• Published 18th Apr 2020
  • 6,013 Views, 279 Comments

A Demon In Equestria - Dorath

With her summoner defeated, a demoness finds herself stuck in Equestria, unable to return to her native realm, and forced to adapt to the Land of Harmony.

  • ...

Ch. 14; Epilogue

HellCaller came back to consciousness with a groan, “Nine Heavens, what hit me? I didn’t feel this bad after facing Chethas,” opening her eyes, the demoness found herself lying in bed in a small, very white room. A flexible tube ran from her arm up to a … bag of clear liquid hanging from a metal pole. Trixie was slumped in a chair, her hat pulled down over her muzzle as she snored, while Kragor sat propped-up in another.

“‘Caller! You’re awake!” her soul-sister chirped happily, before the blade flickered and teleported to her hand.

“Apparently I vas out for a vhile,” ‘Caller said, nodding over at her awakening apprentice, “Vhat have I missed?”

“Trixie doesn’t know all that has occurred,” the showmare admitted with a yawn, “But the invasion was three days ago, and you have been in the hospital ever since”

“And you came rushing to Canterlot to look after your dear teacher, did you? Or vas it to check on your sweetheart, hmm?” teased the demoness.

“Oh, I’d say it was a bit of both,” Cadance giggled as she and Celestia entered the room, “And Shining wants to have a ‘word’ with you about how you snuck your armor into the Palace,” she added

“I learned long ago that places vhere you aren’t supposed to go armed or armored and exactly vhere you need to,” ‘Caller replied impudently.

Kragor giggled, “Heh, remember time you had to pose as part of Pasha of Al-Douqib’s harem?”

“Oh, that,” ‘Caller’s grin became reminiscent and lecherous, “At least I had a good armor design for that adventure … it was very popular,” turning back to the alicorns, her face became serious again, “So, vhat happened in Throne Room, anyway?”

“I focused my power into Shining, and he used it to create a love-powered shield that threw all of the changelings out of the city … and put you in a coma,” a blushing Cadance explained.

“Which was a horribly dangerous thing to do!” Celestia chided her niece, “Drawing on that much raw energy without preparation or training might have hurt you badly and channeling it into Shining could have easily killed him.”

“I know, Auntie, but we were desperate!”

‘Caller blinked, “Sooo, you beat changelings, and me, vith … love?”

“Well, yes.”

“No, really, vhat did you actually hit us vith?”

Cadance frowned, “I told you, Love.”

“Fine, don’t tell me!” ‘Caller crossed her arms and stuck out her bottom lip in a pout, prompting Trixie to try and choke down a snicker while the Princesses exchanged exasperated looks. After a moment, ‘Caller’ dropped her sulk with a rough laugh, “So, you ponies have found something that can put me down and you’re keeping secret to yourselves. Good! There’s hope for you after all,” the demoness cocked an eyebrow, “All of changelings are really gone, then?”

“Yes,” Celestia nodded, “unfortunately, we haven’t been able to find what became of them afterwards,” the alicorn’s face fell, “Nor have we found all of those who were replaced.”

“It looks like some ponies were replaced months ago,” Cadance added sadly, “Possibly even years.”

Having heard enough depressing things, Kragor piped up, “Hey, vhat happened to vedding?”

“The wedding has been postponed a month to allow people to recover,” Celestia replied, “And it will give the Royal Guard and Equestrian Intelligence time to look for any more infiltrators.”

“And plenty of time for Hyacinth and her peers to bend Rarity’s and Pinkie’s poor ears about what a ‘proper’ royal wedding should involve,” the younger alicorn said with a wince.

“A month, eh?” ‘Caller leered at Trixie, “That should give you a chance to spend some ‘quality time’ vith Twilight, maybe even be her date for vedding.”

“What’s this now?” Cadance asked, as the two Princesses focused their attention on the furiously blushing illusionist, “Someone is pining after out little ladybug?”

“Oh, Trixie has been lusting after Twilight’s purple flanks and big brain for a vhile now,” Kragor chuckled, “It might even be actual love.”

