• Published 11th Feb 2020
  • 5,256 Views, 157 Comments

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescuers of Harmony - Codex92

When a simple spell goes awry, Twilight, along with her friends and Spike, are sent to a whole new world, where their forms change as they learn about and live in this world until they find a way back home.

  • ...


In the quaint little town of Ponyville, a unicorn mare by the name of Twilight Sparkle was busy in the tree library she calls home. She originally lived in Canterlot, but by the ruler of Equestria's orders, Princess Celestia requested her pupil to study the magic of friendship while staying in Ponyville. Since coming here during the Summer Sun Celebration, she and five other mares she met not only became great friends, but also heroes of Equestria, discovering the Elements of Harmony and becoming their new bearers as they stopped Nightmare Moon, who also happened to be Celestia's younger sister, her real name being Luna. Lots of high jinks ensued with the Mane Six, along with lessons in friendship learned and exciting adventures to be had.

Twilight hummed in thought in the basement of the library, going over the calculations of a spell she was working on for a while on her blackboard. "Ok. After triple-checking these equations and double-checking my triple-checked checklist I checked one more time for safe measure, I think this spell is ready for its test run."

Her ear twitched when she heard the door leading downstairs opened. "Twilight, the girls are here!" Spike called out from the top.

"Thanks, Spike! Send them down!" While going over the last of her calculations as a precaution, she heard several hoofsteps clopping down the steps, one set actually sounding like someone bouncing off of springs. Twilight turned around to see her friends and fellow Element bearers, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and her baby dragon assistant, Spike. "Thank you all for coming, girls. I can't wait to show you what I've been working on for quite some time."

"Is it a way for you to stop being an egghead?" Rainbow asked with a snicker.

Unamused, Twilight leered at the cyan pegasus. "...No, Rainbow Dash. And I'd rather be an egghead than a lazy, overconfident flyer who never reads anything but a fictional book series everypony can enjoy. And don't forget I introduced you to reading something that I knew you would be interested in."

"Just ignore her, Twilight," Applejack said.

"Yeah, and show us what super secret thingie you were doing!" Pinkie exclaimed excitedly. "Is it a party cannon!? A new flavor of cupcake!? A cloning machine!?"

"Neither, Pinkie," Twilight said. She then showed the mares her blackboard of complicated math equations. "I've created a spell that creates a window to allow us to see other locations throughout Equestria, or anywhere beyond the kingdom!"

The mares expressed their awe at the explanation. "Interesting," Rarity voiced out. "And it can show us anywhere, even without us visiting that location at all?"

"Exactly! And with enough magic, it could possibly show us places not even from our world! Everything in the multiverse theory could be proven true if we can see other worlds, creatures, environments, and more!" Twilight clapped her hooves eagerly, growing more excited and anxious to try out her new spell. "I wanted you girls and Spike to be witnesses to the many amazing discoveries we'll experience!"

"Umm, what if...we fall into this...window?" Fluttershy asked nervously. "Or...any big, scary creatures from those worlds come through?"

"It's just a window, Fluttershy," Twilight assured the timid yellow pegasus. "We can see through it, but nothing goes in or out. It's perfectly safe."

"Did you test it yet?" Rarity asked curiously.

"Not yet, but now that I've made sure the formula is one hundred and fifty percent perfect, with no flaws, I'm going to fire it up and start with some places around Equestria." Twilight lit up her horn, then faced away from everyone and aimed at a spot in the room.

A lavender beam shot out and created a window in the air before them. The space inside began to shimmer and wave, transitioning to show the group a faraway shot of Ponyville. They could see their neighbors wandering about town, going about their business, and none of them were aware of the six mares and baby dragon watching them in the distance. Everyone expressed their awe, Twilight feeling proud of herself as her spell worked.

"This is so awesome!" Rainbow said.

"It's like we're flying, even though we're underground and watching a screen of the outside world!" Pinkie said, bouncing closer to peer closer at Ponyville. "Hey, I can see the Sweet Apple Acres waaaaaaaaay over there!"

"Ah can't believe it worked," Applejack chuckled. Twilight shifted their viewpoints with a zap of her magic, showing a closeup of the farm mare's home. "There's Granny in her rocker, Winona nappin' on the porch with her...Twilight, this is incredible!"

