• Member Since 15th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen 21 minutes ago

Comma Typer

Horse-words writer believing in the Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, creatively crafting stories in imitation of a creatively crafting God. Consider this: Are you sure you're going to Heaven?



Visitors interrupt Spike past midnight. One's awake; the others are knocked out unconscious. Why they're here: to defeat an evil entity from beyond.

Spike then tells his not-knocked-out visitor something closer to the truth than she would've liked.

Originally meant as a snippet for February 13's Writing Snippets thread on r/mylittlepony.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 11 )

Well, that was a ride. All I can add is that I think this story deserves a continuation of some sort. It’s marvelous, as is, but I’m super-invested now.

Zog, that's a trip and a half. Poor mare.

I am not sure if you have checked the blog post regarding it, but, yes, there will be a continuation. Just don't expect it to drop for at least half a year because I'm still working on a much bigger story.

Intriguing concept

Fascinating and devastating concept. To just have magic lying around that could create this ethical quagmire through misuse... I certainly don't envy the lawyers at Clockwisely. This will be a mess.

Thank you for a fantastic read. You really sold the almost dreamlike "midnight revelation" feel. And the King Lear quote was fantastically appropriate.

Good to know that it got your interest! And thank you for hosting the Snippet Threads; this wouldn't have been possible without your idea.

You're welcome!

The King Lear thing wasn't just out of having a nice, cool, and appropriate quote to mine. King Lear holds a special place in my literary adventures because that—not Macbeth or Hamlet or Romeo and Juliet—was my first Shakespeare play. You could say the Bard went into my life with the bloodiest foot in the door.

There's a tag for the Power Ponies now if you wanted to use it. I really like the concept and hope to see more. You should also try adding your stories to more groups in order to help get more readers.

I knew of the tag's existence, but I deliberated on whether to put the tag on or to mask it as Other in order to hide the surprise. As for the group thing, it is a nice strategy, but I do not want to join groups en masse just to promote my stories; I think that is not 100% following why this or that group exists in the first place.

And, you are welcome! It's good to know that you liked the story, and, as I've said in the comment section, there will be more of this; just not very soon since I am still busy with a big story of mine.

Good luck with it! I have a few more of your stories on my RiL; it's a shame how your stuff is so under noticed. (Hence why I suggested the groups, since that is what they're for, but if they're not for you, that's alright too.)

Yeah, I had wondered. If those comics were always kind of an enchanted portal, didn't that mean it was an alternate dimension? And that they were real all along? Talk about fourth wall breaking.

Definitely gonna read the sequel!

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