• Published 16th Oct 2021
  • 462 Views, 11 Comments

Cutie Mark Crusader Cardcaptors - Hotspot the 626th

The Clow Cards have been unleash! It will take some brave, and reckless, fillies to gather them all before they bring wanton destruction to Equestria

  • ...

Draw 3

At night, in Ponyville Town Hall, there was a security guard supposed to be standing duty. There was one, but the pony's capacity was anything but professional. Sitting by the door, the Earth pony stallion with a unique m-shaped unibrow was sleeping soundly. The blue-uniformed pony was supposed to be keeping an eye on the art displays, which were draped and covered. Despite his position, the guard looked comfortable, especially since he was snoring so loudly. It was like the stallion did not have a care in the world.

However, something within the room was being disturbed by the guard's careless sleep. The white sheet began to flail from one of the displays, and a dim glow emanated around it. That same glow soon engulfed the snoring security guard before he suddenly vanished from his place.

"Ow!" Now, outside, the guard stallion was awake, and a bit dazed. He was lying on the ground until he sat up and looked around.

"How'd I get outside?" asked Ryo-san confusedly.

Sound Off!

A short time had passed, everything was like it had always been for your average Ponyville-living pony. Businesses were profiting, the day was bright, and every pony had nothing to worry about. It was especially true now for Ponyville Schoolhouse. The mystery of the shadow had been solved, and it became nothing more than a myth. School life returned to normal, and so did the lives of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Today, after school, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were at the Golden Oaks Library. Along with them was Kero, who was mostly lazing about. The fillies were busy cleaning up around the library. Helping them was the pet of the resident of this place, Owlowicious the owl. The accommodating avian guided the fillies the best it could in organizing her home. Despite the communication barrier, all the ponies did their best.

Of course, except for Kero, who earned the irk of Owlowicious. Like, when the little plushie creature was eating atop some of the books. He was met with a fury of pecks.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Quit it!"

Sakura let out a sigh. "I told you that you should be helping," she told the little guardian.

Taking cover below the table, Kero let out a response. "It's not my job to clean this place up! You guys are the ones that accepted to house watch!"

"And you're the one making the mess," stated Apple Bloom.

Eventually, Sakura convinced Owlowicious to stop pestering Kero, allowing the small creature to leave his hiding spot. He was relieved to be free, but he had more to speak. "Why are you guys housesitting this place anyway? Who lives here?"

"My sister's friend, Twilight Sparkle, lives here, and she asked us to look after the library while she, my sister, and their friends went out sailing," explained Apple Bloom.

"Oh," Tomoyo said in realization, "she's that unicorn who saved the town from the Ursa Minor, right?"


"I remember her! She was so brave, and cool, and so magical…" Sakura said amazedly.

Kero was intrigued. As he returned to his spot, he told the group, "An Ursa Minor, huh. That's pretty impressive. It usually takes someone like Clow Reed to handle one."

"Whoa, really!" said Sakura, amazed.

"So, you're saying, Twilight Sparkle is as powerful as that Clow Reed guy?" asked Sweetie Belle.

Shrugging, Kero then stated, "Maybe, but I wouldn't know. I've never met this Twilight pony. But, if she's as smart as you all say she is, then she definitely has what it takes to be some-pony great someday."

Scootaloo looked at the plushie creature deridingly as she stated, "So, why didn't you pick here to be a Cardcaptor?"

"Hmm." Kero hummed as he thought about the question in earnest. He then shrugged again before stating carefreely.

"Guess she didn't have the right aptitude for the seal to break."

Sakura asked, "But I did? I have trouble even levitating a book. I could never take on an Ursa Minor like she or Clow could."

"Magic isn't always about how powerful you are. Sometimes, it's about knowing how to use what you have.

Apple Bloom eagerly pointed out, "Kinda like how you use those cards to help other cards or us helping you."

"Hoooeee?!" Sakura shouted as she began to blush with embarrassment. She then told everyone, nervously, "I'm not all that good, really."

Tomoyo smiled warmly before informing her best friend, "Don't say that. You've been doing a great job capturing the Clow Cards."

"She's right, kid," agreed Kero. "You've already acquired five cards. You're already on a good start."

"By the way," spoke Sweetie Belle curiously. "How many cards are there, exactly?"

Kero answered quickly, "Fifty-two."

Most of the fillies stared at the little creature, absolutely dumbfounded. Kero assured the group that despite the large number, the Clow cards were unlikely to activate all at once. While helpful, the group felt their simple task became a bit more daunting now. Still, they had each other, and as Sakura always said, "Everything will definitely be alright!"

Once the Cutie Mark Crusaders were done tidying the library, they galloped off for their next chance for their cutie marks. Kero hid in Sakura's saddlebag, not wanting to draw attention to himself. From Golden Oaks Library, the group made it over to Ponyville City Hall, where a large crowd was already present. Today, there was an exhibition of culture with a focus on arts and performances. A stage was set up, and many ponies were demonstrating their talents for all to see. One of the many performers was none other than the Cutie Mark Crusader's own Tomoyo.

"Are you ready?" asked Sakura, backstage with the others.

Tomoyo nodded. She was calm and poised without a hint of doubt. She was wearing the Cutie Mark Crusader's cap to represent her group for the town. The mare also wore a white bonnet hat to enhance her appearance further.

Sweetie Belle then walked over, holding a Snail Transponder. "Do you want me to take Cherry and record your performance, Tomoyo?"

The prim pony's façade broke immediately with mild trepidation. "Oh, no. That's Blossom, and she's only for when we do Cardcaptor activities."

"Oh, okay then." Sweetie Belle, thus, returned the snail to where she found it.

"Lady Tomoyo." A steely voice spoke that brought everyone's attention to the side. On-standby was a group of tuxedo-wearing mares. The cool group was also carrying musical instruments.

The head mare then spoke, "We are ready for your performance."

Nodding, Tomoyo responded gratefully, "Thank you for helping us."

"Of course, my Lady," said the head mare with a curt bow mirrored by the others behind her.

It was soon time for Tomoyo's performance. After some final preparations, the other Cutie Mark Crusaders were ready to go on stage with her as well. The act ahead of them was quickly finishing up. It was a dance act being performed and sung by three teenage mares from a club called the "SOS Brigade." Once the trio was done and off, Tomoyo and the other Cutie Mark Crusaders came out on stage along with the small band of well-suited female musicians.

The mayor, Mayor Mare, then introduced the group. "And now, the Cutie Mark Crusaders featuring Ms. Tomoyo.

"Good luck!" shouted Scootaloo suddenly.

After the light applauding, the Cutie Mark Crusaders began their performance. While most of the crusaders sang the chorus, Tomoyo chanted the lyrics as they harmonized.

"Like an angel with cruel and merciless intent
Go forth, young mare
And you'll become a legend."

The band immediately began playing their instruments. It was a few seconds of performing before Tomoyo continued.

"In time, this blue of the sky
Will reach out to knock on the door to your heart
You're looking at me, make it all that you see
Content and we're merely smiling."

Everything was going smoothly. The chorus-singing Cutie Mark Crusaders took notice of the crowd listening to their performance. No pony was not enjoying the song; some were even dancing to it. Thoughts of their cutie marks appearing from this concert made the fillies nearly giddy with excitement. Luckily, the group kept their calm and stayed on tempo.

But then, something odd happened during the performance.

"This was all a Cruel Angel's Thesis from the start
"This was all a Cruel Angel's Thesis from the start

Brought to life, out the window, now it's taking flight"
Brought to life, out the window, now it's taking flight"

Everyone on stage noticed the second voice, though continued performing. What was strange was that the voice sounded like Tomoyo's own. The bodyguards began looking around to see who was interjecting into their lady's concert. Meanwhile, the singing filly kept chanting.

"Shining more than these st-"
"Shining more than these stars that bathe the galaxy

"Go forth, young mare, and you'll become a legend!"

With the extra voice gone, the bodyguards ceased their search. They then finished off their concert by ending it with an instrumental. Once the band completed, the crowd instantly applauded for the group. The Cutie Mark Crusaders, however, had also noticed the unusual dual singing that occurred during the performance. Under the same thought, the group went to Tomoyo to confer with her. To their surprise, one of Tomoyo's bodyguards met them looking worried.

"Tomoyo lost her voice?!"

It was not as simple as Tomoyo's voice being strained or hurt. Literally, the filly had lost her voice and was unable to speak a sound. Her bodyguards were worried sick over their mistress, not understanding how such a thing happened. They soon decided to seek a doctor, and they all rushed off to hopefully find one close. Now that the Cutie Mark Crusaders were alone, they were able to openly voice their real concerns.

"Is this the work of a Clow Card?" asked Scootaloo.

Since it was only the fillies, Kero immediately rushed out of his hiding place to examine the silent singer. He was intrigued but stumped by Tomoyo's condition. "Yep, definitely a Clow Card, but I'm not sure which."

"What do you mean?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Well, it could be the Silent Card. She hates noise, so she could have used her power to silence Tomoyo's singing. On the other paw, it could have been the Voice Card, who likes to steal a voice if she likes it."