"Show us Canterlot!" Rarity requested, which Twilight obliged, shifting the window to an viewpoint looking over the mountain city of Canterlot, the capital of Equestria. "Oooh! This is quite exciting!"

"So far, it's a success," Twilight said. "Now, let's try exploring some worlds outside Equestria."

While Twilight focused her magic on her spell, Pinkie squealed and bounced up and down. "Ooh! Ooh! Show us a world that's got spooky monsters!" Pinkie demanded. "One with action! Adventure! Giant magic keys that destroy creatures of darkness!"

"Pinkie, calm down. I need to concentrate," Twilight chided. "I don't know which kind of world to explore, and wherever it takes us, I can't control the exact location unless it's in Equestria."

"H-Hopefully...there's n-no s-spooky...m-m-monsters," Fluttershy whimpered, hiding her face behind her long mane.

"Don't worry, Fluttershy! If any meanie monsters try to breach through, we'll through them a party and be their friends!" Twilight grumbled in annoyance as she heard Pinkie babbling, also finding it a horrible idea to try to win dangerous creatures they don't know about with a party if they were aggressive or territorial. Focusing on someplace outside of their world, Twilight saw the screen slowly transition and reveal their first look at a location not known in her geography books. It looked like a massive continent, showing different environments from snowy climates in the north, vast oceans, mountains that poured lava or crackled with lightning, lush forests, and much more while catching a glimpse of some of the world's avians flying through the air. "And if they get too close, I'll scare them away with my party cannon!"

Pinkie pulled out her party cannon and pressed the big button, the barrel aimed unfortunately at Twilight as she fired it. The unicorn screamed, startled by the explosive sound and getting covered in confetti, causing her horn to spark out of control as the scare accidentally made her unleash much more magic than she needed on her spell. The window sparked with lavender magic as the view of the world quickly turned into a blinding white, which made the others worry.

"Uhh, Twilight, what did you do!?" Spike asked fearfully.

"I don't know! Pinkie's dumb party cannon scared me into pouring more of my magic into my spell than necessary!" Twilight exclaimed.

The mares and baby dragon yelped as they suddenly felt themselves getting pulled into the glowing window, trying their hardest to resist the gravitational force trying to suck them in. "Twilight, get rid of this thing!" Rainbow Dash yelled out.

Twilight grunted, screaming as she nearly lost her balance, everyone quickly grabbing onto something heavy and sturdy to avoid getting sucked in. "I-I'm trying! I can't close it!"

The spell increased its gravitational pull, its force too strong as Fluttershy, being the weakest of them all, lost her grip and flew straight into the window while screaming in terror. "It ate Fluttershy!" Pinkie screamed, slipping from her hold and got sucked in as well.

The others soon began to lose their grip, slipping into the overcharged viewing spell one by one. Twilight watched helplessly as her other friends got sucked in, followed by Spike as he cried out her name in terror. She couldn't hold on any longer as well, unable to escape as she screamed, flying straight through the glowing window. As soon as she went through, the spell closed in on itself, finally stopping after the last of them was pulled into it and out in the last world it was focused on.

Down in a busy town, many different species of creatures known as Pokemon went about their errands, selling their wares, or hanging out with friends or partners to enjoy the sunny day. In this world, many of the areas around the large continent are home to many different Mystery Dungeons, caverns, mountains, crevasses, and more that always change, leaving the floors they have as a different layout every single time anyone enters. Pokemon also make their homes in some of these Mystery Dungeons, many being aggressive to those who intrude on their territory. Along with these unruly Pokemon, there are also natural disasters that endanger every Pokemon throughout the continent. This is where Pokemon rescue teams are called to answer to anyone, no matter what the request: finding a lost item, searching unexplored Mystery Dungeons, helping a Pokemon who was lost in these dungeons, and even stopping thieves and thugs from hurting the defenseless.

