• Published 20th Aug 2012
  • 3,891 Views, 180 Comments

The Balance - Path_of_cloud

Two very diffrent groups of beings come together to save the world in its darkest hour.

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The Teachers and the Students

The concept of beauty sleep was very important to many mares, especially Rarity, and this had been one of the most enjoyable she had ever known. Dreams of a rugged, handsome dragon dancing with her, helping her in her shop, and laying around a fire together filled her night’s ventures into the dream realm with a strange warmth that enveloped her body that she had never found underneath her satin sheets and had made the night simply divine. However, just as her prince charming went to steal a kiss, it was all stolen from her. “Wake up. Come on. We’ve got work to do. Get up!”

In her life, Rarity had come to hate a few things, and with good reason. Discord had turned her against her own friends, she looked awful with green hair, and anything, be it dragon or pony, who dared to touch a scale on Spike’s head was in for a world of hurt. At the moment, her rage was focused on one gray stallion who she temporarily considered sealing his mouth shut with her magic. Of course, her attention was stolen before she had gotten the chance by the edge of purple wing next to her.

She looked beside her, discovering that she was indeed wrapped up in the wing of the same dragon who had cemented himself within her dream. A blush ran up her face as she realized that she was and had been cuddling against his side, the strange warmth explained. The memory of last night came back to her. The rest of the Sins except for Trixie and Spike had disappeared, Spike had started a fire and Twilight and Trixie had used their magic to close the windows and insulate the hall to keep the heat in and the cold out, Luna had gone after Discord shortly afterwards, Celestia had warned her against such actions, but Luna would have no part of it as she walked off smiling after her lost love, Trixie had somehow enamored Twilight with stories of strange and curious magic she had seen throughout her years, the rest of the girls and Trixie had fallen asleep in something of a pile, Celestia and Spike remained awake, sentries to the night, and, finally, Rarity too tired to care or mustering unknown courage had gotten up on tired legs and made her way to Spike’s side, Celestia pretended to not notice as Spike extended his wing over her, she leaned against his side and said, “Don’t you ever leave me like that again.”

And now, here she was awake, with all of her friends rising about to see her wrapped in Spike’s wing. Oh well. She snuggled further into him, basking in the warmth before she had to get up.

Wrath’s focus fell on the dragon as he watched five of the six mares wake up groggily, Celestia and Applejack long since used to morning wake up calls. “Why didn’t you have them up and ready? You know we don’t have much time and every second counts.”

Looking over his friends and the love of his life basking in his side, Spike smiled. “They’re not soldiers. They’ve had a rough few days, and I won’t apologize for letting them have any sleep they can get now.”

He almost chuckled, the young drake may have accumulated more of a spine then he thought. “If we’re lucky they’ll never have to be soldiers, but our time is limited. There is still much for them and you to learn. Give them time to wake, but I expect you to meet us outside shortly,” with that, the earth pony walked away.

A southern accent broke the short lived silence, “Are you sure we can trust him?”

Though the question was directed at Spike, Trixie was the one who answered, “Wrath doesn’t care if you trust him. Odds are he’d tell you not to trust him. It doesn’t matter though, he trusts in you, in us. Wrath has saved innumerable lives, but he’s taken plenty too and his scars are deeper than what you see. He’s lived so much of his life fueling his rage, avenging some of the worst things you could ever imagine, and chasing this quest. When this is over, he’ll have no more Sins to find, no world that needs him to save it. He’ll just have all that anger and regret over what he couldn’t do, I suspect. He hides it well, but each life he’s allowed to be lost and each one he’s taken weighs on his soul.” She glanced over at Spike, “Even your mother’s and yet he did everything he could for her. Pride has a book, next to his pool, with a drink waiting for him, Power House runs a farm the size of Sweet Apple Acres by himself, Lust is happy to go around sleeping with anything that catches her fancy, Discord I suspect is hoping to earn back your affection, Princess, in the coming conflict,” Trixie looked quickly over at Twilight, “Trixie has her own hopes for life after all of this, and you, Spike, have a life in Ponyville full of people who love you, but Wrath… Wrath just has the next fight.”

The tears were ready to escape Fluttershy’s eyes any moment. “That’s so sad.”

“As long as he has something to fight for, he has purpose, but Trixie has suspected for some time that he’d prefer a world where he didn’t have one. This is just another step in that direction, to that world he wants.” Trixie stood up, following his path. “Trixie has a spell to prepare. Don’t keep us waiting too long, lots to do today.”

Twilight lit up her horn, using her magic to fix the wild hair going in every direction into her simple, manageable, and practical style that worked so well for her. “This whole thing is becoming a little… bizarre. Ancient evil, others as powerful as Discord, and the nine of us, Luna included in the middle of it.”

“I don’t know,” Applejack had been up and ready for some time and watched the morning routines of her friends, “seems pretty normal, for us.”

“Well… yes, I suppose so. Still, not sure how I feel about these Sins. Wrath and Discord are not just dangerous, they’re killers. The rest might be too. How do we trust or work with someone like that?”

