• Member Since 6th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago

Ice Star

🖤 i eat children 🖤


Twilight Sparkle goes to take her semi-regular tea time with Princess Celestia. However, there is something out of the ordinary, and one confession is very long overdue.

Can both princesses come to an understanding by tea time's end?

This story now has a audio reading done by Lotus Moon!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 29 )

I wish you hadn’t clarified the story’s genre in the short description, because I happened to glance up at it as I was reading and I think going into the ending knowing it was a feghoot dampened the impact considerably.

Oh dang, I did that so fans of the genre would be able to find it. Like poetry, it felt novel enough to label. I’ll remove it!

Lovely. I adored Twi's freakout and how Celestia calmed her down. Heartwarming and funny.

“I am a flaming homosexual.”

Thanks for that. I almost choked on my coffee because of you.

... I don't get it. Feghoot's usually make sense by the end. This one doesn't. Twilight is gay for Celestia, and Celestia may be gay as well, is all I got.

The title has Celestia as the sun, and it refers to coming out by playing on the double meaning. If you take it at face value, it refers to the dawn, but in light of the last line it is Celestia telling Twilight she’s a lesbian.

The reason this stopped so suddenly is because the entire world imploded. :rainbowlaugh:

That, and it's a feghoot and those are meant to be brief. Thank you for reading!

This is the only appropriate reaction to something like this.
>implying i can write comedy tho
Thank you! I'm not the best with conventional comedy, so I always try and mix it with something else. Besides pain.

I don't know what a feghoot is.

good idea, ruined by the way it was writen thanks for finaly giving me a name for my second most dispised way to end a story, the first being 'bittersweet' endings...*hisss* be sad, or be happy....dont do this bullshit middleground nonsense that gives satisfaciton to nobody.

This is entirely intentional, just probably not for the reasons you expect. The story belongs to a subgenre of storytelling known as the "feghoot" where the title has a pun and the story's final line serves to reveal that pun. Originally, I had this in the short description, but it was removed after feedback from another person in the comments. It's not left hanging or unfinished by any means, it's just a story that serves to offer a pun.

“The sun’ll come out tomorrow” indeed.

Well, going by the publishing date she came out yesterday. :trixieshiftright:

Ah. It's good to know Twilestia fanfiction is still coming out, especially good one. I would like to see where that story would go 😝

This one is currently complete. Maybe I'll write more Twilestia in the future. I'm not sure.

This is the best story ending on the site.

Damn it only took 100 stories lol

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed the story.

youre welcome
i didnt enjoy it i absorbed it into my being, i became one with it, i loved and married it.

That's kinda gay. Thanks again, though.

Gay is pog.

Thank you for showing me this! I've added it to the description!

“Spike,” Twilight Sparkle said, and immediately afterward felt she spoke too quickly. Her wings rustled with the sudden discontent. “Though, he didn’t mean to. He just didn’t like my essay detailing the extensive research process between confirming my, uh,” Twilight Sparkle swallowed, “bisexuality and its relation to you. I even had a dissertation prepared about every reason why you are indeed the most beautiful mare ever and Spike wouldn’t let me get past the forty-fourth page.”

God Damn it Book horse.:rainbowderp:

“I am a flaming homosexual.”

You and half this site. Funny story.

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