• Published 27th Mar 2020
  • 1,085 Views, 12 Comments

Miles Edgeworth Investigations: Crimes of Equestria - Tethered Soul

When Miles Edgeworth and Kay Faraday are whisked away from Edgeworth's office, they find themselves involved in a number of strange cases.

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The Otherworldly Turnabout: Beginning Part 1

Edgeworth's Office
March 18th, 12:25 PM

Miles sighed softly as he took another sip of tea. As the taste danced around on the prosecutor's mouth he mulled about recent events.

He had helped bring down a smuggling ring, was reunited with an old friend. He even quit being a prosecutor at one point.

But now his path was clear, he was a man of truth. Guilty, not guilty. The verdict didn't matter. Only the truth did.

Eventually he found his tea had run out, and he set the cup on his pristine, ornate desk.

Standing and stretching he glanced around his office. Mementos of the past laid on a shelf in front of the window. Most were obscured by flowers from a woman that made Miles shudder with just a single thought.

Miles snapped out of his stupor and adjusted his brilliant white cravat. He straightened his black vest and dusted off his red suit pants and coat. He didn't have plans today, but he was expecting a local detective to stop by. As usual, said Detective took his time with it.

Just then a knock sounded on his door. Clearing his throat a little Miles spoke.

"You may come in."

The door swung open to reveal not the detective he was expecting, but a young woman. Her long black hair done up in a pink braid. A golden key was stuck through horizontally. Her green eyes sparkled with excitement. She wore a pink shirt sleeved shirt with white cuffs, and a short blue skirt. Her neck was covered by a blue scarf with a single golden Raven pinned on ot. As she strode in, she adjusted her brown leather gloves.

This woman is Kay Faraday. Miles thought to himself. I met her a long time ago. She is the heir to the title of Yatagarasu, the so-called Great Thief. Despite that, she actually hasn't stolen anything yet. Instead, she's helped me find the truth on a number of occasions.

"So what brings you to my office?" Miles asked carefully.

"I'm delivering a message from Gummy. He's been tied down at the precinct. Something about reviewing an unsolved case." Kay explained, before raising her fist to the air. "So once again, the Great Thief has stolen the truth."

"Stolen indeed." Miles smirked. "Well, I suppose I'll be waiting longer then. Would you care to share a cup of tea with me? I was planning to brew myself another pot."

"That would be great Edgeworth! A Great Thief needs to keep herself hydrated after all!"

Miles turned and picked up his teacup, ready to carry it to it's tray. However, as the teacup left the desk, he found himself going rigid. It was almost as if his body had stopped responding all at once. He watched helplessly as the teacup fell from his hand and hit the ground.

By some stroke of luck the cup didn't break, but the little bit of tea inside had hit the floor. Surely, his office would be stained now.

"Edgeworth?" Kay asked, her voice sounding frightened. "Are you-" her voice suddenly cut as she too went rigid.

Edgeworth watched in horror and surprise as his hands started to fade away. The rest of him quickly following.

The last thing he saw was the stained floor of his office before his whole world turned black.

??? - ???

Edgeworth groaned softly as he woke. The first things he noted were the temperature and the floor.

Both were freezing.

After making sure he had control of his body, Edgeworth sat up. Not far from him laid Kay. Thinking it best to understand his situation, Edgeworth stood and looked around the room.

The ceiling was high, the doors on his left were ornate. A couple of couches and a coffee table sat in the middle of the room.
And a grand window looked outside on his right.

However the strangest part was that everything was made out of the same material. Edgeworth strode over to the wall and touched it. He was shocked to find that not only did it look like crystal. It appeared that it was indeed a crystal room.

While near the door, Miles decided to try the doorknob. Unfortunately they were locked in.

Then he turned back towards Kay, who was now sitting up.

"Whoa. This place looks fancy. I bet there's loads of treasure here." Kay giggled to herself.

"Treasure hunting will have to wait." Edgeworth sighed. "We're locked in." And I'd have to bring you in if you tried to "treasure hunt".

"Aw man. I guess that means we'll have to break out. Just like at that theme park!" Kay nodded before walking over towards the window.

Before Miles could respond, he finally noticed a lump of something sitting over near the corner. As he approached it he noticed that it was a cloth draped over something. He also noted that as he approached, the air held a familiar scent.

"Kay. I think we have a bigger problem than escaping." Miles spoke, ushering the girl over. He pulled the cloth aside to reveal a dead pony. A bloodstained crystal dropped to the floor as he peeled the cloth back.

"I don't understand." Kay muttered. "What's a dead pony doing in a place like this?"

"I have no idea." Edgeworth mumbled as he pulled out his organizer and wrote down some notes. "But this seems like some sort of sick joke."

Just then the door let out a click, and a voice could be heard screaming.


To be continued. . . .

Author's Note:

So. A few notes before I do the usual stuff that goes with this kind of story. Unlike an Ace Attorney fic where cross examinations happen in court, these will be happening on the crime scene. Just like in Miles Edgeworth Investigations, on which this is based. Testimonies will be written in dark green. Light green is a piece of logic that is added.

At certain points Edgeworth will stop and either do a cross examination or combine some logic. All information (logic/evidence/profiles) will be found here in the author's notes.

Without further ado, the Court Record! Or, as it'll be called for this book: The Organizer!


Kay Faraday: Age 17. The self purported "Great Thief" and an old friend.
Pony: A dead pony. Not sure what relevance it has to anything.

Crystal: A bloodstained crystal. Most likely the weapon used on the pony.

Transported: We were transported here. Unsure of the method or motive.