Yellow wings were working on Fluttershy’s pink hair, straightening her messy mane and tail into a cascade of pink. “You said the Sins weren’t bad, they just did bad things. If we need them to save Equestria and the world, what other choice do we have? Plus, Wrath doesn’t seem so mean, just hurt. I think we should trust them,” realizing all eyes were on her, she blushed and hid behind her mane, “if that’s okay with you girls, and Spike.”

“Personally,” Rainbow Dash shook her head, creating her messy signature look, “I wouldn’t pass up the chance to work with one of the original Wonderbolts for anything. I’m staying, who knows what kind of things I can learn… What if I show him a few things? What if he’s so impressed he comes out of hiding and demands the Wonderbolts make me a member right then and there?”

Pinkie’s hair was naturally puffy, just how she loved it, no matter what, as if some kind of magic that was fueled by sugar and smiles kept it that way. “Dashie, that’s crazy. The Wonderbolts are touring on the other side of Equestria, even going down into Saddle Arabia for a three weeks, you’d have to at least wait until they got back before he could do that.” The looks of confusion were lost entirely on her. “Anywho, I think we should totally give them a chance I mean, we could make six new friends, and in Discords case we could take an enemy and make them into a friend, a frinemy! Won’t that be cool, and he can make it rain chocolate milk and we can have cotton candy clouds without the more evil chaos! LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!”

Twilight tried to fight the urge to facehoof, but as was often the case when it came to Pinkie Pie, she just could not do it. The familiar feel of her hoof on her muzzle was almost calming. “Well, we know Pinkie’s vote. What about you Rarity?”

“How am I supposed to get ready without all the proper brushes? I can’t comb my mane and tail a hundred times.” Rarity’s magic had long since changed her hair from the chaos of last night’s cuddling against Spike’s side. “What if I get split ends!?!”

“Rarity, Sins, quest to save Equestria, ringing any bells?” There was no denying the need to facehoof for Twilight.

“You’re on the fence, Applejack thinks it’s the same old same old, Fluttershy feels bad for Wrath, Dash wants to show off, and Pinkie is hoping for candy flavored weather. Darling, never assume I can’t worry about my coiffure and listen to my friends and everyone else. Details are my specialty. Spike, what do you think?”

The drake was stretching his body, loosening up for whatever the day had planned. “I think your mane and tail look perfect.”

Rarity’s smile could not be hidden if she tried. “Why thank you, Spikey-Wikey, but I meant about working with the Sins.”

“They’ve taught me a lot, showed me a lot,” he looked over his new body, “and given me a chance to do more than I’ve ever been able to. Discord, Power House, Wrath, Lust, Trixie, and Pride they’re doing what they feel is right, I just know it.”

“Well, thank you, Spike. That’s all I need to hear. If Spike believes in them, then so do I.” With one final glance at her mane and tail, Rarity started for the door, Spike right behind her.

Shrugging, Applejack tossed her Stetson onto her head and addressed the rest of them, “No two ways about it, for right now we need their help. We’ll just have to keep an eye on them… While Rarity keeps her eye on Spike.”

“I heard that!” came from down the hall.

“Good! Make sure his growth don’t have any funny side-effects!”

“Oh, right! Will do!”

Soon as Applejack heard the door shut she smirked, “That was not at all what I meant. She’s worse than Apple Bloom with a sundae right now. Can almost see the drool.”

Twilight noticed Pinkie and Rainbow Dash stifling laughs and rolled her eyes. “Applejack’s right. We have to work with them for now, but we’ll keep our eyes on them and make sure they’re not up to something, agreed?”

A series of yeah’s and mhm’s filled the air as the mares nodded their head in agreement, all except Celestia who sat in back watching her protégé work. Applejack led the way with Twilight and Celestia trailing behind.

The Princess of the Sun lowered her head to Twilight’s, making sure only her student could hear. “Listening to your friends’ opinions and thoughts was very wise Twilight. You’re becoming quite the capable leader, my little pony.”

A small blush made itself known on Twilight’s face. “Thanks Princess… but I still don’t know if I’m making the right move. What if I’m just putting everyone in more danger?”

“Leaders must face that fear constantly, but we must trust in our decisions and in our friends, as they must trust in us.”

Twilight smiled up at her teacher. “Thank you, Princess.”

“You’re welcome, Twilight.”

All of the Sins and Luna had long since gathered outside: Power House was napping while leaning against a tree, Pride was checking over his wings to make sure every feather was perfect, Lust was flipping through faces of the Elements, Sins, and even random ponies, dragons, or minotaurs seemingly unable to decide who to be today before giving up and ending on herself, Discord and Luna were swinging in a hammock talking and trying to catch up on lost time, Trixie had just put the finishing touches on a very impressive and intricate magical rune, Wrath was sitting watching the door for the rest to emerge, and Spike had taken up a spot near Wrath where he seemed to be showing off his new form to Rarity and allowing her to inspect and ask questions ranging from how having wings felt to how sensitive his new scales were. It was with much delight, though some keeping it in better than others, that the rest of the Elements of Harmony stepped through the door to join them.

