• Published 3rd Jun 2020
  • 3,920 Views, 525 Comments

The Side Character is a Deer - Legacy Edition - Deergenerate

Johan is a side character in his own story. He is also a displaced human stuck as a deer. Suffice to say, his life sucks now.

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Chapter 7: New Friends and Construction Projects Are Nice

Johan let out a sigh of relief as he arrived at his house, his new recliner floating in the air behind him, held aloft by Platinum Shine.

"Here it is, El Casa de Johan." He said with a slight sense of pizzazz as he gestured to his shack.

"It's uh... rather depressing." Platinum said with a grimace.

"Yep." Johan replied. "But hey, no windows means I get quite a nice breeze going during the summer. So it's nice and cool most of the time."

"And what about the winter?" The unicorn asked. Johan shrugged.

"Fire place?"

"Fair enough I suppose. I mean, people have survived in this kind of house for thousands of years right?" Platinum asked approaching the front door.

"Yeah." Johan said opening the door and letting Platinum in. He stepped in first and gestured for Platinum to follow him.

Platinum stepped in and frowned at what he saw. The house was just so... tiny! It actually kind of made him mad that he had to live in such cramped conditions.

"Are you sure you will be able to fit you chair in here in the first place?" Platinum asked with a slight hiss.

"Oh, I was actually going to put the recliner out front and make like a porch or something for myself, I just needed to grab some stuff from in here first." Johan said as he rushed to the kitchen. He pent down behind a counter and started fiddling with some stuff as Platinum awkwardly stood there.

"Oof, stupid antlers." "Get on you." and more came from behind the Counter before Johan suddenly stood up, wearing a Construction helmet with two holes punched in it which his antlers emerged from. He was also holding a hammer for some reason.

Platinum blinked twice. "What uh... whatcha doing with that bud?"

Johan marched past him, hammer still in hoof. "The other day, I thought to myself after a talk with a friend. 'Hey Johan, you're kinda freaking stuck here for the rest of your life. So fuck it, nothing is gonna get better until I make it better.' Now I am going to do a little home improvement, starting with a porch!" He declared, determination ripe in his voice.

Platinum followed him back outside and around to the side of the house where the little deer had a bunch of pieces of plywood stacked next to the truck of a chopped down tree, a bucket of nail on said trunk.

"I have been saving up money for the wood and nails ever since, and I thought that a recliner would be the perfect bit of furniture for it!" Johan said as he walked up to the pile. With great struggle, he picked up one of the large boards of plywood, dragging it towards the front of his house.

"So the recliner is going outside? Umm... maybe you should have gotten like a rocking chair instead. This thing is made of cloth. You are going to get so many bugs inside it and don't forget the stains..." Platinum said as he turned to look at the recliner, still gently floating besides them.

Johan had just lined up a board with his house and prepared to nail it into the dirt ground, not yet realizing that he needed a foundation for his porch, before he smacked himself in the face, yet again realizing that he was still holding his hammer, leading to a large crack forming in the front of his hammer and a large CLUNK to echo through the air.

"Stupid Deer! Why didn't I think of that!" He shouted loudly.

"Hey! Hey hey hey, don't worry about it." Platinum said turning to the Deer. "I got you."

His horn flashed and a bright light surrounded the recliner. When the light dissipated, in it's place was now a small comfy looking rocking chair, complete with two little antlers on the back to make it stylish.

Johan blinked up at it for a few seconds as he stuck a nail into the wood. Johan smiled happily. "Oh my god, thank you so much man."

Platinum smirked down at him. "No need to thank me. It just seemed like the nice thing to do. I do have a question though."

Johan raised an eyebrow up at him. He was so focused looking at him, that when he swung a nail down at the nail he had readied, he missed and instead struck himself right in the hoof! He yelped in pain jumping back and swinging his hoof to dull the pain.

"Ah! Crap!" He cried out.

"Yeah, seems about right." Platinum exclaimed with a small chuckle. "Have you ever built anything before? Ever?"

"Ahhh, shit." Johan said as he shook his poor little hoof. "W-well, I did play a lot of minecraft when I was a human. Does that count?"

"I don't have any idea what that is, but I am going to assume it does not count at all." Platinum said stepping forwards. "Here, let me help you, it is clear that you need it."

"Uhm, ok... Are you sure you want to help me? I mean... surely you have more important things to do..." Johan said shirking back as Platinum bent down next to him.

"Nah. You have me for the rest of the day." Platinum laughed at his own jest as his horn glowed. The plywood moved slightly as the ground under it hardened, becoming a nice stable foundation for it.

The unicorn's horn wrapped the nail Johan was using in magic and lined it up for him. "After you."

Johan smirked as he readied his hammer and with all the force of Thor, he smashed the nail into the foundation. An excited grin came to his face as he stood up testing the board. It needed a couple more nails to keep it stable but other than that it was good!

"Get me some more nails! Let's do this!"

The two worked through the afternoon, and thanks to Platinum's magic, the two finished just in time for them to sit down and watch the sunset together, Johan sitting down in his new rocking chair and platinum sitting down at the edge of the porch.

"Thank you so much! I don't think I'd get this done without you." Johan said as he rocked back and forth in his chair, a new sense of optimism coming to his mind that he had been missing for so long.

"You're welcome." Platinum said smiling back at him. "But I don't think we are done quite yet."

The unicorn stood up and walked in a circle around the edge of the patio. "I think we should set up a fence. And a roof. Ya know, in case it rains."

Johan stood up and joined Platinum, who had a hoof on his chin.

"Well uh... if you want to help me at all... I have a couch inside for you to crash on. If your up for it... I can't imagine an Ex-villain has many places to sleep at..." Johan said, rather embarrassed.

Platinum merely let out a hearty laugh. He turned to the deer with a grin.

"Very well then, Mr. Johan." Platinum exclaimed. "I shall take you up on your offer!"

Author's Note:

I realize I didn't give you guys a youtube link last chapter. This is a problem I shall rectify with three links:


