• Published 27th Feb 2020
  • 2,803 Views, 43 Comments

Assassin’s Creed: Friendship is Magic - MyLittleBronyDude

Ezio gets dropped on the outskirts of Ponyville with the Apple of Eden as a pony. This won’t end well.

  • ...

The Meeting

Ezio was confused, to say the least. His day went right out the window from the get-go, when he woke up in a forest as a pony. Things just got weirder from there. He got chased by wooden wolves, met a fellow assassin who was very shy, and now he was walking underground to meet with other assassins in this crazy hallucination. Maybe the Apple got more than a little damaged when he dropped it.

As they walked, Fluttershy tried to strike up a conversation with Ezio. “Well… if you, um, won’t tell me your name… m-maybe you can tell me about where you came from?” she asked as the duo turned a corner.

“W-well… funny you should mention that. I…” Ezio paused to consider his options. Should he tell this random pony he just met that he came from another world entirely? Or that he used to be a human before waking up here?

He decided that he would get nowhere telling her the truth. Instead, he decided to take another route entirely: “... don’t remember much before coming here. I remember being part of some war but… that’s about it.” he explained, hoping that she wouldn’t ask for more details.

“Oh. Well then… you’d fit right in here, I think.” Ezio was silently relieved that she didn’t press for more details. He wasn’t even sure how he would explain it to her anyway. Up ahead, a simple wooden door came into view. Fluttershy knocked three times before doing two raps and finished by bucking her rear hooves against the door.

“Come in...” came a feminine voice from the other side. When she opened the door, Ezio was greeted by a round table with two other mares sitting at it. One of them was a pastel pink earth pony with an overly poofy mane and tail. She wore a blue colored robe with white stripes on the hood and pink gloves covering her hooves.

Seated at the head of the table was a purple unicorn at first glance, before Ezio noticed a pair of wing-shaped indents in the robe on her sides. She was wearing a simple black robe with a hood that came up to her horn. Her magenta and lavender streaked purple mane that draped out of the hood framed the upper portion of her face. At first glance, she appeared to be a Master Assassin, something that Ezio was at least familiar with.

“Fluttershy. What did I tell you about allowing bystanders into the bunker?” The purple alicorn asked, her expression stone cold and unreadable.

“N-not to because… because it will jeopardize our Creed?” Fluttershy asked as the alicorn nodded.

“That’s right. Now, you better have a–” Upon noticing Ezio’s robe, she raised an eyebrow, “–good reason for this. Oh! A fellow Assassin! Well, why didn’t you say so Fluttershy?”

“I-I was going to but–” Fluttershy tried to get a word in edgewise, but she was promptly brushed off by the alicorn with a wave of her hoof.

“Nevermind that now, you can explain yourself later. Come in! Come in... have a seat wherever you like.” she stated as Ezio hesitantly trotted further into the room.

As Ezio took a seat close to Fluttershy, seeing as he only knew her, Twilight whispered to Pinkie, “Keep an eye on him. He’s new in town, so he could be a Templar disguised as an Assassin.”

Pinkie gave a wide grin and started nodding furiously, while her mane gave what looked like a thumbs up. Twilight just rolled her eyes, but her lips held a good-natured smile. However, that smile soon faded and was replaced by a serious look as she rose from her seat.

“Now, with that out of the way… let’s get down to business.” she announced as her horn lit up and unfurled a canvas rollup that was attached to a standing poster board. Upon it was a diagram of Ponyville.

Ezio noticed that four of the buildings were marked with an ‘A’, a small hoofful with ‘T’, and one or two with a ‘?’. He also noticed many more were left unmarked.

He leaned in towards Fluttershy and tried to get her attention. Around her head, he noticed the pink earth pony giving him the stink eye, with one of her eyes undulating in its socket. He could have sworn it got slightly closer with each passing moment.

Deciding to ignore the absurdity of what he just saw, he returned his attention to Fluttershy. Lowering his voice so only she could hear him, he divided his attention between her and the alicorn standing near the diagram. “Think you could… catch me up to speed with what’s going on?” he muttered. Fluttershy was about to speak when the alicorn conjured a pointer that she held in her magic. She simply pointed at the alicorn, to which Ezio nodded and listened.

