• Published 1st Jan 2023
  • 9,052 Views, 950 Comments

Cinematic Adventures: Shrek - extremeenigma02

The Mane Six and Spike venture through the multiverse to a swamp in the midst of a fairytale kingdom. It is here they meet Shrek and Donkey who they accompany on a mission to rescue a princess from a dragon guarded tower.

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Break Down

The following morning, the sun had begun to rise over the horizon and slowly blanketed the red woods in a magnificent golden light. Outside the windmill, which was still slightly dark, Donkey and the remainder of the group slept peacefully. Eventually, the lavender eyes of Twilight Sparkle herself slowly opened as she blinked away the tiredness. She sat up, stretched her tired limbs, and released a small yawn. Soon the rest of the group, minus Donkey and Pinkie Pie, slowly came around shortly after. The princess scanned the area seeing two of their friends sleeping peacefully; however, she saw no sign of Shrek.

“Where’s Shrek?” She questioned.

“Who knows?” Rainbow yawned. “Probably out looking for more rats for breakfast or something.”

“And… my appetite is gone,” Rarity cringed in disgust.

“I hope he’s alright after what happened last night,” Apple said worriedly.

“Why? What happened to Shrek last night?” Fluttershy asked curiously.

“It’s a long story,” Twilight responded.

“Well, there ain’t no hurry,” Applejack pointed out. “We’ve got plenty ah time.”

Before Twilight could begin to share, her eyes glanced over and spotted Spike sitting with his back towards the group. Though unable to see his face, she could just tell from the demeanor expressed through his body language that he was still upset after last night. She got up, slowly walked over, and sat down beside him. At first, they just sat together with nothing to say while Spike hardly acknowledged her presence. He just sat on that stump, his head resting in the palm of his claws, a sad look upon his face.

“Spike, are you okay?” She asked concerned.

“I couldn’t sleep,” He answered somberly. “I can’t believe Shrek said that about me. Even after I told myself that he didn’t mean anything, that what he said was out of heartbreak, it still hurts.”

Twilight merely reached over and placed a gentle hoof upon the dragon’s shoulders. A cry barely escaped Spike’s lips before he slowly leaned onto her shoulder, trying so hard not to tear up.

“I’m really sorry Spike,” Twilight apologized. “It’s all our fault; we pushed him too hard. Maybe if we’d just stayed out of it, and focused on our mission, maybe things would be different.”

“No, we did the right thing,” Spike shook his head. “At least… I thought we did. I shouldn’t be so upset over something as simple as a misunderstanding. I know this… but you want to know what I hate the most? That a wedge was forcibly driven between me and probably the only other guy friend I’ve met here. I thought I met someone else who understood me; now I know the truth. He only wanted to be friends when it was ‘convenient’ for him.”

“Oh, Spike…”

“Hey guys!” Apple called out.

The pony and the dragon turned briefly as Apple White approached the pair, catching a look of concern on her face.

“Pardon me for interrupting, but have either of you seen Maddie?” Apple asked worriedly.

“I thought she was with you,” Spike responded.

“She was last night, but now we can’t find her. It’s like she just disappeared.”

“Oh no…” Twilight groaned. “First Shrek disappeared, and now Maddie’s wandering Duloc by herself. Can anything go right today?”


Meanwhile, while everyone else was talking, the ogress version of Fiona sat alone inside the windmill. Ever since last night, Fiona had been debating whether or not to tell Shrek the truth, about her dark secret. She’d since been picking the petals off the sunflower she found last night, pondering her future.

“I tell him, I tell him not,” She said, picking the petals. “I tell him, I tell him not…”

Eventually, Fiona was down to the last petal left off the sunflower. Seeing the answer just before her eyes, a smile crept across her face.

“I tell him!” She said eagerly. “Shrek!”

The ogress opened the door, quickly stepping outside.

“Shrek! There’s something I want…”

Fiona looked around, hoping to find a trace of Shrek. But the ogre wasn’t there, all she could see was Donkey and Pinke sleeping (The former lying on his back). As Fiona looked around, her eyes spotted the rising sun which began to crest the sky. Suddenly, a shimmering force swept over the princess as she covered her gaze from the blinding rays and within a matter of moments, her ogress appearance vanished. Her figure had resumed its slim appearance, the long rodlike ears were replaced with normal ears, her nose had taken on a petite appearance, and her green complexion was replaced with a more human lightness. By now, the rest of the group had quickly returned only to find Fiona standing there, looking out toward the rising sun.

“Fiona?” Ashlynn spoke up. “What’s wrong?”

At first, the princess didn’t know what to say. She was prepared to start telling Shrek, even the rest of the group, the truth about why she avoided being around them every night. But now back in her human form, she had no proof nor any evidence to explain to her friends how she was more than what she seemed. But as it turned out, that wasn’t the only thing on her mind. Because even before daylight arrived, before the spell wore off for just this brief moment, an epiphany had come over her. One so great, she couldn’t really say what she was feeling… but instead, she’d rather ‘sing’.

Fiona (Sings):
Good morning, dawn.
Good morning, day.
Good morning, mourning dove.

I had a long
And sleepless night,
Pondering true love.

My fairytale
I know so well
Has somehow gone awry.

Looks can be
But feelings cannot lie.

Do I love him…?

“Love… him?” Ashlynn raised her brow.

“You mean…?” Rarity realized.

Fiona (Sings):
Last night I was uncertain,
But this morning…
This morning…
This morning…

Just before the princess could finish, she stopped upon seeing a silhouette crossing through the morning light. Shrek stomping toward her just from over the horizon. She quickly hurried over to him as everyone, and every pony else, looked on.

“Shrek!” She greeted happily. “Thank goodness! Are you all right?”

