• Published 14th Feb 2020
  • 2,856 Views, 106 Comments

Villain Pub - Marcthelightspark2004

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Chapter I: Legions of Doom and Gloom.

It was a slow night in the villain pub. A few villains sat in the pub, only a few famous DC and Marvel Villains arguing, as well as the bartender, Sheev Palpatine, or Palps, who was bordely cleaning out a glass with a black cloth imprinted with the pub's logo, and a few other villains just mingled or sat alone.

"...nonono! Joaquin deserves the oscar for best actor!" Heath Joker insisted.

"No. Josh Brolin! He went through all that GGI Work to look like Thanos!" Zod countered.

"Thanks for the support, Zod!" Thanos said, his head popping out of the restroom before going back to plunging the toilets.

"Guys. Guys. Guys." Killmonger said, stopping the argument. "Perhaps we should change the subject. Let's talk about.... best-animated picture."

"Spider-Verse." Prowler said without hesitation.

"That was last year." Lex Luthor said in annoyance.

They went on, continuing their arguments as the heavy metal door to the pub began to hum a theme song as the logo for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic was burned into it before fading.

The door opened, revealing a weakened Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow entered the pub, small patches of stone dotting their skin as they walked in with a grumble, sitting at the counter.

"Why are we letting these wannabes in?" Kaecillius asked Palps before pointing a thumb at Cozy Glow. "One of them isn't even of legal age!"

"We are open to all villains. As long as they spread hate, they are welcome." Palps said with finality before turning to the newcomers. "What can I get you three?"

"Love," Chrysalis demanded.

"Magic!" Tirek insisted.

"Chocolate milk!" Cozy Glow smiled.

"Coming up!" Palps gave them a thumbs up, before using the Force to pour the royalty their drinks, and grab Cozy Glow a plastic bottle of chocolate milk.

Tirek's glass of liquid magic was a sort of shining orange energy, which bubbled like it was carbonated. Chrysalis' was similar, only light pink.

The three sipped their drinks as Palps leaned on the counter before speaking to them.

"So, what makes you evil enough to attend?" The Sith lord asked.

"Well. We are a group of villains called the Legion of Doom...." Tirek began.

"Hey! We are the Legion of Doom!" Comic Lex, Sinestro, Cheetah, Joker, and Scarecrow said in unison as they growled.

"....and we were brought together by a being called Grogar........" Tirek continued, getting some impressed gasps.

"They brought him back?" G1 Megatron said, walking into the bar.

"..........who turned out to be Discord in disguise......." Tirek said, sipping on his magic, his muscles slowly returning to normal mass.

"Cop out!" Comic Mandarin said as he walked past the three.

".....yes well. We got ahold of his Chaos Magic, and nearly took Equestria!" Tirek said proudly.

"And let me guess? They did an asspull and defeat you from the brink of defeat?" Palps guessed.

"Yup....." Tirek grumbled. "Then they blasted us with Rainbow Lasers from "the magic of friendship"....."

A few of the non-Brony and anime villains snickered, while the others who were gave looks of sympathy.
And then they turned us to stone." Tirek finished, a few of the villains looked impressed.

"Brutality." Scorpian blinked from his mask.

"Yep. And it's stiff too!" Chrysalis groused, rubbing some stone dust from her chitin flank.

"And they did that to a kid!" Lobo asked in shock, pointing to Cozy.

"Yep! And it hurt!" Cozy said, causing some of the more honorable villains to go into an uproar.

"Are we sure that we are the villains here?" Vertigo Lucifer asked, causing a few of the other villains to nod in agreement.

"Well. It seems you have earned your places as villains! Stay for as long as you need! Afterward, go back to doing your best of the worst!" Palps said with a grin, putting a comforting hand on Tirek and Chrysalis' shoulders.

"Thank you!" Cozy said with a gracious smile.

"Darn she's cute." Another villain muttered.

"So. What is this place? And what is your deal?" Chrysalis asked.

"This...is the villain pub!" Palps said, showing off the artifacts and best customer pictures on the walls, and various glassware and tanks of various drinks. "A place where villains of all kind from across the multiverse to rest, relax, and grumble about heroes!"

"This place sounds great!" Chrysalis said with some honesty.

"Glad you think so! Because I am going through some.....expansions!" Palps said with an evil grin.

"So, Palps.....how you dealing with that humiliating cinematic return?" Joker asked with a smirk.

"LEGENDS DID IT BETTER!" Palps hissed back.

"Well yes. But not many people know about it. So all your fans that don't know about Legends will have your name tarnished! Forever!" Joker said dramatically, causing the MLP villains to chuckle.

"Well. At least it was better than Leto's fluster cluck." Palps retorted.

"Haha! You forget though. My new movie has an oscar nominee!" Joker smirked. "I love it that we live in a society."

"Hmmm.....yes. I forgot to say earlier. Welcome to the club." Killmonger said, with Sauron nodding his eye in approval.

"What are these...oscars?" Cozy Glow asked.

"Oh. An earthen award used to show what movies are the best." Palps explained.

"OK. Why do we care about them?" Chrysalis asked.

"I-I don't know honestly....." Palps admitted, putting a finger on his chin. "But, it is a cool thing to show off."

"I wonder, can TV shows win oscars?" Cozy mused innocently.

"Well. They can win Daytime Emmies." Palps said.

"Like SPN!" Supernatural-Lucifer said, raising a glass.

"Yes yes yes. We all know about your 45 Emmies." Palps rolled his eyes.

"And you should!" SPN-Lucifer said smugly.

"Stupid Sin of Pride." Palps rolled his eyes.

"So....we aren't alone in the multiverse. Starswirl theorized about this. He even sent three creatures to another world, so the rumors say." Tirek said.

"Really?" Palps asked. "You guys have a Multiverse?"

"Well, I guess, who doesn't?" Tirek shrugged.

"Point taken." Palps shrugged back. "Well, enjoy your drinks. And as I said, stay as long as you need."

"Where do we go after this?" Cozy asked.

"Well, until you get a spin-off, a continuation of your stories or prequels made, you can work here." Palps offered. "We could use some fresh blood."

The Legion of Doom looked at one another, before grinning back at Palps.

Author's Note:

A random idea I had. If you wanna see another villain, PM who, and If IDK who they are, give me the details.