‘Caller smirked at her apprentice, “If you are serious about pursuing Sparkle, I suppose I could add courtship practices and sexual methodologies to your education,” when Trixie descended into incoherent protests and heart palpitations as all her blood migrated to her face, the demoness burst out in laughter, “Oh, just look at you! You vant Twilight to be your first, do you? That’s just adorable!” ‘Caller waved a hand indulgently, “Fine, fine, ve’ll skip practical training, if it means so much to you.”

Celestia decided to take pity on the poor, flustered, unicorn, “I believe that Twilight is currently in the Royal Archives trying to research the changelings, and I suspect she would welcome some assistance,” the alicorns and demoness exchanged amused grins at Trixie’s hurried exit (not that the Great and Powerful Trixie would ever admit to fleeing from mere teasing), “Well, the duties of the Day Court call, I’m afraid,” Celestia said, excusing herself. Pausing at the door, she turned to add, “Oh, and HellCaller, Twilight, Cadance and the others filled me in on what happened while I was … indisposed. While issues of death and the afterlife are not part of my domains, I suspect that the involved divines will be willing to let the matter slide, this one time.”

As the door closed behind the Princess of the Sun, Cadance pulled a chair closer to the bed and sat down, “So, tell me about this ‘harem armor’ ….”

Author's Note:

Thank you all for reading and commenting.

Comments ( 22 )

1. Great chapter’s

2. Will there be a sequel?


The ending feels kind of abrupt, but if there's going to be a sequel then it should be okay.

As the door closed behind the Princess of the Sun, Cadance pulled a chair closer to the bed and sat down, “So, tell me about this ‘harem armor’ ….”

Oh ho, want tips to spice up the love life ey? :trollestia:

Author's Note:

Thank you all for reading and commenting.

This was fun, do you have any plans to do a sequel or other stories in this world?

seems like an abrupt ending

10601920 10601827 I currently have some vague ideas I'm starting to work on for a sequel and a third side-story ... and faint hopes of managing to create a second sequel. (Regrettably, I'm not a fast writer like Estee or Chengar, so it could be a good while before anything is ready for submission. :applecry:)

10601876 10601979 Yeah, you're quite right, unfortunately both the Epilogue and Chapter 13 had the same problem - I know there could be more, but I can't seem to drag it out of my mind, and I didn't want to leave folks waiting for the rest of the story (as weak as it may be) :fluttershysad: Maybe, with luck, I'll come up with more latter and post "revised" chapters.

RIP story. It was cool

Why can i smell a one shot of hellcaller and cadence

I do love Hellcaller's reaction to finding out she got beat by love, and making your focal character fall unconscious is a good way to bypass giving full detail.

Congratulations! Great read!

As the door closed behind the Princess of the Sun, Cadance pulled a chair closer to the bed and sat down, “So, tell me about this ‘harem armor’ ….”

I'm sure it gave the term 'plot armor' a whole new meaning :trollestia:

Well, if you’re gonna describe it by what it doesn’t cover, I guess... :ajsmug:

10602385 Well, Cadance and her fellow divines of love (like Zanobia of the zebras) probably are the most powerful against 'Caller (as a half-succubus, 'Caller is very connected to lust, after all).

10601839 10602668 Thanks :twilightsmile:

‘Caller smirked at her apprentice, “If you are serious about pursuing Sparkle, I suppose I could add courtship practices and sexual methodologies to your education,” when Trixie descended into incoherent protests and heart palpitations as all her blood migrated to her face, the demoness burst out in laughter, “Oh, just look at you! You vant Twilight to be your first, do you? That’s just adorable!” ‘Caller waved a hand indulgently, “Fine, fine, ve’ll skip practical training, if it means so much to you.”

What you do is write that all down into a book or scroll, and give it to Twilight, and tell her Celestia wants a weekly report on what works. ...

I loved this story,

Very well done and Im looking forward to more from our demoness.

Please do continue the HellCaller stories

The Monk
“What else to do? How did people survive boredom in olden times? ... Oh yeah, lots of stabbing." -RushyFiction

10606646 Thank you. I do hope to get a few more stories out in this 'verse at some point.

And throwing sh!t at a wall, literally, don't forget that.

10911834 In the works ... and going very slowly :fluttershysad:

“I learned long ago that places vhere you aren’t supposed to go armed or armored and exactly vhere you need to,” ‘Caller replied impudently.

It's true :trollestia:

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