"Those are pretty unusual cards to make," questioned Sakura.

"Clow liked to dabble in a lot of different magic, no matter what the use was or even when they're similar. If I recall right, there's also the Song Card, who can mimic voices to sing."

"But that card can only copy the voice, not steal it, right?" asked Apple Bloom.

Kero nodded. "Yep, so it definitely has to be one of the other two."

Sweetie Belle had a thought. "You said the Silent Card doesn't like noise? So, why isn't the rest of the fair quiet then?"

Making a fair point, the group decided that it was the Voice Card that stole Tomoyo's voice. They only now had to search out the mischievous card. Tomoyo's bodyguards arrived with a doctor soon after their decision. While Tomoyo had to stay behind, the rest of the group decided to split up. Each team took a different section of the area. While Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle went inside, Sakura and Scootaloo were going to look outside and around the building. It was going slow thanks to the large crowd at the event, but the young Pegasus had an idea.

"Let me use the Fly Card, and I can search from above!"

While Sakura was more than willing, Kero interrupted immediately. "No can do, Scootaloo. Can't let the other ponies know about the Clow Cards or everyone will try to get one, and then, there would be real chaos happening."

Scootaloo was not at all pleased. "Killjoy," she told the plushie bitterly.

In response, Kero stuck his tongue out annoyingly, causing Scootaloo to do the same. Sakura was about to attempt to settle their dispute before she heard something familiar. A soft voice carrying a tune through the crowd, sounding all too familiar to her.


Then, suddenly, screaming drowned out the song, and it also sounded familiar. Before Sakura, or anyone in her group, could notice, two ponies dropped upon them from above. When they all recovered, the group was surprised to find that it was Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle that landed on them. After moving aside, the group conversed on what happened. The white unicorn explained her and Apple Boom's situation.

"We were walking through the art exhibit hall…"

"Which, Sweetie Belle had to comment on every piece," interrupted Apple Bloom annoyedly. "We were supposed to be quiet."

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes. She then continued telling their story, "And we kinda got into an argument. The next thing I knew, we were fallin' on top of you guys."

Sakura also spoke up. "I heard Tomoyo's voice right before you fell on us, and she was singing too."

"She was…singing?" questioned Scootaloo, confused.

Kero began to think aloud as he pieced the evidence together. "Tomoyo lost her voice, Sakura heard Tomoyo's voice singing, and Blooms and Belle were teleported away in a quiet area."

"What do you think, Kero?" asked Sakura.

"That maybe there are three Clow Cards here…" All the fillies let out a gasp.

"Three?! I thought you said they wouldn't activate together?" said Sakura, panicky.

"I said they wouldn't all activate together, but a few could," said Kero with a shrug.

Apple Bloom then asked, "What should we do then?"

"We'll have to come back at night when the crowd's gone. If it's the three cards I think they are, no pony will be hurt."

As Kero suggested, the group waited until nightfall to return to city hall. When the last cleaning ponies left, the Cutie Mark Crusaders appeared from their location behind a building. Silently, the group snuck over to their target. Once so, everyone stuck close to the wall and skimmed it until they reached the entrance. Tomoyo was with them, recording everything as usual. And like before, she also provided the group with outfits.

Like before, Sakura was the center and prominent dressed individual. The pink filly wore a viridian long-sleeve crop top with blue diamonds that lined along the hem. On her back were a pair of black bat wings, and atop her head, a viridian beret with a blue diamond on the side. The other Cutie Mark Crusaders had a similar outfit, with Scootaloo replacing the wings with her own. Kero simply had a blue diamond ornament on a collar. Together, the group looked like a band of thieves.

"Tomoyo," spoke Sweetie Belle calmly, "is it ever gonna be one of our turns to where the nice outfit."

Though unable to speak, Tomoyo replied by tilting her head and smiling intently. Sweetie Belle did not need words to know what exactly her friend was conveying.

"That's what I thought," the unicorn said disappointedly.

Apple Bloom immediately asked, "So, what are we in for, exactly?"

Kero explained, "Well, I think we're facing against three cards, but luckily, they won't be dangerous. We're dealing with three sound-based cards; the Song, the Voice, and the Silent."

"The Song Card likes copying voices and songs it likes. I suspect the Voice Card took little Tomoyo's voice because it also liked it. Finally, the Silent Card, who detest sounds, is the one that teleported those noisy two away to get some peace."

"Hey!" shouted Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom indignantly.

"At least," Kero said, ignoring the glares from the fillies, "that's my working theory."

