strike down all evil, Vision HERO Trinity!”

(Vision HERO Trinity / Dark / Warrior / Fusion / Effect / Level 8 / ATK 2500 / DEF 2000)

The Vision HERO stood dauntingly. His entire body was covered in red armor with silver trims. His tri-horned helmet had a single circular visor that matched the circles on his torso and knees.

“So you made another Hero. One that’s weaker than your Dystopia, and still too weak to beat my Hercules!”

“I wonder if the rest of your comrades are aware of how naïve you are.” Lightning mocked.

“What was that?!” The Knight snapped angrily.

“You put too much value on monsters in face value based on their stats. Did you ever think our latest summon had a powerful effect?”


“My partner is right.” Sentinel interjected. “You see, when Trinity is fusion summoned, his attack points double for the rest of the turn.”

(Vision HERO Trinity / ATK 2500 x 2 = 5000)

“F-Five thousand?” The white-cloaked man gaped.

“Battle!” The Defender of Link Vrains declared. “Trinity, attack Steelswarm Hercules!”

The red-armored HERO began charging up power through his visor. His shoulder pads also shifted forward, revealing themselves to be laser cannons. Despite the fact his monster would be destroyed and he would take damage, the Knight of Hanoi steeled his nerves. “E-Even so, it’s still not enough to take me out. And I can still turn things around next turn.”

“That is where you are mistaken.” The Ignis’ eyes narrowed. “There is no next turn for you.”

To support his partner’s statement. Sentinel played another card. It depicted two warriors fighting, with one wielding a sword with blue energy. The Knight recognized it and immediately paled.


“Battle Fusion.” Lightning finished. “Since our fusion monster is attacking yours, it can be activated. As a result our monster gains attack points equal to yours.” A blue aura enveloped Trinity, further charging him with power.

(Vision HERO Trinity / ATK 5000 + 3200 = 8200)

“Trinity, finish this! Trinity Crush!” Three laser beams, one from each shoulder and one from the eyepiece, exploded forward and tore through Steelswarm Hercules as if it were paper. The blast continued and knocked the Knight of Hanoi member into the air screaming.

KoH LP: 4000 - 5000 = 0

The grunt crashed onto the ground before he rolled to a stop. Shakily, he lifted his head to look at the victor. “You….you’re a monster…!” The Knight of Hanoi member sputtered before he passed out. But before anything else could happen, his avatar dissipated into static.

“...his account has been deleted.” Sentinel deduced. He had seen this before. Apparently, Hanoi had the ability to forcibly delete the accounts of their grunts if they failed.

“Well, that was rude. Just because he was too weak to put a decent fight, doesn’t make you a monster.” Lightning crossed his arms. “Still, would’ve thought he’d be more of a challenge. And you didn’t even use the Armatos Legio.”

“What do you expect? I’m still learning how to use them. To beat Hanoi quicker, I’d stick with Heroes. On another note, are you sure you traced the signal of your friend here?” Sentinel asked.

“I’m positive. But it disappeared during our duel. He’s gone now.”

“With how everyone panicked and ran, I don’t doubt it. Still, sorry about this. You almost found one of your friends and he slipped through our fingers.”

“It’s fine. Truthfully, him fleeing is preferable to getting captured by the Knights of Hanoi, for whatever reason why they want him.” Lightning sighed. “It seems we’re done for now. Let us return home. I devised some more duel quizzes for you.”

“Again? We just did some before we left! Can’t we take a break?”

“And let your skills get rusty? I think not!” Lightning closed his eyes with a smile.

When Twilight woke back up in reality, she breathed a sigh of relief. She sat up from her bed and put on her glasses. That duel in Link Vrains had been intense. She hadn’t been pushed to the bring before pulling out a victory like that before. Despite it being exhausting...she felt relieved. But that relief was quick to turn into disappointment.

Her victory only came about because of the cards she was given. Not her own deck and skills. Did she really deserve that win from borrowed cards?

