• Member Since 16th Aug, 2013
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Urban Planner, TV Tropes contributer, and writer on the side.


While searching for the Tree of Harmony, the Mane Six come across a group of sentient bipedal creatures dressed like old school peasants. One of the peasants has an enormous disdain toward Twilight just because she is a Princess of Friendship.

(Featured March 8, 2020)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 57 )

As a huge fan of Monty Python, you have won my utmost respect

I don't think Twilight would be annoyed at Dennis explaining his form of government. Also I doubt she would call anyone a peasant.

Did you here that, did you here that, eh?"

*Did you hear that, did you hear that, eh?

Great fic!

Huk #4 · Mar 8th, 2020 · · ·

Nicely done, and even with credits :rainbowlaugh:

Thank goodness they didn't run into Angel. That rabbit's dynamite.

Seral #6 · Mar 8th, 2020 · · 2 ·

This story wouldn't work if the characters acted canonically.

Well, that happened. And I liked it!



Rokas #9 · Mar 9th, 2020 · · ·


Discord: "Stop!"

Mane 6 halt in front of the bridge home.

Twilight: "Discord, what are you up to?"

Discord: "Who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, 'Ere the other side he see!"

Twilight: "...Really?"

Discord: "Yes, really. C'mon, play along!"

Twilight: *Sighs* "Ask me, bridgekeeper, I am not afraid."

Discord: "What... is your name?"

Twilight: [Deadpan] "Twilight Sparkle."

Discord: "What... is your quest?"

Twilight: "I seek a bath and some cookies after dealing with idiots all day."

Dash: "Hey!"

Twilight: "Not you girls, the things in the clearing."

Discord: "What... is the flight velocity of an unladen swallow?"

Twilight: "What do you mean? African or European swallow?"

Discord: *Blinks* "I don't know that." *Is suddenly yanked up and cast into the gorge of eternal annoyance* "Aaaaaahhh!"

Mane 6 stands there in disbelief. Applejack turns to regard Twilight. "How do ya know so much 'bout swallows?"

Twilight: "Well you have to know these things when you're a princess, you know? Now, let's go home."


It’s fairly accurate I must say...

On the other hand, you using the word dynamite has given me an idea...

And Saint Fluttershy raised the Rabbit up on high, saying, "O Princess Celestia, bless this Thy Angelic Rabbit that, with it, Thou mayest blow Thine enemies to tiny bits in Thy mercy."

And the Princess spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Carrot. Then, shalt thou count to three. No more. No less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, nor either count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then, lobbest thou thy Angelic Rabbit of Ponyville towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."

Well, in classic Monty python fashion that was rather... uncomfortable, good show thumbs up!
Rather fortunate that they didn't encounter the black knight or the night's who say niif!

*sips coffee* Neat.

A shameless ripoff of Monty Python. Or is it? Of course it is.

No it isn't.

I think this story would've worked better if they had instead. I was able to skip most of it when I realized they were just reading the Holy Grail script.

That sounds like a really compelling reason for this to not have been written, or to have been written completely differently?


I'm sorry but I think you want Arguments. Down the hall, first door on the right.

(From a window in Canterlot Castle, Twilight and Princess Celestia feast upon a panoramic view of Equestria)
Celestia: One day, Princess Twilight, all this will be yours.
Twilight: The curtains?
Princess Celestia: No... Canterlot was built up from nothing. When we started, all we had was a mountain. Other ponies said we were foolish to build this city into the side of a mountain, but we built it all the same, just to show them. It fell down the mountain, so we built a second one. THAT fell down the mountain. We built a third one. Nightmare Moon burned it down, it collapsed, and THEN fell down the mountain. But the fourth one stayed up! And that's what you're going to get, my dearest student, the strongest city on these lands!

> sentient bipedal creatures
sapient ;)

That was brilliant.

Now just wait until Twilight and her friends meet the French... or if Rainbow finds herself in that one castle where Gawain ended up in

To many Aardvarks...

Now if only someone would do a fic involving the witch scene.

"Princess of what?"

You can just hear that obnoxious voice.

