• Member Since 19th Sep, 2013
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Very Sleepy

I am never serious.

Comments ( 163 )

For future reference, I'm actually kind of curious if this "recap" style of story telling in the second chapter is more or less interesting compared to the first. Just as a note for future writings.

this is good, but what of Changeling Domination?

If the sleep sex is rape, this story should probably have the non-con tag.
Otherwise (that is, without rape) the story would better interest me.

Yes..it is I'm ashamed to say:facehoof: Also well done son!:moustache:

fuuuuuuuuck this is creepy.

Love it :heart:

Part of me hopes shes wrong about not being able to get anyone pregnant

Please tell me they have at it with each other before the story ends.

I wish their were more detail to the sex scene when sunset fuck twilight, still a gret story though.

Just your typical "I'm going to kill you... wait... let's just go out on a date instead!" romance stories. If I had a nickel...

Also one more shorter ending chapter coming after this. After that, I don't know.

I think you should continue, show some of the shenanigans those two will get into metaphorically and literally as they date.

Sunset and Adagio dating seems like a bad idea. If people know Sunset is into girls......

Feels like this should maybe be on the down low.

You know, you're completely right. It's probably something they will try to keep hidden. I'll address it in a future bonus chapter.

I really like the personalities I managed to come up with for Adagio and Sunset in this fic. A lot more snappy, and a bit further away from what I call the 'standard male anime protagonist personality.'

Anyway, this chapter was originally supposed to be the ending, but I decided to write a bonus chapter for this fic and it's already looking to be pretty long, so stay tuned.

Another great chapter, keep up the good work.

Looking forward to more :pinkiehappy:

need more or a sequel, please

But wait, since they are pretty much the same.... wouldn't that mean since Adagio isn't using protection.....well that'll be a surprise in the next few months for them if that's true.

First part of the bonus chapter I have planned! Things are really going into the deep end.

“Oh, yeah… that ,” Sunset chuckled, impressed with herself. “We have our own drugs that we use. On each other, like , all the time just for fun. But eventually we realized our bodies built up an immunity to them after taking them too often.”

Hold up, then how long has it been since last chapter?

Say, could you write a chapter that actually describes the futas using each other. You seem to skip over that.

Say, could you write a chapter that actually describes the futas using each other. You seem to skip over that. please

Nice, though I was hoping they'd do more stuff involving the guys.

To be honest, I kind of lost my vision for this one for a while and just barely managed to crack out a sorta rushed ending if that isn't obvious enough. I feel like I enjoy writing the actual stripping and talking scenes rather than just the sex.

Anyways, just for fun, here are some potential ideas I came up for as future chapters. I don't think I'll ever get to writing them though, so I'm posting them here:

-The group catches wind that the newly wed Shining Armor, and their principal Cadance are attempting to conceive their first child. They do what they do best and see if they can if they can knock up their principal while she's out, and have her believe the child is her husband's. Kinda seems like they are taking things to far though.

-CHS and Crystal Prep attend Camp Everfree together. Turns out CHS has a similar group of guys who are into fucking their sleeping classmates. Really makes you think who isn't in on this... Anyways, Sunset and her new allies from both schools now perfect a better gas-based method to knock out people out. Then they enjoy literally every girl at their two schools who they want to piece of. Includes a heart warming segment of brotherly bonding as Thunderlane teaches Rumble how to fuck the three sleeping members of the CMC.

-Adagio regains some of her powers due to her close relationship with Sunset and gets the ability to control the minds of their prey. Seemed like fun to be taking the same advantage over the victims, but having them conscious enough to fuck back... though it probably ventured outside the scope of this story's main kink.

-A twist chapter that reveals a good number of female students are also into drugging guys asleep and riding their dicks. The two sides eventually discover each other and realize they are being stupid and everyone just wants to have sex... which they then have.

I like the last two. The power regain could be played out perfectly if she uses her power to fuck them while they're awake and make them forget. Or just have the girls block them out of thier kinds so our futa duo can blow away at them as if they're invisible.

For a minute thier I thought the girls were gonna start getting suspicious of sunset and start investigating on why so many of them are always sore after sleeping over at sunsets.

It would make a good non canon what if story, how both CHS and CP female students some how learned of each other similar situation, and start investigating, and even plant camreas in Sunsets house and catch her in the act, thus forcing Sunset to reveal and show everything to all her victims, the only questions are will the girls seek vengeance or let fun continue.

I really enjoy this story, and I luv everything about it. Its been a real fun read. Awesome job :pinkiehappy::heart::pinkiehappy:

That Camp Everfree idea would make for a GREAT one-off sequel if you ever wanted to do that. I actually really like how you make this into a business type thing. It’s like Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs and how they treat crime all business-like.

(XXX)XXX-XXXX: Btw, Fluttershy did ask for your number. Expect a call from her later, lover boy.

Okay... question here. For the sake of this story, the idea that works makes at least a semblance of sense. However, does Fluttershy even know the dude before all this? I don’t think a smell thing would work if she never consciously smelled him before.

Probably happened during their time partying beforehand.

For the group of guys from CHS, if this were to include Flash Sentry, that could give you a new character arc for Sunset.

And discovering the group of girls turning the tables sounds like the perfect 'happily ever after' to end this on.

If it's alright with you can I write a story base off this one but taking place in the same universe?

Like a bunch of side stories.

Yeah, this definitly seems like something this Sunset would do during a Groundhog Day-esque scenario.

Did anyonehere have sex normally?

Okay, Now I want to know if Sunset's friends do this shit too, lol.

Another fun chapter. Despite being a prequel its so much fun seeing Sunset and the gang in action again. It never gets old watching Sunset hunt new girls to fuck and Adagio knocking out her sisters and selling their bodies was great too.

Keep up the good work and hope to see more bonus chapters.

Did anyone here have sex normally?

What fun can be had in having normal sex?

If only Sunset could of kept the time looping device instead of destroying it. Things would of been that much easier for her.

Can't wait for the next chapter :rainbowwild:

Is flag about to be clicked? I hope not. The rest is still hot. I wonder if the memory stone can be brought in if someone is sus.

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