Sakura asked, "But they aren't dangerous, right?"

"Definitely. Even if it does turn out to only be one card..."

Now fully informed, the Cutie Mark Crusaders moved inside. It was easy as the door was left unlock, something the group thought to notify the mayor later. Regardless, the group entered and was immediately met with an unexpected sight. Two sizeable birds were flying around in the spacious lobby singing the same song previously. One bird was like a pink raven with long wavelike feathers, and the other appeared like a swallow with feathers patterned with blue music notes. Both were singing with Tomoyo's voice, but the raven bird appeared to be in competition with the other, who was behaving bashfully.

Then, the two birds disappeared. It surprised the group, who let out an audible gasp. Without warning, Cutie Mark Crusaders soon found themselves outside the town hall. Everyone was now shocked and confused.

"What just happened?" asked Sakura.

"Hey, look!" Apple Bloom swiftly pointed off to the side, revealing the two birds previously seen now flying back to the town hall. The pink raven continued inside while the swallow perched itself on the eave above.

Scootaloo immediately asked, "So, are they…"

"Yep, it's as I thought," said Kero confidently. "That was the Voice and Song cards, and after making so much noise, we all got teleported out by the Silent Card."

"So, what-" Just as Sweetie Belle was about to speak when she, and everyone, saw the raven reappear outside. It let out a giggle, in Tomoyo's voice, before going back inside.

Apple Bloom became intrigued. "Apparently, that one likes bothering the Silent Card."

Kero nodded. "Yeah, Voice tends to be mischievous and playful."

"So, what's the plan then?" asked Scootaloo. "How do we get their attention."

"Well," said Kero, "both Voice and Song would be interested in a new singing voice."

"But Tomoyo already is one of the best singers in class," stated Sakura.

Tomoyo blushed and expressed her embarrassment silently.

"Should we use a card?" asked Sweetie Belle. "Maybe Windy to capture them."

"It could work for Voice and Song, but Silent would be tricky since it can teleport away anything making a sound," said Kero.

"At least that's two cards down," said Scootaloo.

Sakura, however, disagreed with the idea. "I don't think we have to use force on Song. Maybe we can try talking to her."

The rest of the group was silent to the revelation. While Kero felt it unlikely, he did not think it was a bad idea to try. The others felt the same as well and thus, encouraged Sakura to make her attempt. Before she would go out, however, she asked for Tomoyo to come with her. It surprised the Earth pony filly, but she was happy to help her dear friend. After handing her transponder snail to Sweetie Belle to continue recording, the two best friends carefully approached the Song Card. They were able to get right underneath her – by the way, Voice had already reappeared five times by now – before attempting to talk with the swallow.

"Um, hello!" spoke Sakura nervously but chipper.

At first, the Song was hesitant and about to leave. Her mind changed, however, when she noticed Tomoyo and floated down. Once at eye level, the bird could see the young filly clearly and became overjoyed to see her. Tomoyo was surprised by the reaction and offered her foreleg as a perch. The Song accepted and, once so, became affectionate towards the Earth pony. She wanted to sing with her but soon found that her new friend could not do so.

"Voice took her, um, voice," explained Sakura.

Understanding, Song flew up as the Voice as the raven reappeared (for maybe the sixth time). She stopped her fellow avian from repeating her process and communicated with her. Voice did not seem interested in Song's concerns. Her attitude infuriated Song, and she began bothering the bird. It soon became a fight that brought the two down to the fillies' level.

Seeing an opportunity, Kero shouted to the Cardcaptor, "Now, Sakura!"

"Oh! Right." Quickly, Sakura pulled out her enlarged wand. She then chanted aloud as she raised her staff, "Return to the form you were meant to be!"

The filly then swung it down upon the two birds. "Clow Cards!"

As both cards were distracted, neither could resist the magic drawing them in. The two birds' forms dematerialized and began forming into cards. It was done in seconds as two whole cards floated to Sakura's hoof. Each card revealed their respective bird's image with their name below, "The Song" and "The Voice."

"Alright!" shouted Apple Bloom eagerly as she and the other joined Sakura. "You got two more Clow Cards!"

Scootaloo commented, "Though, they don't really seem all that useful."

"All magic has its uses. It's up to the user to figure them out," Kero stated sagely.

"Anyway," Kero continued, "we still have one more card to capture."

"The Silent Card," spoke Tomoyo. She then gasped with surprise, as did everyone else.

"You got your voice back!" Sakura cheered before hugging her best friend.

Kero explained, "Once you captured Voice, the magic was undone, so Tomoyo's voice was returned."

