• Published 1st Dec 2020
  • 1,384 Views, 10 Comments

"In The Face of Certain Death, We Rise." - Knight of Crows

I thought my fate was the throne. I guess it still sort of is, just with less sleeping.

  • ...

A Second Chance?

Unnamed POV

This is strange. I'm supposed to be sleeping and maintaining the Mist in doing so, not even dreaming.

"-AAAAAHHHH!" Is that a baby? Why is there one here of all places??!!

"It's a pegasus colt, your highness!" A male voice said, sounding like he was congratulating someone. What's going on? Why do I feel like I'm the one being moved around? Am I the one crying?

"*panting* May I-." An exhausted, but somewhat soft voice spoke.

"He's your son!" I felt like I was being moved around again and grabbed the first thing in reach. I struggled to open my eyes, but when I was able to, I saw I was in what looked like a hospital room, but no one here was human or a Revenant. I looked up and felt myself calm down after seeing the magenta eyes of what looked like a white humanoid horse with a neon rainbow mane next to a black horse with blue slitted eyes and silver mane.

"He looks like his father." She said, smiling down at me and brushing her hand down the back of my head. Am I being born again? What about the Mist and the Horrors??!! What about the Relics??!!

"WWWAAAAHHHH!" And I'm crying again.

"He does look like me, doesn't he?" He asked as I was handed to him. "What are these lines around his left eye?" He asked, his tone changing to one of concern.

"Some newborn foals have bald spots on their bodies, some more oddly placed or shaped than others." He answered. "Uumm... Do you mind if we have him back for one moment?" The doctor asked, confusion and concern in his voice as he looked down at something in his hands.

"Is something wrong?" The white one asked, worried for me I'm assuming.

"Either the magic scanner isn't working right, or his magic is off the charts even by trained unicorn standards!" If by 'magic' they mean 'Gifts', then the Relics are still in me. I felt myself being moved again.

"Is that a bad thing? He'll be fine, won't he?" The other one asked.

"I'm sure he will, but it's still part of the procedure." He set the object down and grabbed another. "Same readings?"

"Is this going to be a problem?"

"If I'm being honest, I'm not too sure. It's rare for a unicorn to be born with an ingrown horn, they'll still be able to use magic to a lesser degree, but for a pegasus to have this much magic at birth? Either we need new scanners, your son will go farther than pegasi like Commander Hurricane, or today is a miracle and your son is an alicorn with an ingrown horn."

"My son might be an alicorn??!!" The white one asked.

"It's possible, but we'll need to run a few tests first. Before we get to that, have you thought of a name?"

"He looks just like his father, minus the feathered wings and eyes, I think Crimson Moon will do." She answered.

"Named after me? Fine by me!" He hugged her.

"Alright, because the other testing rooms are fully occupied right now, we won't be able to run the other tests at the moment. So for now, let's get the young prince cleaned up and back in your arms so both of you can rest." My eyes felt heavy and my vision began to darken.

"Thank you, for saving everyone." I thought I heard another female voice say before I think I fell asleep.

Crimson Moon POV, 4 years later.

"We're almost done for the day, Crimson." A navy blue mare with grey eyes and black mane said, my tutor, Ms. Quill.

I still remember that day like it was yesterday. Being born again and having to grow up again, I wish I could tell somepony, but they'd say it was all a horrible nightmare or something like that. I'm not happy about the implications of me being here instead of on my throne, but there's nothing I can do about that as I am. I can use my Gifts still, I've had no reason to use anything meant to hurt others, Gifts like Bridge to Glory are still available, but I'm having difficulty trying to imitate Blood Veils. By "difficulty", I mean there has been no progress. I shouldn't need to use them, but I'd still like to be prepared.

I'm rambling on. Thankfully, I'm not alone. Having all the Relics inside me and having calmed them enough that frenzy isn't a concern or whatever is actually going on now, Cruz is in my head and back to her old self, but I can only see her in my dreams. At least in my dreams, she's been teaching me how to better control the power from the Relics. If only because of old world paranoia, she's trying to teach me how to create Mistle and Bloodsprings. I don't feel the thirst, but as wrong as this might sound, I miss the taste of bloodbeads. Hospitals might also be able to use them if they're low on blood donations.