Far along the path from the main square, there's a small, rounded hut with an orange roof, several windows built around the walls to look out at the grassy lawn and the backyard forest. There was a bamboo flagpole to the left of the hut, a bell near the entrance to announce a visitor to the owners, and a mailbox near the dirt road. This building was the base for a new, young team of rescuers, and pacing impatiently in front of it was a Riolu, stopping every so often and tapping his foot with his arms crossed. He wore a red scarf around his neck, occasionally making sure it stayed tied snugly while huffing and grumbling to himself.

"SCOTT!!!" Ears twitching as he heard his name, the Riolu looked down the road toward town, where he saw his partner running excitedly toward him and their base. His partner was a Charmander, wearing a green scarf around his neck, and also carrying their team's toolbox to keep their items stored for future adventures and an envelope in his paw. "I got it! I got our first official mission!"

"Finally!" Scott called out. His friend skid to a halt in front of him, panting heavily, but sporting just as big of a grin as the Riolu was. "I knew it was gonna take a while, but you took forever, Johann!"

"Oh. Well, I had to stop to grab the tool box." Johann jostled the toolbox hanging from a strap worn over his shoulder to emphasize his tardiness. He then giggled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head. "...And maybe grabbed an Oran berry smoothie."

"Of course you did," Scott sighed, barely surprised as he shook his head. He smirked, approached his friend, then began patting Johann's belly teasingly. "You're gonna grow up to be a very chunky Charizard if you keep downing those berry smoothies."

"Hey, they are healthy for you!" Johann exclaimed, batting the cheeky Riolu's paws away from his body. Scott chuckled at the Charmander's reaction, but he sighed, brushing off the teasing as he showed his friend the envelope. "Anyways, I got our first assignment from the guild. They told me that this would be the perfect mission for two rookie members."

Johann then pulled out their new rescue team badges, an oval-shaped pin with wings attached to the side, the top half white while the bottom was pink. "Sweet! I am so ready to get started!" Scott snatched one of the pins, placing it on his scarf while beaming with excitement. "What's our first job? Rescuing a baby Pokemon who got lost in a Mystery Dungeon? Finding a valuable item that belonged to someone? Take on a thief who stole that someone's valuable item!?"

Scott threw a few punches, itching to get into a confrontation with a thieving Pokemon, amusing Johann as he opened the envelope and read their mission. "Even better!" he said.

Scott's eyes lit up, an open-mouthed grin on his muzzle at the prospect of doing something much more dangerous than stopping petty thief.

When they arrived at their mission location, Scott's joy and excitement made a complete one-eighty, his grin turning into a huge frown, the glint in his eyes gone as he stared blankly at where they were. "...Doing yardwork for an elderly couple???" Scott questioned. He slowly turned his head, staring at Johann, who still held his grin as they stood on the dirt path and looked at the large house with an overgrown lawn about as tall as the two small Pokemon. "This...is our first mission as a rescue team???"

"I know, right!?" Johann said. "It's so easy!"

"Is this a prank from the guild?" Scott asked, snatching the letter out of his friend's paw. "Or was this a random mission you grabbed without even looking at it?"

"No, the guild gave this to me," the Charmander stated, gently taking the letter back. "They said that it would be a good start for rookie adventurers like us. Plus, the pay is good, even when you count for what the guild takes."

"Yeah, sure. A great start fo-" Scott paused his grumbling, shocked by the strange news about the guild they were a part of taking a share of their missions' payments upon completing them. "Wait, WHAT!? What's that supposed to mean!?" he questioned, flailing his arms wildly in frustration.

"Well, duh, dude," Johann said, his calm demeanor only making the Riolu flustered as he felt like they were getting robbed for their hard work. "Remember that the guild has to take a portion of the profits to help pay for our equipment along with paying its members. They told us this during training, remember?"

Scott blinked a couple times, sweat running down the back of his head as he recalled what they were informed on upon joining. "...Oh yeah. Forgot about that," he uttered nervously, giving a small, sheepish laugh.

Johann wasn't buying it, giving the Riolu a deadpanned glare, leaning toward him with his paws on his hips. "You were daydreaming about being the number one adventurer again, weren't you?"

"W-Well, it's gonna come true one day, so I'll daydream all I want," Scott said, trying to brush off his embarrassment as he turned away while pretending to be nonchalant about his lack of learning how the guild worked.

