• Published 8th Jan 2020
  • 1,706 Views, 10 Comments

Elemental of Sun - Crystonian

An ancient ally returns to a peaceful land. What shall he do. Only time will tell.

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My foot steps echo through the stone halls. My staff echoing rhythmically with my steps. My movements fluid and graceful. My glowing eyes swept the dark corridor from behind my mask.
Flaming torches and Luna's moonlight lit the corridor as I made my way towards a door. Guards stood silently and watchful outside. Watching my movements as I drew near.

"Dr. Scarab to see Princess Celestia." I said to the guards.

They nod, allowing me to pass. I make my way to the door. Opening it.

Celestia sat at her desk, a candle flickeringand shedding upon the desk as she wrote in a book. Hearing the door open, she turns around to see who it was. I close the door behind me and walk towards Celestia. Stopping in front of her and taking a seat on her plush bed.

"Hello Bakari. What brings you to join me on this eve" Celestia kindly asked.

I smile under my mask.

"I want to see you my friend", I said warmly, then my tone turns serious, "and to inform you of something, but you must swear that you will not react poorly upon hearing. Do you understand Celestia."

Celestia looked at me in confusion. I had never said anything like this to her before. Never before.

"I...I don't understand. Why Bakari?" She asked, worried.

"I'm going to ask again. Don't react poorly Celestia, please." I asked, pleading. "I have seen what you've done to news such as this and I asking this as your friend and mentor. Please promise me this." I pleaded, urgently.

Celestia leaned away from me, shocked and confused. Slowly regain composure, She nodded slowly.

"I swear. I swear that I will not react poorly to whatever you wish to inform me about." She said.

I sigh with relief. I slowly collect my self and look down at the alicorn princess.

"I have this curse. A curse serious curse...and one of my own doing..." I started.

"But. But how? How do you have..." Celestia began, slightly shocked at hearing this information.

"I will tell you, be patient Celestia. Answers will come." I said soflty, cutting her off. I straightened up and looked out a window at the moon, settling my eyes upon Luna's moon before turning back to the bewildered Celestia. "Now. As I was saying. I have a curse. On how I got it, that is a very long story. I'm not one I wish to retell. But I am not going to bore you with those details at the moment."

I lean back, taking in a deep breath and continued.

"Long ago I started working with elemental magic. Very wild and old magic. Dangerous but very valuable energy. Such magic could help many beings. One day I was working with the element of fire. But something went wrong and the experiment fail. A massive explosion of magical energy blasted me in the face, and the energies entered and fused with my very being."

I took off my mask and looked down at Celestia. She leaned back surprised at my features. She looked deep into my blasted out eye sockets and the glowing, golden stars I had for eyes. Satisfied with my demonstration, I put my mask back on.

"I from then on I wore a mask. It wasn't until years later. Decades actually. Till I found out, with a help of a omniscient being, the name of the curse. The curse of the elemental.

I let out a final sigh, and turned back to Celestia.

"What is this curse? How does it work and why are you telling me this. You havent given me anything other than its name." Celestia said, worried.

Sighing, I turn back to her and replied.

"I going to devour the sun Celestia. That's my curse. My curse is to fall, to fall and become a sun elemental. A living star. If this were to happen, it would mean the end of our planet."

She gasped, and leaned away from me in fright. I slowly look up sadly at her.

"I was fearful like you at once. But I figured out long ago there were some ways for me to stop me from doing it." I said sadly, "But that was in my home realm. Here, its different. I had no clue on how to save myself here, to slow the curse. To save the world....but then you found them. You, your sister, Starswirl. You found the things that can help me."

I look up. Celestia, still at a distance, lowered her guard slightly.

"The elements of Harmony. They can help me balance out my self and my elemental form. But will you help me when the time comes Celestia? Will you help me when that time comes?" I ask.

Celestia sat still for a moment. Thinking. Then she looked up at me with determined eyes.

"How long do you have?"

She asked.
I smile sadly.

"A hundred and sixty-five years at best. Before I loose sanity and become an elemental. "

"So we have time."

"Plenty of time to plan it out. To tell the others. Hell, if this works. Maybe making this new nation of yours will be easier. Safer." I said.

She smiled. Looking at me with hopeful and determined eyes.

"Yes. Yes we do."
25 years later...

Chaos rampages across the landscape of Equestria. Blasts of magical energy, arrows, and chaos flew through the air. Craters decorated the poco dotted and checkered landscape. Pink clouds dotted the bright unnatural blue sky stretched across the sky.

On a hill, stood a thrown. Next to it stood a being only described as chaotic. A patched work mashup of creature thrown into one. It fought three creatures. Two Alicorns and a bipedal creature, flickering with golden flames.

"Yield Discord! Or perish!" yelled the bipedal creature as it fought the Chaotic creature.

Discord simply laughed and shot another blast of chaotic energy at the bipedal creature.

"You fools can't hurt me! So stop trying and bow down before me!"

"Bakari! Watch out!" Yelled the White Alicorn as the two alicorns suddenly glowed with white energy. A Blast of rainbow energy shot at Discord, hitting him as he laughed. After the light dissipated, there stood, in the place of Discord was a stone statue, of the mad God of Choas.

"Did we stop him?" The dark Alicorn asked, panting.

"I hope so." replied the white Alicorn, tired as the first.

Slowly, the landscape around them turned back to its former self.

Bakari, the bipedal creature. Walked over to the pair of Alicorns, his pointed ears drooped downward.

He sighed.

"I believe its time Princesses. Discord's magic sped up the process to past the fifteen mark. I'm a danger to everyone and everything now. If the Elements turned Discord to stone. It should do the same to me. That could contain the curse." He said.

The Alicorns looked up at Bakari in shock.

"No, we can't do that!" The dark alicorn cried.

"No Luna. We have to Luna. Its the only way to help Bakari now." the white alicorn said.

"Luna, please. Celestia and I have spoken about this. It needs to happen. For the safety of Equestria and the world." Bakari said.

"I...I understand Shall we." Luna said.

"Yes. We shall. Goodbye my old friend." Celestia said and they started charging the elements.

"Wait! Wait a Moment!. Let me get into a good position!" Bakari cried and quickly sat down, cross legged and and went into a meditating form. "Ok, I'm ready."

Rolling their eyes with a smile. Celestia and Luna blasted Doctor Bakari Scarab, turning him to stone and saving their world, their kingdom, from destruction of the Curse of the Elemental.

Author's Note:

Welp, Dr. Bakari was stoned. But in his own accord. Hope you enjoyed the prologue.
Crystonian out!

October 2, 2020. Updated chapter