• Published 28th Jan 2020
  • 2,169 Views, 15 Comments

Movie Night - LordSiravant

After watching the newest Daring Do movie during a stay-at-home date night, Anon and their girlfriend Rainbow Dash decide to have some more fun to blow off steam from their excitement. 2nd-person perspective.

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Movie Night

"Holy cow, this one was the best Daring Do movie yet!" Rainbow Dash cries as she sits up from where she had been laying against you on the couch, gesticulating wildly in her excitement. "Especially when she was about to be sacrificed on that altar to Grogar, and then she breaks out at the last moment and gets into that big knife fight with the head cultist! Oh man, that was so intense!"

You can only chuckle quietly as you watch your girlfriend continue to gush about how amazing Daring Do is. While you may not be into it nearly as much as she is, the Daring Do series is still something you enjoy, and definitely preferable to sports. You remind yourself again how glad you are that Dashie, despite being a star athlete, saw you, a more mentally active intellectual and artist, as someone worth loving and being with. It still blows your mind every day when you hear her say "I love you", even after a whole year in college. Your heart still swells until it feels like it's about to explode out of your chest when she holds your hand as you walk to class together. You still feel an electrifying pulse course through every vein in your body as your lips touch hers. And every time you see that...

Dashie, still going on about every little thing she liked about the movie like an overexcited kid visiting a candy shop for the first time, turns around to face you while still in her own world. Being that she's wearing the rainbow-colored sports bra that she only wears in the comfort of her own home in case the "I-need-to-exercise-away-my-excess-energy" bug bites her in the butt at any given moment, your favorite part of her whole body flashes itself before you.

Her very small, very sexy belly button.

It's always looked so very delicate to you, nothing like the person it belongs to. Certainly smaller than yours, it's a cute little t-shaped innie less than an inch deep. (you know, you measured) It sits slightly higher up on her waist than the average navel, but none of that bothers you in the slightest. Her navel is all the sexier because it belongs to someone who you are head-over-heels in love with.

"Helloooo? Earth to Anon!"

And just like that, you are jolted out of your thoughts by Dashie waving her hand in your face, looking rather nonplussed. "Did you even hear anything I was saying?"

You blink owlishly at her for a brief moment as your thought regather before you finally scoff good-naturedly. "Sorry about that. I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have you in my life."

She promptly grabs one of the couch pillows and playfully throws it at you as you yelp and bat it away. "Yeah, yeah, I love you too, you cheesy nerd," she says with a grin and a roll of her eyes. "But seriously though! Were you paying any attention..." Now she flashes that grin. "...or was my belly button too distracting for you?"

When she smiles at you like that, you know what it means, and you can't help but grin right back as you get up off the couch. "Oh, I dunno. It looks pretty ripe for a sacrifice, Ms. Do..."

"Oooohhh, is that so?" Dashie replies in mock challenge as she flops onto the couch, putting her hands over her head like they were bound with rope. "How will Daring Do ever escape this sticky situation?" She even wiggles the toes of her bare feet for emphasis.

You grab one of the black-handled retractable knives the two of you love to use on each other from where it had been left from a previous romp on the living room table as you approach her threateningly.

"I'm afraid there is no escape for you, Daring Do," you proclaim in a near-perfect impersonation of the head cultist that had served as the main villain in the film. "Your attempts to halt our plans have been in vain. And now, your sacrifice will make an excellent gift to Lord Grogar. Your blood will be the elixir that rejuvenates him. Your soul will be the key that brings him back to us all."

Rainbow pretends to struggle on the couch, as though trying to squirm her way out of nonexistent bindings. "You're not gonna get away with this!" she declares in her best Daring Do impression.

Looming over her with your knife raised high, you grin darkly. "Is that all you have to say for your final words? How trite."

And then, just like that Dashie "breaks free", and you jump back a bit as she takes a swipe at you with the retractable knife she had quietly fished into her hand just like her hero. Standing level with you, in a fighting position, Dashie grins triumphantly. "Sorry, but your god's gonna have a loooong wait before I'm gonna give anything up!"