“...If you’re worried about the duel. Don’t sweat it. I thought you did great.” A voice chirped out.

“Yeah. But only because of cards that weren’t even mine. If I didn’t draw them, I likely would have lost.” She argued.

“But you did draw them. That’s because you had faith in your deck, and it just returned the favor. Whether you like it or not, those cards are yours now. And they will help you out.”

“That is the most illogical…” Then she blinked. Wait. Who was saying that? She looked around her room, only to find no one else.

“Down here.” The voice pointed out. She blinked again and turned her gaze to her duel disk. On the digital display...was a yellow and purple eye surrounded by black with purple outlines.

“Hi there!” The eye smiled happily in greeting. “The name’s Ai! Nice to meet ya!”


To be Continued...

Next Time...

Chapter 3: Burning My Soul!

Author's Note:

H-Ai Everyone!

I'm back with another Circuit of Friendship chapter. And I will admit, it was pretty stressing to make this, even after so long. The duels took some time, going back and forth and rewriting. The other half was rewriting the character interactions because of revisions for the future plot. I was debating on who to appear in the cameo this chapter to help out Twilight, and how it would affect future events. I'd like to think I figured it out, but I also tend to second guess myself.

I'm going to be honest. When I first started this story, I only had a vague and incomplete idea of how to flesh out the story, the plot, the conflict, the characters, etc. It took some time for me to sit down and really think about how to develop it. Admittedly, I was inspired by Friendship is Numerous, but I'm afraid I ended up pulling too much from it, particularly the Yu-Gi-Oh! lore continuity, with all of the characters and all, and it bled into this story with the same organization names.

I thought about adding more Vrains characters to give that legacy mesh, but I felt that if I did that, I'd bleed too much of the Vrains plot and origins into this story, where the Ignis Origins are different and such. For sure though, the endgame for this story and Vrains are different. So after much debate and council from various authors and fellow writers, I decided to retcon the use of actual characters from Vrains(as in the end, not many, aside from the Ignis, and Bohman, would appear and make significant impact). Instead, there would be expys to fit the role of particular organizations, and I'm sure you'll be able to figure out who is based on who.

But as I said, the origins of the Ignis are different from the Vrains series and will be revealed in the future, as well as the origins of the Knights of Hanoi. So I decided to just make it an EQG timeline with Duel Monsters and Vrains elements. I apologize to those who were looking forward to actual Vrains characters, but this is not that story. There are expys based on the characters, but not actual characters because frankly, the ones I want to include won't actually fit well due to the different Ignis origins. This is my first Yu-Gi-Oh! story to write and I'm still not sure if I can balance the two worlds properly.

Anyway, I digress. Apologies for this long rant. I'm just grateful for all your support to help keep this going.

Comments ( 37 )

Oh poor Twilight. She has to deal with Ai's antics from here on out. Poor girl.
On the other hand, having our lovable goofball might improve her abilities as a duelist. Excited to see where you're going to take this.
In other news, things are heating up as the flaming body of GUTS is on his way!

It is great to see this update again! This was very well done, very epic. I am sorry if this is a bit hard for you but you can take as long as you need to work on it, because I am enjoying this.

Looks like Twilight finally appears here. Poor thing is still struggling at CPA. In most stories I’ve seen she hasn’t ever had a problem with dueling, so this will be a very interesting arc for her. But she did great in her duel against KoH, and I like her deck since I am a fan of Pendulums. I thought it was kinda sweet how Spike inadvertently helped her by getting her to forget about her new cards for a moment and leave them in her deck. The little guy is still helping her. It is also interesting that Ai is going to be with Twilight now. That’s certainly going to be a fun dynamic to watch.

Also, that Varis Rifle guy is pretty mysterious already. The three things thing he said he got from his dad was Playmaker’s usual saying in the anime, so I wonder if that means he and Varis are related here?