Things to deal with later I suppose, though I might not have many chances even after I learn to use the Relics because of me being the son of Princess Celestia. I won't complain though, I don't remember my life before Operation Queenslayer, so I'll take the second chance, and if I'm to be royalty for it, so be it. It does have some difficulties though, annoyances anyway because of my birth.

The crack-like skin commonly seen on Revenants who were close to frenzy at one point being very noticeable on my black fur aside, the nobility hates the idea of anyone not a noble, especially a non-unicorn being with my mother. Doesn't help how insulted many of them seem to look simply because of my existence, they sometimes forget I'm an alicorn, so many think I'm an abomination because of my magic power being so high. If only they knew I could lift things significantly heavier than me with only one arm. I think I'll wait a few more years before showing them how easily I can lift Revenant weapons.

"Crimson, it's time for dinner." My father said as he walked into my room. "How are your studies going?"

"I'm learning so much! My head is starting to hurt though." I answered, trying to play the part of a young child.

"His studies are going quite well, sir. It's almost like he already knows most of it!" Ms. Quill complimented me.

"Now that's my boy! I have good news, the chefs made your favorite!" He patted my shoulder.

"Celery soup and grilled cheese sandwiches?" I asked.

"That's it!" He answered. "Will it be a problem if I steal him from you?" He asked my tutor.

"Not at all, he's already ahead of his studies, so I don't see a problem with letting him go and finish this paper later." She answered as she began sorting and packing everything up.

"Then I guess we're off." My father said.

"To see the Wizard of Oz, for all the wonderful things he does!" Cruz referenced.

"You've been silent all day, something on your mind?" I asked her.

"No, I just didn't want to interrupt anything. Well, it is pretty boring in here when you're not sleeping or daydreaming." she responded.

"Sorry to hear that." I apologized.

"Don't be, it's better than being trapped in a body I can't control and destroying everything against my will."

"No one blames you. Especially Louis and Silva, it's not your fault what happened. Besides, with how I can calm the Relics it's safe to assume I was more compatible with the Project. Assuming I didn't volunteer, wouldn't it be my fault?" I asked her.

"Of course not!"

"Then don't blame yourself for trying to save everyone from the Collapse and the Horrors, you still helped a lot of people. Try to focus more on those you helped than the ones the Queen hurt, okay?"

She didn't respond to that.

Author's Note:

Not a name you'd expect for a son of Celestia, but I wanted to try something different and have her be with a thestral. I'm surprised I haven't come across a Code Vein crossover yet, I guess it wasn't popular enough for one after a year or two.

Comments ( 10 )

Interesting concept, having play Code Vein I know what happens, plus I think the true secret ending is probably the best option, just my opinion.

I considered it, but thought this would be better, partially because if I went with the actual true ending, I'd need to learn more than what the God Eater anime tells us so I'd have more to work with besides Vajra and some other overused method of entering Equestria.

Hmmm... interesting. I actually tried to play code vein myself recently. Emphasis on "tried" because I ended up returning it since I couldnt get that far in it even on the easiest difficulty. I really liked the story though. If it was easier I would've continued playing. Anyways, I'm rambling, I just want to say that this is a pretty good story so far. I am a sucker for "reincarnated in a equestria with previous memories stories." Please continue.

continue with a low level magician, I want you to finish it, by the way, there will be a relationship with the princesses, if so, send me a wink.

This is intresting, did not expect Celestia having a child with a thestral, pretty original. I haven't finished Code Vein yet, so I didn't read the introduction chapter but it was a good idéa on your part to make a short explanation on what Code Vein is about. Hope there's more on the way, love your stories and I need to get back to playing Code Vein. :twilightsmile:

When I finally get around to it in no particular order as of yet:

Sunset Shimmer
Blood Beads

Probably more I immediately forgot about as I was typing this.

New chapters ?????

No idea when. Eventually, when I can think of something to write.

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