• Published 11th Apr 2020
  • 2,381 Views, 33 Comments

Journey to the past - Dianabel

The mane 6, the Pillars, Stygian, and Discord look for Spike after Twilight had an argument with him. Meanwhile, Spike will meet a figure from Equestria´s past who might know about Spike´s parents.

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Chapter 3: Regrets

Finally, morning arrived in Ponyville. Twilight opened her eyes exhaustingly. She didn´t sleep well.

Her argument with Spike gave her a lot to think about. On the one hoof, she felt guilty for making Spike feel bad, yet on the other hoof, a part of her tried to take out the blame.

If he hadn´t told you those awful things, nothing of this would have happened.” she thought to herself. “He deserved to be yelled at.”

After a long night of pondering, Twilight made her mind.

“At morning, I´ll come to check him. Just to see if he´s fine.”

But now… it might be a little more complicated than she thought. She didn´t have enough energy to get up from bed. Nonetheless, if there´s something stronger than fatigue, it´s guilt. So, with all her strength, Twilight sat on her bed to stretch her muscles and got out from her bed.

She trotted to Spike´s room slowly. She stopped at the front of his door. She gulped, breathed in and out, and opened it slightly. She timidly leaned out her head to take a detailed glance of the look. Everything was normal… except for the fact that Spike wasn´t in his bed.

“Huh… That´s weird. Spike usually wakes up long after me.” she thought aloud.

However, she did some logical reasoning. Who could sleep that much after such argument?

It´s normal that he woke up soon.

Despite that, where was he?

“I´ll check the kitchen. He might be having breakfast.”

Unfortunately, he wasn´t in the kitchen.

“Maybe he´s in the other rooms?” she asked to herself.

She flew all around the castle as she yelled Spike´s name. He wasn´t in the castle either.

“This is odd.” she told to herself, starting to get more worried. “Spike would never leave the castle without telling me first. I´ll ask if anypony has seen him in Ponyville.”

She opened the gates wide and rushed to Ponyville. She looked in every corner, but there wasn´t a sign of him. Everypony she asked didn´t see him. Twilight could feel panic slowly taking over her mind. But she managed to control her anxiety to think clear. The last place she didn´t check was the School of Friendship. There´s still a chance that he´s there. She frowned in determination and flew to the school.

When she finally reached the school, she saw Starlight talking to Trixie and Sunburst. She felt relief when she saw somepony she could talk to.


The three unicorns looked up. Sunburst and Starlight gave Twilight a welcoming smile. Trixie showed some surprise when she saw the princess.

“Twilight! Just the pony I needed to see. Could you tell me where do you keep Ogers and Oubliettes? I have this great idea for the next -”

“Have you seen Spike?” Twilight asked while holding Starlight´s shoulder.

Starlight looked to her two friends confused. Trixie shrugged while shaking her head as if she was saying she didn´t know what was happening. Sunburst was equally confused.

“Um… No, I don´t remember seeing him. Have you seen him guys?” Starlight asked to Trixie and Sunburst.

“No, I don´t think so.” Sunburst replied.

“Nope.” answered Trixie.

“Where could he be? Where could he be?” Twilight thought aloud as she sat down.

“Hey, What´s wrong?” Starlight asked in concern.

“I can´t find Spike! He´s not in the castle, he´s not in Ponyville nor in the school… I´ve been searching for him around the whole castle and he´s nowhere!”

“How is it that he´s not with you?” Sunburst asked curiously.

Twilight sighed.

“It´s kind of a long story. I can´t tell you now. I need to find a reason why he-”

At that moment, words that Twilight said to Spike came to her mind.

If you are so fine without me, then go away! I never want to see you again!”

That´s when it hit her. Could it be that Spike ran away from home because of what she said? She gasped.

“What if he fled?”

“What?” asked Starlight confused.

“I said what if he fled? I told him that I never wanted to see him again after all!”

Twilight felt the heavy weight of guilt in her heart. Starlight, Sunburst and Trixie gasped in shock.

“Wow. That´s something you don´t see every day.” Trixie whispered in Starlight´s ear.

“Did you two fight or something?” Starlight asked.

“Yes, we did.” Twilight admitted embarassed.

“Ok, calm down. Where do you think he could have gone?”

“I don´t know. To Rarity´s? I´m not so sure.”

“Now that I think about it, Rarity can´t be in her boutique. Weren´t you supposed to meet her at the train station?” Sunburst said while stroking

Twilight gasped.

“Oh, it´s true! I forgot!” she exclaimed, putting her hoof on her forehead. “Well, I´ll have to tell to Starswirl that our mission has to be postponed. This is an emergency that must be fixed inmediately!”

Without thinking it, Twilight spread out here wings and flew away, without saying goodbye to her three friends.

“She could have said goodbye at least.” Trixie complained.

“Starlight, the dragon pupil, what was her name?” Sunburst struggled to remember her name. “Ah! Smolder, yes.” he cleared his throat. “Is she still in the Dragonlands?”

“Unfortunately, yes. We can´t ask her.” Starlight sighed. “I wish we could help, but we have to resume classes. All we can do is hope that she finds him safe and sound.”

At the train station, the mane 6 were waiting for Twilight.

“What´s taking her so long?” asked Applejack.

“This is very weird. Normally Twilight is the first one to arrive. Especially now that Starswirl´s waiting for her.” Rarirty remarked.

“Maybe she´s twilighting.” Rainbow responded jokingly. She laughed a little. “Saame old Twilight.”

“Or something bad happened to her.” Fluttershy suggested. “Ooh… I hope she´s alright.”

“Dooon´t worry.” Pinkie told Fluttershy in response. “I see no big meanie monster or villain attacking Ponyville” she said as she stood in two legs on AJ´s back to get a better vision of the city on her balloon binoculars, ignoring her friend´s angry glance. “So nope, she hasn´t been eaten or assaulted!”

“More evidence to my hypothesis.” Rainbow added.

“Ugh… Now when we were making some progress.” Rarity rubbed her temple.

“If that´s the case, I bet she will appear in a “poof!”and will say that she needs our help to calm her down!” Pinkie bet.

Right after she finished talking, all what Pinkie said came true. Twilight appeared in a flash where Pinkie was standing, making her fall onto her back.

“I need your help!” Twilight exclaimed worried.

“Told ya!”

“What´s wrong, sugar cube?” AJ trotted towards Twilight.

“Rarity!” Twilight ran to Rarity. “Have you seen Spike?”

“No, darling. I thought he was with you. Where is he, by the way?”

“That´s the problem, I can´t find him!”

“Why? Were you playing hide and seek?” Pinkie asked while raising an eyebrow.

“Of course not, Pinkie!” Twilight yelled desperate. “I think- I think he has run away!”

The five friends gasped.

“What makes you think that?” Fluttershy asked sweetly.

Exhausted, Twilight sat on the ground with her head looking down in shame.

“Spike and I fought yesterday.”

“Well... I don´t really think that´s the reason he´s not in here. Big Mac and I have also fought a lot when we were younger, and sometimes we do argue due to our stubbornness nowadays. But it´s normal to fight from time to time. It´s part of siblinghood! Don´t you remember at Shining Armor´s wedding? You two argued!”


“Yeah! Sweetie Belle and I have also had our fair share.”

“Same with Zephyr.”

“I never fought with my sisters.” Pinkie said estranged.

The girls turned their heads back to Pinkie with a frown on their faces.

“What we mean is that every sibling argues from time to time.” AJ recapped. “But in a few minutes, everything is normal again. So, none of us think it was because of that.”

“But I said some horrible things. Really horrible things.”

“Like what? It can´t be that bad.” Rainbow said carefreely.

“I told him I never wanted to see him again. That I should never have hatched him from his egg…”

Her five friends stayed silent with wide eyes.

“Ok, that´s some pretty heavy stuff.” admitted Rainbow.

Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack and Pinkie agreed.

“But why did you two fight?” Fluttershy asked.

“I think I might have an explanation for that…” a new voice joined in the conversation.

The girls´ ears perked up. They turned around to see Discord scratching the back of his neck.

“Discord!” exclaimed Fluttershy. “I thought you were taking care of the Animal Sanctuary.” she tilted her head.

“I was I swear! But… I had a bad feeling about Spike, so… I decided that I´d visit Twilight and Spike but none of you were in the castle. And now I found you here! I heard every word.” He quickly turned to Fluttershy. “Don´t worry about your animals, Fluttershy, I put them a sleep spell so none of them would make any trouble, if that´s alright with you, my dear.”

“Hmm.. I´m not so sure what to say about that…”

“It won´t affect them at any stand, I swear. When they wake up, they will be bouncing, eating, and all the normal stuff that animals do.”

“Hmm… Ok.”

Fluttershy and Discord smiled at each other.

“Something tells me you had something to do with this, Discord.” Applejack pointed her hoof at him.

“I won´t lie to the Element of Honesty, yes I did. But let me explain: Twilight asked us to support Spike, even though Guy´s night was cancelled. We accepted and we came to her castle. It took some time to make him talk, but he eventually told us what was wrong: It was Dragon´s Father´s Day. Although I was telling the truth about parents, I do admit that maybe I shouldn´t have said those things to him.”

He laughed nervously.

Fluttershy had a look of worry on her face, while Pinkie and Rarity cringed and Applejack and Rainbow facehoofed. Twilight was still looking down.

“Of course it was Discord´s fault.” muttered Rainbow.

“I heard you!” exclaimed Discord. “I´m sorry, ok? But I want to make clear that I did not want this to happen, which is exactly why I come to help.”

“I must find him. I need to apologize!” Twilight told her friends.

“But what about Stasrwirl?” intervened Rarity. “You promised him that you would help him.”

“I´m afraid that this is an emergency. I´ll write him a letter.”

“No need to!” Discord exclaimed.

Immediately after, Discord snapped his fingers. In the blinking of an eye, Starswirl appeared out of nowhere. He looked around him perplexed.

“Discord!” Twilight rose her voice at him. “That wasn´t necessary!”

“It´s an emergency, isn´t it? If you had written Starswirl a letter, it would have taken a lot of time for him to receive it, now that Spike isn´t here.”

Twilight was going to replicate, but after listening to Discord, she thought about it twice. He was right. Sending him a letter would be a huge waste of time. She needed to fix this as soon as possible. There wasn´t time for this.

“What? What am I doing here?” the old wizard asked.

“I´ll explain you.” Twilight replied as she walked to him. “But first, can I talk to you for a few minutes?”

Starswirl nodded and followed behind Twilight.

“I´m afraid we´ll have to postpone the mission.”

Starswirl´s eyes widened in surprise.

“Why? What happened?”

“Spike´s missing. I´ll tell you what happened in a letter once this is solved, I can´t right now. I must find him immediately!”

“Did you two fight?” he asked sadly.

Twilight sighed sadly.

“Yes. Please, I don´t want to tell you the details right now, ok? I´m not in the mood. So, if it doesn´t bother you, do you mind if we look for Scorpan another day?”

Starswirl stroke his beard in thought. He took some time to answer, rising the nerves inside Twilight´s body. Once he was done thinking, he stopped stroking his beard.

“Fine. On one condition, though.”

“Tell me.”

“Let me come with you.”

Now it was Twilight´s eyes that were widened.


“This is exactly the same thing that happened between Scorpan and I, and when I finally got enough courage to apologize to him, I asked you for help and without thinking it twice you accepted. I think it´s fair enough that I do the same. I´m not so sure if I can help you to reconcile with him, but I think that I can lend a hoof on the search. So… Can I help you?”

Twilight´s eyes filled with joy, thankfulness and hope. She quickly surrounded him with her wings.

“Thank you! Thank you so much!”

“I´ll write the pillars and Stygian a letter to warn them that our plans are cancelled. If we are lucky enough, they could lend us a hoof.”

Discord rolled his eyes and scoffed.

“Why are you so determined to send letters rather than summon them?” he asked as he snapped his fingers.

The pillars and Stygian appeared in a flash. They looked around, estranged to find themselves all of the sudden in a new place.

“How did we get here?” Rockhoof asked.

“Discord brought you here.” Applejack explained.

“But why? Didn´t we all agree to meet at Somnambula?” asked Mage Meadowbrook, scratching her temple and tilting her head.

“Could somepony explain what´s going on?” Flash Magnus demanded frustrated.

“My friends.” Starswirl addressed the pillars. “You´ve been summoned here for something important. As you know, we owe so much to Princess Twilight Sparkle for getting us out of Limbo, and for bringing back Stygian with us.”

Stygian smiled in agreement.

“But now, she needs our help. Do you remember her little dragon, Spike?”

The pillars nodded.

“Well, he´s missing.”

Stygian gasped. The pillars were shocked as well.

“When she told me what happened, I decided to help her. Like I said before, Twilight has helped me a lot. It´s time I return the favour. So, what do you say? Will you help us on this quest?

“Aye!” exclaimed Rockhoof.

“Count me in.” replied Flash Magnus.

“Of course.” Answered Somnambula.

Meadowbrook and Stygian nodded.

“I would love to.” Said Mistmane. “But what about your old friend, Starswirl? Didn´t you desiremore than anything to reconcile with him?”

Starswirl put his hoof on the back of his neck.

“I don´t think he wants to see me that much. I´m sure it can wait.”

“Ohooh! How exciting! Going on adventure with my friends and ancient figures? I´m in!” yelled Discord excitedly as he took all the Pillars and Stygian in a hug.

Fluttershy giggled at her friend´s excitedness. The others shook their heads while smirking. Starswirl stared at Discord. Something was familiar about him but he didn´t know why. Was this the first time he sees a creature like that?

“So where are we going?” asked Meadowbrook, making Starswirl come back to reality.

Twilight put her hoof on her chin.

“The Everfree Forest is the perfect place to run away. There might be a chance he´s there. Come on!”

As fast as she made her horn glow, everypony disappeared.

Sunshine woke Spike up from his sleep. Despite having slept a lot of time, he didn´t feel rested at all. It had been a very long night for him. As he walked through the dark and mysterious forest, he debated whether this was a good idea or not. What would Twilight feel? Was this truly worth it? Yet his stubbornness told him to go on with the plan. So much time was spent ruminating that without realizing it, he fell asleep in the middle of the forest.

After opening his eyes, he incorporated quickly and gasped.

“Morning already?” he asked to himself.

Even though his muscles ached, Spike got up, took his things, and continued flying.

“Ok. You´re going to need a place to stay. Maybe I could go to the Dragonlands?”

Spike shook his head.

“But how would I explain Smolder and Ember? Hmm… If I asked Zecora to saty at her place, she would also ask for explanations. But I don´t know where else to stay! Aargh!”

In front of him was a small pond. He stopped flying and sat by its edges.

“Why did I think this was a good idea? Whyyy?”

He covered his face with his claws.

“Because you are a dragon and not a meek pony!” a voice said.

Spike uncovered his face quickly, perking his ears in surprise. He looked around to find the source of the voice.

“Down here.” the voice indicated.

Spike looked at the pond. He saw his reflection, but it didn´t have his sad expression. Instead, it was wearing a malicious smile on his face.

“Didn´t you say that you wanted to be taken seriously?”

“Well, yes but-“

“But what? All those ponies have done is prevent you to be a true dragon. As you said, if you had been raised by dragons, every creature would never doubt you!”

“I didn´t mean it seriously…”

“Oh really? Then why are here and not with Twilight?” the voice replied, putting sarcasm when it mentioned Twilight.

Spike hugged his knees.

“Anger drove me here.” he answered sadly.

“And why did anger drive you here?”

Spike sighed.

“I don´t know. But something tells me that I shouldn´t have told Twilight those things.”

“NO! You were expressing your true feelings! You don´t need those ponies.”

Spike stood up and spread his wings.

“Yes, I do! They´re my family! I don´t know why I listened to my anger.” he said as he took his things and prepared to set out.

“Go ahead! Try to return. Don´t know if you remembered what Twilight said.”

Spike stopped walking. He turned his head to the pond. His reflection changed to Twilight. She was angry, and tears were falling down her face. Spike´s soul fell when he recognized it was a memory from their argument.

“No…” he whispered.

“If you are so fine without me, go away! I never want to see you again!” the memory yelled. “I never should have taken out of your egg.”

Spike breathed heavily. He covered his ears.

“She didn´t say it seriously. She didn´t say it seriously!”

“She doesn´t love you. Not anymore.” Spike´s reflection sentenced.

“She said it because I was being selfish!” Spike denied.

“But don´t you see? Being selfish is part of being a dragon! Dragons only think on themselves.”

“That´s not true! Look at Ember, Smolder, even Garble! He is changing his ways.”

“Those dragons are affected by pony ways! Just like you. What are you? A pony or a dragon?”

“I DON´T KNOW!” Spike yelled with all his strength.

He looked at the pond. He gasped when he saw his normal reflection. Everything had been part of his mind. He spread some tears on the pond.

“Not a pony, not a dragon. All I know, is what I´m not…”

He broke down crying.

“I can´t go back, not after what I´ve done.” He sobbed.

Spike´s crying was interrupted by some hoofsteps. His ears perked. A chill ran through his spine. From those hoofsteps that he was not alone. Feeling in danger, Spike untied the handkerchief where he was carrying his essentials from the stick and took it as if it was a weapon. He strolled around his surroundings to find the intruder. He last checked under a cliff. He sighed relieved when he saw no danger around him. But just after he turned around, he bumped into a small zebra filly.

“Gah!” he yelped scared as he jumped back.

From the scare, he dropped the stick and hit his head against the cliff. He massaged it, clenching his teeth a pain.

“Ouch! How did you get here?”

Immediately after, the filly put her hoof on Spike´s mouth to shush him.

“Shh! We´re not alone, you know?” she said in a low voice.

“What do you mean?” he asked in the same tone.

“Where in the tarnation is that zebra?” a raspy voice wondered.

When the zebra heard that voice she gasped and leaned against the rock. She breathed at a quick pace.

“Don´t knooow. If you ooonly had listened to what I saaaaid.” A goat-like voice replicated.

“Don´t blame me! She wasss to fasssst!” another voice replied in defense.

Spike looked up. Those voices came from a chimera. A hungry chimera, it seemed, since the tiger licked her lips as she complained.

“Thanks to you, we won´t be having breakfast today!”

It was then when he understood the situation.

“They want to eat you, don´t they?”

The zebra rolled her eyes.

“It´s really obvious even to the oblivious. If you don´t stay quiet, we´ll be part of their diet.”

“Sshe might have climbed down the cliff.” suggested the snake head. “Let´ssss sssee if that´sss true.”

The tiger head and the goat head nodded. They started jumping down to the flat surfaces the cliff had to offer.

“They´re coming!” the zebra exclaimed in a whisper, trying to suppress the panic in her voice. “Ow.. It´s useless to run, they´ll catch me in a jump! Unless…”

She stared at Spike for a few seconds, which made him a bit uncomfortable.

“What?” he asked nervously.

“Of course, I was blinded by stress! You can spit fire!”

“Oh! Right.” he agreed.

“There she is!” exclaimed the chimera.

Both Spike and the zebra widened their eyes. They looked up, and saw the chimera smiling in victory. It jumped in front of them. Slowly, the predator approached its prey.

“There´s no scape now. What you´re gonna do?” the tiger head asked.

“No, you´re wrong my foe.” the zebra replied back proudly. There´s still hope for me, even though you disagree.”

“Oooh.. Whyyy do you say so?” the goat head asked tauntingly.

“I have a fearsome dragon!”

Spike flew beneath the chimera to intimidate it. However, the chimera didn´t seem impressed. Despite trying to hold it, they burst out laughing.

“That? You call that a fearssssome dragon?” the snake asked between laughs. “He´s too small!”

Spike blushed in embarrassment. He looked at his wings. No matter the fact that he had grown them, he will always be too small for any creature´s standards.

His zebra friend, however, didn´t seem to give up on him.

“Respect for him you require, for he can spit fire.”

It was then when the chimera´s laughs stopped.

“What?!” it yelled.

They looked up at Spike in fear. Spike smirked.

Not so cocky now, huh?” he thought.

He inspired deeply. He was ready to let the fire inside him go. However, things didn´t seem to go as he had expected. Instead of fire, he let out a cough with some smoke.

Both, the chimera and the little zebra, were genuinely surprised.

Spike tried to spit fire again, but his attempt was in vain. He coughed smoke and almost choked with it. Anxiety slowly took over his mind.

“No, not again, not now. Please..” he thought aloud while holding his chest.

Once again, the chimera burst out laughing.

“Smoke? You can only cough smoke? Ha ha ha!” the tiger head teased.

“Sooo much for a draaaagon!”

“Disssapointing and funny at the sssame time!”

While the three heads commented how pathetic Spike was, the small dragon landed on the ground hyperventilating next to the zebra filly.

“I-I´m so sorry, but now I can´t spit fire. I´m not so sure why-” he said between his fast breaths.

The zebra put her hoof on his mouth.

“Less conversation and more action.” she replied, looking at the horizons.

At first, Spike didn´t understand her. But after seeing where her eyes were pointing at, everything was clearer. The chimera was distracted talking about his fail and not paying attention to them. It was a perfect moment to escape. They smiled at each other.

“Ok ok ok. I have an idea: What if we eat the dragon too?” the tiger head suggested.

“Great ideeea!” the goat head agreed.

“The zebra for lunch and the dragon for dinner.” The snake part added.

The three parts laughed together but the snake stopped abruptly.

“Hey, did we order our lunch and dinner to go?” the snake asked.

“Nooo, whyyy?”


Spike flew as fast as he could, holding the zebra by her forelegs.

“Sorry if I´m flying close to the ground, but a dragon needs to be free of weights if he wants to fly in the sky.”

“Even though I wanted to reprimand you, surviving is the thing we should do.” she looked behind her. The chimera was running behind them. “Fly faster my friend, this can´t be our end!”

“I´m trying!”

The chimera was very near the zebra. It opened its mouths to catch her, but it tripped over a rock, making Spike winning some time and advantage.

Spike was struggling to keep on flying but his wings were aching. It must be because he had been flying the whole night. He saw a tall tree. Maybe they could rest and hide in there. He first left the zebra on a branch and then he sat next to her.

The chimera was already bellow them.

“Great, we lost them! Thanks to you!” the tiger pointed at the goat.

“Dooon´t blame at me. You shouuuld have been paaaying attention toooo!”

The snake looked around. Between the leaves of a tree, he saw stripes of black and white and something purple too. There they were.

“Stop arguing you fools. They are in that tree!”

The goat and tiger squinted their eyes to get a better view of the tree. The snake was right.

“I think we´ve been discovered.” Spike mumbled.

“Indeed we´ve been.” the zebra agreed, leaning against the tree.

The chimera licked its lips and jumped to the branch where they were resting. Luckily, Spike was fast enough to catch his new friend before she was eaten. As they both were looking behind, the chimera caught them by surprise standing right in front of them.


The two friends yelled from the scare. The chimera laughed and closed its mouths to get them. Once again, they dodged the attack. Spike knew they couldn´t go on like this. The chimera was too fast, he was too tired to keep on holding the zebra. She was slowing him down. It would get them both in no time. He stopped flying at the edge of a cliff.

“Why did you stop?” the zebra asked somewhat upset.

“I think it´s better if we go in different ways.”

“For that I´m not going to hop!”

“Think about it! If I´m not carrying you, we could take different paths and confuse the chimera, having more chances of survival.”

He was right. It was better that way. Even a small wise zebra like her couldn´t deny it.

Suddenly the chimera was very close again. Without thinking it, Spike dropped the zebra. As it caught her by surprise, she yelled scared. Fortunately, they weren´t too far from the ground, and the little zebra landed on a big stone at the top of a small hill. Her weight moved the stone across the hill. She held on tight to it and made it safely to the ground. Then, she ran away begging for help with her screams.

“Papa! Papa!”

Spike, however, wasn´t as lucky. As the zebra descended the hill, the tiger scratched his wing while he was flying. He yelled in pain. The tiger pushed him against the ground.

“We´ve got you…” it teased.

Nonetheless, Spike wasn´t willing to give up yet. Even though he failed before, he decided to try to spit fire. Much to his surprise, it worked. The chimera tried to protect itself, freeing him for a moment. He went down the hill and ran with all his energy. In the while, he massaged his wing. He stopped running abruptly when he saw a big rock blocking his way out. He turned around and saw the chimera approaching. Spike had nothing else to do, even if he wanted to. He was very weak, and was feeling very dizzy to defend himself.

“Well, well, it appearsss you´re at a dead end, my friend.” The snake said sarcastically. She then chuckled.

“Aaany last words?” the goat asked cruelly.

But before Spike could say anything, someone else spoke for him.


Instanttly, the chimera was attacked by another creature. Spike couldn´t tell what the creature was, since his vision was blurry, however, he could see a big, brown silhouette and a smaller white and black silhouette behind. The only way he knew what was happening was by hearing their conversation after the brown silhouette tackled the chimera against the ground. Its three heads were complaining in pain.

“Hey! Please, please, calm down! Calm down!” the tiger begged

“SILENCE!” the brown silhouette demanded, with his voice deep and regal.

For some reason, that voice was familiar to Spike, even though it was the first time he heard it.

“Ok, we´re gonna shut up right now!” the snake agreed.

“We´re reeeally sorry!” the goat apologized nervously.

“If you ever come near my daughter and her friend again-“

The three fused creatures widened their eyes.

“Oh! This isss- This isss your daughter?” asked the snake sweting.

“Yours?” the tiger asked genuinely surprised.

The two of them laughed nervously.

“None of us knew that, we swear!” the tiger said, begging for forgiveness. “Right?” he asked along the snake to the goat.

The goat simply bleated.


The chimera directly obeyed and left running. The black and white silhouette ran behind and raspberried and laughed in victory.

After that, Spike fainted. As he did so, he moaned, alerting the two creatures of his presence. Even though his vision was black, he could still hear their voices.

“To home we must roam. His heart is pure, he deserves a cure!” a familiar female voice said.

The last thing Spike heard were the words spoken by the deep and regal voice

“It´s gonna be ok, little one. It´s gonna be ok.”