Also, it was great to see a bit of Flash’s HERO deck. It was very impressive, and it seemed to have a good mix of various HERO cards instead of focusing entirely on one archetype.

Thanks for this again and I look forward to more, especially when we get to the Friendship Games in this canon, and Flash and Sci-Twi meet. One more thing, I noticed just a few small errors while reading through this.

If she can;t raise her score by beating the simulators at higher difficulty,
I don;t believe I have to explain to you why you’re here?
It wasn;t until later, after feeding him, that she had forgotten about setting the cards aside.

These are all supposed to have apostrophes.

KoH LP: 4000 - 5200 = 0

That’s supposed to be 5000, but it doesn’t matter too much since it is the same result either way.

I am a little surprised at Twilight. Since her grades are in danger, why is she trying over and over again with a deck that underperforms?

I disagree since pendulum summoning caused me to give up the game.

Also I cant really see this Twilight at this stage playing pendulum magicians since shes more about science than magic. Guess I have to keep waiting for someone to finally give her a mathmech deck.

Believe me. It was tough trying to figure out a good deck for this Twilight since I somehow kept relating her deck back to the Equestria Twilight. That and I’ve seen other Yugioh stories that gave Twilight a spellcaster type deck. I kept trying to figure out a fitting, yet strong deck for her. In the end I chose Pendulum because despite the restrictions from Master Rule 4, it’s still a solid deck to use. In this story, she made up for her lack of skill with a higher tier deck that could be easily made from structure decks due to her budgeting prioritizing her lab than cards. Furthermore, I was told the complex strategies like Endymion were fitting for human Twilight, rather than the monster typing. Besides, now that Ai with with her, now she can access the Cyberse, thus cards like Mathmech can be accessible.

I’ve actually considered decks like Kozmo and Tellarknight, but wasn’t sure if those fit her.

I guess that's why I like Darthvalgaavs yugioh stories, because he gives them unique decks that make sense. Like giving Twilight a Genex deck. Its unique and with the small backstory he gave her of having found memories playing Megaman with Shining, it really fits.

I'm sorry if its coming off like im railing on you. I just have a really bad taste for that mechanic plus there is an oversaturation of Twilight with both Endemion and Spellbooks. I mean, Shaddolls are spellcaster as well. Or you could have given her Glad Beasts since they are based on historical figures. Water Dragon or Chemcritters. Just a few ideas there

Yeah. That’s fair. Honestly she was the only one I was unsure about the exact deck for. I tried asking others, but they kept giving different perspectives that I didn’t know what was best. In the end, I decided on a deck that was complicated at first glance before adjusting to it properly. One that makes up for Twilight’s lack of dueling skills in this story for powerful effects and boards. And again, it was more of the complex mechanic than the actual typing. I also wanted to try something that set her apart from the rest of the girls for now as I’m still debating on the actual number of pendulum users in this story. For now, it’s just a limited number.

The same was with Fluttershy now that the Melffy archetype got released. Because let’s face it, those Melffy are absolutely adorable.

Shaddolls will also appear later....but I won’t say who is using them.

I'm so unfamiliar with Yugioh that honestly, all that stuff you were worrying about in the author's notes doesn't even apply to me. :twilightsheepish: This was great. So, what's the basic format of this story? We get one introduction each to the Ignis and their partners and then, change focus to getting the gang together and beating the Knights of Hanoi? If so, I'm really looking forward to the meet up and seeing what the group dynamic is going to be like.

I think this was a fine chapter and the two duels there.
Varis Rifle was pretty interesting to see as well(though disappointed there will by expys of Vrains characters instead of including the actual characters though..)

Though I am really disappointed that Spike is also still a dog in this. And pretty much a non-sapient one(and most likely no Equestrian Magic is going to be involved here so Spike is stuck as a plain old dog here).
I am just bummed this means he's not going to get to duel because he's a dog here(in fact he's going to be left out HARD due to being just a plain old dog).
I.. really wished the EQG writers didn't make him a dog. Spike really got screwed more ways than one when they thought it was funny to make him a dog instead of human..
Sorry if this was bothersome here, I am just saddened Spike is going to be left out in another YGO crossover story(especially in terms of dueling) due to he's a dog there..(especially the EQG related ones.)

He might be a dog in reality...but no one ever said he would be one in Link Vrains.

So...is this a Flashlight fic or an OCxSci-twi fic?

Still Flashlight...is what I would say. But I honestly haven’t placed much thought in shipping at this point. Even if it is, it won’t be a large focus.

Huh I didn't think you'd make sci two a newb


Like this?

"What's up meat baaaaaaag."

Twi: 'Sigh' Ai please shut your mouth.

But would he get to duel though?

I kind of had thoughts of Link Vrains allowing him to be not a dog but how would he be able to do it if he's not sentient at the moment? Like just a barking dog instead of being a talking dog. Like.. the magic did more than let him speak as a human, he gained the thought patterns/thought level of a human too from the looks of it.
Wonder how would he be exposed to Fluttershy's magic in this scenario?
Or he happens to be some unique dog with already the sentience/sapience/thought-level of a human(essentially like a human born in a body of a dog instead of a human's) but unable to speak as one?

Yeah.. sorry if I am being bothersome by the way with Spike there.

It's fine. To be honest, I never thought about Spike's role in this story. Sometimes I actually forget about him, unfortunately. I might end up redoing this part when I solidify what role I want to give Spike.

Shame Spike is forgettable there though..
In fact I think he's forgettable in EQG due to the fact he's stuck as dog. Most of the time I can remember him, he's just.. THERE. Like a prop. They sure did not think this through when they made him a dog instead of human, right?

Looking forward on what you might come up with.
Hope it might be something big for Spike too.

Yeah. They did not plan that well.

I know. Even in my other story, I end up forgetting Spike's presence even during Twilight's moments. But given how thing will later play out, I'll do my best not to leave him behind. Twi's gonna need all the emotional support she can get. Well, not just her, but the others too.

Honestly Spike suffered big time in the long-run by him being a dog, in the show and in fanworks due to that.

I see.. shoot. Shame that Spike is most likely left out in Kamen Rider fics too, especially in ones where its due he's stuck as a dog and thus doesn't get to be a Rider..
Speaking of Kamen Rider, I got into that series some months ago. Not sure when if I might start reading your Kamen Rider Build fic or not. It is looking interesting though.

I do hope that Spike gets to duel(and is really good at it). It just stinks if he just gets left out from dueling and such. Especially being left out from the fun. I mean, dueling is really fun to do and such.

What's your fav Kamen Rider series by the way?

My favorite series is Build.

For me, it might be tied with Ryuki, Ex-Aid, and Zero-One as the number 1 spot for me.
With Zi-O, Den-O, Fourze, Build running up so far. Probably Wizard, Kiva and Blade or W maybe(probably Decade and OOO too?).
Granted the only series I saw fully(due to its hard to find subbed episodes) is Zero-One.
But Ryuki and Ex-Aid has a special mention due to being the first Kamen Rider series I was exposed too. With Ryuki's case being its English adaption years ago, Kamen Rider Dragon Knight. For Ex-Aid, it was the first clips I saw on YouTube of it and listening to its opening.

10416811 PM me, I'll hook you up with a website. Also, check out Dragon Knight. It's an american adaption of Ryuki and it's way better.

Kind of surprised from the reply.
Ok :0

I remember watching Dragon Knight on TV many years ago, like when the 5Ds dub was airing too on CW.

I've thought about this for a while, and I think I might end up redoing this chapter so Spike is actually human, as well as expand his backstory a bit more as to how he became a member of the Sparkle family. As for the reason though...still trying to devise a good one.