"Yeah, sure," Johann said, rolling his eyes. "Just do it when we're not getting told important information."

"Uhh, who's the strongest between us?" Scott questioned, then started tapping the Charmander's chest, taunting him with a cocky smirk. "I betcha if we both evolved, I could Seismic Toss you ten feet into the ground when you're a Charizard."

"Ha! You wish!" Johann smacked away Scott's paw, pointing a thumb to himself while giving him the same smirk. "I could easily wipe the floor with you. If I was a Charizard, I could easily avoid you by just flying high into the air."

"Two words, buddy." Scott got into a wider stance, bringing his paws together to his side, pretending to create a ball of energy between them, then quickly pushed his paws out toward Johann. "Aura Sphere."

"Ha! You can't even learn Aura Sphere until after you evolve into a Lucario!" Johann laughed. "And I have two words for you, too: type advantage."

Scott scowled at Johann's comeback response. The two then glared daggers at each other, though they couldn't hide the grins on their faces. They always have friendly banters, all of which didn't involve any physical confrontations as they both knew they were just messing with each other. During their "conversation", the owner of the wildly grown yard stepped out, hearing the two young males' "argument" from their window.

"What's with all the racket?" Hearing the owner snapped the two friends out of their playful bickering. Coming down the path leading to the house was an elderly Nidoking and Nidoqueen, the tall grass barely reaching the towering Pokemon. The Nidoking squinted at them, his eyesight fading on him as he looked down at the Riolu and Charmander. "Hmm? Who are you boys?"

"Hi there, Mr. and Mrs. Nido!" Johann greeted cheerfully, Scott giving a forced, sheepish grin as he silently waved to the couple. "We are here on behalf of the guild to fix your yard!"

"Oh, you must be the new young ones the guild sent!" the Nidoqueen excitedly said. She stomped her way over to the Riolu and Charmander, unnerving the former rescuer with the coo she made, then began to pinch both their cheeks with her old, yet still incredibly strong paws, stretching half their faces like rubber. "Oooh, you two are just adorable! I bet you'll grow up into big, strong Pokemon helping others in need!"

With one last pull, Nidoqueen let Scott and Johann's faces free, their cheeks smacking back to their heads, where Johann didn't mind the pain with a big smile, though Scott grimaced in agony. "Thanks, ma'am! We'll do our very best to help others, but we need to start with your messy yard first!"

"I can't feel my face," Scott mumbled, rubbing his sore cheek.

"If you boys get a bit peckish during your work, I've got fresh berry cookies and some ice cold Miltank milk with your names on them!" Nidoqueen said with a giggle, then headed back in her house.

Johann licked his lips at the prospect of berry cookies as an added bonus for their first mission while Scott frowned in disappointment. "You know, I would take care of this grass myself, but these old bones of mine barely get me out of the house these days," Nidoking said, startling Scott, almost forgetting about the gruffer Nido's presence. "You boys do a really good job, and we just might give you boys an extra tip."

"Don't you worry, sir!" Johann said. "As proud members of the guild, we'll get your yard spic and span before lunch! Right, Scott?"

Scott flinched when he heard his name, giving the Nidoking a nervous smile. "R-Right. Team Rescue Rangers will...make this yard perfect in record time."

Nidoking laughed in amusement, giving both young rescuers a hard pat on the back, sending them crashing to the ground. "That's the spirit, boys!" he said before stomping back in his and his mate's home.

Scott and Johann shakily stood back up, wincing from the old Nidoking's "gentle" pat of encouragement. Scott then turned to give his friend and partner a blank stare. The Charmander ignored it and got to work, flexing his fingers and began slashing away at the tall grass with his claws. Scott huffed, left with no choice but to start their first ever mission as a rescue team with menial chores. Cracking the knuckles in his paws, Scott crossed his arms in front of him, creating claws from the metal stubs on the back of his paws with Metal Claw, then joined Johann in slicing through the grass.