“Now, as you can see… this is a crude diagram of what Ponyville was like about a month ago–” Pausing for emphasis, she pulled a hidden string on the poster board and unfurled a second diagram.

This one had three buildings with ‘A’s, half of the rest were labeled ‘T’ and the remaining were labeled with a ‘?’. “–and this is Ponyville now. In a matter of three weeks, an influx of Templar members have been appearing in town. Many of the common ponies were quickly drawn in by the allure of protection and conformity. Up until a few days ago, we were actually four members strong. That was, until… Well, we don’t speak about her anymore. Especially after the progress that turncoat cost us.”

Ezio glanced at Fluttershy with a quizzical look, who gave him a look as if to say ‘We’ll discuss this later’. He nodded briefly before Twilight continued. “Therefore, we need to step up our efforts! We need to strike while the iron is hot! We need more ponies if we’re going to bring the fight to them!” With a sharp tug, the diagrams rolled themselves up neatly on the board. “Now… any ideas?” Pinkie’s hoof immediately shot up. “Any ideas that don't involve a party?” Pinkie’s hoof immediately lowered.

Ezio glanced at Fluttershy out of the corner of his eye, who gave him what looked like her equivalent of a ‘go on’ gesture, but only with her eyes. Emboldened by her look, Ezio coughed into his hoof to signal the other Assassins in the room.

“I have an idea. It involves what may only look like defacing Templar owned monuments and people, but actually will do a lot more, like defacing their public appearance. We tear down posters, bribe heralds, and assassinate officials to lower their political pull, and replace them with our posters, heralds, and officials to heighten our political pull.”

"Interesting. I mean, up until this point we haven't really been doing a public campaign... but I suppose we do need to be a little more… liberal with our efforts. Pinkie? Fluttershy? Your thoughts?"

"Okie dokie lokie! It's about time we threw some fun into the mix! I'll handle the posters!" Pinkie chirped as the tip of her mane was already holding onto a clipboard, with a few other follicles holding a pencil and scribbling ideas onto it.

"U-um… I'll take care of the heralds. If… that's alright with you that is." she decided as Twilight nodded.

"Take the new guy with you. He needs some practical experience out there. Keep an eye on him, though. We don't know what he's capable of. No offense, Mr… ?"

Ezio shuffled his hooves awkwardly, “Umm…” He really didn’t know if he could trust them. But if they were going to trust him, he had to trust them. “My name is Ezio. Ezio Auditore. And I’m not from around here…”

"... and that's how I ended up here." Ezio recalled while Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Twilight sat there and listened. As he finished, Twilight had a thoughtful expression on her face while Pinkie simply sat there and listened, completely enraptured by the tale. After a brief silence, Fluttershy was the first to speak.

"S-so, that whole story about you being in a war was…?" She began as Ezio nodded.

"The truth. Not a fabrication." He firmly stated as Twilight pulled Pinkie and Fluttershy into a huddle. Ezio could barely make out a hushed conversation between the three. After what felt like hours, but was probably only a few minutes, the three mares broke the huddle and faced Ezio again.

"While I don't completely believe you… some of those parts you described are just too ridiculous to make up." Twilight admitted at last. "Like I said, go with Fluttershy. You'll… appreciate it later, trust me. Just be careful out there, okay?"

Just be careful out there, okay? Twilight's words echoed in his head, and reminded him of an old associate he was on good terms with back home. He couldn't help but allow a small smirk that wound his lips upward.

“Okay, then. If we’ve discussed everything that’s important to our current situation, we can-“ Twilight was cut off just as she was about to adjourn the meeting by Pinkie frantically waving her hooves.

“WAAAIT! What if we see any Templars around? Do we strike?”

Twilight looked like she was about to silence Pinkie when she started, but when she finished, she looked thoughtful. “Avoid any standard Templars unless they get too close, and if you see our old friends, knock them out and bring them here for interrogation.”

Pinkie and Fluttershy nodded once, and walked out through different hallways to exit the meeting place. When she saw Ezio waiting behind, Twilight simply said, “Fluttershy will tell you everything you need to know. You’d better get out of here, before I lock up the place. Until next time, Ezio.”

Ezio nodded, and trotted out through the doorway that Fluttershy exited through. As he walked, he thought, Things just got a whole lot more interesting.