Wow this is a lively and funny comment section.
I enjoyed the surprise argument sketch and police and opening credits and art of not being seen.

Now if only there was a way to write the best sketches 'Dennis Moore' ,and 'Spanish Inquisition' with mlp characters intermixed!



But alas who would write it?


Yes it is.



A lot of Monty Python fics just copy and paste the scenes and throw in colorful ponies.

I felt merging those scenes was not only original, but the kind of hilarious chaos that is typical of Monty Python.

No this is too silly. I'm ending this sketch!

Since many commenters want to see the Mane 6 in character in a MP, I would love to see Fluttershy in the Dead Parrot sketch. :fluttershbad:

For a while there I was expecting Twilight to turn him into a newt (he'd get better....)

Poor Mr Nesbitt

I was just on YouTube and saw an old comment I made years ago referencing the violence inherent in the system. Then, I clicked on over to FiMFiction to see this on the front page. It always feels weird when this sort of thing happens.

And, of course, while reading, I heard the voices as being those of the abridged series I was watching instead of the ponies' actual voices. If it's going to be silly, why not go all the way?

You mean the one on the bridge? I’ve seen one where the mane six try cross it

As the customer or the shop keeper?

I think the credits need more llamas. (On a side note are there any llamas in mlp cannon? Or even in any fanfiction?)

I was initially thinking shopkeeper, but upon further review, she could be the customer, and Discord the shopkeeper.

You never saw him on tv because Hasbro and DHX would never mix religion with children's entertainment, but I'm sure Equestria has a Dalai Wally Llama....or am I thinking of another show??? :derpyderp1: :yay::pinkiehappy:

There was much Rejoicing

No I meant the one where Sir Bedevere helped determine whether a woman was a witch by seeing it she weighed the same as a duck.

:flutterrage: Angel Bunny how could you?!
:moustache: That little guy ripped out their throats one by one
:duck: Spikey take me back to the castle - I was very bad and I need a good spanking :applejackconfused:me too:rainbowkiss::pinkiecrazy: Me too
:trollestia: Jt's only a flesh wound I'm okay

10122861 The punchline is it's Philomena... holy crap, that would actually work! :pinkiegasp:


Thank you.


Or the French knights who...taunt others.


Twilight: But I don't want any of that. I'd rather--
Celestia: Rather what?!
Twilight: I'd rather...just... sing!
Celestia: Stop that! Stop that! You're not going into a song while I'm here.


I think I picture Fluttershy ending up there, supposedly being chaste, and about to give in to temptation until being "rescued" at the last moment.


Well...if someone wrote the Spanish Inquisition, you wouldn't be able to...

E X P E C T I T.


Yes it is!

Alright! Enough of this! It's silly!

It started out as a nice story about pony princesses attacking early-middle aged peasants, but now it's just gotten silly!


Twilight: But mother...
Princess Celestia: Princess...
Twilight: But Princess Celestia, I don't want Canterlot.
Princess Celestia: Listen, my dearest student, Twirlie...
Twilight: Twilight.
Princess Celestia: Twilight. We live in a prestigious city. Equestria needs its fair and just ruler.
Twilight: But I don't like being a ruler.
Princess Celestia: Don't like being a ruler? Whatever's wrong with that? You're beautiful. You'll be rich. You have two huge... wings to fly!

Are we having an argument?

But that isn't an argument.


It's just contradiction.

Thier chief weapon was er...
what again?

"Yes it is," Dennis argued. "This is a parody fanfiction of a well-known pop-cultural moment, not a commercial reproduction of an existing, copyrighted work. Parody is covered under fair use."

And there is no profit, nor does it usurp the market for either piece of source material.


That certainly hasn't stopped cease and desist orders, has it?

Improper use of the DMCA is a crime, so counter-suits should be flying like fur.


I honestly think the whole copyright system is a form of corporate welfare. Not designed to encourage art, but to protect the profits of already wealthy corporations.


Not designed to encourage art, but to protect the profits of already wealthy corporations.

Yea, by keeping stuff in copyright for basically forever they can keep rehashing the same stuff over and over again and not have to make anything new.

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