She placed a hand onto his arm, but to her surprise he nudged it away and walked past her.

“Perfect!” Shrek replied bitterly. “Never been better.”

The remainder of the group quickly gathered alongside Fiona. Half of them were slightly surprised by Shrek’s response, but not as greatly as Fiona. Still, she was determined to tell him straight away of the nagging feeling that had been plaguing her mind… a promise she was determined to keep.

“I… I don’t… there’s something I have to tell you…”

“You don’t have to tell me anything, princess,” Shrek replied angrily. “I heard enough last night.”

“Oh. You… you heard what I said?” Fiona asked, shocked.

“Every word.”

Shrek sat down upon the windmill steps, facing Fiona with a heavy glare. By now, she was more taken aback than before.

“I thought you’d understand,” Fiona said.

“Oh, I understand.” Shrek retorted, with hurt in his voice. “Like you said, ‘Who could love such a hideous, ugly beast?!’”.

“But… I thought that wouldn’t matter to you.”

“Yeah? Well, it does.”

Fiona looked upon him in shock, tears welling in her eyes. Just before things could get out of control, before further words could be released, the rest of the group tried to intervene.

“Shrek, you don’t understand,” Rarity added quickly. “You don’t know the full story.”

“Stay out of this!” Shrek snapped at her.

“Shrek please!” Fluttershy urged. “If you’d just listen—”

“Why should I?!” Shrek snapped. “Why don’t you just shut your mouth and pet some cute little animals or something?! That’s all your good for anyway!”

Fluttershy reeled back, hurt by the ogre’s choice of words. Now her tears started to escape her eyes, a sight of which made every pony, dragon, and human around her shocked and upset. Of course, the angriest of them all was Rainbow Dash, who flew toward his face with a great rage.

“Hey!” She yelled. “Listen up, block head! No pony… I repeat… NO PONY MAKES FLUTTERSHY CRY!!! Here we are trying to explain things to you, to sort this out like adults, but you… you’re just acting like a big, fat… JERK!!!”

“Get out of my face!” Shrek growled angrily.

“Why don’t you make me…!”

Before the heat between the two grew intense, Applejack quickly ran up and grabbed her marefriend’s tail in her teeth. She pulled the tomboy pony back, yanking her back down to the ground.

“Calm down, sugarcube,” She said. “It ain’t worth it.”

Suddenly, the sound of approaching footsteps drew Shrek to look past the group.

“Ah, right on time,” He declared. “Princess, I’ve brought you a little something.”

Shrek gestured toward the group, as all eyes turned and widened with shock.

Farquaad’s Voice (Singing):
Fiona- Fiona- Fiona-Fiona!
Fiona- Fiona- Fiona-Fiona!

Before their very eyes, Farquaad himself arrived on horseback, appearing much taller than usual. Along with him was an escort of guards, the sun gleaming along their armor and some of the girls covered their eyes to avoid the light. By now, as the guards marched by, Pinkie Pie and Donkey woke with heavy yawns.

“Whoo-wee, there’s nothing like a good night’s sleep,” Pinkie stretched her shoulders.

“What’d I miss?” Donkey yawned tiredly. “What’d I miss?”

One of the guards loomed over them and they began to scurry away, the Donkey muttering to himself.

“Who said that?” He muttered under his breath. “Couldn’t have been the donkey and the pony.”

The rest of the group backed away from the approaching entourage of Farquaad and his men, taking their position before the ogre himself. Twilight turned toward Shrek, the disappointment clear upon her face.

“You didn’t!” She hissed in disbelief.

“So what if I did?” Shrek snipped back.

Soon, Farquaad reared his horse back with a great ‘Whoooa’ as he they stood in front of the group, particularly toward Twilight Sparkle.

“Thank you, Twilight Sparkle,” Farquaad smirked.

“… You’re welcome,” Twilight muttered.

“Not you…” Farquaad smirked. “We named the ‘plastic horse’ Twilight Sparkle!”

To prove his point, Farquaad smacked along the horse’s flank… which made an echo as sound vibrated off the hollow body of what truly was a ‘plastic horse’. Twilight glared toward the smug lord, unamused by that remark… and clearly insulted.

“I was going back and forth between Seahawk or Sprinkles… then I thought, ‘Condeleeza maybe…’ but no… Twilight Sparkle fits the marketing better.”

“… Charmed,” Twilight spoke dryly.

To suggest that Fiona was confused over this whole scenario was an understatement. Her eyes turned from Shrek to Farquaad, trying to piece together exactly what just happened. Finally, the lord himself addressed the human princess before him.

“Princess Fiona?” Farquaad spoke in adoration.

“As promised,” Shrek spoke to the tiny man. “Now about my swamp—”

“Very well, ogre,” Farquaad sighed. “The deed to your swamp has been put in your name. Cleared out, as agreed. Take it and go before I change my mind.”

Shrek snatched the deed out of a guard’s hands and stormed away. The Ever After girls were put off by this exchange. Apple White and Raven Queen reverted their attention back to the long-awaited Lord Farquaad.

“And what of the fairytale creatures?” Apple White pointed out.

“You promised you wouldn’t hurt them if we agreed to the quest,” Raven reminded.

“Fairytale creatures?” Fiona turned, puzzled.

“The truth is Fiona… we didn’t take part in this quest ‘just’ to rescue you,” Twilight admitted. “We did this for those creatures who were forced to leave their homes.”

“I wouldn’t worry so much of your fairytale friends,” Farquaad spoke bluntly. “We arranged a more appropriate home where they won’t bother anyone for a long, long time. And as for the rest of you… just be lucky I’m only here for ‘one’ thing. Now, step away.”

The whole group exchanged looks toward Fiona and Shrek, reluctantly stepping back as Farquaad finally turned his attention to Fiona.

“Forgive me, Princess, for startling you, but you startled me,” Farquaad told Fiona. “For I have never seen such a radiant beauty before. I am Lord Farquaad.”

“Lord Farquaad?” Fiona gasped, composing herself. “Oh, no, no. Forgive me, my lord, for I was just saying a short…”

One snap of his fingers and Farquaad was lifted off his horse by his guards. Left behind the horse was a large set of gauntlets and a pair of leg extenders that reached down to the stirrups, which made him look tall on the saddle. Set down before her, Fiona paused once she saw Farquaad in his true state. He stood at four and a half feet, much shorter than Fiona. Her nervousness turned to bemusement, as she awkwardly smiled.

“… farewell.”

Off the sidelines, Pinkie chuckled over the unintended pun.

“I knew she’d get the joke,” She whispered, giggling.

“Shhh!!!” Everyone shushed.

Pinkie’s eyes widened before she grabbed a zipper out of nowhere and literally zipped her mouth shut. Meanwhile, Farquaad was still in the midst of ‘wooing’ the fair princess.

“Oh, that is so sweet,” He thanked her. “But you don’t have to waste good manners on the ogre. It’s not like it has feelings.”

Fiona looked up toward Shrek, who’s back was turned away from the group. He stood there with the deed to his swamp, reading the fine print and barely even turning toward her. For the princess, so many emotions raced through her head in a single moment. Sadness, betrayal, but mostly… anger. She was about to speak until…

“You’re right.”

A male voice answered Farquaad’s question, causing all eyes to turn toward the bitter teenage dragon. Everyone stood in shock for Spike speaking up, even Farquaad was taken aback.

“What?” Farquaad spoke confused.

“It’s just an ogre,” Spike said bitterly. “What does it know about feelings?”

“Spike…!” Rarity gasped.

Spike merely turned away with a ‘Harumph!’, refusing to make any eye contact with Shrek at all. Whether or not Shrek even addressed the dragon or not, Spike had made his point.

“Spike’s right, girls,” Fiona agreed bitterly. “It doesn’t.”

But there was no denying this fact about Shrek. Even as still stood nearby, even with his back turned, the comments hurt. Hearing it from the princess was bad enough, but now hearing it from Spike… using last night’s words against him… that really stung. Donkey watched the entire exchange alongside Pinkie Pie, their faces heavy with confusion wondering ‘What’s happening?’.

“Princess Fiona, beautiful, fair, flawless Fiona,” Farquaad spoke fondly. “I ask your hand in marriage.”

Farquaad got down on one knee… sort of… and took Fiona by her hand. He pulled her down sharply.

“Will you be the perfect bride for the perfect groom?”

Not answering right away, Fiona made one last eye contact with Shrek before he turned away. Her sadness shifted to bitterness further, while the rest of the group shook their heads.

“Don’t do it, Fiona,” Raven whispered.

“You accept this, there’s no going back!” Apple whispered as well.

“Fiona, please…” Twilight silently begged.

But sadly, much to the chagrin of the ponies and all their friends, Fiona’s mind was made up.

“Lord Farquaad… I accept…” She responded, glaring at Shrek. “Nothing would make me—”

“Excellent!” Farquaad interrupted. ‘I’ll start the plans… for tomorrow we wed!”


Everyone was taken aback by the sudden shift in Fiona’s response. Even Shrek spun his back around, actually showing a hopeful look on his face. Farquaad looked on in confusion as Fiona tried regaining some form of composure.

“I mean, ah, why wait?” Fiona chuckled nervously. “Let’s get married today. Before sunset.”

Shrek scowled, any hope he was starting to build up smashed into a billion pieces all over again. Once more, he turned away unable to bear the sight of something so ‘cruel’.

“Oh! Anxious are we?” Farquaad grinned mischievously. “You’re right. The sooner, the better. There’s so much to do!”

Farquaad snapped his fingers, and the guards lifted him onto his horse. One guard offered Fiona assistance, but she lifted herself upon the saddle entirely on her own.

“There’s the caterer, the cake, the band, the guest list. Captain, round up some guests! Tell them it’s a Code Red! We’ll be married by sunset!”

The Equestrians and Ever After groups watched as Fiona, Farquaad, and his guards set off towards Duloc. Fiona gave Shrek one last spiteful look.

“Fare thee well, ogre,” Fiona said bitterly.

Meanwhile, Donkey and the rest of the group caught up with Shrek, who by this point started to walk a separate path into the woods.

“Shrek, what are you doing?” Donkey asked urgently. “You’re letting her get away!”

“Yeah? So what?” Shrek questioned.

The pink party quickly hopped in front of the ogre and tried to argue against him. But with her mouth zipped shut, her exchange of words was heavily muffled leaving the ogre confused and annoyed. Realizing the situation, Pinkie groaned and unzipped her lips before hurling the zipper off to the side.

“Shrek, there’s something about her you don’t know,” Pinkie gasped, catching her breath. “It’s like this: I—well ‘we’—we talked to her last night. And she’s—”

“Yeah, I know you talked to her last night,” Shrek interrupted, with hurt in his voice. “You’re great pals, aren’t ya? Now, if you’re all such good friends, why don’t you all follow her home?!”

“Shrek stop, at least listen for a minute!” Briar plead.

“What y’all heard last night ain’t what ya thought it was,” Applejack reasoned. “After all we’ve been through, ya really think Fiona would say anything bad about ya?”

“I heard with my own two ears!” Shrek retorted. “I can’t believe I was actually stupid enough to listen to all of you! For a moment, I actually considered you friends!”

That statement really hurt everyone in the group, Spike especially.

“We were friends!” Spike spoke, a mixture of sadness and anger. “Despite everything, we’ve stuck beside you since the beginning. Through thick and thin!”

“That’s right Shrek!” Donkey nodded. “We need to stick together; we want to go home with you.”

“Hey, I told you already, didn’t I?” Shrek asked loudly. “You’re not coming home with me! I live alone! My swamp, me! Nobody else! Understand? Nobody! Especially whining prissy princesses, sickly optimistic ponies, hopeless romantic dragons, or useless – pathetic – annoying – TALKING DONKEYS!”

Everyone and every pony reeled back from Shrek’s angry rant, absorbing the ogre’s words, and letting it all sink in. There’s was no denying the inevitable; all of Shrek’s words sincerely hurt them. After everything they’d been through, every trial and tribulation, hearing him say all those words cut them like a knife to the heart. Many of them had no idea what to say after that. But probably none more so than Donkey, who suddenly found himself fumbling with his own words.

“How… dare you!” Rarity gasped tearfully.

“But – I thought –” Donkey began.

“Yeah, well, you know what?” Shrek interrupted, walking away. “You thought wrong!”

As he walked away, the broken-hearted ogre began to express his pain and sorrow through song.

“Shrek, it’s not what you think!” Twilight yelled, running after him.

“Just let us explain!” Apple yelled.

And just as the song finished, everyone stood sadly and watched as Shrek disappeared into the horizon, returning to his swamp, and stealing himself away so he’d be more alone than ever.

“Shrek…” Donkey whimpered sadly.

“Let him go, Donkey,” Spike frowned.. “He wants to be a miserable jerk for the rest of his life, let him be! Farquaad was right; he doesn’t have feelings.”

Spike turned to walk away when once more Twilight approached him.

“Spike, I know Shrek said—”


Twilight Sparkle reeled back, as Spike violently turned his head toward her. The words came out in a deep, heavy growl, his eyes turned red with rage, smoke simmered from his nose, and even veins popped alongside his neck. Everyone else gasped over Spike’s sudden shift in mood, until the dragon’s usual demeanor returned, and he slapped his hands over his mouth. For a moment, Spike stood there wondering what just came out of him. Ashamed, and unable to utter a syllable, Spike quickly turned and walked away from the shocked group.

A majority of the group stood stunned, pondering over Spike’s sudden mood swing. What Shrek said last night really sunk deep into the young teen dragon much harder than they realized. So hard in fact, he started losing faith that Shrek wasn’t as bad as he made himself out to be. They weren’t so much hurt for Spike yelling at them, but they were concerned over a matter of something… out of character.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy approached Donkey and placed her hooves around him in a hug as tears escaped their eyes. For everyone else, not a soul could believe things had broken down so hard… so quickly.


Eventually, Shrek made it back to his humble abode in the swamp. By the time he arrived, it was still a complete mess. All the camping supplies, the clothes, even the pots and pans littered the front of his house. But nonetheless, it was completely devoid of fairytale creatures just as Farquaad said, proof enough that he was a man of his word. As he walked forward, looking around his home, something broke the moment he took one step. Looking down, he noticed shards of broken glass from a mirror, whether his or belonging to one of the creatures didn’t matter. He stared down upon himself, looking at his reflection against the broken shards but found himself unable to bear his own face.

The ogre made his way inside the house, approaching his table where a few sunflowers sat on top. Picking up one flower, his thoughts suddenly went back to Fiona and that last night together. But the memory made him frown, and he heaved the sunflower into the fireplace to watch it burn. No more would Shrek ever make that same mistake again; there was much work to be done now that he was home.

Building a wall wouldn’t be enough for Shrek; additionally, he’d build himself a moat. He’s talking ten feet deep, with piranha keeping guard if he could find anyway so folks would think twice before leaping over. At least then he’d finally get some sleep. He gave these strangers the slightest inch, and what did they do? They dragged him for over a mile. Out in that world, he was under attack. His face launched a thousand insults; he’d never go back to that. And when all the work was done, he’d lay himself down with nowhere to go. One room, one easy chair… that’s all Shrek needed right now. All that the miserable ogre could bear after these past few days.

Unbeknownst to him, Shrek wasn’t the only one having problems…


Back in Duloc, preparations went underway for the royal wedding. Princess Fiona stood on a small pedestal, as a seamstress made the final adjustments to the wedding dress she’d be wearing for her big day. After all the altercations were finished, Fiona was left alone to look over the final preparations for the wedding. Among which was the wedding cake, with figures of herself and Lord Farquaad standing at equal height. Fiona actually pushed Farquaad’s figure to where his actual height stood, contemplating over the fact she’d be spending the rest of her life with this little man. Not that Farquaad would really notice much if he was looking forward to this marriage than she was.

One turn and Fiona noticed a knight’s suit of armor, which of course made her think of Shrek, the one who actually rescued her from that tower. But it also reminded her of all the friends she made, the ones who reached out to her, listened to her, and understood her. Now they were left behind, and she never really said goodbye to any of them. What was supposed to be the happiest day of her life, now she was so miserable she couldn’t eat. She had thought she escaped from her tower, only now… she felt more trapped than ever.


In another part of the forest, a dejected group of Equestrians and Ever After girls, with Donkey at the lead, marched somberly down a trail to parts unknown. Occasionally, Donkey turned his head back but then reverted his gaze just as quickly. The last words delivered upon them, courtesy of their former ogre friend, drove most of the group to tears. Though some of the group were more angry than sad, but still hurt all the same. Even Spike barely shared a gaze with his friends, looking down at the trail he tread with his arms folded.

Eventually, they paused by the riverbank so Donkey could have a quick drink. Spike sat along by the edge, leaning his chin on his knees with his arms clutched around sighing heavily. But then a much deeper groan escaped, only it wasn’t even from Spike much to his own confusion. Slowly, the group turned around and they reeled back at a sight they didn’t expect to see.

The Dragon… the red scaled beast herself… with now a makeshift collar made from the candlelit chandelier that fell upon her… looking down the ground. What surprised the group most was not how sinister the beast was; instead, what stunned them most… was she was crying. Wiping a tear from her eye, the dragon was so hurt… so vulnerable… her emotions loose in ways they didn’t expect it. It was so saddening to see the dragon in this state, even Spike’s demeanor mellowed as he looked down at his own reflection along with Donkey.

An epiphany struck them in that moment, as they silently got up to their feet one by one and cautiously approached the dragon. For a moment, they had no idea what to do nor what they were going to say. But then, to the surprise of many, Fluttershy herself, the most frightened amongst all dragons, slowly stepped up to the dragon… and placed a gentle hoof upon one of the dragon’s big arms. The dragon stopped crying for a moment and looked down upon the yellow Pegasus, her eyes partially hidden by her pink mane as she smiled, small yet welcoming with assurance. The gesture made the dragon smile back, as the group welcomed the creature with smiles of their own. Unbeknownst to them, two pairs of eyes looked over from behind the dragon.

All this suddenly made Spike think to himself, as he turned back toward the distance where they last saw Shrek disappear. Although he still held the slightest bit of resentment, something in his heart was telling him what needed to be done. As he slowly embraced it, Twilight Sparkle turned to him… which made him turn back, and eye her softly with a smile of his own. It was in that moment they both shared the same crazy idea…


Far away from everyone she knew, everyone she left behind, and completely oblivious to recent events, a downtrodden Madeline Hatter walked alone in the forest. While all her friends slept last night, she’d spent the majority of the night by herself hiking through the woods. She walked until daybreak broke through the treetops and when she could walk no more she stopped before a tree, allowed herself to drop on the grass and released a sigh.

As she sat in the midst of the red woods, alone and weary, her pet mouse Earl Grey emerged from the collar of her shirt and squeaked with worry. Maddie merely turned to her pet mouse, eyeing her pet sadly, and reached up to tip her hat off her head. With one hand, she reached in and pulled out a chunk of cheddar cheese which she gave to Earl Grey, who proceeded to munch on it ravenously. She watched her pet eat, smiling sadly before she turned toward the horizon pondering what she was going to do.

“Now if only someone could help me…” Maddie spoke to herself.

While Maddie was thinking, all of a sudden, a group of footsteps broke her train of thought and propelled her to turn. The disturbance made Earl Grey squeak with fright, dropped the cheese, and dived into Maddie’s hat to hide, which she put back on her head. She picked herself up just as some figures emerged from the trees: The Fairytale creatures, filing out Anatevka-like, carrying suitcases and their belongings. There was no mistaking it; they are miserable. The moment they saw Maddie in their path, they stopped.

“Hello…” Maddie spoke meekly.

“What’re you doing here?” A wicked witch asked.

“I, uh… I needed some time for myself. What’re you doing here?”

“You didn’t know?” Papa Bear questioned. “Some ogre was given his swamp back in exchange for returning some princess to Farquaad. Because of what he did, we’re not wanted.”

“He did?” Maddie looked back.

“Just when ya think life can’t get any worse, ya get evicted from a swamp!” Pinocchio grumbled.

“I really thought that ogre was gonna help us,” The shoemaker’s elf sighed.

“He still might!” Peter Pan spoke up, hopefully. “Maybe if we all close our eyes and clap really hard!”

“Oh, grow up!” Pinocchio snipped.

“I won’t grow up!”


The insult made Peter Pan reel back with shock, even the fairytale creatures were taken aback. Maddie looked around as shouts and jeers were exchanged, ranging from ‘Whoa!’ to ‘Eh!’ or even ‘That is low’.

“What? Am I wrong?” Pinocchio inquired.

“Excuse me for interrupting,” Maddie spoke up. “But this ogre… was he with anyone else. Perhaps some ponies, a dragon, a donkey… and a couple girls who look like me… but not?”

“Yeah, you know them?” The Mad Hatter inquired. “Are they friends of yours?”

Maddie nearly answered, but then her face dropped. A sigh escaped her lips as she twiddled her fingers.

“I—I don’t think they will be… not after today,” Maddie spoke sadly.

“You mean what?” Sugar plum fairy asked. “Hatter girl won’t go home?”

“I… I’ve done something… terrible. Something that cost me my home… and I lost friends and family because of that. I’m afraid when everyone learns the truth, about what I did—can I go away with you?”

“We don’t really know where to go now?” The wolf admitted. “But I suppose you can come.”

“Forty miles north, they said,” Sugar plum fairy spoke up. “There’s a landfill with our names on it. Short man said so.”


All eyes turned, then faced the ground as a figure limped his way. All attention was set upon ‘Gingy’, the Gingerbread Man himself, his legs stitched up in vanilla icing as he dragged himself toward the front of the pack with a candy cane for… well, a cane.

“Are you kidding me?” Gingy argued. “What’s next? A dunghill?! A septic tank?! How low do we need to go, People?! It’s time we stood up to Farquaad ourselves!”

“Stand up for ourselves?” Maddie asked nervously. “I—I don’t know—”

“Gingy’s right!” White Rabbit stepped forward. “We need to get off our fluffy buts and do something!”

Although some of the fairytale creatures were skeptical at first, thinking one cookie’s been sniffing the Pam too hard, one by one they started to believe Gingy had a point. If what this cookie said was true, that they needed to take a chance and stand for themselves, anything would beat spending their lives in some landfill. Everyone was sharing agreements, as Maddie looked around seeing all the chaos unfolding before her.

“Now wait a minute!” Pinocchio yelled, drawing their attention. “Maybe that ogre wasn’t the answer, but something better will come along, and we have to wait for it, because that’s what fairytale creatures do. We wait for miracles; we wish upon stars! Why my cricket always told me—”

“Aw, forget that cricket!” The witch groaned. “If he was so smart he would’ve seen that windshield coming!”

“No… no… we just need to lay low until this all blows over.”

“Law low?!” The ugly duckling retorted.

“It’s too late for that!” Shoemaker’s elf added.

“He took my mama!” Baby Bear stepped up.

“Down with Farquaad!” Papa joined in.

“Power to zi piggies!” The three pigs cried in unison.


And just like that… everything went silent, so quiet you could hear a pin drop. The fairytale creatures, Maddie especially, stared toward Pinocchio who heaved in and out an air of frustration. Then his demeanor shifted to sadness, as if reality had just set in. Maddie approached Pinocchio, leaning towards the little puppet.

“You’re nose didn’t grow…” Maddie pointed out. “When you said this wouldn’t happen if you were a real boy, your nose didn’t grow. That’s how you really feel… isn’t it?”

“Why can’t I be a real boy?” Pinocchio spoke sadly. “I don’t want to be a burden; I didn’t want to hurt Papa and make him send me away. I tried doing everything right; I wanted my fairytale ending more than anybody. I thought if I really wanted something so much, then that ‘someday’ of being a real boy could be today.

“But I’m still just… not. I’m a coward… I can’t be honest with anyone or myself… and I only think about myself. Me, me, me… and everyone can be happy to say they were right, all along. I really am… just a freak.”

Maddie sympathetically eyed the puppet, thinking back to her own misfortunes. She placed a gentle hand on Pinocchio’s shoulder drawing him to look up.

“At least you got to enjoy a moment having a father,” Maddie sighed heavily. “My father… the father from my world… was taken from me. And there’s nobody to blame but myself. A sensible girl would’ve just minded her own business; go about her day without a care. But I’m ‘not’ sensible… curiosity got to me; I couldn’t ignore it. Now I can’t even face my friends or admit what I did because if I do—then I really am a freak too.”


Maddie and Pinocchio leapt away as Gingy approached the pair, to knock some sense out of them. If their attention wasn’t grasped enough, Gingy was determined to get through to them. With the sugar plum fairy lifting Gingy in her arms, holding the little guy up so he could look down upon the anxious crew, he belted out his message through song.

And as the whole group performed a synchronized march, imitating a series of beating drums, it slowly dawned upon Pinocchio… and especially Maddie Hatter. Here they were feeling sorry for themselves, hoping to avoid whatever problems came their way. But now was not the time for hiding, but to act. Not just for themselves, but for every fairytale creature denied the same privilege as everyone else. For every child who has forgotten the spirit of a happily ever after, of hopes and dreams. And most importantly… for all the friends still fighting for them, who need them more than ever. Even if they do learn Maddie’s own secret, they were her only family left… and the time for her to act was now.

“Yes!” Maddie leapt up. “It all makes sense now. We may be freaks, but we’re freaks with teeth, and claws—and magic wands!”

“And together, we can stand up to Farquaad!” Gingy cheered.

“I’m wood! I’m good! Get used to it!” Pinocchio declared.

“TO DULOC!!!” Pinocchio shouted.

Soon the fairytale creatures took off, a roaring flame in their bellies. They cried out as the motley rally stormed toward Duloc, finding their inner courage to confront Farquaad and demand their respect and dignity renewed. Even if Maddie feared they may not come out of this alive, her own friends never abandoned her during her needs… now it was her turn. Suddenly inspired, Maddie took off for the opposite direction which didn’t go unnoticed.

“Hey!” The Mad Hatter called out. “We thought you were coming with us!”

“Go ahead without me!” Maddie cried out. “I’ve got to get to my family!”


Finally, it all came down to the present circumstances deep within the swamp. By now, Shrek sat alone at the dinner table barely touching any scrap of food he made for himself. All of a sudden, a sound outside stirred him back to reality. Curious, he ventured outside to investigate, and his face widened with surprise. Donkey, along with the Equestrians and Ever After girls, stood within his swamp. Specifically, Donkey, Rainbow Dash, and Cerise Hood collectively assembled a line of branches and small rocks.

“Donkey?” Shrek said confused. “Spike? Girls?”

“Shrek…” Spike spoke, avoiding his gaze.

“What are you doing?” Shrek asked.

“I would think, of all people, you would recognize a wall when you see one,” Donkey replied bitterly.

“Figured we’d help save you some time and start building,” Rainbow snarked.

“You’ve only been talking about it nonstop for the longest time now,” Cerise added.

“Well, yeah,” Shrek replied. “But the wall’s supposed to go around my swamp, not through it.”

“We know!” Rainbow and Cerise responded in unison.

"'My, my, my', urgh!" Rarity groaned. "Is that all you have to say?"

“It is, around your half,” Donkey emphasized. “See that’s your half, and this is my half.”

“Oh! Your half?” Shrek nodded. “Hmm.”

“The way we see it, Donkey’s entitled to it!” Rainbow retorted.

“If not for him, you’d never known where Farquaad even was,” Cerise added. “He’s the one who found Duloc, who distracted the dragon, and he’s the one bending over backwards trying to impress your ungrateful butt!”

“I helped rescue the princess,” Donkey agreed. “I did half the work. I got half the booty. Now hand me that big old rock, the one that looks like your head.”

Instead, Shrek proceeded to pull down the wall and picked up a large branch. Donkey butted his head against it and the two struggled over it.

“Back off!” Shrek yelled.

“No, you back off!” Donkey argued back.

“This is my swamp!”

Our swamp!”

“Let go, Donkey!”

You let go!”

“Stubborn jackass!”

“Smelly ogre.”


Shrek suddenly released his hold on the branch, tripping Donkey over. The donkey had just recovered as the ogre started to retreat back to his house.

“Hey, hey, come back here!” Donkey demanded. “We’re not through with you yet.”

“Well, I’m through with you!” Shrek retorted.

Not allowing him to get away, everyone started to follow him including a stern Applejack. Just as Shrek neared the door to the house, Applejack and Rainbow Dash jumped in front of him.

“Nuh-uh!” Applejack shook her head. “With you it’s always ‘me, me, me!’. Well, guess wut! Now it’s our turn!”

“Yeah! So you just SHUT UP and pay attention!” Rainbow Dash added, as Shrek walked away.

“You are mean to me! You insult me and you don’t appreciate anything that I do!” Donkey pointed out.

“You’re always pushing my friends around or pushing us away!” Twilight added. “We tried to establish a friendship with you! All we’ve done is try being nice to you, and you still treat us like garbage!”

“Oh, yeah?” Shrek turned back. “Well, if I treated you so bad, how come you came back?”

“Because that’s what friends do!” Donkey emphasized. “THEY FORGIVE EACH OTHER!”

“Oh, yeah,” Shrek nodded softly. “You’re right, everyone. I forgive you… FOR STABBING ME IN THE BACK!!!”

One final yell and Shrek stormed into his outhouse, slamming the door in their face. To which everyone groaned in frustration.

“You are so exhausting Mr. Shrek!” Rarity called out.

“You’re so wrapped in layers, onion boy, you’re scared of your own feelings!” Rainbow Dash added.

“Go away!” Shrek called out.

“See! There you are, doing it again just like you did to Fiona,” Donkey emphasized. “And all she ever do was like you, maybe even love you!”

“Love me?” Shrek yelled. “She said I was ugly! A hideous creature! I heard the two of you talking.”

“For the love of Celestia, are you that stupid?!” Spike groaned in frustration. “She was never TALKING ABOUT YOU!”

“That’s right! She was talking about—uh—” Pinkie paused, realizing. “Some pony else.”

After a brief period of silence, Shrek emerged from the outhouse invested in their conversation.

“She wasn’t talking about me?” Shrek asked softly. “Well then, who was she talking about?”

But there was no way anyone in this friend circle would let Shrek have it that easily. Instead, they turned their back toward the ogre.

“Uh-uh, no way,” Donkey argued, turning away. “I ain’t saying anything. You don’t wanna listen to me. Right? Right?”

“You wouldn’t listen to any of us before!” Spike added. “Why would you want to listen now?”

“Spike—” Shrek groaned.

Having had enough of Shrek, all the walking away and pushing them away, Fluttershy flew right up in front of the ogre and stopped him in his tracks.

“Donkey and Spike are right, Shrek!” Fluttershy piped in. “You ought to be ashamed of yourself. A big guy like you who doesn’t listen to what any pony has to say… you’re nothing but a big, green baby!”

Shrek looked at her in concern, not even daring to interrupt the yellow Pegasus given how terrifying she turned into.

“First, you leave us outside your house in the cold! Then, you insult me and my friends! And when things didn’t go your way, you bailed out on us in the woods! A true friend would never do that, not to their friends, but you… you… you are the most difficult creature I’ve ever seen in my entire LIFE!”

Soon tears began to shed from Fluttershy’s eyes, as all her feelings and her pain poured out. Soon Spike stepped beside Fluttershy.

“It’s no wonder you all alone in your swamp!” Spike pointed out. “Who’d want to be friends with you? Who’d even want to talk to you? Why do you think you deserve any new friends of your own? You only want to be ‘friends’ when it’s convenient for you! You may be an ogre, and I may be a Dragon, but that doesn’t give you the right to be mean or offend my honor… and you… you broke it!”

The more creatures like Fluttershy and Spike ranted, the more their frustration grew. Off the sideline, all of their friends expressed growing concern for their wellbeing.

“You want to know what’s worse, Shrek?” Spike asked tearfully. “I’m not even mad about all that stuff you said about me! About my love life! About what it actually means to be a dragon! I could forgive all of that; all of it! If you weren’t such a… such a… a BORE!”

“What’s the use talking to you anyway?” Fluttershy frowned sadly. “You were right about what you said, the day we first met you. ‘Grab your torches and pitchforks’ and why? Because you’re a big… stupid… ugly… ogre! I hope you’re happy the way you are. Go right ahead. Bail on us again… live here… in the swamp… with no friends…”

Eventually, Spike and Fluttershy finally sat down allowing themselves to take a breath. Fluttershy started to tear up while the rest of the Mane Six and Ever After girls comforted her.


“NO!” Donkey and Spike huffed.

“Okay, look. I’m sorry, all right?”

The donkey merely turned his head back to raise his eyebrow, then looked away again. Even Spike snorted the air with a puff of smoke, refusing to lock eyes with the big green ogre any longer. Seeing how crossed everyone was, how hurt they truly felt, Shrek released a heavy sigh of regret.

“I’m sorry,” Shrek apologized silently. “I guess I am just a big, stupid… ugly ogre. Can you forgive me?”

All eyes turned toward Shrek, studying the regret on his face determining if it was truly legit or not. Slowly, the majority of their faces softened as they started to see he truly was sorry for the way he behaved. Even Donkey turned toward him, a smile slowly forming on his face.

“Hey, that’s what friends are for, right?” Donkey asked hopefully.

“Right,” Shrek smiled, offering a hand. “Friends?”

“Friends,” Donkey confirmed, shaking his hand.

“Bring it in, big guy!” Pinkie cheered.

Pinkie tightly wrapped her hooves around the ogre, who was taken by surprise yet awkwardly patted the pony’s back despite the uncomfortable gesture. Soon, the ponies and the Ever After girls gathered around Shrek offering a gesture of forgiveness in some form. Some patted his back; others shook his hand. Even Rainbow Dash nodded in approval, while Applejack tipped her hat. Shrek turned toward Spike, as a matter of fact all eyes turned to him waiting to see how he'd respond. Spike took a deep breath, shook his head, and then slowly stepped toward the nervous ogre.

“There is one thing you need to know about this dragon,” Spike began sternly, then softening. “I’m the most forgiving dragon you’ll ever meet.”

Spike wrapped one arm around Shrek, a brotherly form of hug as everyone was proud to see them make amends to some degree. Twilight Sparkle especially, nodded with approval, seeing everything working out… well, ‘almost’.

“So, um, what did Fiona say about me?” Shrek asked curiously.

“What are you asking us for?” Donkey smirked.

“Yeah, why don’t you just go ask her?” Pinkie agreed.

“Ask her?” Shrek raised a brow.

“Well, if you still want to be a hero, now’s your chance big guy,” Spike offered.

“Guys! The wedding!” Shrek gasped. “We’ll never make it in time!”

“Now what kind of ponies would we be if we didn’t have a plan?” Twilight smirked.

“Never fear Shrek, for where there’s a will, there’s a way!” Raven added.

“And I have a way!” Donkey chuckled.

Donkey whistled loudly, as Shrek, the Mane Six, Spike, and the other Ever After girls looked up. In a matter of seconds, the Dragon herself flew overhead.

“Donkey?” Shrek gasped.

“Shrek… I’d like to formally reintroduce you to the dragon from the castle,” Fluttershy presented.

“I guess it’s just my animal magnetism,” Donkey smirked.

“Aw, come here, you!” Shrek laughed, scratching Donkey’s head.

“All right, all right,” Donkey brushed off, smiling. “Don’t get all slobbery. No one likes a kiss-ass.”

“She’s one of us now,” Twilight declared, facing Dragon. “So… can you help us track Fiona?”

To which, the Dragon nodded in approval much to the delight of the group.

“Donkey the Dragon Tamer!” Pinkie sighed happily. “I always knew he was a genius!”

“Thanks Pinkie!” Donkey smiled. “All right, hop on and hold on tight. I haven’t had a chance to install the seat belts yet.”

Shrek, Spike, and a majority of the girls clung up along the chain slung around Dragon’s neck. Twilight Sparkle, along with Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Spike, flapped their wings lifting off into the air making way to take off. But all of a sudden, just as nearly everyone was on…

“WAIT!!! WAIT!!!”

The Ever After girls turned toward a familiar voice calling out, as Maddie Hatter raced off toward the dragon clutching her tiny hat tightly.

“I’M COMING WITH YOU!!!” Maddie cried out tearfully.

The Mad Hatter’s daughter leapt upon Dragon’s claw, landing alongside Donkey, as the dragon lifted them onto her back. Maddie reunited with the Ever After girls, who embraced her with heavy relief.

“Maddie, you had us so worried!” Apple spoke tearfully.

“Where’ve you been all this time?” Raven asked.

“Oh girls, there’s so much I really want to tell you…” Maddie sighed. “I promise; I’ll explain everything when we get to Duloc.”

“Well, what are we waiting for?” Rarity replied. “ONWARD!!!”

Soon, the dragon took off as the mighty beast soared through the clouds with their flying friends following close behind. Breathing in the air sweeping across their face, over the very landscapes they past, Pinkie Pie gave a holler as Applejack swung her hat with a ‘YEEHAW!’. As they flew, Spike looked back toward Shrek as he clung to the chain, smiling with approval before taking off with a great flap of his wings. Though they had no saddle to sit upon, and the scales were slightly uncomfortable on the hindquarters, nevertheless the team hung on as the Dragon continued the flight straight for Duloc.

Little did they know, however… their actions had not gone unnoticed…


Deep within Duloc castle, while Lord Farquaad himself was preoccupied with wedding preparations, Queen Cersei and Regina watched the approaching group through Regina’s magic mirror.

“Just as I suspected,” Cersei smirked wickedly. “I knew those meddling ponies and those girls would come. They don’t even realize they’re walking right into our hands.”

“And what exactly is the rest of your ‘brilliant’ plan?” Regina asked skeptically. “We’ve already failed to capture them… twice!”

Cersei merely gave another smirk, as she set down the wine goblet she drank from. It was during this moment Venrys and a few other guards entered the room.

“The prisoner is ready, my Queen,” Venrys bowed.

“Good!” Cersei replied. “And have you managed to acquire what I needed?”

“What else could you possibly need?” Regina questioned. “You got your key we were sent to get.”

“This isn’t something we need,” Cersei replied. “It’s something I want.”

“I had to slit a few throats,” Venrys replied. “But I’ve got it.”

Venrys reached into the satchel he carried with him and procured a small vial. Within this vial was a strange purplish liquid, which cast a sinister look upon the Lannister Queen’s face.

“What the hell is that?” Regina asked.

“Something that took someone very important away from me,” Cersei replied. “… My son… my darling boy…”

For the first time, Regina thought she actually saw sadness within the cold eyes of Cersei. Never before had Cersei mentioned having a son before, but even just saying it proved difficult for the queen to do. But before Regina could ask for more details, Cersei’s sadness was quickly replaced with a burning rage.

“Those brats have been allowed to breathe for far too long!” Cersei hissed. “I won’t use this to kill them, oh no… but what I have planned… they’ll wish they were dead. And when they finally surrender themselves to me, I’ll be more too happy to oblige.”

“… And I thought I was twisted,” Regina muttered, with a head shake. “And what about Lord Farquaad?”

“… What about Farquaad?” Cersei asked sinisterly.