That way he can actually duel and at least be somewhat relevant as a side character.

I would love to see him being human and getting to duel.
Hope he doesn't end up in the shadows of others(ie. the girls and the Ignis holders), like hoping he gets to be in the same spotlight as them. (Sadly it kept happening to him in the show with how he is in the shadows of the girls so much and getting left out alot due to not being a "chosen one" the Mane 6 are, what happened to him in Beginning Of The End really.. solidified that issue to me..)
Would he have a really powerful deck there?

Really looking forward on whats in store for Spike there.

Well, currently, I don't see him as anything more than a prevalent side character. I'm also thinking of his backstory and a potential arc for him that relates to the past I would give him, but nothing is set in stone.

I was planning on Red Eyes due to the amount of support they have, such as the new Dragoon of Red Eyes.

I just hope he's more than a side character honestly.
Like hope he doesn't ultimately end up in the shadow of the others(like the Ignis bearers) in the end due to not being a "chosen one" the others are.
Just hope he doesn't end up getting captured/taken out/"temporarily killed off" there, that kept happening in Vrains where usually most, if not all, characters not named Playmaker(or an Ignis bearer?) gets taken out, like ending up having their consciousness data taken, absorbed into the tower of hanoi, absorbed by Bohman's freaky network thing, etc.. I hope that doesn't happen to Spike.

I am interested on what will that arc go. Would it be connected to main plot of the story too? Like its not happening "outside" of whats going on and such.
Curious on how interacts would go between him and Varis Rifle(Revolver/Ryoken's Expy)? Feels like there can be alot of stuff due to both being linked to dragons and such.

Red-Eyes seems like a great deck for Spike. Red-Eyes representing potential like how Spike has alot of potential(that the show sadly didn't utilize fully honestly.). Think Spike would run Guardragons too in any of his deck(s)?(Like mostly dragons there).
I can see him running the 4 Dimension Dragons in one of his dragon decks too, like showing potential too. How Odd-Eyes fits him too due to the forms it has, reflecting potential.
Can see him using chaos dragons as one of his decks. Like showing it doesn't matter what you are(be light or dark), friendship can work(like how he befriended Thorax in the show). Can just see him having a arsenal of big dragons to use, like the theme of big dragons and small dragons working together instead of just relying on ONE big dragon at a time.

Yeah.. sorry if I am being bothersome about Spike there.

When is the next chapter?

FINALLY got around to reading this episode.

Great to see Twilight do well against such a vicious opponent. I would say that it was strange seeing her struggle with dueling, except I kinda did the same in my series.

Now, I'm curious to see how she and new little friend will get along...

Keep up the good work!

I think any dragon deck works for Spike, i would really love the idea of a human Spike dueling.

Considering how grade obsessed Sci-Twi is, I'm surprised that she's not trying harder to fix her deck. Einstein once defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. So shouldn't she be at a white board or pulling a Bastion and writing all over her walls to figure out what's wrong? Or maybe finding a deck that better suits her?

Hopefully she does get herself a better deck. Right now, I can think of two off the top of my head: Mathmech and Ursartic. Mathmech needs no real explanation. Ursartic, well, it works on both levels as it's a good call back to when Twilight stopped an Ursa Minor back in season one and that they are GIANT MECHA BEARS FROM OUTER SPACE! Not to mention they shut down XYZ and Link monsters.

More please?

Yeah. It's something I need to consider when revising this chapter. And I do plan to give her a new deck.

But hey, there's a great idea. I considered Mathmech, but Bearctic was one I didn't think of.

And from that set, I think Cadence would like Solfacord.

Twilight, next time you deal with those KoH, say something like "You have NO right being a Duelist!" the next time you defeat one.

Just found this, and it's very interesting. Excited for more!

I'd like to loan an OC for this story.

Twilight seeing Ai and then screaming is so funny, not that I won't do the same thing if I saw a strange eye looking at me like that.

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