• Published 23rd Jan 2020
  • 2,746 Views, 35 Comments

Infinity Train: Crossover Nexus - Solar Force

Sunset Shimmer runs away because of Anon-A-Miss and winds up onboard an endless train with infinite possibilities.

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Chapter 1: Stranded/The DollHouse Car

Author's Note:

Hi, Solar Force here. Here’s a story I think you’ll quite enjoy. This is going to be a big crossover, with multiple characters from multiple universes. If you know the character making a cameo in this chapter, then good on you.

This is based on book one of Infinity Train, but there’s a surprise in store for later on.

Hope you all enjoy.
Bye for now.

It was a cold winter's night. It was almost the beginning of the christmas holidays. At most schools, this would be a time of excitement and joy, with the students all looking forward to the moment when the final bell of the year would ring.

At Canterlot High School, however, things were not so joyful. The whole school was covered by an air of anger. And the cause of this anger? Just one name.


And who was Anon-A-Miss? No one knew for sure, but that didn’t stop them from pointing fingers.

And who were they pointing fingers at?

A girl called Sunset Shimmer, who was currently driving her car at almost break neck speed.

The poor teen had never been so miserable in her life. How had everything gone so wrong? Just a couple of short days ago, she had been so happy, having fun with the five girls who were once her best friends at slumber parties. That was until the My Stable page known as Anon-A-Miss appeared, posting the embarrassing secrets of all the students online, for everyone to see, and making it look like Sunset was to blame, turning the whole school against her. But the most heartbreaking thing of all, was that her former friends had all too easily accused her of being Anon-A-Miss, when some silly photos of them, and their most embarrassing secrets had gotten out, before they completely turned their backs on her.

Sunset didn't know what to do. But all she wanted was to get away. So she had just jumped in her car, and started driving. Fast.

She didn’t know how long she had been driving, or where she was going, but she didn’t really care.

Maybe if she had cared, then she could have avoided what happened next.

Being winter, the roads were slippery, and Sunset was already pushing the speed limit. She suddenly lost control, her car skidding off the road, and into a tree. Luckily, Sunset wasn’t hurt, but her car was another story. She got out and took a look at the front. It was badly dented, and the headlights were smashed. Sunset got back in the car, and tried to restart the engine. “Come on. Come on!” She muttered, but it was no use. She growled in frustration. “Great! Just Great! Now what am I gonna do?!”

She tried her phone, but it was out of range. She was stuck in the middle of nowhere, with no way to reach anyone.

She would have to walk.

She got out of the car and began to walk down the road, shivering from the cold night air. She wished she had grabbed a warmer coat. She hadn’t gone very far when she saw the flickering of green lights through the trees, and heard the distinctive clatter of metal wheels on rails.

“A train? Out here?” She said in confusion. She dashed into the trees, and stepped out onto what was obviously a long, featureless platform, and there was indeed a train, which had just pulled into the platform, and screeched to a stop, a passenger door sliding open right in front of her. A sign above the door flipped over, it now read Canterlot.

Sunset sighed. “Huh. I suppose it’s better than just staying out here in the cold.” But just as she stepped aboard, what looked like a vortex appeared in front of her, and then everything went white.

Sunset slowly awoke and sat up with a groan. “Ugh, what hit me?” She pulled herself to her feet, and looked around in confusion. “Wait a minute. I’m inside?” She was in what appeared to be a small, cozy sitting room. “Oh, great. I must have broken into somebody’s house.” She thought in slight panic. “I gotta get out of here.” She made her way over to a nearby door and quietly opened it, only to pause and look at the door, feeling puzzled. “Huh? That’s weird. This door doesn’t feel like a regular door. It’s way too thin, and, is the door knob painted on?” She stepped into the next room, looking around. It seemed to be a dinning room, but something about the room, and everything in it, seemed off to her. “Ok, this is starting to creep me out now.”

Sitting at the table, was a family of four. Sunset slowly approached the father, but he didn’t move. She looked at his face, only to see a painted on, happy, but kind of creepy grin. She looked at the mother and children. They were the same. “Ok, creepy, life sized dolls.” She said nervously. “What is this, some kind of funhouse?” She then gulped. “Or a house of horrors?”

Then, the whole house shook, like in an earthquake, and before Sunset could react, the whole wall of the room seemed to swing open like a giant door. The light from outside blinded Sunset for a moment, but then she looked up and gasped, as a giant of a young girl towered over her. She was at least 5 times Sunset’s size. She had short reddish brown hair, huge eyes, a kind of pudgy face, wore a light green top with a white skirt, and had a big green bow in her hair with a skull in the middle.

Sunset finally put two and two together. “I’m… in a giant DOLLHOUSE?!” She mentally screamed.

“Ooh! A new dolly!” Said the girl excitedly. “I wanna play with my new dolly!”

Suddenly, the heads of the dolls at the table twisted around to look right at Sunset. “Run.” They said ominously.

“Uh oh!” Sunset looked around frantically, trying to find any way out of this mess. The girl reached out her hand to grab Sunset, and she quickly retreated into the Dollhouse’s hallway, the girl poking her huge finger through the kitchen door to reach her. She was trapped.

“Now what do I do?” Sunset whispered. “Someone please tell me this is a nightmare.” Of course, no one did. The house shook once more, almost knocking Sunset off her feet.

“Come out and play, little dolly!” The girl called loudly.

“Play with you? No chance.” Sunset muttered. Just then, she noticed a door at the opposite end of the hall. It didn’t seem to fit in with the rest of the house. It was tall, arched, made of metal, and colored red, with an S shaped symbol in the middle. It also seemed familiar.

Wherever it lead, it was Sunset’s only chance.

The only problem was that the giant girl’s thrashing finger was in the way.

She would have to make this fast.

When the girl's finger retreated most of the way through the door, Sunset bolted. She ran harder than she had in her life. Just as the giant finger lunged forward again, Sunset leapt forward with all her might. The finger missed her by inches. Sunset slid along the hall, coming to stop in front of the door. She scrambled to her feet and grabbed the door handles, twisting them around, and the double doors swung open. She scrambled through and slammed the door shut behind her. She leaned back against the door and took a moment to catch her breath.

Only to lose it again, her eyes going wide in shock. In front of her, there was an identical door to the one one she had just come from. It lead into a huge train car. She looked behind her, at the identical train car she had just come out of.

Then she remembered.

“I...really did board a train.” She said under her breath.

She looked out at the passing scenery. Or lack of scenery. As far she could see, there was nothing but hot, red wasteland.

The train was moving too fast for her to simply jump off anyway.

She looked back at the next door, and steeled herself. “Guess the only way is forward.” She said. She crossed the bridge between the two cars, and placed her hands on the handle. If the last car was anything to go by, there could be anything inside this one. “Here goes nothing.”

She twisted the handles around,and the door swung open.

To Be Continued...