• Published 3rd Mar 2020
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Human's Guide to Surviving Equestria - setablaze53

A book for those that find themselves stranded on an alien planet.

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Chapter 4: Living in the Castle

Chapter 4: Living in the Castle

Chances are you'll need a place to stay during your terminal visit to Equestria. It wouldn't surprise me if the princesses have already offered to let you stay in Canterlot Castle. I would highly recommend taking this offer for many reasons.

1. You get to live in a fucking castle!

2. Taking the offer will make this book much more relevant to you. Jay and I took the offer and this book is based off of our experiences.

3. I can assure you that the company of the princesses will be a boon to your mental health just as your company will be a boon to theirs. (They're kinda lonely. It's hard to make friends when everyone you know worships you like gods.)

4. You get to live in a fucking castle!

There is also a small chance that Celestia offered to set a place up for you in Ponyville. If this is the case, tell her to take that offer and shove it where her cutie mark don't shine. Trust me, you don't want to live in Ponyville, no matter how much Celestia tries to convince you it's a nice place. (We'll get to Ponyville later.)

Assuming you have accepted to stay in the castle, this chapter will help acclimate you to living with royalty.

Section 1: Getting Used to the Castle Itself

As you might have realized, Canterlot Castle is a big place. It's labyrinthine halls are easy to get lost in. I once took a walk through a less crowded part of the castle to clear my mind and found myself three stories above where I started without taking any stairs. I think there are enchantments scattered around to confuse intruders, but I can't be sure because anytime I ask about it Luna just gives me a knowing smirk and ignores the question.

Fine, keep your secrets horse lady.

I'm almost certain that's the case though, because if you ask a guard or maid to take you anywhere you'll be there in no time. It probably has something to do with their uniforms.

The point I'm trying to make is that you shouldn't be stubborn about asking for directions unless you have five hours to kill and don't actually want to get where you're going.

Section 2: Guards

Of course, living with the rulers of a nation comes with the benefit of always being watched unless you're in your own room. You may have noticed the golden statues standing around in the hallways or by doors. I can assure you, they are alive. Most guards are pretty chill in my experience, but there are some unspoken rules when it comes to interacting with them. Most things are just common sense, like don't touch their weapons and stuff like that. Other rules are more unspoken.

Different posts are for different things. If you find yourself lost, feel free to ask any guard on patrol or standing by a door for directions. One of them may even lead you to your destination if their post isn't super important. Technically you can ask a guard in the middle of the hallway, but you won't get a response. Hall guards are literally there to play statue. Also, please don't try to make hall guards laugh or show emotion. If a commanding officer finds out someone in that post broke character, they can get in serious trouble.

Think of Equestrian hall guards like the British Queens Guard or guards for the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

You can however go and hang out with off duty guards in the barracks if you get bored at any point.

Section 3: Dealing With Nobles

No matter how kind or patient a person you may be, you will come to hate these guys as much as I do. Some things are universal, and hating rich snobs is one of those things. In all honesty, I'd recommend avoiding them like the plague. In hopes of helping you achieve this goal I have compiled a small list of red flags that you may be in the presence of a noble.

1. If they're a unicorn, they're probably a noble. The vast majority of nobles are unicorns for reasons stated previously in the 'Pony Species' chapter.

2. If they wear clothes that aren't some form of uniform, they're probably a noble. Clothes are expensive due to ponies not normally wearing them for anything but special occasions, and wearing them in casual settings is considered a status symbol. Of course, this does not apply to you in their eyes because you are not a pony, you filthy plebeian you.

3. If they are shorter than you and you still have to look up to see their nose, they're probably a noble. I don't think this one requires explaining.

4. If they're offended by the fact that you aren't inbred from a pure bloodline, they may be a noble. You filthy mudblood you.

5. If they have any stereotypically fancy sounding accents, they're probably a noble. I honestly have no idea why so many nobles have foreign accents. I'm pretty sure they're just faking it. Also, nobles tend to be extremely whiny.

6. If they are offended by your mere presence, they are probably a noble.

7. If you can tell from a single look that jumping from their ego down to their IQ would be fatal, they're probably a noble.

8. If they brown nose Celestia Actually, that's pretty much everyone around here.

9. If you see a maid running full speed down the hallway, you should join them. A noble is probably about to round a corner.

Now that you can properly identify nobles at a glance, you should be able to avoid having any contact with them, right? Wrong! Somehow, someway, you will always end up bumping into one of them. I swear, the little pests crawl out of the nonexistent floor boards like cockroaches. They come out of nowhere. And god forbid that you stumble upon one of their little parties in the gardens. It's hard to get the smell of smug out of clothes, let me tell you.

There isn't much you can do about them being around, though many have their own ways of dealing with them. It's really up to you how you choose to go about this. Jay just ignores them, even when they talk directly at him. My preferred method is to insult them so bad that by the time their brain reboots, I'd walked away ten minutes ago. I've done this often enough that it's become a reflex for me, and no matter how many times I insult the same nobles, the idiots keep coming back for more. Luna finds this hilarious. Celestia on the other hand, does not. That brings me to my next topic of discussion.

Section 4: Dealing With Celestia

Don't get me wrong, Celestia is an amazing friend to have. It's just that while Luna is like a cool sister, Celestia is like an overbearing mom. She can be a bit of a killjoy sometimes. She's a very straight laced pony and doesn't like it when people mess with each other. In other words, she's not mad, she's just disappointed.

Too bad for her, I reserve the right to insult anyone I damn well please. If someone does or says anything I find mind numbingly stupid, you bet your sweet ass they're gonna get a faceful of insults. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

There is a secret way to completely sidestep Celestia's disapproval though. If by some chance you find yourself in Celestia's bad graces for the day, just bribe her with cake. Any cake will do. Bonus points if you made it yourself. (You'd get tired of gourmet food too if you'd eaten it every day for the last millennium.) Give her some cake and all past sins are forgiven.

While I do recommend abusing her weakness for baked goods, I do not recommend you stick around and watch her eat it. It can be quite traumatizing. Drop off the package and run for the hills.

Well, that should cover most of the surface level stuff about living in Canterlot Castle. Enjoy your new luxury suite and immunity to being reprimanded by a sun goddess. I won't say you've earned it, but after getting ripped from your home world, I'd certainly say you deserve it.

Author's Note:

Alright, here's where I'm at right now. I've had minimal homework today. I spent nearly 4 hours today blacksmithing in my favorite class. In said class I unexpectedly got invited by one of the TAs to start learning how to use a power hammer to make swords and knives. One of the other guys learning how to use the machine brought red bull for us to drink. I'm going back tomorrow morning to possibly start making my first knife. I also drank a bunch of soda with my dinner.

I'm in a great mood and I'm probably not getting any sleep tonight, so I figured I'd crank a couple of these bad boys out for you guys.

10. If you try and get in bed but can't because an enemy is nearby, there may be a noble outside your dirt hut.

You can probably tell how much fun I had writing the noble section.