With each Pokemon taking half of the Nido couple's yard, it was sure to be done in no time at all, just like they promised. After half an hour of slicing the grass to a perfectly cut level, they began gathering the piles of grass into several large clumps to throw out. It almost became a disaster when Johann took a breather after his sixth armful of grass, his tail hanging a bit too low, and the flame at the tip began to ignite the stack he was building. Scott noticed the smoke in time, yelling at his friend to move his tail as he was about to cause fire that could spread and burn the Nidos' home. Dashing off, the Riolu grabbed a bucket and filled it with water, then rushed back and quickly doused out the growing flames before it burned the pile. After that crisis was averted, Scott gave his friend a harsh leer, Johann grinning and giggling in embarrassment as he made sure to keep his tail held up high to avoid accidentally burning something else.

Next came the weeds growing around the house and the small garden Nidoqueen tends to. Scott was able to pluck out the pesky weeds with ease, but Johann had a bit of trouble with some of them. Scott made sure to pile up the weeds so his friend didn't ignite anything else with his tail. The yard was looking much nicer now, several piles of grass and weeds sitting by the road. The Nido couple were impressed with their work so far, Nidoqueen giving the new rescue team their promised milk and cookies as they took their break. The two relaxed in the shade of one of the berry trees in Nidoqueen's garden, smudges of dirt, swear, and grass clippings clinging to their bodies as they enjoyed their snack.

"You know, as tasty as these cookies are as a small reward, I'm still a bit disappointed that our first job as a rescue team was taking care of an elderly couple's yard," Scott said.

Johann downed his glass of Miltank milk, licking his lips before he spoke. "We could get some more tougher missions when we prove we can handle the easy ones," he said. Scott shrugged and munched on one of his cookies. "But while I was at the guild, I overheard that they're going to remove team member restrictions. I think that means we don't have to have just a team of three for missions anymore. We can have up to a team of nine all at once." Johann seemed to get his friend's attention, seeing him pause in another bite as he glanced over at him. "Maybe if we find more Pokemon to join our team, they'll allow us to go on tougher missions."

"Really? Huh..." Scott perked up a little bit at the good news, then glanced down at his badge pinned to his scarf. "I guess some Pokemon must have enhanced these badges for rescue teams. It'll be really helpful with Mystery Dungeons I've heard that could be over a hundred floors long."

"I also heard that this news also applies to the rookie teams, too," Johann added with a sly smirk, taking a dainty nibble of another cookie, already seeing his Riolu companion back to his eager, overconfident self.

"Sweet!" Scott cheered with a punch to the air. "We could have one of every type of Pokemon in our team, and keep our party balanced! The perfect rescue team with no weaknesses!"

"Yeah...Assuming we can find any Pokemon who aren't already part of a team." Scott's joy quickly faded as it came, letting out a disappointed groan. Seeing how many Pokemon were already in the guild they signed up to be a part of, there was probably a very low chance any of them were looking for a team to join, especially a beginner team like theirs that just started out today. "I mean, it's not like a group of Pokemon are gonna fall right out of the sky."

As if a higher power heard Johann's comment, they heard what sounded like crackling lightning coming from above. Startled, the two looked up, then at each other, quickly getting up and moving out of the shade of the berry tree's branches and looked at the sky. To their surprise, they saw purple lightning streak across the clear sky, definitely something not being unleashed by an Electric-type Pokemon as they were the only ones outside the Nidos' home. From the streaks of purple lightning bolts, they began to form a strange portal of the same color, hearing several screams come from it. Suddenly falling out from the portal were seven different Pokemon, and they were falling straight down toward Scott and Johann.

Scott glanced at his friend with a deadpanned stare. "...You just had to say something..."

"Heheh...Sorry," the Charmander apologized.

The screams got louder, forcing them to look back up and make the rescue team themselves scream. They flailed about, but couldn't escape as the falling Pokemon crash-landed on the duo, kicking up a cloud of dust from the collective thuds. Groans rang out from all of them, Scott and Johann crushed under the weight of the mysterious, teleporting group, but the Riolu at least got something a bit more exciting on his first day than assisting the elderly with their chores.

Author's Note:

For those who are unfamiliar with Pokemon and what they look like with no details in the chapters, I'll place a list of those that are seen in this chapter and future chapters here in the author's notes with their images. Hope this helps, and hope you enjoy.