Now, with two cards down, the Cutie Mark Crusaders moved inside. Sneaking through an unsecured window, the fillies searched for where the Silent Card was hiding. As advised by Cerberus, the girls did so quietly so as not to be teleported away. Unfortunately, without knowing what to look for, it was a blind search until Kero could pinpoint it.

A section of the room was dedicated to an art display where Sakura was silently looking around. She stopped when she took notice of one of the paintings on a stand. It was a painting of a snowy owl with plumage acting like a large collar covering its beak. There was also a set of long feathers that draped over its face partially, and a blue, winged pendant was adorned on its forehead. Sakura did not know why, but the image seemed to resonate with her.

And while the pink filly stared, Scootaloo approached her. "Hey, Sakky, did you-!" The painting soon began glowing, and instantly, the young Pegasus was gone.

Sakura quickly realized what occurred. "Everyone! I found it-!" But she immediately went quiet, realizing the mistake she made all too late. She soon found herself outside, with Scootaloo.

"Well," said the orange Pegasus lightheartedly, "I think we found it."

It was only seconds later when the others teleported right next to them. They had, of course, made the same mistake Sakura and Scootaloo did. Everyone came to the same conclusion: the painted owl was the Silent Card. Unfortunately, knowing that information did not make capturing it easier. It was nearly impossible to approach without making a sound and then be sent away. Most of the group felt stumped by this conundrum.

"I have an idea," said Tomoyo. "What if Sakura could remotely capture the card."

Kero thought about it for a moment. "It could work if we can channel her magic through it."

"Like a Clow Card?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"That'll do it."

Sakura gasped with realization. She then pulled out one of her Clow Cards and exclaimed, "I can use the Shadow card!"

The plan was plausible, and so, the group put it to action. Finding the nearest window, the light of the bright quarter moon shined through to reach the painting. Sakura positioned herself right outside with her friends bordering around her to keep an eye out. In the clear, the young Cardcaptor prepared her incantation and card.

"Shadow Card. Pass through the glass and reflect my image. Release!"

Releasing the magic, the card became the black cat. It let out a short meow in greeting before performing the task required of it. It pranced over to Sakura's shadow and melded with it. The silhouette began to stretch over the windowsill and into the room. Further, it elongated until the young filly, and her staff's image was right next to the painting on display.

"Return to the form you were meant to be in..." Sakura announced before moving her staff down, "Silent Card!"

Copying its master, the Shadow lowered its own staff onto the painting. The painting visibly reacted with eyes darting to the shadow. Just as they planned, Sakura's magic affected the unsuspecting Clow Card, and it was caught. From the painting, it shrunk down to the size of a card that fell off the canvas. Through Shadow mimicking, Sakura caught the item, and it was carried over to her. Sakura picked up the object and happily showed it to her friends.

"Got it!" The others cheered for their friend and their own success.

Having been recording everything on her Transponder Snail, Tomoyo finished her capturing the event. She happily told her friends, "And I got it all recorded."

Everyone was disbelieving of their friend but were glad for her regardless. And for themselves, as well as the group successfully captured three Clow Cards in one night. In the fillies' minds now, the task of collecting all the Clow Cards seemed not so arduous after all.

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

Fun Fact(s):

  • First, the guard pony: a cameo from the main character of the old Shonen Jump series, KoichiKame or Kochira Katsushika-ku Kameari Kōen Mae Hashutsujo. In English, This is the Police Station in Front of Kameari Park in Katsushika Ward

    • Note: I have not actually read nor watched this series, but thought it would be fun to give a cameo
  • The S.O.S Brigade - Yep! Another cameo bringing in the old sensation of the mid-2000s that helped shape otaku culture of the time., The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

    • Coincidentally, never watched or read this one either
  • Not a cameo but a reference: Cruel Angel's Thesis. One of the most popular opening songs of the series Evangelion.

And now... Card Corner!
Today's cards are the Voice, the Song, and the Silent.
In keeping with the theme, these three cards with their sound-based magic are based on those musical creatures, the birds. There grouping together is based on the myth of the Birds of Rhiannon, of British mythos. There's no specifics on what kind of birds they are so that allowed for some creativity and inspiration. As such, each one was based on an avian of the British Isles, and specifically of Wales area where the legend takes place.

  • Voice - a Raven, as the card mimics (and steals) voices, the raven's ability to parrot words was an excellent choice for this one.
  • Song - a Barn Swallow, one of many musical birds.
  • Silent - a Snowy Owl, as silent hunters, and a reference to Harry Potter, it made a lot of sense.