• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran


Streaming video games online is a good way for a pony to earn extra bits—literally, in the case of Twitch. Not to mention making new friends online . . . as long as Shiroi can remember to follow human rules, something which doesn’t always come naturally to an au naturel pony.

Rule 9i can be a real bummer.

Audio Reading!
part one
part two

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 218 )

...why do I have the feeling that this would actually be the case if us and the Pony world actually found a way to allow crossover?

*that moment when a new story is posted by a writer you follow but it's 5:30 and you need to sleep be like*
The inner debate between my personal health and my curiousity is o n

I'm dying of laughter, but also glad you used the Dutch edits I proposed. :heart:

Good story is good! :twilightsmile:

If anyone's interested in gamer ponies, I drew Chiaki Nanami (the Ultimate Gamer from Danganronpa 2) as a pony a while back. Because I could. :derpytongue2:


Author Interviewer

NotNevilleLongbottom is the best name. :D

I kind of want to read So You Want To Go To Earth now.

If ponies found a way to crossover irl, they'd drop a love and friendship nuke on the whole planet. I wonder what kind of range the Elements of Harmony would have...

Arbitrary, double-standard rules are arbitrary and double-standard. Ah well.

"Teats aren't sexual, humans are ridiculous."
Also comments on how her teats being pierced causes greater sensitivity during sex.

🤔 Hmm... kinda makes you think.

They open the portal, see the state of our world, and promptly declare total war against us.

We will stand no chance against their song-and-dance numbers.

Dear God, they'll hug us all into submission.

If you can dodge a hammer, you can dodge a ball, xPatches000x suggested.

Very Wise Words right there.

At the risk of sounding a lil TMI, just bc something is an erogenous zone does not mean that it is inherently sexual. P sure knees and elbows and ears and things of similar nature can count depending on the person. Nobody's calling those genitals (tho prudes from back in the day would faint at so much as a glimpse of a woman's ankle, so, w/e).

Idk why this was ever a thing, tbh. Like, who decided this? Some dude (most likely) that found tits to be so sexy that he decided that they must be obscene, and therefore covered at all times (bc ofc the woman is at fault for unwittingly titillating and being ogled by the man, obviously)?

Anyways. This is an amusing take on the likely double standards between human and pony culture. I wonder what things ponies find to be socially taboo, but not humans? (Probably not a whole lot, given that ponies prefer to be in the nude as a matter of course, but who knows, it might would be surprising- and entertaining.)

Admittedly, if she sat too far up in her chair it was likely to actually draw more attention than if she’d gone without, or if she had chosen a color of tape which more closely matched her dark skin, but this way she could follow the rules while also flaunting the stupidity of them.

Ah, got to love malicious compliance.

Are barechested male pictures allowed on Twitch, I presume? The Equestrians might have something to say about that since their males don't have... um... those.


For Pony-expats-on-Earth scenarios, aside from the Admiral's work, you should be following AlwaysDressesInStyle. Particularly the ongoing Mareiott Hotel story arc.

She looks rather purple for a pony named Shiroi. And rather alive for a pony named Yuurei.

All the 'screenshots' and chat messages really added here. This was a pretty enjoyable one, and I liked the use of Dusty, especially given their unique geography; more pony diaspora in this universe is always good!

"but the of lives spent"
"but the number of lives spent"?

Cute story! The addition of the screenshots, twitch chat snippets, and such really added a lot. Keep it up!

Ha! Ain’t that Twitch’s random enforcement of its rules in a nutshell.

Thanks for the great story.

I can't fathom how you made this so friggin' amazing and entertaining, but then again with you writing literally anything, it's a surefire sign that it'll be something always interesting to take a look at and to read it all! The whole way through, it's pure amazingness! It's just simply a MUST-READ because MMMM it's just so scrumptious! Hope ya didn't mind, but I made a reading on this truly Tier 3 Sub worthy fic!

Audio Linkies!: https://youtu.be/aJDvIhQjRyo

(I don't mean to offend anyone with this comment in any way!)

Good idea with the screenshots and 'chatlogs', added a lot of flavour. She can now open another revenue stream by opening a 'Shiroi after dark' twitter. Without having to do anything actually embarrassing to herself. :b
Anyway, loved it!

I loved this. Double standards ahoy.

btw, "dark skin"? Not fur?

The parts of her body Twitch would object to don't have fur (on an IRL equine) ... obviously, I can't post pics.

Seems like this story is about Twitch thots.


Probably because nature decided to reuse part of the same pleasure system evolved for ensuring mating to motivate new mothers to nurse their young. I once read a rather sad article about a woman who was in hot water with child protective services because she didn't realize that "Yes, it's normal for nursing to produce that sort of sensation... but it's not OK to admit it"

(As in, an "Ask if this thing that's worrying you is normal, risk getting your kid taken away for being normal" situation.)

It doesn't help that the relation is so strong that some women can get off from breast stimulation alone.

You write some of the best, most absurd stories.

Silver Glow's Journal 2, please!


Cultural differences.

Humans see breasts as an inherently sexual thing, which is something that we've taught ourselves. Ponies in this story haven't taught themselves that.

Shiroi has enhanced her teats in a partially sexual way, and I strongly assume that again, ponies haven't taught themselves that A, such piercings are as inherently sexualized as we humans see them, and B that such sexualization is as wrong to display as many humans think.

Shiroi understands that these kinds of things are a problem for humans, but she doesn't fully understand why. Similarly, we humans don't fully understand why she's comparatively flippant about such things. Because these kinds of societal norms are entirely arbitrary in the grand scheme of things.

Ugh! F**king Twitch. Everything is "at their discretion" and the discretion is different for everyone. And don't even get me started on going for Partner.

Anyway, this definitely would be something that would happen if ponies were here and streaming on Twitch. Good work!

Its not entirely arbitrary; the enforcement of social and psychological tradition is an evolutionary quirk that has enabled societies to develop and function between successive generations. The nudity taboo is one of the features that has appeared in most human civilizations, which suggests that it is advantageous for a society to maintain this taboo.


...why do I have the feeling that this would actually be the case if us and the Pony world actually found a way to allow crossover?

I mean, it would be, no question. And the reverse might be true in Equestria; ponies might think people were really weird for wearing clothes all the time. People might get kicked out of places for wearing clothes when they shouldn’t.


*that moment when a new story is posted by a writer you follow but it's 5:30 and you need to sleep be like*


The inner debate between my personal health and my curiosity is o n

I’ve fallen asleep in the middle of reading stories before, or in my computer chair watching the lastest update from a YouTuber when I should have been in bed already but just one more. . .


I'm dying of laughter,

As well you should be.

but also glad you used the Dutch edits I proposed. :heart:

Thank you!

Although I still am sad I didn’t manage to work in the phrase “fuck me in the dick.” I coulda had her say it in English. . . .


Good story is good! :twilightsmile:


If anyone's interested in gamer ponies, I drew Chiaki Nanami (the Ultimate Gamer from Danganronpa 2) as a pony a while back. Because I could. :derpytongue2:

I dunno who Chiaki Nanami is (or what Danganronpa is), but cute pone is cute. Also, ‘because I could’ is basically my spirit animal. :rainbowlaugh:

I refuse to believe that Ryu, the man who stays a sweetheart while playing League of Legends, would tell her to "git gud". Probably just someone with "Ryu" at the start of their screen name.

Also cranberry juice is yummy and she's missing out. Though I do prefer cran-grape over straight cranberry.

Thanks for the fun story Admiral.


Twitch will ban people for breathing air, then turn around and give a thumbs up to Alinity literally yeeting her cat to the next dimension.

I get that sense with a lot of online platforms, honestly.

Also, tangentially related:


NotNevilleLongbottom is the best name. :D



I kind of want to read So You Want To Go To Earth now.

It’s called Silver Glow’s Journal :derpytongue2:

In all seriousness, though, that would be an interesting thing to write. Especially tribe/species specific parts.


If ponies found a way to crossover irl, they'd drop a love and friendship nuke on the whole planet. I wonder what kind of range the Elements of Harmony would have...

They don’t need a love and friendship nuke; they’ve got a secret weapon that’s so powerful it cannot be resisted.



Arbitrary, double-standard rules are arbitrary and double-standard. Ah well.

I know, right?


”Teats aren't sexual, humans are ridiculous."
Also comments on how her teats being pierced causes greater sensitivity during sex.

🤔 Hmm... kinda makes you think.

In America, it’s okay for guys with pierced nipples to show them off in public, but not okay for girls. Make of that what you will. :heart:


They open the portal, see the state of our world, and promptly declare total war against us.
We will stand no chance against their song-and-dance numbers.

It’s true.

Dear God, they'll hug us all into submission.


... I, for one, welcome our new Equine overlords.

It’s good advice.

From personal experience, I can’t dodge a hammer.


At the risk of sounding a lil TMI, just bc something is an erogenous zone does not mean that it is inherently sexual. P sure knees and elbows and ears and things of similar nature can count depending on the person. Nobody's calling those genitals (tho prudes from back in the day would faint at so much as a glimpse of a woman's ankle, so, w/e).

Agreed on your first part--one some people, necks are also sensitive. IIRC, equine erogonous zones include the front of the chest, the back of the neck at the base of the man, and the lower part of the forelegs (I could look it up, but that’s what I vaguely remember) . . . besides some of the more obvious places.

Also, while it might be hyperbole, I’ve heard that some Victorians were so put out by the sight of bare legs that they’d even cover them if they were table legs.

Idk why this was ever a thing, tbh. Like, who decided this? Some dude (most likely) that found tits to be so sexy that he decided that they must be obscene, and therefore covered at all times (bc ofc the woman is at fault for unwittingly titillating and being ogled by the man, obviously)?

I would have to imagine that this is the kind of thing where you could take a deep dive into research and . . . well, I don’t know where you’d wind up. Certainly, there are cultural and regional differences and religious differences. . . .

Anyways. This is an amusing take on the likely double standards between human and pony culture. I wonder what things ponies find to be socially taboo, but not humans? (Probably not a whole lot, given that ponies prefer to be in the nude as a matter of course, but who knows, it might would be surprising- and entertaining.)

I don’t feel that they’d have very many of the body modesty taboos that we humans do (with the whole not normally wearing clothes, social bathing, etc.), and I’d have to imagine that some of the ones that they did have would be weird to humans. That’s a subject I haven’t put as much thought into as I perhaps should, honestly. I do think--and the show kind of bears it out--that covering their cutie marks is generally taboo, and a lot of clothing that they wear leaves it exposed. The exceptions appear to broadly be either super-fancy ball dresses and safety equipment; for the latter, it’s obvious that safety should trump fashion.


Ah, got to love malicious compliance.

Shiroi’s spent enough time on earth to understand the value of it. “There, my teats and udders are appropriately covered; now you can’t ban me.”


Are barechested male pictures allowed on Twitch, I presume?

I don’t know for actual fact, but I do know that they’re typically allowed on platforms where female chests aren’t.

The Equestrians might have something to say about that since their males don't have... um... those.

I touched on it in one dumb fic of mine, but I really want to see somebody take seriously the concept that ponies see a bare-chested human male and assume he’s female, ‘cause he’s got nipples.


She looks rather purple for a pony named Shiroi. And rather alive for a pony named Yuurei.


Online names don’t have to be factual, y’know. I mean, I’m neither an admiral nor a biscuit.

In the original iteration, her screenname was going to be White Ghost.


All the 'screenshots' and chat messages really added here.

Thank you! I thought it was an interesting concept, and one that’s relevant for a story posted online about a Twitch streamer. I don’t know if it’s the way stories should go in the future, but it was fun to experiment.

This was a pretty enjoyable one, and I liked the use of Dusty, especially given their unique geography; more pony diaspora in this universe is always good!

Thank you!

I generally stick to main characters living in the US, ‘cause that’s what I know, but I encourage readers and authors who don’t live in the US to localize their ponies. Comma Typer, for example, wrote a very lovely PoE story set in the Philippines, which has a very different flavor than most PoE stories (and I recommend it).

Yes, thank you! Correction made!


Cute story! The addition of the screenshots, twitch chat snippets, and such really added a lot. Keep it up!

Thank you! :heart:

It was an experiment that I thought would be interesting, and particularly relevant for this story. There are a lot of options we have as authors in these modern times, and it’s worth exploring them.

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