“You’ll have to excuse me,” Wrath started, “but as we are low on time and already late to start I’m cutting right to the chase. I’ll be pairing each of you up with at least one of us to start training you on how to truly use and activate your powers as the Elements of Harmony. Twilight, you’ll be with Trixie.” Trixie’s happiness could almost be felt, as could Twilight’s dread. “Power House will be training Applejack.” The two farmers seemed quite content, as if they’re shared profession already formed some form of mutual respect. “Pinkie Pie, you’re with Pride and Rainbow Dash you’ll be learning from Lust.”

If Wrath had blinked he would have missed it as the blue Pegasus launched herself at him, stopping right before his face. “What?!? How can you not be pairing me up with Pride? He’s the first Wonderbolt, how could I not learn more from him?”

The earth pony did not even flinch from the impressive speed of the daredevil or her clear agitation. “Do you need to learn how to fly?”

“Of course not. I’m the greatest flier in all of Equestria, maybe even the world!”

“Then why should I care that he was a Wonderbolt? You’re here, no, we’re all here to teach all of you to use your powers. Lust can do that best for you, as Pride can do that best with Pinkie. Now please remove yourself from my face so I can finish.”

Rainbow Dash growled as she returned to her friends. “Jerk.”

“Trust me,” Pride’s eyes were trying to follow the bouncing ball of pink fluff that seemed to disappear and reappear all around him singing ‘partners’ and ‘new friend’ to the best of his ability, “I’m not exactly thrilled with this particular development either.”

Lust on the other hand was waving a hoof at Rainbow Dash as she began to form into an exact copy of the flier. “Admit it, you’d do me.”

Rainbow Dash was not amused.

Clearing his throat to get everyone’s attention back on himself before Rainbow Dash attempted to tear Lust apart, he finished his list, “I’ll be training Fluttershy in proximity to Celestia and Luna who, needing no more practice with their special abilities, will be joining Discord in training both Spike and Rarity together. I’m not sure if he’s mentioned it, but Spike has yet to even begin mastering his power as the Sin of Greed, as we felt it would be better to have the one who calmed him during his fall here before we started. Fluttershy and I will be nearby in case further help is necessary.”

The need to faint overcame Fluttershy as she looked timidly at the scared pony before her. It was not that she saw him as a particularly bad or evil pony, but being alone with him, she was sure, would make any of her friends or Celestia uncomfortable. Still, though her legs shook, she held her ground as the black pony looked at her.

Discord and Luna shared a big smile although Celestia was clearly annoyed with the somewhat predictable turn of events. She was at least happy to see Rarity and Spike sharing a smile as they were partnered with one another. Discord allowed little time for any of them to dwell on their thoughts though as he teleported the seven of them deep into the Everfree.

Power House began walking into the woods himself, and Applejack needed no instruction to follow behind him. After all, being behind him just made it easier to watch what he was doing.

Lust took off into the castle, a still moping Rainbow Dash walking behind her.

Pride was happy that his choice of training ground was the castle’s exterior as he felt that any form of a walk would prompt tons of nonsensical conversation and comments from the pink terror buzzing around him.

Twilight and Trixie were the last to leave. The two mares walked to the magical rune. As she saw the patterns and symbols etched on the rock, Twilight could not help but to walk around and inspect every detail, adding every minute bits and pieces to memory whilst searching her mind for any similarities to her previous studies. The only part that she really recognized was that the rune’s purpose was to distort time and space in large quantities. Some form of long range teleportation, perhaps. When she had done all she could, she stepped into the circle beside Trixie. “So, where are we going?”

Light blue aura poured from Trixie’s horn into the rune causing the arcane symbols and letters to light up the same way. Immediately, their bodies seemed to begin fading from reality as the electrical discharge from the spell’s power filled the air outside the rune, making both their manes and tails stand up. “Not where, my dear Twilight, when,” and they were gone in a flash of light.

Comments ( 12 )

Originally this chapter was going to have all the training but I realized in order to not make it like 20k long I'd have to cut some of the training, and then we'd miss a lot of characterization, world building, and bonding... plus it would feel sloppy. Either way, this sets up quite a few things. Next chapter should be fun. Twilight and Trixie to the main stage, chop chop!

Holy crap! Its back

All of time, past, present and future.

When are they going?

Can't wait to see.


5660255 To... No spoilers! :derpytongue2: Still, I do enjoy a good tease. so I will say they're going to learn about/more magic :raritywink:

Thanks for the non-"it's alive", comment.

5684413 Guess I missed the "it's alive" thing. Oh well, you're welcome.

....did it die?

lol I just saw your latest blog post. Get well soon, dude.
Miss you though. :fluttercry:

I love the way Luna acts so immature its so funny :rainbowlaugh:

Don't know how I missed this story while browsing through a vast collection of subjects that may interest me. But, I'm glad that I found it.

Is this story EVER going to update????????

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