"Bah!" you snarl, totally in character. "I should have known you would figure out how to escape your bindings! Fine! Lord Grogar needs your blood and soul...it matters not to him how he gets it!"

You lunge at Rainbow, swinging your knife. She dodges and swipes in response. This deadly dance continues around the living room for several moments before she suddenly tackles you and wrestles you to the floor. With her over top of you, she tries to force her knife closer to your neck. But you're not going out that easily. You abruptly make a headbutt motion, and Dashie flinches, giving you the opportunity to roll her off of you. You're both back on your feet in an instant, ready for more as Dashie shakes her head to ward off a nonexistent headache. The two of you thust and slash at each other for several more moments until Dashie makes another attempt to rush you.

However, this time you're ready.

Without warning, you grab her knife-hand, stopping it mid-thrust and pushing it aside. Dashie only has time to blink at the sudden turning of the tables before you capitalize on her moment of vulnerability. Rainbow gasps in shock as you plunge your knife deep into her belly button, until the ebony hilt is pressed against her sky-blue flesh. Immediately she stops struggling and slackens a little in your grasp, her eyes bugging out as she tries to process what has just happened.

"W-wha...?" she utters, mouth hanging open slightly as she looks down at the toy knife digging into her navel.

Still in character, you grin savagely as you slowly draw the knife out. "Funny how all that bravado and confidence just...bleeds away." You then push the blade back in, and Dashie grits her teeth in overdramatic agony.

Finally you pull the knife out again and watch as Dashie clutches at her belly, stumbling backward towards the couch. As soon as she feels her calves bump against the edge of the couch cushions, she tumbles back onto the frequently-abused furniture with a moan-like sigh of grim finality. You stalk your way towards her with a triumphant swagger in your step, a smug grin plainly evident on your face as your victim squirms weakly on the couch, appearing to be close to drawing her last breath.

"I'll hear those final words now, if you wish," you say to her, your grin widening.

Dashie peeks one eye open as she coughs and gasps dramatically (she has to have gotten this acting skill from Rarity). "Ugh...aaagh...t-the hero...i-isn't sup-posed...to lose... ... ..."

Just to twist the figurative knife in further, as it were, you lift your free hand and stick your finger into her belly button and start wiggling it inside the sensitive abdominal cavity. In response, Dashie arches her back, making a face and noise that suggest she's either really getting in character or trying really hard not to break character and laugh. Corpsing, you remember it being called. How appropriate.

You continue digging your finger in her navel, running your other fingers over her taut belly as you make motions like you're digging out her innards. Finally you cup your hand like you're holding something and lift it up for her to see. "Behold, your stomach!" you sneer. "And thus, Daring Do draws her last breath."

Seeing her cue, Dashie draws in one last strangled gasp for air, arching her back again before she slackens her body as her last breath rattles out of her body with a final sigh. Her eyes close, her head lilts a little to the side, and her mouth hangs open slightly, looking more asleep than dead. You watch her play dead for a couple more seconds, savoring how good it feels to have a willing partner to play along with your weirdness.

Finally you break your silence. "There, feel better?"

Dashie cracks one magenta eye open, trying to look annoyed but clearly struggling not to smile. "How could you do that to me, dude? Daring Do was supposed to win!"

Your grin causes her to lose her battle of self-restraint, and she grins too as you straddle her on the couch. "Aw, does Miss Do want me to kiss it better?~" you ask with a teasing smugness you know she loves and that she hates that she loves it.

Her cheeks burn a bright scarlet as she scrunches her face cutely. "Why you...!"

Instead of letting her finish, you lower her head until your face touches her stomach as you plant a gentle, tender kiss on her belly button. You can feel her involuntarily shiver with carnal anticipation, even as her face tries to hide it. You can see the goosebumps on her skin rise from your hot breath caressing her belly, and you can't help but kiss that sexy navel again, wetting your lips before doing so. Rainbow can't help but snort laughter from how ticklish the sensation is.

"Oh God, you are so weird, dude!" she chuckles.

"And you love every bit of it," you look up at her and reply.

Her smile is so loving and gentle, and you feel blessed to be one of the only people in the world she trusts enough to let see it. "Yeah, I do."

You lean into her as she slides further into the couch, and you engage in the gentle, passionate kiss only true lovers can share.

:heart:THE END:heart:

Author's Note:

Oh hey, I'm actually not dead.

Yes, this is VERY different from what I usually write, but you know what? I need to get back into writing again, and if writing weird, kinky crap like this is the key to getting me back into writing my actual stories (*coughlikeEWMcough*), then by God I'll do it.

I also recently opened a group of my own called The Belly and Belly Button Appreciation Squad (Or Triple Base, for short) because there was no preexisting group for true navel fetishists like me on here and I wanted to provide an environment where they could feel safe, welcomed, and valid. These are all issues I myself lacked for the longest time as a navel fetishist myself, and hence why I was so secretive about it for so long, so I want to be there for anyone who might not know where to turn to as an outlet to express themselves in a place where they won't be judged for being different.

This is my first published fetish fic, and admittedly I'm actually proud of it because it embodies everything that I value in not just my fetish, but also relationships. Anon and Dashie here are representative of real-life relationship goals for me, and I guess that makes it feel more real and personal, I guess.

There will probably be a few more of these coming before I manage to get back into the habit of writing my actual important stories. Equestrian Wind Mage, Legend of Ed: Majora's Mask, and The Legend of Link and the Teufort Nine are all LONG overdue for updates. And now that I finally have internet at home, I can make it all a reality.

So stay tuned, everyone. And never forget to love yourself no matter how weird you are.:heart:

Comments ( 15 )

Definitely. Although, toy knives stabbing her belly button sounds kind of painful. It looks more circular and round, and deep in the cover art.

Speaking from experience, it absolutely is not. Especially if you don't thrust it too hard. Remember, they're playing around, so there's no, like, full force action in their movements. They're also retractable, which means the blade rests on a spring inside the handle so that it sinks into the hollow handle when it's pushed.

Not gonna lie. Not what I expected to see you write, coming from EWM, but I'm just happy to see you're doing better.

A toast to the future!

It's partially a "vent" fic, (echoing real-life relationship goals I have yet to experience) but also to contribute to a new group I put together here for like-minded individuals I'm trying to gradually expand. Honestly, I've long wanted to write stuff like this but was far too scared before of what people might think of me to do so back then. Now, I'm basically coming out about it while also trying to provide a safe, comfortable space for others like me so they can start to be more open about themselves too.

Everyone's got the right to write what they want, so more power to ya.

If only it were that easy. People are painfully judgmental, often in a knee-jerk manner that doesn't stop to consider what lies under the surface. I've long lived in fear of that negative judgment and only recently have I started becoming more open about because a.) my closest friends all know about it and still care deeply about me, and b.) I've realized that there are quite a few others like me in my position, feeling like they have to hide themselves because even in this more accepting world, being weird isn't always socially acceptable, and thus I want to provide a space for them where they can be themselves and start to feel better about who they are. Having to hide the fact that I had a thing for belly buttons was actually a major contributing factor to my increasingly-severe depression.

And that's very liberating to hear. Feeling more free about what I can write goes a long way towards getting back into other stuff I've let fall by the wayside.

Good to see you back up to writing*hug*

Cute! Not nearly enough cute/fetish fics for navels around here. :twilightsmile:

I know, right??? I've searched over and over again, and almost never find anything new to add to my group. Despite it being a fairly common fetish, most people are more interested in general sex and porn, which, being both asexual and sex-repulsed, I am not. It doesn't help that I haven't been able to motivate myself to write much lately, and therefore haven't been able to contribute myself, even though I do have ideas.

Man, we need more fics like this!

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